It's Just Bad


Dec 9, 2019
Yes, I have fat on my neck, despite of being only a bit overfat (( certainly a hypo symptoms, despite eating rather too little( constant nausea and indigestion does't helps)) Actually my appetite is recently very poor, same my digestion, my stomach is constantly bloated, have cramps and standing pain after meal too often.

My body temps are quite low, I check them very rarely, always forget,
But I think just feeling cold almost all the time, especially after waking up( terrible cold) is enough to know what goes on.

I often got low blood pressure and it's esp bad after standing for a longer periods of time, def got that orthosthatic something( forget the nose)
I don't have narrow face, its rather kind of square. But have problems with jaw( mandible) it aches from time to time, and it makes 'crunchy' sound.

I react to smells and esp chemicals too.

And I wonder about those dry eyes and kind too little saliva excretion...

Yep, you sound hypoT. Have you tried iodine? My hypoT didn't start out as Hashi's, but then it started showing up in my labs. I eventually reversed it with iodine. I was completely off thyroid meds for several years, but lately as all my other symptoms have returned, I've needed to take thyroid again :-( I think there must be a link there with inflammation.

I think if you could read her book it would explain a lot more. That being said, I don't think she has the answer to fixing all the issues, but at least the more we can get to a cause, the better we can treat. (Although, her Parasym Plus actually has a patent for fixing dry eye, so she is on to at least one solution. It's only 4 ingredients, easily sourced. I just don't know the amounts.)
I think I saw some videos with her, I'll see if I can find them.

Her trial for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, which she refers to more accurately as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is dealt with by taking Histamine 1 and 2 blockers. So namely, Zyrtec and Zantac (or Pepsid since the Zantac cancer scare). I've noticed that they have helped me but that is not a long term answer. But at least if you try them and they help, you'll get a clue that you have an MCAS issue. The Zantac usually helps my intestinal issues. If the histamine blockers work, then chances are the ingredients in Parasym Plus will work. So far, they have for me.

And you said you get low bp from standing. What is your heart rate when you are laying down, and how much does it rise when your stand? Also, do you know if your bp drops when you stand?
My heart rate is around 70 while laying flat. When I stand it goes to 120-140. This is considered POTS. When I first got sick I hadn't heard of POTS or maybe the acronym wasn't used. POTS was related to adrenal fatigue. But POTS can go hand in hand with IIH and IIH can be caused from EDS. I believe this is fixable with MSM and anything else that helps with vein health.

The typical IIH headache goes from the base of the skull, down the neck, and forward through the head. But the headache can be in other places. Blurred and double vision go along with it, of course brain fog, amnesia, tinnitus, noise and light sensitivity and even possible cerebral spinal fluid leaking out of ears, nose and even cause spontaneous spinal fluid leaks. IIH could put pressure on the pituitary gland which could cause hormonal imbalance.

Also, this may not be for most people, but I did take Accutane about 30 years ago. I have to wonder how badly this damaged me. There is a link with retinol and IIH. I'll start another thread.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Well, don't know if anymore is reading all this tangled, boring and generally snafu thread of mine but, I got a course of interesting( also uninteresting and obvious) observations:

1) If you want to eat starchy food( a bit or lots) There is a nice way to make it easy to digest and probably minimize endotoxins- but some alpha amylase, just pure powder, for brewing beer or distilling alcohol.
Just boil some potatoes or rice( or and starch) mash them, add little water, add amylase and it well start to desintegrate, cook for an hour to 1.5h,
It well looks like thin, not so mushy, a bit watery soup.

Actually it's the only way I can eat even 1kg of potatoes without almost any problems.

2) Eating too little calories is obviously a very bad thing, but eating proper amount of food is harder than most folks think.
You have to have very well functioning metabolism and digestion and gut free of unnecessary bacteria.

It is so hard to eat more when those little bloody warts are fermenting every f***ing fiber you ate.

3) You can't eat only orange juice and sugar and meat( but some of You can, I guess)
Even with added more fruits you have to strive to get proper amount of calories. To me that diet is kinda out ;)
I feel better when I eat some starch( esp high potassium like potatoes), of course there's another problem with complex carbs, poor digestability, and some bacteria obviously love fermenting starch.
But using alpha amylase or even taking supplement seems to reduce digestive trouble to minimum.

4) When you're hypo, it is really easy to overhydrate yourself, easier than I thought.
I think you absolutely should not drink 2l of orange juice or milk or both(!?) or any bloody liquid.

If you are healthy or only slightly hypo, alright, you can drink more, though I don't remember if Peat reccomend vodka, beer is quite estrogenic but has lot of simpler carbs ;)

Seriously, people, it depends on were you live, but I assume most of you live in quite humid places.
I noticed, though its quite obvious, that when it's cold and damp you need very very little water, just water from food is enough, esp when you eat fruit.

When temp goes up but its muggy and air is full of moisture, you may need some more water, but also whole lot of electrolytes.

I don't know how it works in dry climates, but I know that moisture is a very bad thing and too much liquid worsens situation.

To me even 1l of pure liquid may be too much...

People eat more solid food!

5) Dairy is not a good idea if you have gut inflammation, SIBO/ IBS etc.
Lactose is also a little bit tricky and sometimes just eating more and hoping body will 'get used to it' is a bad idea. The more and more often I eat the more I get gas and bloating.

6) Fructose also might be tricky, probably gut flora issue, in my case it quickly ferments and creates huge gas and cramps.

7) Magnesium doesn't help with muscle cramps and twitches?
Thats my little question, why taking 500-600mg Mg daily doesn't change nothing?
Too little?
I eat lots of potatoes, some melon, so I get my potassium, use lots of salt...
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Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Well, don't know if anymore is reading all this tangled, boring and generally snafu thread of mine but, I got a course of interesting( also uninteresting and obvious) observations:

1) If you want to eat starchy food( a bit or lots) There is a nice way to make it easy to digest and probably minimize endotoxins- but some alpha amylase, just pure powder, for brewing beer or distilling alcohol.
Just boil some potatoes or rice( or and starch) mash them, add little water, add amylase and it well start to desintegrate, cook for an hour to 1.5h,
It well looks like thin, not so mushy, a bit watery soup.

Actually it's the only way I can eat even 1kg of potatoes without almost any problems.

2) Eating too little calories is obviously a very bad thing, but eating proper amount of food is harder than most folks think.
You have to have very well functioning metabolism and digestion and gut free of unnecessary bacteria.

It is so hard to eat more when those little bloody warts are fermenting every f***ing fiber you ate.

3) You can't eat only orange juice and sugar and meat( but some of You can, I guess)
Even with added more fruits you have to strive to get proper amount of calories. To me that diet is kinda out ;)
I feel better when I eat some starch( esp high potassium like potatoes), of course there's another problem with complex carbs, poor digestability, and some bacteria obviously love fermenting starch.
But using alpha amylase or even taking supplement seems to reduce digestive trouble to minimum.

4) When you're hypo, it is really easy to overhydrate yourself, easier than I thought.
I think you absolutely should not drink 2l of orange juice or milk or both(!?) or any bloody liquid.

If you are healthy or only slightly hypo, alright, you can drink more, though I don't remember if Peat reccomend vodka, beer is quite estrogenic but has lot of simpler carbs ;)

Seriously, people, it depends on were you live, but I assume most of you live in quite humid places.
I noticed, though its quite obvious, that when it's cold and damp you need very very little water, just water from food is enough, esp when you eat fruit.

When temp goes up but its muggy and air is full of moisture, you may need some more water, but also whole lot of electrolytes.

I don't know how it works in dry climates, but I know that moisture is a very bad thing and too much liquid worsens situation.

To me even 1l of pure liquid may be too much...

People eat more solid food!

5) Dairy is not a good idea if you have gut inflammation, SIBO/ IBS etc.
Lactose is also a little bit tricky and sometimes just eating more and hoping body will 'get used to it' is a bad idea. The more and more often I eat the more I get gas and bloating.

6) Fructose also might be tricky, probably gut flora issue, in my case it quickly ferments and creates huge gas and cramps.

7) Magnesium doesn't help with muscle cramps and twitches?
Thats my little question, why taking 500-600mg Mg daily doesn't change nothing?
Too little?
I eat lots of potatoes, some melon, so I get my potassium, use lots of salt...
You,ve learned so many things, good job!


Dec 9, 2019
Jacob, so glad you are getting somewhere!
There is a guy in the states who lived on nothing but potatoes (well a little butter, oil or salt) for over a year. If you take one bite of raw that would contain a high amount of pre-biotics (that may be worse for you - I don't know.) Some people do very well on potatoes, others may respond poorly because potatoes are a nightshade and they are also very high in oxalates. If you can take some calcium (dietary or supplement) with the potatoes the calcium should bind to most of the oxalates.

Since amylase is helping you, have you tried a broad spectrum of digestive enzymes? Have you also tried ox bile and Betaine with HCI? They help most people, but didn't help me years ago. My digestion improved after years on iodine.
I think the iodine healing was way more complex than just iodine itself. I'm still not getting as much energy from food as I should, and I'm wondering if I wasn't taking enough enzymes, bile, HCI. IDK

But I did want to mention that after only 7 days on of B1 benfotiamine I had a noticeable improvement in health, which continues to improve day by day (they say 3-12 months for significant improvement). I've been trying to get a clean source of TTFD thiamine, but it will be several months before it's available. You might be able to get it in Europe. The benfotiamine is helping well for now and I'll continue to take both forms when the TTFD is available. Thiamine is a foundation nutrient necessary for so many other things to work. I am far less sensitive/reactive since adding thiamine just a few weeks ago. (I also added in molybdenum, so that I could tolerate MSM, and am back to taking 2 teaspoons MSM/day). The dosages for improvement on B1 are high, approx 1,000-2,000 mg of the TTFD type, taken apart from a B-complex.

I don't know if you are tracking your food sensitivities, but sensitivities to glutamate are being proven as a B6 deficiency.

Do you have access to raw dairy?

What form of magnesium are you taking? Remember, mag is one of the most difficult minerals to get into the red blood cell. If you can make your own magnesium oil with magnesium flakes, and do foot soaks with some dmso that seems to be the most helpful for people increasing magnesium levels, but takes time. My husband suffers horribly from muscles spasms. When he gets a cramp, he applies magnesium oil to it and it immediately goes away. (He was continually cramping despite taking electrolytes. Discovered he needed salt.)
I'm looking forward to my Magnoil from Haidut arriving today.

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Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
F*** me, I started writing a post and clicked in a damn link so it dissapeared...
My point is, first, thank you for answer, its quite helpful.
Well, my point is, I strong believe I can feel better but have some weird feeling it's not for me or I was born in such way, that I have to be sick.

But at the same time I know I can escape all this 'cycle of chronic illness', BUT I often think I can't, I "stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again" (Bob Dylan, this jew perfectly describes feeling of being in deep s**t :D, in his many songs btw)

It's very ambivalent feeling, but I absolutely and completely know I can feel better.
When I got a fever... F*** me it was f***ing bliss, like being alive again for 2 days, more confident, more creative, happy and good mood.
You probably can't even imagine how I miss that and how good it was.

But it's sort of little clue, it comes out that higher metabolism( temp) alone could change your personality, at least in some degree!

You know, if some substances can make you feel good or blissfull( like opiates, miss them too :( ) that means you will feel good and blissfull if you eat well and digest and absorb food well, if you have proper metabolism, thyroid function, which change your brain chemistry and voilà! Depression is gone, you have good mood.
Add some sunshine or redlight on the top of that and you'll be fine.

The thing is, your efforts for making you feel better using any kind of psychological "excercises" or techniques are pointless if your thyroid is wretched and you feel slugish.

When my temperature during cold was high, so the metabolism was turned up, I just felt happy, without even trying, I was nice to people I was joking and any psychological tricks were needless.
Hopefully you know what I mean :)

Sorry for some swear words, theyre sometimes usefull ;) ( though not as strong as Polish curses)

Finally, I want to take Vancomycin, but I'm afraid of fungal overgrowth, do I need Nystatin when taking it?
And its expensive... Although it would pay off for my body...

I take thiamin, don't know what form is it its for horses :eek: (100% thiamin) like 500mg daily in divided doses. Also b complex.

Sorry if its quite confusing and indigested, my brain is a bit odd and I have indigestion :D
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Dec 9, 2019
I understand, I really do. For some I think there is a genetic component for others probably not. However, we are all living in a world with food that has less nutrition, modified nutrients, GMO's, chemicals, wifi, etc, etc. There are very few "healthy" people anymore. BUT we can all work towards feeling better. I will NEVER give up.

For me the antibiotic / anti fungal merry-go-round is something I have always tried to avoid. Although, several years ago I did 90 days of dyflucan. Now, I'm reading how damaging anti-fungals are. Apparently, if yeast is an issue Biotin can be helpful.

When you get a chance check out the form of thiamin you're using. It's most likely hydrochloride - most common, not as bio-available. The TTFD derivative will cross the blood brain barrier, the benfotiamine is a "type" of fat soluble. For people who are very sick, like I mentioned, they are taking up to 2,000mg of the "best" form, TTFD, and taking months to get better. But they get greatly better. I've taken plenty of animal stuff - no worries. If you can tolerate, and after listening to the information, think about raising your dose maybe even beyond 2,000mg if the form is HCI
For those who are healthy they can probably get by with mega dosing hydrochloride. Listen to the videos if you can, great info.

I don't feel better with a fever, but my thyroid is pretty good after years of iodine and selenium. But I do get those moments when I feel almost euphoric, as in just everything in my body syncs together properly. My doc gave me Adderal and it was amazing for mood for about two weeks. Then nothing. I read a study that they had concluded if you are chronically ill and you do something, like take Adderal or whatever, that makes you feel better that your brain will down regulate itself because it doesn't wanted you using too much energy since your body is sick. It made me think about all the times I've taken something and I've felt better that day or for a week or two.....and then nothing. Maybe it has to do with this down regulation. but OMG - so much wasted money. That being said, I think if we can address foundational health issues - iodine, sulphur, thiamin, digestion, thick blood, thyroid (and kill bugs like Lyme if you have them) - then we stand a chance at getting better. BUT if we try an address something way down the line in conversions - well, it's just not going to work long term.

It absolutely sucks being sick - it sucks even more at my age. The regret, grief and anger is deep. But now I am tracking everything, writing it all down, and I KNOW I will get better (five years ago I felt better than in my entire life). This last fall when my health really went down hill fast, one thing I put together recently was that I had changed was something I was drinking all fall. It was very high in oxalates. I'm not sure if oxalate is tipping point problem because I also greatly increased drinking something with an additive called carrageenen - which apparently is a glutamate. I'm sensitive to glutamates - which apparently means a B6 deficiency. So is it oxalates or the carrageenen that sent me over the edge this time? IDK, but I'm for damn sure going to figure it out. All this to say, write it down, track everything and don't stop studying and researching. Also, make note of things that take a long time to work (iodine, sulphur MSM, thiamin) and don't discredit if they don't work right away.

Hang in there Jacob!


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Adderal its very similar to amphetamine I guess, thats why you've felt so good.
I have't try it, guess its kind of those feelin'-good drugs, I've been taking codeine for like almost 6 months(!)
Opiate. Opiates are always fun, until you get extremely nausea and vomit.
But you feel just pure euphoria, even your dreams are... blissfull.

I took it once- two times a week, then even 5 days a week, in work(!!) just to feel better, only low dose, to feel relief from pain, to get better mood.
But its 100 times worse than Adderal, it raises serotonin levels horribly, also histamine to the point you feel very warm. I almost get chills when I think about those highs. I was close to addiction. Or I was addicted. Its a wonder I quit those syrups and tablets for cough...

It was so irritating to my intestines, I wonder why I took it while it did so much harm. Or I don't. It just made me feel "like I'm a man"

Gonna try high dose B1 like you say, well, I have all those usefull minerals- magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc. I have to take them more frequently and in higher dose.
It seems I might have poor intestines absorption or severe deficiencies, most likely both.

I almost feel your grief, anger and all those emotions, I have periods when I feel almost pure envy, depression, just blues, or complete lack of pressure, or temporal overexcitement( also tiresome)...

I keep my fingers crossed for you, too :)
Wish you good luck, take care!


Mar 20, 2021
Adderal its very similar to amphetamine I guess, thats why you've felt so good.
I have't try it, guess its kind of those feelin'-good drugs, I've been taking codeine for like almost 6 months(!)
Opiate. Opiates are always fun, until you get extremely nausea and vomit.
But you feel just pure euphoria, even your dreams are... blissfull.

I took it once- two times a week, then even 5 days a week, in work(!!) just to feel better, only low dose, to feel relief from pain, to get better mood.
But its 100 times worse than Adderal, it raises serotonin levels horribly, also histamine to the point you feel very warm. I almost get chills when I think about those highs. I was close to addiction. Or I was addicted. Its a wonder I quit those syrups and tablets for cough...

It was so irritating to my intestines, I wonder why I took it while it did so much harm. Or I don't. It just made me feel "like I'm a man"

Gonna try high dose B1 like you say, well, I have all those usefull minerals- magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc. I have to take them more frequently and in higher dose.
It seems I might have poor intestines absorption or severe deficiencies, most likely both.

I almost feel your grief, anger and all those emotions, I have periods when I feel almost pure envy, depression, just blues, or complete lack of pressure, or temporal overexcitement( also tiresome)...

I keep my fingers crossed for you, too :)
Wish you good luck, take care!
Hey @Jacob28, are you still here? Do you have an update regarding your health?

Best to you!


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Hey @Jacob28, are you still here? Do you have an update regarding your health?

Best to you!
It's even worse now. As you could expect.
I can't really function without cyproheptadine and pregabaline and recently some baclofen or even clonazepam.
Also I don't go to work, I'm on sick leave since July.
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Mar 20, 2021
It's even worse now. As you could expect.
I can't really function without cyproheptadine and pregabaline and recently some baclofen or even clonazepam.
Also I don't go to work, I'm on sick leave since July.
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that. I read through this entire thread yesterday and I'm afraid I don't have anything extra to offer. I myself am a 44 year old mother of four and I discovered this forum when I was recovering from my silly experiments into keto and fasting and extreme exercise.

What has ended up working for me is to quit exercising strenuously, and instead just go for lots of walks with my dog. Also, I added fruit back into my diet and I quit drinking alcohol completely 3 years ago. I have supplemented with :
T3(Tyronene from Idealabs')
Fat soluble vits A, D, E, K
B vitamins biotin, B1
Magnesium, calcium D-glucarate, DIM
Himalayan salt

My diet consists mainly of coffee, beef liver, beef heart, lean ground beef, lean pork loin, eggs (we have 10 chickens), fruit, coconut milk and yogurt, occasional oatmeal, oysters, and other seafoods rarely... No gluten, alcohol, very little starch. I absolutely love Sativa/CBD gummies and 4mg nicotine lozenges.

I prioritize my sleep and this has made a huge change in my life. Elevated stress hormones during my exercise and keto binges really messed up my sleep for a few years, and I had also lost my menstrual cycle for several years during that time period as well.

I have a very active internal life that I find difficult to share with others. My tendency is to overthink everything and I am extremely sensitive, I'm extremely sensitive to other people's feelings towards me and others and it can be very overwhelming at times. It's difficult for me to be away from my house for more than a few hours without feeling ungrounded or unsettled.... I do not have a paying job outside of the home because I will get anxiety stomach aches and nervousness. Feeling very lucky and fortunate that I don't have to work for money and that I can spend most of my time quietly at home, but of course it's not quiet because I have a bunch of kids and pets but I love them and none of that causes me to feel overwhelmed or anxious...

Your situation has really stayed with me and I am very interested in your case and curious as to how you can heal and pull out of it. I hope that others will continue to comment and my wish is for you to move into health as your future unfolds.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that. I read through this entire thread yesterday and I'm afraid I don't have anything extra to offer. I myself am a 44 year old mother of four and I discovered this forum when I was recovering from my silly experiments into keto and fasting and extreme exercise.

What has ended up working for me is to quit exercising strenuously, and instead just go for lots of walks with my dog. Also, I added fruit back into my diet and I quit drinking alcohol completely 3 years ago. I have supplemented with :
T3(Tyronene from Idealabs')
Fat soluble vits A, D, E, K
B vitamins biotin, B1
Magnesium, calcium D-glucarate, DIM
Himalayan salt

My diet consists mainly of coffee, beef liver, beef heart, lean ground beef, lean pork loin, eggs (we have 10 chickens), fruit, coconut milk and yogurt, occasional oatmeal, oysters, and other seafoods rarely... No gluten, alcohol, very little starch. I absolutely love Sativa/CBD gummies and 4mg nicotine lozenges.

I prioritize my sleep and this has made a huge change in my life. Elevated stress hormones during my exercise and keto binges really messed up my sleep for a few years, and I had also lost my menstrual cycle for several years during that time period as well.

I have a very active internal life that I find difficult to share with others. My tendency is to overthink everything and I am extremely sensitive, I'm extremely sensitive to other people's feelings towards me and others and it can be very overwhelming at times. It's difficult for me to be away from my house for more than a few hours without feeling ungrounded or unsettled.... I do not have a paying job outside of the home because I will get anxiety stomach aches and nervousness. Feeling very lucky and fortunate that I don't have to work for money and that I can spend most of my time quietly at home, but of course it's not quiet because I have a bunch of kids and pets but I love them and none of that causes me to feel overwhelmed or anxious...

Your situation has really stayed with me and I am very interested in your case and curious as to how you can heal and pull out of it. I hope that others will continue to comment and my wish is for you to move into health as your future unfolds.
I wish I could reply more extensively, but my brainz feel like dead.
I also take all those mentioned vits and minerals, magnesium in form of magnesium carbonate - 2-3 tsp daily, B1- 1g daily, D3 - trying to take 10'000IU for now, then less, with K2 ofc, also B2, like 100mg daily, B3 - 1g daily, (niacynamide),
B5 - 200mg a day, B6 -25mg in form of P5P, some biotin, B12 - methylocobalamine - 200mcg, I'm afraid I have poor gut absorption, so very high doses,
even take some folate, also vit E - 400IU
1L of lactose free milk a day with cocoa and all those vits added,
I cook 1kg of potatoes and add alpha amylase creating basically thin soup, made of almost only dextrose I believe, and it's really easy to digest and when seasoned properly, tasty, even with all those vits( I also add them to my soup), add quite much of tomato puree or concentrate to taste and more potassium and vits, also parsley, lovage( really reccomend that spice, popular in Poland) and dill, also 1tsp of ginger, sometimes parsley root( here available in shops, parsnip is not).
I chuck some spinach leaves from time to time and cod meat, it tastes surprisingly good despite a bit like slop.

Also lots of salt and some chlorophyl( in synthetic form) - it works nice as gut 'deodoriser', not some miracle but just nice, poop also smells little.
Though I know it has lots of copper so I also supplement zinc in form of zinc carnosine, it doesn't irrate intenstines like picolinate.
I take selenium too.

Drinking 1L of orange juice, with added sodium bicarbonate and magnesium carbonate and all those vits, I also have to add lot of sugar, cause I'm very weak without it.
Also eating some curd or cottage cheese for protein, and rather little meat, it has bad aminoacid profile..

I have a very active internal life that I find difficult to share with others. My tendency is to overthink everything and I am extremely sensitive, I'm extremely ensitive to other people's feelings towards me and others and it can be very overwhelming at times. It's difficult for me to be away from my house for more than a few hours without feeling ungrounded or unsettled.... I do not have a paying job outside of the home because I will get anxiety stomach aches and nervousness. Feeling very lucky and fortunate that I don't have to work for money and that I can spend most of my time quietly at home, but of course it's not quiet because I have a bunch of kids and pets but I love them and none of that causes me to feel overwhelmed or anxious...
Almost identical in my case...
And more and more often I feel like having borderline disorder, also anhedonia is very bad, complete lack of motivation, and the things you wrote about.
I hope that those supps and diet will improve my state in some time.

+ I have huuuuge problems with teeth, like 3/4 of my teeth are decayed, carries is really bad, I had 4 root canal treatments, one tooth extracted( #7 above) and it took 45 min, I had 38,4C fever because of that, but I had that before because of other teeth decay. In September I got high temperature( sometimes fever) for 16 days, 37-37,5C, I took clindamycin and it stopped, but came back after 2 weeks.

Also I had poor appetite and constant nausea, cyproheptadine helps but it's too costy, cost-ineffective, I had too take like 4-5 tabs a day, so I switch to mianserine, then to mirtazapine( problem with it is that it has silica in a tablet :/ ) but it's more potent and doesn't mess with dopamine, works great for nausea, it makes me sleepy though, same as peritol or mianserin, quid pro quo, so to say.

And from July I take some baclofen, pregabalin for a year, pregabalin was great for my social anxiety and muscle pain, it even made me talkative as I always was when feeling good, but also nonchalant and flippant, definetely boost confidence, those effects decreased with time, now they're very weak, it mostly makes me more calm and easens muscleache, but I started to add baclofen to boost its effects and feel more pleasure from life, baclofen works, like, say, 'alcohol in pill' but with strong muscle relaxant effect, both are addictive, baclofen even more, and I'm sure they mess with my GABA receptors in brain etc, that's why they worsen my poor memory and concentration.
I'm afraid of all negative effects and addiction but those drugs basically reduce my anhedonia and without them I'm a bit like a vegetable...
Planning to go off them but dunno how to get onto it, I have inositol, magnesium, also ethyl pyruvate and acetoacetate, increasing my body temp definetely makes me more energetic but thoses work too strong and it's 'nervous energy' nonproductive, so something is missing to make those, T3 and other metabolic stimulants work...

I may put something in later, y'know, poor memory, forgetfullness, lack of concentration.

And really thanks for your reply. I'm glad some stuff worked for you so I hope I can also improve my health.
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Feb 18, 2018
I wish I could reply more extensively, but my brainz feel like dead.
I also take all those mentioned vits and minerals, magnesium in form of magnesium carbonate - 2-3 tsp daily, B1- 1g daily, D3 - trying to take 10'000IU for now, then less, with K2 ofc, also B2, like 100mg daily, B3 - 1g daily, (niacynamide),
B5 - 200mg a day, B6 -25mg in form of P5P, some biotin, B12 - methylocobalamine - 200mcg, I'm afraid I have poor gut absorption, so very high doses,
even take some folate, also vit E - 400IU
1L of lactose free milk a day with cocoa and all those vits added,
I cook 1kg of potatoes and add alpha amylase creating basically thin soup, made of almost only dextrose I believe, and it's really easy to digest and when seasoned properly, tasty, even with all those vits( I also add them to my soup), add quite much of tomato puree or concentrate to taste and more potassium and vits, also parsley, lovage( really reccomend that spice, popular in Poland) and dill, also 1tsp of ginger, sometimes parsley root( here available in shops, parsnip is not).
I chuck some spinach leaves from time to time and cod meat, it tastes surprisingly good despite a bit like slop.

Also lots of salt and some chlorophyl( in synthetic form) - it works nice as gut 'deodoriser', not some miracle but just nice, poop also smells little.
Though I know it has lots of copper so I also supplement zinc in form of zinc carnosine, it doesn't irrate intenstines like picolinate.
I take selenium too.

Drinking 1L of orange juice, with added sodium bicarbonate and magnesium carbonate and all those vits, I also have to add lot of sugar, cause I'm very weak without it.
Also eating some curd or cottage cheese for protein, and rather little meat, it has bad aminoacid profile..

Almost identical in my case...
And more and more often I feel like having borderline disorder, also anhedonia is very bad, complete lack of motivation, and the things you wrote about.
I hope that those supps and diet will improve my state in some time.

+ I have huuuuge problems with teeth, like 3/4 of my teeth are decayed, carries is really bad, I had 4 root canal treatments, one tooth extracted( #7 above) and it took 45 min, I had 38,4C fever because of that, but I had that before because of other teeth decay. In September I got high temperature( sometimes fever) for 16 days, 37-37,5C, I took clindamycin and it stopped, but came back after 2 weeks.

Also I had poor appetite and constant nausea, cyproheptadine helps but it's too costy, cost-ineffective, I had too take like 4-5 tabs a day, so I switch to mianserine, then to mirtazapine( problem with it is that it has silica in a tablet :/ ) but it's more potent and doesn't mess with dopamine, works great for nausea, it makes me sleepy though, same as peritol or mianserin, quid pro quo, so to say.

And from July I take some baclofen, pregabalin for a year, pregabalin was great for my social anxiety and muscle pain, it even made me talkative as I always was when feeling good, but also nonchalant and flippant, definetely boost confidence, those effects decreased with time, now they're very weak, it mostly makes me more calm and easens muscleache, but I started to add baclofen to boost its effects and feel more pleasure from life, baclofen works, like, say, 'alcohol in pill' but with strong muscle relaxant effect, both are addictive, baclofen even more, and I'm sure they mess with my GABA receptors in brain etc, that's why they worsen my poor memory and concentration.
I'm afraid of all negative effects and addiction but those drugs basically reduce my anhedonia and without them I'm a bit like a vegetable...
Planning to go off them but dunno how to get onto it, I have inositol, magnesium, also ethyl pyruvate and acetoacetate, increasing my body temp definetely makes me more energetic but thoses work too strong and it's 'nervous energy' nonproductive, so something is missing to make those, T3 and other metabolic stimulants work...

I may put something in later, y'know, poor memory, forgetfullness, lack of concentration.

And really thanks for your reply. I'm glad some stuff worked for you so I hope I can also improve my health.

Have you thought about how your work/lifestyle/Environment could be affecting your health issues? Diets Important but sometimes it’s not the main driver of health issues. For instance if work is a chronic stressor that is not properly dealt with, the healthiest foods and supps in the world won’t save you.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Have you thought about how your work/lifestyle/Environment could be affecting your health issues? Diets Important but sometimes it’s not the main driver of health issues. For instance if work is a chronic stressor that is not properly dealt with, the healthiest foods and supps in the world won’t save you.
I am on a sick leave till the end of June. Now it's over, I dunno to mention details, hard to explain, I could have extended sick leave, welfare, but my doctor told me too late about it and I didn't realise that I have to file a motion 60 days before ending my 'regular' sick leave, which here in Poland is 182 days - I get 80% of my monthly salary. So now I'm in deep ***t, cause I have to go back to work after New Year...
And not working didn't help me too much, but I'm sure it'd be much worse if I didn't choose to go to on sick leave, esp during those heat waves in June and July, August.
I dunno, I just can't think of any proper solution right now. Also my parents hate me for not going to work for so long time, they understood some stuff, but only in tiny part, they don't realise how bad my state of health is right now.


Dec 28, 2021
How's your bowel movements? Do you feel relief after emptying? I am quite recently backtracking a lot of my health problems to my intestines, and I think I might have had problems with them for a long time, relying on stress hormones to get things going. Lots of anxiety and fatigue. Feeling confused, not social, no appetite whatsoever etc etc, a lot of symptoms like you have. Right now I'm reading on the How to end the nightmare of colorectal disorders before they end you page, not saying everything there is correct, but it is fascinating reading his views on fiber and colorectal disorders etc. Thing is for me, if I have a feeling of complete bowel emptying, I feel completely fine for a short duration. It's just hard to have complete bowel movements. Complete bowel emptying also takes away back, thigh and hip pain which is worse when laying down/sleeping. Probably inflammation of the bowel affecting nearest nerves or something. Anyway, the guy on the link, talks about vitamin C being the safest option to rehydrate the large intestine/colon. I have had success with both cypro (but making me too tired and fat lol) and chinese rhubarb. The chinese rhubarb is somewhat similair to cascara, but stops working in about a week as it seems to affect nutrient absorption and possibly making me hypoglycemic.

Anyway, not saying any of this pertains to your condition, but only some thoughts as I recognize myself in a lot of your symptoms. Best wishes, praying for your recovery
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