I've avoided wearing masks thanks to mindset change!


Feb 13, 2021
Hi all!

Firstly, apologies if this topic has been covered before...or if it comes off as braggadocious.

What I've experienced - if real - can probably be repeated by anyone.

Several months ago I made it a goal to no longer wear a mask for any reason, in any place, at any time. Since making this goal I've been experimenting with conscious mindset changes designed to make it possible.

To get more specific, before I go into any place of business, I visualize. I visualize myself as a powerful, pure, innately healthy human being! I make sure I feel good - not ashamed - about being a living, breathing human. I try to cultivate a powerful, expansive personal presence. I also try to tap into the awareness of God's love, His presence. (Even if you're not spiritual/religious, fostering these types of feelings could probably work.)

The goal of this visualization is to pull other people into my vibration, as opposed to being pulled into theirs. When 'normal' people see an unmasked person [gasp!], their first reaction might be judgement, but the goal here is to become impervious to judgment by increasing presence and power.

You know how a substance with extra energy/heat dissipates that energy into its environment? Similar concept here, but with myself and other people. I want my behavior to rub off on them, not have their automatization rub off on me.

Does this sound silly yet? Maybe it is, and it kinds of feels silly to try to explain.

But here's the thing: it seems to have worked,

With this mindset I've enjoyed going to grocery stores, libraries, coffee shops, government buildings [!], etc. without being asked to wear a mask even once for months now. This certainly wasn't the case last year. One time an employee did let me know there were masks by the door, if I wanted one, so I just said thanks and kept walking. I don't feel judged or looked down upon for my choice in any way.

Of course I also make an effort to be polite, make good eye contact, resonate and deeply empathize with the mask-wearers. But all these behaviors seem to flow out of an unashamed mindset.

Another plus: I seem to be the only guy in the coffee shop who never wears a mask, which makes attracting girls quite easy. I mean, how can you realize attraction for someone if you can't even see their dang face? :)

OK, that's all. Hope this helps someone else break free from masks - feel free to take what is useful, and discard the rest.

If nothing else, hope this stresses the idea that one's mindset matters. I am doing nothing wrong by not wearing a mask, and I truly believe it! Others seem to be influenced by my strong belief.
Nov 21, 2015
That is all well and good, and normally I do not wear one either, but I was thrown out of a outdoor farmers market for the mask Nazis and mindset had nothing to do with it. Also when I fly they require you wearing a mask over the nose and they will not allow you to fly otherwise and they even arrest you in the United States so there is that also because I choose to travel by airplane. The covid Nazis are in control.

One of the mask Nazis here was a young 25-year-old lady who look like she was in good shape but she’s deathly concerned about getting sick and she is doing this as a volunteer, being a mask police kind of like the red shirts or was it the brown shirts?


Sep 6, 2020
That is all well and good, and normally I do not wear one either, but I was thrown out of a outdoor farmers market for the mask Nazis and mindset had nothing to do with it. Also when I fly they require you wearing a mask over the nose and they will not allow you to fly otherwise and they even arrest you in the United States so there is that also because I choose to travel by airplane. The covid Nazis are in control.

One of the mask Nazis here was a young 25-year-old lady who look like she was in good shape but she’s deathly concerned about getting sick and she is doing this as a volunteer, being a mask police kind of like the red shirts or was it the brown shirts?
The point the OP is making that they're able to induce others to not speak up about masks. Sounds great


Feb 13, 2021
That is all well and good, and normally I do not wear one either, but I was thrown out of a outdoor farmers market for the mask Nazis and mindset had nothing to do with it. Also when I fly they require you wearing a mask over the nose and they will not allow you to fly otherwise and they even arrest you in the United States so there is that also because I choose to travel by airplane. The covid Nazis are in control.

One of the mask Nazis here was a young 25-year-old lady who look like she was in good shape but she’s deathly concerned about getting sick and she is doing this as a volunteer, being a mask police kind of like the red shirts or was it the brown shirts?
Ah dang! Sorry to hear that. Last summer I experienced the farmer's market mask fury too. Do you live in a really authoritarian place or something?

I'm not confident this mental method is foolproof. People who have been taken over by fear may be less susceptible to a positive mindset - especially if they feel empowered within an entire group of mono-thinkers, as is seen on airlines or with pro-mask volunteers.

The average person, however, seems to be easily swayed by powerful mental presence. You might even say easily hypnotized.

Saints/apostles/yogis of old were known for their ability to bring even large crowds of people to repentance (ie, mental change).

If they could do that...could anyone make their mark on others in a smaller way? Seems so. For me the difference mindset makes is tangible.


Jul 1, 2020
That is all well and good, and normally I do not wear one either, but I was thrown out of a outdoor farmers market for the mask Nazis and mindset had nothing to do with it. Also when I fly they require you wearing a mask over the nose and they will not allow you to fly otherwise and they even arrest you in the United States so there is that also because I choose to travel by airplane. The covid Nazis are in control.

One of the mask Nazis here was a young 25-year-old lady who look like she was in good shape but she’s deathly concerned about getting sick and she is doing this as a volunteer, being a mask police kind of like the red shirts or was it the brown shirts?
I find wearing a mask around my neck to be most effective. The Karens just assume I forgot and remind me. The less than Karen's sort of draw my attention to it, which allows me to tell them how absurd it all is, while putting the mask on for their content. And most people just don't say anything.

Austin Resch

Oct 11, 2020


Feb 13, 2021
The point the OP is making that they're able to induce others to not speak up about masks. Sounds great
Kinda sounds crazy...but yep!

Last week I talked to several govt employees in a govt building for a little while. Mask signs everywhere. Kept waiting for them to ask me to mask up, but nothing. No dirty looks, no condescension. I tried to stay secure in my innately healthy humanity and it seemed to work.

I don't think the method is foolproof, tho, especially not against large hostile groups.

Austin Resch

Oct 11, 2020
Thought it would lend itself to the nuance of those who are inclined to wear a mask, who believe it is for their health and that of others, and who are genuinely well-intentioned, but on the same note will psychologically resist any new information/data that could educate and shift their perspective away from fear/dogma. If that doesn't make any sense I can remove it if it's not a good fit to the OP.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
I just picture Klaus Schwab’s face, or Fauci or Gates, laughing at me, which they are, before I enter a store maskless. In the UK at least, if you find wearing a mask makes you feel stressed, uncomfortable, panicky, etc. you are except, as the government rules state. I have a exemption card, but many people don’t know the exemption rules or don’t like to draw attention to themselves so go along with the other sheep. It’s easier to do this in the city but in smaller towns people are more likely to police other people so you have to prepare for conflict which sometimes you just don’t feel like dealing with.
There is a recent video of Matt Hancock walking towards 10 Downing Street wearing a mask, he goes through the door then the video catches him immediately ripping the mask off his face. It’s a dog and pony show.


Apr 13, 2014
I have never bought a mask or worn a "real" mask. When it became law last year that you had to wear a mask when entering a grocery store, I got out my oldest, thinest tshirt and cut a mask-like strip, just big enough to cover my nose and mouth (which is all the law says must be covered) and cut some strips on the end to tie around my ears. And here I am over a year later, still wearing my tshirt on my face for my once a week grocery shop. I just recently found another old tshirt, and cut myself a new strip.


Dec 8, 2016
Hi all!

Firstly, apologies if this topic has been covered before...or if it comes off as braggadocious.

What I've experienced - if real - can probably be repeated by anyone.

Several months ago I made it a goal to no longer wear a mask for any reason, in any place, at any time. Since making this goal I've been experimenting with conscious mindset changes designed to make it possible.

To get more specific, before I go into any place of business, I visualize. I visualize myself as a powerful, pure, innately healthy human being! I make sure I feel good - not ashamed - about being a living, breathing human. I try to cultivate a powerful, expansive personal presence. I also try to tap into the awareness of God's love, His presence. (Even if you're not spiritual/religious, fostering these types of feelings could probably work.)

The goal of this visualization is to pull other people into my vibration, as opposed to being pulled into theirs. When 'normal' people see an unmasked person [gasp!], their first reaction might be judgement, but the goal here is to become impervious to judgment by increasing presence and power.

You know how a substance with extra energy/heat dissipates that energy into its environment? Similar concept here, but with myself and other people. I want my behavior to rub off on them, not have their automatization rub off on me.

Does this sound silly yet? Maybe it is, and it kinds of feels silly to try to explain.

But here's the thing: it seems to have worked,

With this mindset I've enjoyed going to grocery stores, libraries, coffee shops, government buildings [!], etc. without being asked to wear a mask even once for months now. This certainly wasn't the case last year. One time an employee did let me know there were masks by the door, if I wanted one, so I just said thanks and kept walking. I don't feel judged or looked down upon for my choice in any way.

Of course I also make an effort to be polite, make good eye contact, resonate and deeply empathize with the mask-wearers. But all these behaviors seem to flow out of an unashamed mindset.

Another plus: I seem to be the only guy in the coffee shop who never wears a mask, which makes attracting girls quite easy. I mean, how can you realize attraction for someone if you can't even see their dang face? :)

OK, that's all. Hope this helps someone else break free from masks - feel free to take what is useful, and discard the rest.

If nothing else, hope this stresses the idea that one's mindset matters. I am doing nothing wrong by not wearing a mask, and I truly believe it! Others seem to be influenced by my strong belief.
What country?
What city?


Feb 13, 2021
I have never bought a mask or worn a "real" mask. When it became law last year that you had to wear a mask when entering a grocery store, I got out my oldest, thinest tshirt and cut a mask-like strip, just big enough to cover my nose and mouth (which is all the law says must be covered) and cut some strips on the end to tie around my ears. And here I am over a year later, still wearing my tshirt on my face for my once a week grocery shop. I just recently found another old tshirt, and cut myself a new strip.
Ah I like that idea!


Feb 13, 2021
Thought it would lend itself to the nuance of those who are inclined to wear a mask, who believe it is for their health and that of others, and who are genuinely well-intentioned, but on the same note will psychologically resist any new information/data that could educate and shift their perspective away from fear/dogma. If that doesn't make any sense I can remove it if it's not a good fit to the OP.
Ah, gotcha! In hindsight it relates well enough.

Yeah people are educated enough to "trust the science"...yet not educated enough to perhaps really understand what science even is, or what its goals are.


Jul 23, 2018
This may work in USA. In Europe, you get arrested and fined, recorded with a cellphone, shamed in national TV and fired. Its ogre.


Feb 13, 2021
This may work in USA. In Europe, you get arrested and fined, recorded with a cellphone, shamed in national TV and fired. Its ogre.
That bad??

Maybe one's mindset should be devoted to finding a way to move then...
Nov 21, 2015
I am in Florida USA. Most of the state is pretty good, but in some of the very progressive cities they are mask fascists. Even the restaurants are packed without any limitations, and this is an outdoor market, they insist on mask wearing and will send a volunteer fascist after you if you don’t wear one and they have the legal right to expel you from the market if you don’t agree — and now they insist you wear your mask over your nose.

The over your nose part is the new one. I was wearing a mask under my nose in the past but they don’t allow that anymore.


Mar 15, 2018
I am in Florida USA. Most of the state is pretty good, but in some of the very progressive cities they are mask fascists. Even the restaurants are packed without any limitations, and this is an outdoor market, they insist on mask wearing and will send a volunteer fascist after you if you don’t wear one and they have the legal right to expel you from the market if you don’t agree — and now they insist you wear your mask over your nose.

The over your nose part is the new one. I was wearing a mask under my nose in the past but they don’t allow that anymore.
I imagine they're trying to make up for their sassy governor talking bad about globohomo.
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