
Jun 20, 2019
And there is the key. Don't betray your convictions. I have a friend living in NYC who knew all the reasons not to take the clotshot. But after "intense pressure" from his girlfriend and business partners, he gave in and got both Moderna injections. He admitted this to me with a bit of shame and confessed he felt "pretty nihilistic" as a result. I can't imagine how that would feel... believing something is wrong and doing it anyway, especially something as final as an MRNA injection. Will he recover and be okay? I hope so. I'm more concerned for the state of his conscience/soul for betraying himself.
There's a video interview on Stew Peters with a wife of a serviceman who was never ill until he got the shot. They did a metal detox for the graphene and are using other natural remedies. Mike Adams the Health Ranger of also talks about remedies, both mention pine needle tea. I think the easiest thing for general symptom help is MMS since it pretty much takes everything out.


For the lioness



Nov 22, 2017
Fight it, I am also having to fight it and I work from home too. At least your parents support your decision, mine say to just get it especially since my wife and I have a newborn and my wife cut her hours. Luckily there is a big group of us here in Texas that are banding together. I definitely recommend finding a group of like minded compatriots to meet up with irl occasionally.

How I wish I could live in Texas! Definitely one of the last strongholds.


May 17, 2021
Hi - I'm in Ontario too.
You are certainly not alone.
My workplace is mandating the jab too - they have not indicated what happens after their 'deadline' of Oct 31 for getting the shot. My guess is that if I refuse periodic testing (which I will), I will be suspended without pay (which is what they have announced for federal employees).

@skittles - what you said below really resonated with me - I feel exactly the same way about my friends (the sheep).
I don't have any friends who aren't in ideological opposition with me when it comes to this topic. I still love them to death, and I don't bring any of this stuff up anymore, and I'm not baited by their attempts at pulling me into an argument. But I'm beginning to worry that when it comes down to it, I won't be able to trust them.

@Lollipop2 I would move to TX in a heartbeat if I could!!


Feb 9, 2013
Nova Scotia here, used to live in Ontario.

Everyone I know has gotten it, except for one person, who despite being very anti-establishment, said he would end up getting it if it's mandated for work. My sisters, all my co-workers, my parents, all my friends, every single person in my contacts list, has just given in to this insanity. Everyone is constantly pressuring me to get it, even though I've been very vocal about how I'd rather be jobless, homeless, and I'd rather die in the woods alone, than to give in. Even though everything I've said about it has come verifiably true, and everything we know will happen will inevitably become true. Even though they, themselves, are becoming wary of how hard it's being pushed, and how unethical things are getting, they still say 'Just get it. Everybody's getting it. What are you gonna do if you lose your job?' I'm not getting it, I will never get it, and that's that. One way or another, I am leaving this world without this mandated vaccine in my body.

I don't have any friends who aren't in ideological opposition with me when it comes to this topic. I still love them to death, and I don't bring any of this stuff up anymore, and I'm not baited by their attempts at pulling me into an argument. But I'm beginning to worry that when it comes down to it, I won't be able to trust them. It really sucks. But, that's just the way the cookie crumbles, I guess. I've spent so much time alone now, that I've gotten over the hump long ago. I've already felt the bottom. And now, I feel pretty good. It's not so bad being alone. I'm not too concerned about what happens in the future anymore, because I've already made my decisions about it. I no longer concern myself with trying to save others, because I've wasted too much energy trying, and frankly, it has never been energy well-spent. These people are already gone. I feel like I live with conviction now, with dignity, with purpose. And if I make it through this whole thing alive, I'll be there to pick up the pieces and start over.
Beautifully said. I feel exactly the same way.


Jul 3, 2019
Hey. Also from Ontario. Stay strong. Its getting bad here for sure. My families also being difficult. I'm seeking the company of like minded or open minded individuals


Nov 29, 2017
There’s a lot of us on the RPF. Really awesome to see. Stay strong everyone (not only here but all around the world). We need to be warriors :)

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
There are still free places on the planet. I'm so very glad I moved back home to MT from WA. What a difference!


Feb 9, 2013
How will this house of cards ever fall? What are the possibilities here? I'd love to work to accelerate this downfall somehow.

Not sure if it’s possible to accelerate how this plays out other than sharing information for those who may be open minded enough to look for it. Or just hope they snap out of it with the boosters or (sadly) having someone they know hurt or dead.

But most will cling to the shots being safe because they don’t want to admit they ****88 up and possibly ruined their lives.

Next moves may be Marburg virus outbreak to cover up all the vax injuries and deaths which have the same symptoms. RiVax to be rolled out same way as these shots but will kill more people with the ricin.
Or as the funeral director video said... some new variant targeting children. Their vax deaths could be used to facilitate more hatred and even quarantine of the unvaxed.


Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
There is more resistance to being jabbed in the US than in many countries, particularly in the so-called red states. A lot of it stems from people with religious convictions, but also a lot because many Americans don't like being told what to do, especially by stupid and corrupt A**holes. This leave me be attitude is particularly prevalent in the mountain west.


Nov 29, 2017
Most people I know who have taken the jabs aren’t inclined for a third. This may be where the resistance starts to mount. Especially if they are coming for the kids (my hopes atleast). I sincerely hope some sort of benevolent, suppressed energy medicine comes out in the next few years to help people with detoxing these demonvaxxes to quote out tank buddy. I’m probably being too optimistic about this whole thing but I’ve completely lost the fear I had a month ago. Something is changing... I can feel it.... maybe it’s just me. ????! ?


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
Checking in from Ontario Canada to... rant?

Per the title of the thread: I've literally never felt this alone.

I'm 25/F, and have been told by my job (online work, small team, not customer facing) if I don't get the vaccine by the end of next month, I'm done. My partner is currently with me in being unvaxxed, but he's not as strongly against it as I am. If his works mandates it, I think he would get it so as not to lose reliable income.

My entire family -- parents and siblings -- have double shots.

I called my dad today after my boss gave me the ultimatum; I was pretty worked up. He is supportive of me and tried to offer advice but, really, what can be done, other than consult a lawyer? My mom piped in basically telling me I need to reconsider what I'm fighting for, now that it's come to this, and is telling me to talk to family friends who are nurses so I can get some "perspective."

Everything feels like it's crashing down, and I feel alone in it. What's happening is wrong! Why does it feel like nobody around me sees it? It's definitely not Peaty (or healthy in general) for me to wallow over this, but I honestly feel depressed right now.

I guess I'm reaching out for moral support. I'm exhausted. Apologies for the low-vibe.
@kaydeegee sorry you're feeling this way. At least your parents are supportive. I just received an email from my family telling me how appalled and disappointing "my behaviour" is.. i mean, i was spitting mad but I can sort of laugh about it now. It's very hard when everyone is pressuring you and your job depends on it. I'm in a situation where they've just mandated for my profession- a pretty broad spectrum mandate- so, basically anyone who doesn't work from home must be vaccinated. So, that's me done. I'll be getting it but trying to see some positives through all this. It was a mind shift that was difficult. But, i think attachment to one side or the other can be detrimental. By all means, don't get it if you don't feel it's right for you and that another path lies ahead. Perhaps this is the impetus that you require to find another vocation? I considered that- though it was a long road of qualificatification for me- in the end I decided that I would try to get through thi particular medical assault and trust my system to recover. I know there's a lot of chat on here about how the vaccinated are all going to die.. it's an extreme view and holds as much evidence as many 'theories' out there. Some, but nothing definitive.. so maybe and maybe not.. i hope you can find a sense of balance in yourself so that these polarity fields aren't so difficult to face.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
@kaydeegee sorry you're feeling this way. At least your parents are supportive. I just received an email from my family telling me how appalled and disappointing "my behaviour" is.. i mean, i was spitting mad but I can sort of laugh about it now. It's very hard when everyone is pressuring you and your job depends on it. I'm in a situation where they've just mandated for my profession- a pretty broad spectrum mandate- so, basically anyone who doesn't work from home must be vaccinated. So, that's me done. I'll be getting it but trying to see some positives through all this. It was a mind shift that was difficult. But, i think attachment to one side or the other can be detrimental. By all means, don't get it if you don't feel it's right for you and that another path lies ahead. Perhaps this is the impetus that you require to find another vocation? I considered that- though it was a long road of qualificatification for me- in the end I decided that I would try to get through thi particular medical assault and trust my system to recover. I know there's a lot of chat on here about how the vaccinated are all going to die.. it's an extreme view and holds as much evidence as many 'theories' out there. Some, but nothing definitive.. so maybe and maybe not.. i hope you can find a sense of balance in yourself so that these polarity fields aren't so difficult to face.
People being forced to play Russian Roulette or lose their ability to earn a living. Infuriating.

Old Irenaeus

Dec 24, 2020
I'm in a heavily v'd environment, but just had two unv'd friends over for dinner. Folks don't know we're unv'd. Good times. Keep forging ahead and stay strong.
Jun 16, 2021
my thoughts. you say you have never felt so alone , like it's a bad thing. it actually is a better thing to really embrace the joy of being alone /solitary and independent in your thinking and doing no matter how many " bonds " you have...eventually parents die, friends fall off , partners sometimes move on , and alas , if you can get super happy with the idea of being alone you are going to be stronger and happier long term. surround yourself with loving people if you can and want to but keep your life in the pilots seat of the cockpit at all times :) AND.... start working on what it takes to be self-employed bc that really is the only way.


Jan 9, 2021
Checking in from Ontario Canada to... rant?

Per the title of the thread: I've literally never felt this alone.

I'm 25/F, and have been told by my job (online work, small team, not customer facing) if I don't get the vaccine by the end of next month, I'm done. My partner is currently with me in being unvaxxed, but he's not as strongly against it as I am. If his works mandates it, I think he would get it so as not to lose reliable income.

My entire family -- parents and siblings -- have double shots.

I called my dad today after my boss gave me the ultimatum; I was pretty worked up. He is supportive of me and tried to offer advice but, really, what can be done, other than consult a lawyer? My mom piped in basically telling me I need to reconsider what I'm fighting for, now that it's come to this, and is telling me to talk to family friends who are nurses so I can get some "perspective."

Everything feels like it's crashing down, and I feel alone in it. What's happening is wrong! Why does it feel like nobody around me sees it? It's definitely not Peaty (or healthy in general) for me to wallow over this, but I honestly feel depressed right now.

I guess I'm reaching out for moral support. I'm exhausted. Apologies for the low-vibe.
Your boyfriend is a cuck and you’d be happier and feel better with a man with strong morals for what’s right and true who is able to support you himself. The fact you feel this way while being in a relationship with him proves he isn’t giving you what you need. And no I’m not simping for you here, I’m telling you the truth. I couldn’t imagine being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t share my extremist views.


Jan 9, 2021
Oh and btw I’m not taking it either and my entire family and neighbourhood has. Local newspaper filled with people saying I’m putting them at risk lol


Mar 18, 2017
Your boyfriend is a cuck and you’d be happier and feel better with a man with strong morals for what’s right and true who is able to support you himself. The fact you feel this way while being in a relationship with him proves he isn’t giving you what you need. And no I’m not simping for you here, I’m telling you the truth. I couldn’t imagine being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t share my extremist views.
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