Jennifer's Cellular Regeneration Log


Nov 21, 2012
Okay, so maybe there is truth to the legend, but it was highly embellished. In one version, the sun on Christmas morning shone through the window onto the webs, making them shimmer in the light until they turned into silver and gold. Maybe a spider happened to spin webs on the tree and the morning sun imparted a silver and gold look to them. The legend is supposedly a few hundred years old, and I’ve read that modern tinsel was invented in Germany during the 17th century and made from strands of actual silver and gold.
Oh, I'm not doubting there isn't any truth to it🙂
I just think it's such an old legend that it's gotten lost in time. Even my grandma's generations apparently didn't know about this anymore, since I've never even heard anyone of older age mentioning anything about it.

Yep, that’s why I’m opting for the artificial tree. I can’t frost a real one.
Ah ok, that was what I was wondering, if it wouldn't be feasible to spray a real tree, since that stuff is so sticky it'll basically stick to anything.


Jul 8, 2014
Oh, I'm not doubting there isn't any truth to it
I just think it's such an old legend that it's gotten lost in time. Even my grandma's generations apparently didn't know about this anymore, since I've never even heard anyone of older age mentioning anything about it.

No worries. I didn’t think you doubted it, I was just curious how much truth there was to the legend. Seeing that tinsel is available there, it seems that even though the story was lost, the tradition of trimming the tree with “web” strands of silver and gold has remained.

Ah ok, that was what I was wondering, if it wouldn't be feasible to spray a real tree, since that stuff is so sticky it'll basically stick to anything.

I’m not sure if it would be toxic to the tree? That’s my main concern. That and I worry I’ll damage the tree trying to remove the spray snow. My plan was to spray the leaves with a fine mist of white pearlescent paint so that some of the green peeks through, giving it that appearance of summer preserved by winter. I could probably concocted some kind of natural finish—maybe take fine mica powder and mix it in thinned out gelatin or I could do a wash with milk paint. The leaves should come clean easily with water. I just don’t know if it’s worth going through the trouble of painting leaves by hand and then having to wash the finish off and repeat the process the following years when I can spray down an artificial tree and never have to apply and reapply the finish again.


Nov 21, 2012
No worries. I didn’t think you doubted it, I was just curious how much truth there was to the legend. Seeing that tinsel is available there, it seems that even though the story was lost, the tradition of trimming the tree with “web” strands of silver and gold has remained.
For sure, it's a common Christmas decoration (not just in gold or silver). I doubt there are many people who know this decoration has a, I certainly didn't.

I’m not sure if it would be toxic to the tree? That’s my main concern. That and I worry I’ll damage the tree trying to remove the spray snow. My plan was to spray the leaves with a fine mist of white pearlescent paint so that some of the green peeks through, giving it that appearance of summer preserved by winter. I could probably concocted some kind of natural finish—maybe take fine mica powder and mix it in thinned out gelatin or I could do a wash with milk paint. The leaves should come clean easily with water. I just don’t know if it’s worth going through the trouble of painting leaves by hand and then having to wash the finish off and repeat the process the following years when I can spray down an artificial tree and never have to apply and reapply the finish again.
Yeah, I didn't think about that. I assume the spray snow isn't toxin friendly to the tree and you'll probably wont get it off the leaves anymore without tearing the leaves apart or off the tree.
A fake tree would definitely be more time&energy efficient,I assume, in regards to your decoration ideas. 🙂


Jul 8, 2014
For sure, it's a common Christmas decoration (not just in gold or silver). I doubt there are many people who know this decoration has a, I certainly didn't.

Yeah, that seems to be the case with many traditions. :)


Jul 8, 2014
Sadly, I think it's bound to happen even more with the current woke (cancel) culture wanting to 'rewrite' everything so it's 'politically correct'.

In my opinion, it’s parents who have the greatest influence so if it were to happen even more, I don’t think it will be due to cancel culture, which as far as I can tell has always existed.


Nov 21, 2012
In my opinion, it’s parents who have the greatest influence so if it were to happen even more, I don’t think it will be due to cancel culture, which as far as I can tell has always existed.
True, but when these (future) parents are being influenced by all the wokeness. It indirectly has a major effect.


Jul 8, 2014
True, but when these (future) parents are being influenced by all the wokeness. It indirectly has a major effect.

The future parents’ greatest influence will still be their parents, IMO. Our parents are our foundation.


Nov 21, 2012
The future parents’ greatest influence will still be their parents, IMO. Our parents are our foundation.
yeah,that's technically how it goes, however I often observe alarming changes/behaviours in people caused by their societal surroundings,media,politics etc.


Jul 8, 2014
yeah,that's technically how it goes, however I often observe alarming changes/behaviours in people caused by their societal surroundings,media,politics etc.

A child’s exposure to those things is largely in their parents’ control and I’ve spent enough time raising children who faced the same societal pressures to know who has the greatest influence on them. What every child I took care of wanted most besides what I consider a given for everyone—love—was my undivided attention and because I gave them it, as well as the same respect I would an adult, I had their trust and respect in return and saw firsthand the influence I had on the choices they made even as adults. It’s why I took my responsibility as a caregiver so seriously. The influence our guardians have on every aspect of our lives, even something as seemingly unrelated as our state of health in adulthood, is exactly why I’ve been so open in my logs about my childhood so I stand by my opinion that if the history of a tradition is lost, I don’t think it will be due to cancel culture but the parents who, for whatever reason, chose not to plant that seed of knowledge and nurture it.


Nov 21, 2012
A child’s exposure to those things is largely in their parents’ control and I’ve spent enough time raising children who faced the same societal pressures to know who has the greatest influence on them. What every child I took care of wanted most besides what I consider a given for everyone—love—was my undivided attention and because I gave them it, as well as the same respect I would an adult, I had their trust and respect in return and saw firsthand the influence I had on the choices they made even as adults. It’s why I took my responsibility as a caregiver so seriously. The influence our guardians have on every aspect of our lives, even something as seemingly unrelated as our state of health in adulthood, is exactly why I’ve been so open in my logs about my childhood so I stand by my opinion that if the history of a tradition is lost, I don’t think it will be due to cancel culture but the parents who, for whatever reason, chose not to plant that seed of knowledge and nurture it.
I totally agree with you. 🙂
What I meant to say is: what if the parents are being influenced by all the wokeness and choose to revise their thinking...(as I see happening here).
Then they'll pas THAT on to their children and that's when, as you've mentioned, tradition is lost.


Jul 8, 2014
I totally agree with you.
What I meant to say is: what if the parents are being influenced by all the wokeness and choose to revise their thinking...(as I see happening here).
Then they'll pas THAT on to their children and that's when, as you've mentioned, tradition is lost.

Yep, I knew that’s what you meant :), but my opinion remains the same. The history of a tradition won’t be lost because of cancel culture—again, it has always existed and yet traditions have remained—but parents who chose not to teach their children it to begin with because once that information is taught to them, it’s become part of their awareness, just like a fairytale that was read to them. Also, I think it’s important to keep in mind that what we see in our reality does not represent the whole, especially when our information is limited to media because we aren’t able to get out much, let alone travel the world to see other realities.


Nov 21, 2012
Also, I think it’s important to keep in mind that what we see in our reality does not represent the whole, especially when our information is limited to media because we aren’t able to get out much, let alone travel the world to see other
True, I don't solely go off media, bc they spin and manipulate things how it serves them. I was going off what I'd been hearing and seeing in my area and not the world at large. 🙂


Jul 8, 2014
True, I don't solely go off media, bc they spin and manipulate things how it serves them. I was going off what I'd been hearing and seeing in my area and not the world at large.

Yeah, that’s why I say what we see in our reality doesn’t represent the whole because based on how often our conversations have gone around in circles over the years lol, it seems you and I view life through different lenses and aren’t seeing the same things. :)


Nov 21, 2012
Yeah, that’s why I say what we see in our reality doesn’t represent the whole because based on how often our conversations have gone around in circles over the years lol, it seems you and I view life through different lenses and aren’t seeing the same things. :)
I think it's to be expected, even though we both live in Western societal countries with some similarities, there are also cultural and societal differences.🙂


Jul 8, 2014
I think it's to be expected, even though we both live in Western societal countries with some similarities, there are also cultural and societal differences.

True, but I think it has to do with our personalities and the way we view life more than anything because I don’t experience it with the other people from your part of the world that I communicate with. You and I have perfected the circling conversation. Hehe


Nov 21, 2012
Sure personalities too and I also think in part miscommunication and -interpretation. Writings are highly prone to misinterpretation.
As long as the circling conversations don't end up as a circle pit.😉


Jul 8, 2014

I had my yearly physical a week and a half ago and received wonderful news. My bone density improved and I gained back another inch of the roughly 4” of height I lost when my spine collapsed! The last time I experienced such a dramatic increase in such a short period of time was the year just after I fractured when I was on a similar dairy-based diet supplemented with cod liver oil and my DEXA score improved from -6.7 to -3.6 and I gained back an inch. Having read during that time that more people die from my disease and subsequent injury than heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer combined, to say I was relieved with the improvement would be an understatement. It’s clear to me what my body thrives on, and my tastebuds are more than happy for it. :happy: No more trying to convince myself that it isn’t so bad to be on a restrictive, low-fat diet if it means preventing potential paralysis. To truly look forward to my meals now, feel satisfied by them and at the same time watch my health transform in such quick and dramatic ways has been a total paradigm shift. It’s pretty much the same as the last one I posted, but below is my most recent grocery haul for the week. I have some grass-fed beef and wild blueberries in the freezer, too:


It still surreal to me that I’ve managed to improve every aspect of my health, including the one that doctors said was impossible. All I can say is, no one can stop our growth but us. I did what I set out to do and then some, and to think I’ve done it eating ice cream. I think back to when I first joined the forum and was struggling to make the incredible health improvements that other Peaters were making. It took 10 years from the time I fractured to tolerate dairy again and a 4 year detour following Dr. Morse’s protocol when fruit was the only food left I could digest because of doctor error. All along, it has been a fight to overcome the damage their errors caused. First the many versions of plant-based the naturopath had me on, despite my obvious failure to thrive on it, then the ER doctors continuing to release me without telling me my bones were visibly osteoporotic on x-rays until my fifth ER visit when my spine collapsed lifting half a watermelon, then my GP keeping me on estrogen despite it making me suicidally depressed, which resulted in me almost taking my life one night, then the 7 years of SIBO induced gastritis and food allergies because the doctor administering my hydrogen breath test misread my results and I went all that time without treatment, and the 6 months of daily convulsions, syncope and gasping for air 24/7 until I resembled a Smurf because doctors refused to treat my thyroid.

The trauma of having experienced the devastation of human error and subsequent medical malpractice is real, no doubt, but it has thankfully never overpowered my determination to treat myself better than any external authority ever did or could. There has been an exhaustive amount of aftermath from the neglect to work through, anger to channel into something that propels me forward instead of consumes me whole, however, it has only revealed to me the strength I have been displaying my entire life but failed to recognize until faced with the sobering realities of this world and the decision to stay down or get back up, a decision I make every day. Knowing that we don’t stop regenerating until our time on this planet is up and hindsight is a merciful ally, I continue my mission to do better by me, now that I know better, and prioritize self-love, which has included putting my faith back where it belongs—in myself and God. Too many times fear and desperation had me putting my faith in supposed health experts and their theories, which only led to increased suffering and restriction—restriction of food, restriction of joy and restriction of life. I should have eaten a big piece of ice cream, the superfood of all superfoods if there ever was one, and it’s mémé approved.

My maternal grandmother was in a nursing home for over 10 years due to Alzheimer’s Disease. In the end, she had long forgotten who we were, but she had not forgotten ice cream. It’s common for those with the disease to repeat phrases and my mémé’s was “a big piece of ice cream.” When she passed away, everyone enjoyed ice cream in honor of her after her funeral, that is, except me. It was during the time when I was following Dr. Douglas Graham’s 80/10/10 diet, my seemingly last resort when all other interventions that were tried up until that point had failed to stop my weight from plummeting. I had yet to learn about my thyroid condition and was too afraid to have some ice cream with my family because of the raw vegan theory that “animal products are toxic” and would only worsen “detox” symptoms and prolong the “healing” process. Sadly, it was never mentioned that detoxing included detoxing away the spine. Thankfully, I got mine back the movement I decided that I was no longer willing to live in fear and outsource my health to other people’s perception of life. My god would never poison the food (s)he created to nourish my body.

I wrote about this in my old log but based on the recommendation of the Christian RBTI practitioner I had after I fractured, I attended a faith healing and the man standing directly across from me waiting for his turn to be healed was in so much pain from arthritis he had the look of a lost and defeated little boy in his eyes. Just after my mum passed, I saw that same lost and defeated little boy in my dad’s eyes and I’ve since come to realize that it wasn’t just their inner child I was looking at but my own, too, I just wasn’t able to see her because I was locked up in fear. It’s like a child who puts their hands over their eyes. They think no one can see them because they can’t see others and for a brief moment they feel a sense of safety in their eyes’ deception, however, if lucky, there comes a point when faced with our truth that we’re forced to remove our hands from our eyes and see that this whole time it was in fact our circus, and our monkeys are us, and we set ourselves free from the cage of fear we’ve let hold us captive.

Today marks 2 years since my mum’s passing and I honestly can’t believe I’m still here let alone doing as well as I am. One of my biggest fears after she passed was when family would inevitably move on with their lives and I was left alone, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed. I love my family dearly and know they mean well, but spending most of the last two years on my own allowed me the space to grieve without anyone telling me how to be, think, feel and most of all, how to honor my mum as if they know what she would want better than I do. I know exactly what my mum would want because I heard her heart from the inside. She would want me to continue getting her baby girl up every morning and finish what she and I started long ago—to overcome the generational dysfunctions, perpetuated fears and presumed impossibles of this world. She would want me to want more for myself than she was willing to accept for herself, to live like she and I never lived before and continue loving myself back to life, and I am.




Nov 21, 2012
Congratulations Jennifer on your amazing testresults! :)

Your healing testimony sounds a bit (whether or not you consciously did this) like you've manifested your recovery.
I decided to put effort and time into manifesting health and the life I'd want instead of spending it on research. What I struggle the most with is fully believing and feeling that this is 'effortlesly' going to bring me the results I want.
It's hard to let go and reprogram some pesky persistent subconscious beliefs/fears.

To us only moving up from here!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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