Jennifer's Recovery Log


May 26, 2015
I don't have anything really useful to add Hennifer, other than keep at it and I'm pulling for you!

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Jul 8, 2014
narouz said:
Jennifer said:
Here are my iron, thyroid and cholesterol numbers from this past June:

Iron - 97.0 ug/dL [50.0-170.0]
Iron Bind Capacity, Tot - 438.0 ug/dL [250.0-450.0]
Ferritin - 14.3 ng/mL [8.0-252.0]
TSH - 4.650 uIU/mL (H) [0.358-3.740]
Free T4 - 0.82 ng/dL [0.76-1.46]
Free T3 - 2.31 pg/mL [2.18-3.98]
T3, Reverse - 13 ng/dL [8-25]
Thyroglobulin Antibody - 17.00 U/mL [<=60]
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody - 28.50 U/mL [<=60]
Cholesterol - 178 mg/dL [<200 Desirable]
Triglycerides - 91 mg/dL [<150 Normal]
Cholesterol, HDL - 45 mg/dL [<40 Low >=60 High (Optimal)]
Cholesterol, LDL Calculated - 115 mg/dL [<100 Optimal 100-129 Near/Above Optimal]
Chol/HDL Ratio - 3.96 mg/dL [<=4]
Non-HDL Cholesterol - 133 mg/dL

My morning temps average 97.9 and my daytime temps 98.6. My resting pulse averages around 70 and during the day, the upper 80s.

You're On it, gurl!

Hmmm...far from an expert here.
Off the top of my head, ferritin looks barely within normal, low.
IBC looks barely within normal, high.
TSH...needs improvement from a Peat viewpoint.

Where is Mittir when ya need him! :lol:

I don't want to project my gestalt onto you, but...
I don't think I being too subjective in that way by noting that you probably need some thyroid supp.
It would be good to see your TSH over time.
Do you have any past test numbers?

And seem to be in the same bind I had been in until recently:
numbers/signs point to needing more thyroid supp,
and yet...the palps, racing, etc....

Thanks, Jennifer.
I'll sleep on it.... :)

Here's another tune for ya...

Haha! Well, it's easy to procure when I put my whole medical and life history in this log. It may be a jumbled mess, but it's all here floating around somewhere. :P

I have thyroid numbers stemming all the way back to 2009. I spent last weekend in a stack of blood work, labeling each one with the diet I was doing at the time to see if I could find any pattern because this depression I've been under the past year is like nothing I've ever experienced before and there's one thing that's been nagging at me. I always seem to get my spark back when I up the sugar from fruit.

Looking back at blood work from when I was doing 80/10/10, that's when my numbers were the best. They were pretty much ideal from a Peat perspective, except for an extreme vitamin D deficiency. So I've started upping my orange juice intake. Sure enough, my cravings for ice cream are gone and I'm getting happy thoughts generating again. I'm also digesting it perfectly. No heartburn, diarrhea, bloat or rash and the residual redness is almost gone.

Anyhow, thanks for your help and the song, narouz! :)
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Jul 8, 2014
javacody said:
I don't have anything really useful to add Hennifer, other than keep at it and I'm pulling for you!

Aww...thanks, Cody! I'm pulling for you too! :)

Funny video! If I were a middle aged guy, I'd fit the description of the guy who has nothing to say but keeps talking.

Here's a funny video for you...
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Jul 8, 2014
So the vivid dreams continue! Last night I met the wizard. I entered a room where Ray Peat sat behind one of those 1960s green metal desks with an assistant to his left. He tells me that my disease is not easily overcome and many die from it and hands me a large wholistic book. I somehow knew he was referring to gallbladder disease. He then rolls himself to the end of the desk while talking about how people want a diet to follow, but he doesn't do protocols.

Meanwhile, his assistant is holding a thin hardcover book for him to sign. He hands it to me and I look at the back expecting to see Ray's autograph but instead there were two cursive words completely unrecognizable to me. I thought "Umm...Ray, you're a brilliant man, but you need to work on your signature." Hehe! I handed him a $100 bill, thanked him for his time and left feeling like I hadn't any more clarity of direction than when I entered his room. I woke with the sinking feeling that I had again been looking to someone outside myself in a desperate attempt to get my health back.

That's when I was hit with the memory of my hike up Whitewall Mt. It's fairly dangerous because at the base of where the real climbing begins, you see the slide, a long ascent up a steep wall of loose rock. One wrong move and you send yourself and/or a cascade of boulders down on to fellow hikers. It's not attempted too often, but it should be because once at the top, you get the most breathtaking view. One majestic mountain, peaking through a notch, flanked by a wave of mountains on either side. To this day, it's probably my most favorite climb simply for the view. I loved it so much I went back a second time.

The descent is where it gets interesting. The plan was to go down an unmarked route where my brother, our friend and I would attempt to connect with an old ski path that would get us back on trail and spare us a possible rock avalanche had we gone down the way we came up. We found ourselves bushwhacking through a forest glade overgrown with giant sized hobblebush. They were like the maneaters of the plant world. My brother stands at 6'4" and our friend 6' and even they were consumed by them. I lost sight of my brother early on and instead listened intently for the rustling of leaves as he made his way through the head high hobble.

I did my best to keep up while pushing through the botanical fortress, but after a couple hours at battle and me a featherweight, my energy was slowly waning and at one point, my pack and I got stuck. So there I was, semi-suspended in the bush, when out of the blue, my friend appeared and asked what I was doing. I thought "Well, I decided to file my nails and clip a few coupons while I was at it and...Seriously?! I'm stuck! Go on! Save yourself! Leave me to die in this hobble hell!" I didn't really think that. I was going for comic relief. Did it work?! :P Anyhow, I finally broke free and we continued on, but despite using a Garmin, we were merely forcing our way in an unsuccessful attempt to find the ski path. We finally gave up and decided to wing it. That's when our journey became effortless. We wove our way through a path of least resistance, eventually popping out onto the main trail.

So how on earth did my dream with Ray conjure up memories of this hike? I feel like I've been stuck back in the bush. I know there's a way out even though I can't see it yet. It would be nice if there were clearer directions, perhaps a "you are here" sign like that on a mall directory or maybe some fireworks. Heck, I'll even take smoke signals every now and then and secretly hope they burn a clear path for me, but the reality is that even the most advanced navigational tools can still leave us lost. And just as a mentor can get us started on the right path, to ever truly be successful, we have to find our own way out. :mrgreen:

Tonight's song...


Jul 22, 2012
I enjoy your writing, Jennifer,
so I still intend to read your Vivid Dream Chronicle!

Something I didn't mention last time:
have you had any PTH labs--parathyroid hormone function?
You noted you didn't think calcium could be a problem for you
because you eat a lot of dairy.
I felt exactly the same way.
But I think it is possible to need more calcium despite high milk consumption.

Over-activity of the parathyroid could possibly cause heart racing.
Taking goodly doses of like eggshell calcium
is an easy and inexpensive and safe test.
It holds down excessive parathyroid activity.

But the thing that stands in the forefront of your labs and symptom self-descriptions
is the thyroid problem.

You have, and I had, a peculiar thyroid supplementing difficulting.
A Catch-22:
you know by signs and labs that you need thyroid supplement,
but when you try to take it you get racing, palpitations, etc...

You know, I never did my own health challenge blog like you are doing here.
But I posted about it here and there on the forum for like a year.
Seems like nobody else shared this weird Catch-22.

So I saw this Catch-22 as my central health challenge
because so many bad things happen with low thyroid function.
But went on for nearly a year before I (think I) got a handle on it.

I seemed to have some kind of dis-ease in my colon--
weird poops, acidic feeling poops that irritated my anus, bumps forming on my anus that sometimes bled a bit,
inflamed tissue--maybe hemorrhoids I guess--inside.

Maybe this was caused by the low thyroid function?
Maybe my gut/colon/rectum problems caused the Catch-22 with needing supps but getting palps.

Don't know.

At any rate, I started homing in on my gut problems
as a way to maybe get at my thyroid supp/heart palpitation Catch-22.
To that end, I made a rash of changes to my diet and supplementing:

red meat--avoided it because it seemed maybe to aggravate the palps
eggshell calcium--not so much for the gut but to quiet a possibly over-active parathyroid
lysine--about 1000mg/day; haidut has posted good research on it;
seems to soothe/help the gut, probably through serotonin suppression;
also helps depression; cheap and safe
methylene blue--NOT a quinone! :lol: but quinone-like in structure and seems to have many similar actions;
inexpensive and safe
famotodine--haidut has written about this too; helpful/soothing for gut and helps liver too; all the
mechanisms of action are faint in my mind now, but just check haidut's postings; it's OTC name is Pepcid;
cheap and safe
cheeses with microbial enzymes--I think they were irritating my gut; avoided
nightshades--they give a lot of people gut problems; I avoided
vitamin D3--worth a post in itself, and I think maybe we've talked about it before;
some on the forum think supplementing may be immuno-suppressive; I figured I'd try not taking any
and just try to get a lot of sun

There were some other changes, but that'll do.

After a few weeks with those changes
my butt problems eased significantly:
bumps disappeared, inflamed tissue shrunk, less diarrhea, less acid-y feeling poops.

And here was the big thing:
I tried raising my NDT up to where my temps/pulses and TSH etc indicated it should be,
and I was able to do so without the palpitations, racing, skipping, etc.
Well, I can't say they Never happened,
but I guess it's been at least a couple of months now,
and I've only had 2 or 3 brief episodes of racing/palps.
Used to be an almost daily or multi- times daily thing.

And now with my thyroid levels where they should be,
I'm feeling a lot better, butt getting to be pretty much back to normal,
poops approaching normal,
other things I've struggled with like bad lower back pain--showing some slow but real improvement.

I can't say which of those changes above helped me break out of the thyroid supp/palpitation Catch-22. would seem that one or more of the changes did something....


Sep 17, 2014
Jennifer said: that I think about it, I didn't have any nightmares last night. Instead, I had an interesting dream where I consulted with Ray.
Yeah, I misread that for a minute and was wondering why there weren't any details of your consummation ;D


Sep 17, 2014
What's a wholistic book? Is it like holisitc? Or was it called that? I'd have to get my hands on that book in my next dream! A book that would reveal the whole of the human condition would be invaluable!!!

Darn it. How do I invite a dream with Ray? I've never even spoken to him.

Do to you think your dream brought on the flashback as a metaphorical answer to your question? That you must find your own path, the one less traveled? (Heh, not in the meaning of the poem, but in the sense that it's unfamiliar and new.)

Or did it remind you of the confidence you had in your ability to save yourself and deliver yourself to safety? Maybe it's a lesson we both need to embrace. Prince charming ain't coming. We better kill that witch, escspe thst tower, steal a horse and ride off to the sunset by ourselves.

I think it's a great dream! Mine never mean anything. Sometimes it's just me killing pig mutants in a pitch dark maze. ;D


Jul 8, 2014
narouz said:
I enjoy your writing, Jennifer,
so I still intend to read your Vivid Dream Chronicle!

Thank you, narouz! Nice title! :D

narouz said:
Something I didn't mention last time:
have you had any PTH labs--parathyroid hormone function?
You noted you didn't think calcium could be a problem for you
because you eat a lot of dairy.
I felt exactly the same way.
But I think it is possible to need more calcium despite high milk consumption.
I did have labs done on my PTH last November. It came back normal, but my calcium was elevated. Now my current calcium level is normal, but I don't have an updated PTH level. I'll try eggshell calcium like you suggest and see if that helps. And thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate you taking the time to outline all that for me.

I honestly feel the palps are due to adrenaline. I would think the adrenals work overtime to compensate for low thyroid function and when you ramp up the thyroid, you finally feel the effects of the adrenaline. For me, what normally accompanies the palps are perspiration and a feeling like my whole body is burning up. You can even see my ears and cheeks turn bright red. This can happen with NDT, when I'm feeling threatened or even from something as simple as eating foods that irritate my gut.

I think in my case, I've been running on adrenaline most of my life and it has exhausted my thyroid. I know some would argue it's the other way around, but given my history, I'm betting on the former. The sexual abuse as a little girl set me up to be on the defense and then all those years of hiking in extreme conditions only fueled an already existing fire and finally did me in.

The sad part is, I hiked to get away from the extreme stress I was under at the time. So basically, I chose flight in the fight or flight scenario only to end up doing battle with some crazy mountains. I think the adrenaline was the reason I couldn't keep weight on and developed the osteoporosis. My thyroid numbers from previous years were always in the ideal range based on a Peaty perspective, but my TSH was almost non-existent the first time I started seeing a naturopath for the extreme weight loss. This was less than a year prior to fracturing.


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
What's a wholistic book? Is it like holisitc? Or was it called that? I'd have to get my hands on that book in my next dream! A book that would reveal the whole of the human condition would be invaluable!!!
Ah, you missed the meaning of my dream then, grasshopper!

It had the word "Wholistic" written on it, but that's probably because I prefer wholistic over holistic.

There's debate on how it should be spelled. Depending on who you ask, wholistic is just an alternative spelling to holistic so they're interchangeable or the two have entirely different meanings where wholistic refers to the whole mind, body and spirit, while holistic is connected to holism, which focuses on the total entity and the interdependence of the parts of this totality. The choice is yours! ;)

For the dream log, I think wholistic as a whole mind, body and spirit fits in nicely with the view of not missing the forest for the trees like the second example of holism sort of evokes for me. It's far too easy to get hyper-focused on the finer details, while missing the whole of something. I guess you can say, wholistic provides me less distraction. :mrgreen:


Jul 22, 2012
Jennifer said:
I did have labs done on my PTH last November. It came back normal, but my calcium was elevated. Now my current calcium level is normal, but I don't have an updated PTH level. I'll try eggshell calcium like you suggest and see if that helps. And thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate you taking the time to outline all that for me.

I honestly feel the palps are due to adrenaline. I would think the adrenals work overtime to compensate for low thyroid function and when you ramp up the thyroid, you finally feel the effects of the adrenaline. For me, what normally accompanies the palps are perspiration and a feeling like my whole body is burning up. You can even see my ears and cheeks turn bright red. This can happen with NDT, when I'm feeling threatened or even from something as simple as eating foods that irritate my gut.

I think in my case, I've been running on adrenaline most of my life and it has exhausted my thyroid. I know some would argue it's the other way around, but given my history, I'm betting on the former. The sexual abuse as a little girl set me up to be on the defense and then all those years of hiking in extreme conditions only fueled an already existing fire and finally did me in.

The sad part is, I hiked to get away from the extreme stress I was under at the time. So basically, I chose flight in the fight or flight scenario only to end up doing battle with some crazy mountains. I think the adrenaline was the reason I couldn't keep weight on and developed the osteoporosis. My thyroid numbers from previous years were always in the ideal range based on a Peaty perspective, but my TSH was almost non-existent the first time I started seeing a naturopath for the extreme weight loss. This was less than a year prior to fracturing.

Yeah, your temps seemed pretty good.
But the TSH was somewhat high.
And...didn't you say your period was more normalized
during the time you were taking the NDT?
No breakthrough bleeding?
Maybe I got my wires crossed,
but if that's the case
it would seem pretty significant to me--
because it points toward hormone regulation.

Hmmm...the microscopic TSH...hard to figure...
well, maybe you were, at least at that time, a bit hyperthyroid...?

With your iron numbers...
would make one think you're possibly low on iron?
This is the opposite of me.
But too much iron or too little iron can both cause palpitations.

In my case
and with those changes/supplements I listed...
like I said,
my idea was to focus on my gut health.
Thus the lysine, which can help the intestines.
And that was kinduv my slant with the methylene blue too--it's a fungicide and, I believe, and antibiotic
(but not a quinone! :lol: )
And the Pau D'Arco (think I may've forgot to list that above).
And the nightshade and microbial rennet avoidance...

But those substances, like lysine and MB and D'Arco...
they have a lot of other actions
right down to the cellular energy level.

So my point:
Although I started with the idea of addressing mainly the gut,
in retrospect
I don't know what made my palps abate.
It is very possible it was not a gut action.
Lysine, MB, D'Arco are, variously, anti-depressant, anti-cancer, anti-serotonin, and more.
Complex substances.
So I don't know what helped or how.
But...something did. :)

Sometimes, when you're feeling kinda at the end of your rope,
and nothing seems to be working,
it's not a bad idea to break the routine,
break with the way one has been framing the problem,
and try some new, different things.

Hang in there my friend. :)


Sep 17, 2014
Jennifer said:
Peat's_Girl said:
What's a wholistic book? Is it like holisitc? Or was it called that? I'd have to get my hands on that book in my next dream! A book that would reveal the whole of the human condition would be invaluable!!!
Ah, you missed the meaning of my dream then, grasshopper!

It had the word "Wholistic" written on it, but that's probably because I prefer wholistic over holistic.

There's debate on how it should be spelled. Depending on who you ask, wholistic is just an alternative spelling to holistic so they're interchangeable or the two have entirely different meanings where wholistic refers to the whole mind, body and spirit, while holistic is connected to holism, which focuses on the total entity and the interdependence of the parts of this totality. The choice is yours! ;)

For the dream log, I think wholistic as a whole mind, body and spirit fits in nicely with the view of not missing the forest for the trees like the second example of holism sort of evokes for me. It's far too easy to get hyper-focused on the finer details, while missing the whole of something. I guess you can say, wholistic provides me less distraction. :mrgreen:

I never heard Wholistic before! But that's why I'm sad to see you go... Your log is both illuminating and brilliant! And it also lightens up my day. ;P

So what was the meaning of your dream? Please enlighten me :)


Jul 8, 2014
narouz said:
Yeah, your temps seemed pretty good.
But the TSH was somewhat high.
And...didn't you say your period was more normalized
during the time you were taking the NDT?
No breakthrough bleeding?
Maybe I got my wires crossed,
but if that's the case
it would seem pretty significant to me--
because it points toward hormone regulation.

Hmmm...the microscopic TSH...hard to figure...
well, maybe you were, at least at that time, a bit hyperthyroid...?

With your iron numbers...
would make one think you're possibly low on iron?
This is the opposite of me.
But too much iron or too little iron can both cause palpitations.

Hang in there my friend. :)
Yeah, the NDT seemed to lengthen the days between breakthrough bleeding. Interestingly, so did the Minocycline.

My low iron numbers are most likely the result of the months I was on the Minocycline. Like Doxycycline, it's a very powerful iron chelator. Add to that, the iron chelating citric acid from my OJ and using iron chelating uncouplers like aspirin and caffeine (coffee), I'm not surprised my iron is now low. Methylene Blue is also an iron chelator. Maybe that's another reason it helped you?

I don't care for red meat or liver so I naturally don't get a lot of iron rich foods. However, even when my iron numbers were in a normal range, I still got the heart palps from NDT. In fairness, they would eventually go away if I was on it long enough, which again, leads me to believe I'm an adrenaline junky. The anxiety never let up, though so I prefer to not go back on it and just let my body sort itself out for once.

And thanks, narouz! I think I'm finally working my way up that rope and onto solid ground. :)


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
I never heard Wholistic before! But that's why I'm sad to see you go... Your log is both illuminating and brilliant! And it also lightens up my day. ;P

So what was the meaning of your dream? Please enlighten me :)
WOW! Thank you, Kitty! I'm convinced I'm wired wrong, but I'm happy to know these often random logs lighten up your day. :)

As you've witnessed, I'm lousy at explaining things, but let's see if this helps...

As a little girl, I wasn't much into movies about fairytale princesses. My favorite movie was about a girl finding her way home and she did it in style wearing a pair of ruby encrusted pumps and singing songs. The Wizard of Oz has one of the most empowering and wisest messages I can think of. The characters looked to the wizard to give them something that they hadn't realized they already possessed within themselves. Or for the science minded folk, it's like a gene. You've always had it in you, it was just waiting to be expressed. :P

So here I've been searching for answers outside myself. I looked to books, health authorities and science, but all I really needed to do was look within. I needed to put my faith in me. It was never science that got me up those mountains or pulled me from death's door. That was all me. So now, if I'm ever going to cure the osteo, meet the love and hiking partner of my life, build a treehouse in the mountains overlooking a lake, I have to walk my talk and stop trying to be something I'm not...a science experiment!

I used to think it would be great if we were all be born with a basic owner's manual. A one size fits all guide to taking care of our "organism." I no longer believe that. I'm glad this world affords us the opportunity to create ourselves how we see fit.

Did that make sense, my Kit-Kat?

Tonight's song...


Sep 17, 2014
Yes, my cinnamon bunny! :)

I am also quite crappy at explaining myself, and yet I have the audacity to call myself a writer.
I think we just need to unveil the curtain (;P) and show each other the women behind the words! Maybe then we'll finally understand one another perfectly.

I'd be happy to be a part of the wonderful journey you described, so please save me a spot up at that treehouse.



Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
Yes, my cinnamon bunny! :)

I am also quite crappy at explaining myself, and yet I have the audacity to call myself a writer.
I think we just need to unveil the curtain (;P) and show each other the women behind the words! Maybe then we'll finally understand one another perfectly.

I'd be happy to be a part of the wonderful journey you described, so please save me a spot up at that treehouse.

In fairness, words over the internet don't always translate well. Plus, I'm much easier to understand when my words are accompanied by my highly expressive French hands. I think if you were to tie my hands behind my back, I'd be unable to speak. Hehe!

Hey, how are you with heights? I have a nest guesthouse with your name on it. :P


  • image.jpg
    119.9 KB · Views: 518


Sep 17, 2014
Haha, that looks awesome!

Ask J, he's convinced I'm not afraid of anything.

My favourite way of sleeping was on the top bunk in a passenger train, so that rickety looking basket seems like a good recreation of that. ;D

By the way, is that a really obese cat in there in the picture? How appropriate ;D


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
By the way, is that a really obese cat in there in the picture? How appropriate ;D
Hehe! I thought about Pocket when I picked that photo. Suki was a plump cat, too. I liked her that way. She was a beautiful black and white American Shorthair with pale green eyes. When we whistled, she'd roll over. She was my circus kitty. :) Anyhow, I loved rubbing her belly when she'd roll over. Her hair was like rabbit fur.

Okay, my Ally McBeal, I think I'm going to give chicken bone broth a try using the recipe you gave me and cut out the milk and juice for a week or two. I can't take the on/off diarrhea and rashing anymore. I'm at the point I don't even want to eat. I have absolutely no appetite for anything so I figure now is the time to consume the broth since cravings shouldn't be an issue. This is the only thing in regards to diet that I haven't tried yet. I'll probably include sugar in some of the broth just to keep my carbs up.


Sep 17, 2014
Great idea dollface.

I wish I had good news on my side but like you the diarrhea, ***t skin, fog, crankiness are on/off.
Thinking of dropping fruit juice next week...

Hope the GAPs would be the start of a better digestive system for you! The author is Russian and includes many Russian recipes so you'll soon be able to cook me some ancestrally relevant foods. ;D
Get cooking, woman! ;D


Jul 8, 2014
Hehe! Don't you worry, Sugar Mommy! Your Fancy Tickler knows her way around a kitchen and will be whipping up some Russian delicacies for you in no time. ;P

On a serious note, I saw Dr. O today because the diarrhea was getting so bad. I've already dropped a couple pounds. Not Good! I'm writing up a log on what happened, but it looks like dairy is a no go, for good! I kept thinking it was the bacterial infection that was the source of my dairy allergy, but I now suspect it's the dairy that caused the overgrowth. The one thing that I kept pondering is why I could digest meat fine if my gut was supposedly damaged to the point of not being able to digest dairy. It's only when consuming dairy that I get the burning gut and this dang rash and scabs. It's been destroying my skin. Anyhow, I'll explain in my log.


Jul 22, 2012
Jennifer said:
Methylene Blue is also an iron chelator. Maybe that's another reason it helped you?

Thanks, Pumpkin Pie Juice!
(please forgive my novice attempts to blend into this greeting format of the Jennifer thread :oops: )

You know, Jennifer, I don't think I knew that about MB!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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