Leaky Gut n Brain/Candida/Digestion issues with all Supplements & most foods


Oct 8, 2021
Hi all, Male in his early 20’s here. Been lurking and viewing over the past years, but finally decided to make an account to talk about an issue I feel not only myself, but others in this community have battled with or are currently facing. Backstory - Huge athlete over the past years and underwent a lot of stress. Trying to get back into being more active but my symptoms and recovery time from when I do workout are making it really hard. Over the past years, I have been running out of foods to eat, same goes with supplements....that don’t cause acne, brain fog/headaches, congestion, bloating, psoriasis/dandruff, constipation, and biggest being joint pain/arthritis. Since having a really bad case of "Covid" last year, it seems my internal system aged 10 years in time, and constant headaches from protein of any sorts. Reg docs I went to just say it’s fine and bloodwork is all normal. Gastro did an endoscopy and saw everything was fine. The foods I react to are any grains/legumes, green veggies (cruciferous) and dairy and eggs (even pasture raised), and all meat.....yup, all meat, even grass fed n finished.....same with seafood. I cut out protein....headaches go away, psoriasis goes away in 1-2 days.....only downside...probably longer recovery time from when I am active.

I’ve heard of so many people going down the path of getting to the root of problem, but I honestly dished thousands over the years to supplements, probiotics, ox bile, enzymes, antimicrobials, naturopaths, etc. Countless Supplements, tried them, individually, and synergistically, make me feel terrible, even low doses, especially probiotics (tried SBO’s and refrigerated ones) gives me joint pain and flares up my dandruff/psoriasis. I can surprisingly handle potatoes with ease, along with olive oil, even some macadamia nuts, and seedless fruits (low fodmap), and some herbs.....but protein of any sort turns me into a migraine and psoriasis machine. Makes me wonder if I really have candida? Saturated fat from meat or coconut oil makes me feel awful....monounsaturated fat from Olive/avocado oil does little to no harm it seems.

Usually the first sign of when I eat grains/beans/dairy is debilitating stiff pain in my wrists and other joints...and then the puffy look in face/body as if I gained like 5-10 pounds overnight next day. Brain fog. Even hair loss/hair thinning/scalp itching starts to occur, especially with Dairy....acne and cysts galore. Seems I am am hormonally sensitive too. Definitely learned the hard way that when one has an autoimmune condition, not all calories, whether it be from carbs, fats, or proteins.... are the same when digested. It’s just really frustrating at times that I used to be able to eat most foods fine growing up, but I know the damage I probably did to my body from over supplementing and being a high-stress athlete. What’s keeping me going is the pain free side of this elimination diet, and mental clarity I get. keeps me somewhat grounded, but at times, I just recall and wish. Lol, this diet unironically is very similar to the diet the "Vegetable Police" is on (channel on YouTube)....potato as starch, some veg and fruit.....only thing he is missing is oil.

If anyone knows of any good tips, advice, or is going through something similar, I created this thread for awareness, so feel free to share! As I stated in another thread, I have found peace of mind dropping all supplements, and peace from most of my symptoms by staying true to the elimination diet that works for me. Every now and then, when I feel optimistic, I get back into researching and asking, and if something seems promising or the dots align, I might give it a shot. Learned that Life's precious, do and eat what works for you, stay hopeful, and tread on with gratefulness.


Jun 8, 2021
Hi mate, just want to say try and hold on to those moments of optimism. It's looks like you're still in the thick of it but also that you have come along way narrowing down what does and doest work for you. It's all part of the journey.

Sounds like it could be a combination of sibo/sifo and stress/metabolism causing your trouble. I say that because your story sounds a lot like mine and I've found these to be the root causes for me. Have you tracked temps and pulse?

Probably best to keep away grains/legumes and cruciferous veg. Hold off dairy for a bit then try some hard goats cheese when the times right. It's great you can handle the potato/olive oil and seedless fruit. Could try adding some really well cooked root veg as you tolerate the potatoes so they might work for you. The meat trouble could potentially be low stomach acid. I've found that no amount of ox bile or digestive enzymes help when acid is low. Try apple cider vinegar with some white fish to start. Issue with refined coconut oil could be die off but if its regular coconut oil it could be allergies.

Keeping supplements to a minimum has been helpful to me too. It's a stress in itself trying to juggle them and figure out what's helping and or hindering. Back to basics is better for the body and the mind.

I think keeping things simple and sticking with what's working for you, getting around the difficulty with meat and keeping stress physical/phycological as low as possible could all help take you in the right direction. Keep at it mate

A couple of other things I've found helpful are raw honey and a soup made from well cooked mushrooms and the water from boiled spinach. I make a big batch and portions it into 7 for a week's worth.
Last edited:


Sep 16, 2021
U say naturopaths. Have you seen somebody that only focuses on dealing with the gut?
Have you done any gut test?:

For SIBO: SIBO lactulose breath test

Microbiome and gut inflammations markers:
- Genova GI Effects Comprehensive Profile or Comprehensive Stool Analysis w/ Parasitology or Diagnostic Solutions GI-MAP


Oct 8, 2021
Hi mate, just want to say try and hold on to those moments of optimism. It's looks like you're still in the thick of it but also that you have come along way narrowing down what does and doest work for you. It's all part of the journey.

Sounds like it could be a combination of sibo/sifo and stress/metabolism causing your trouble. I say that because your story sounds a lot like mine and I've found these to be the root causes for me. Have you tracked temps and pulse?

Probably best to keep away grains/legumes and cruciferous veg. Hold off dairy for a bit then try some hard goats cheese when the times right. It's great you can handle the potato/olive oil and seedless fruit. Could try adding some really well cooked root veg as you tolerate the potatoes so they might work for you. The meat trouble could potentially be low stomach acid. I've found that no amount of ox bile or digestive enzymes help when acid is low. Try apple cider vinegar with some white fish to start. Issue with refined coconut oil could be die off but if its regular coconut oil it could be allergies.

Keeping supplements to a minimum has been helpful to me too. It's a stress in itself trying to juggle them and figure out what's helping and or hindering. Back to basics is better for the body and the mind.

I think keeping things simple and sticking with what's working for you, getting around the difficulty with meat and keeping stress physical/phycological as low as possible could all help take you in the right direction. Keep at it mate

A couple of other things I've found helpful are raw honey and a soup made from well cooked mushrooms and the water from boiled spinach. I make a big batch and portions it into 7 for a week's worth.
Thanks for the reply, relatability, and uplifting words Conrad, Trying to take care of myself, while taking care of ill family members is a challenge, especially trying to convince them to see the positives in an elimination diet, the truth behind how our foods gets to our plates and its antinutrient contents...... instead of them reverting to pharm drugs...but as you said, its all part of the humble journey called life.

I definitely think a lot of my symptoms might be related to sibo/sifo/candida, especially since psoriasis/dandruff is so heavily involved, along with random bouts of bad breath. Temps/pulses are usually fine if I stick to foods that work for me...starch warms me up. I tried eating the majority of my carbs from fruits, juices, raisins, dried fruits....but then my teeth would start becoming loose and increased sensitivity from the sugar/fructose would make it hurt. I find adding more starch (potatoes) than fruit really strengthens my teeth/bones/joints. I tried all types of calcium supplements but they all give me headaches/brain fog....carbonate constipating me....and I literally feel brain dead after even 200-300mg of supplemental calcium.....even when paired with all types of magnesium (same reaction from magnesium).....K2 (MK7/MK4 tried both = heart palpitations, joint pain stuff), Vitamin D3 (sheds my skin like crazy and causes huge psoriasis flare-ups). I never thought about making soup from mushrooms/spinach.....I think I will incorporate that, but perhaps with kale, for the increased calcium/vitamin k content. Used to eat a lot of sweet potatoes/yams, but unfortunately the beta carotene/excessive vitamin a caused a bunch of issues for me. Developed increased joint pain, orange/yellow calluses on hands, and blurry vision......reduced my beta carotene/vitamin a intake last year, and have seen improvements in vitamin a detoxing I guess. For a year or 2 in high school, I was also taking a multivitamin with iron and an excessive amount of vitamin a, which I am sure also contributed to previous damage. Also Ate crazy amounts of canned tuna smh. Its like one ends up over supplementing without knowing, until ***t hits the fan.....and then individually over supplementing to see what the heck works or was causing the issue.

I dropped dairy/eggs/yogurt over 4 years ago, and saw an immediate improvement in my acne/cysts. Never went back. Dropped grains/beans 2 years ago and saw an even greater improvement in curing my arthritis, never went back. Afterwards, diet was primarily lean meats (non-red meat) and lean fish, spinach, potatoes, fruits, root veggies....but then got Covid last March and that's when the protein malabsorption started happening. I tried Betaine HCL....caused an insane amount of stomach burning, so stopped it. Shortly after that, I had the endoscopy, where the gastro stated I had some gastritis and an obstructed/abnormal z-line...which I am sure both was caused by my Betaine HCL experiment. I tried apple cider vinegar but feel awful afterwards and similar burning.....I think I also tried apple cider vinegar tablets for easier swallowing, but had similar reactions......both Betaine HCL and APC flared up my psoriasis and brain fog. I might re-attempt the apple cider vinegar tablets with white fish, as b vitamins....individually or in a complex do more harm than good for me.

I was also wondering if this could be a liver/kidney or other organ issue and if I should even attempt to see a specialist in that department. When I went for blood work a few months ago, doc said all looks good based off the markers, but ehh, who knows. Like you, Tried enzymes....and pancreatin and didn't do jack anything but bloat me up. Used to be a strong and muscular sprinter, but now I try not to think I am withering away without protein. I do know that we all have candida, but its all about the balance and whether or not it is in its toxic form so to say. An acidic environment does help it not thrive from what I have come across, so I might retry some acidic protocols again. I have never had coconut oil in my life until I started digging into peat's work. Tried extra virgin unrefined coconut oil, and had really bad reactions, so I steer away from it......same with saturated fat. I can literally feel my blood flow slowing down after consuming saturated fats, at at times, monounsaturated fats too if i go overboard with it. Tried glutamine for leaky gut, but its really messes with my anxiety, super excitatory, and brain dead even after a few grams. My friend told me about this ayurvedic herbalist in a city over who helped him out with bacteria overgrowth, so I might see where that leads me as perhaps the herbs/antifungals/oils I did try were just not applicable to my situation. I looked at pics online of how candida/mucus/fungus looks like in stools, and my stools look very similar, so hopefully if I can also lower the bacteria/fungal overgrowth from the intestines/organs.....my body can start somewhat of a healing process.


Oct 8, 2021
U say naturopaths. Have you seen somebody that only focuses on dealing with the gut?
Have you done any gut test?:

For SIBO: SIBO lactulose breath test

Microbiome and gut inflammations markers:
- Genova GI Effects Comprehensive Profile or Comprehensive Stool Analysis w/ Parasitology or Diagnostic Solutions GI-MAP
Did some sort of sibo breathe test 2 years ago, as well as a stool test....breathe test came back negative....stool test just helped the naturopath I was working with give me certain strains of probiotics, which just made me worse/bloated and fatigued. She also gave me some oregano oil and other antifungals that I took for weeks but no improvement. Was losing out on money on stopped going there. Might try to contact some functional medicine doctors in neighboring states and ask if they offer the Genova GI Effects Comprehensive Profile or Comprehensive Stool Analysis w/ Parasitology or Diagnostic Solutions GI-MAP.....is that something I can do myself? Might even be try to do another SIBO test while I'm at it


Sep 16, 2021
Remember with the sibo breath should test for methane and hydrogen or you can get false positive. Your naturopath or functional doctor should have a long term plan for you with exact dieting + probiotics and antifungals. With retesting. This could last for 3-6-12 months. The top choice would be Genova GI, secondly Comprehensive Stool Analysis for the current state of your gut. Find one who deals with at least one of the tests. Who can set a long term plan with you. You seem to be all over with whatever you have going on with your health. My advice is to find the right functional naturopath/doctor. Good luck!


Mar 22, 2019
Did some sort of sibo breathe test 2 years ago, as well as a stool test....breathe test came back negative....stool test just helped the naturopath I was working with give me certain strains of probiotics, which just made me worse/bloated and fatigued. She also gave me some oregano oil and other antifungals that I took for weeks but no improvement. Was losing out on money on stopped going there. Might try to contact some functional medicine doctors in neighboring states and ask if they offer the Genova GI Effects Comprehensive Profile or Comprehensive Stool Analysis w/ Parasitology or Diagnostic Solutions GI-MAP.....is that something I can do myself? Might even be try to do another SIBO test while I'm at it
how does your poop look like? are there fungal strings in it, do you have a coated tongue? i had bad candida problems, coated tongue, dandruff and flowers of sulfur (i had an ruptured appendix with 15 and got i.v antibiotics for 2 weeks, never been the same after that) and it was the best thing i did. The dieting never really helped.

3 days flowers of sulfur and a quarter tablet of doxycycline (30 mg ~). Before i went to bed i took activated charcoal, supplemented k2 at the time and that is what brought me out of my digestive problems.
Taking walks is also something that is very overlooked but can help with digestion. It helps with the secretion of gastric juices.
If someone would hold a gun to my head i would say you have ammonia related issues, could be a parasitic infection like giardia, or misbehaving bacteria.

I dont think the demonization of pharmaceuticals is good, using them in the wrong context is harmful. For me they were helpful.


Feb 3, 2020
Softgel oregano-oil (2 capsules 3 times a day ; I used a product that had 100mg of oregano oil and 400mg of olive oil in each capsule) is very good for clearing both disruptive bacteria and fungi in my experience.
Ginger oil and peppermint oil softgels are also very good.
I had SIBO in the past too. Still have multiple food sensitivities due to IBS, but at least SIBO cleared and the symptoms of it. (bloating, upper stomach pain, intese fatigue, intense brain fog, palpitations, anxiety and so on)

Activated charcoal always helped me when something irritated my GI tract. I used around 10-15g dissolved in carbonated water before sleep, when that happened.


Oct 8, 2021
Remember with the sibo breath should test for methane and hydrogen or you can get false positive. Your naturopath or functional doctor should have a long term plan for you with exact dieting + probiotics and antifungals. With retesting. This could last for 3-6-12 months. The top choice would be Genova GI, secondly Comprehensive Stool Analysis for the current state of your gut. Find one who deals with at least one of the tests. Who can set a long term plan with you. You seem to be all over with whatever you have going on with your health. My advice is to find the right functional naturopath/doctor. Good luck!
Yeah at the time, my naturopath visit was really expensive and short lived due to me paying an arm and a leg every follow up. Found better results dropping that naturopath and going back to experimenting myself, but Plan to call and look around and see if I can find something reasonable and more in-line with the tests you mentioned. Do you know of any functional medicine docs in the US or Canada that are pretty good, offer remote/teleservice?


Oct 8, 2021
Softgel oregano-oil (2 capsules 3 times a day ; I used a product that had 100mg of oregano oil and 400mg of olive oil in each capsule) is very good for clearing both disruptive bacteria and fungi in my experience.
Ginger oil and peppermint oil softgels are also very good.
I had SIBO in the past too. Still have multiple food sensitivities due to IBS, but at least SIBO cleared and the symptoms of it. (bloating, upper stomach pain, intese fatigue, intense brain fog, palpitations, anxiety and so on)

Activated charcoal always helped me when something irritated my GI tract. I used around 10-15g dissolved in carbonated water before sleep, when that happened.
I remember taking oregano oil for weeks, at a dose similar to yours, if not, a bit higher (North American Herb & Spice Oregano Oil P73)....to no avail unfortunately. Just made me super lethargic and foggy. What was the product you used? As far as activated charcoal....when I tried it a year ago, just caused motility issues and constipation....if I still have it, might try a lower dosage.


Jun 8, 2021
Thanks for the reply, relatability, and uplifting words Conrad, Trying to take care of myself, while taking care of ill family members is a challenge, especially trying to convince them to see the positives in an elimination diet, the truth behind how our foods gets to our plates and its antinutrient contents...... instead of them reverting to pharm drugs...but as you said, its all part of the humble journey called life.

I definitely think a lot of my symptoms might be related to sibo/sifo/candida, especially since psoriasis/dandruff is so heavily involved, along with random bouts of bad breath. Temps/pulses are usually fine if I stick to foods that work for me...starch warms me up. I tried eating the majority of my carbs from fruits, juices, raisins, dried fruits....but then my teeth would start becoming loose and increased sensitivity from the sugar/fructose would make it hurt. I find adding more starch (potatoes) than fruit really strengthens my teeth/bones/joints. I tried all types of calcium supplements but they all give me headaches/brain fog....carbonate constipating me....and I literally feel brain dead after even 200-300mg of supplemental calcium.....even when paired with all types of magnesium (same reaction from magnesium).....K2 (MK7/MK4 tried both = heart palpitations, joint pain stuff), Vitamin D3 (sheds my skin like crazy and causes huge psoriasis flare-ups). I never thought about making soup from mushrooms/spinach.....I think I will incorporate that, but perhaps with kale, for the increased calcium/vitamin k content. Used to eat a lot of sweet potatoes/yams, but unfortunately the beta carotene/excessive vitamin a caused a bunch of issues for me. Developed increased joint pain, orange/yellow calluses on hands, and blurry vision......reduced my beta carotene/vitamin a intake last year, and have seen improvements in vitamin a detoxing I guess. For a year or 2 in high school, I was also taking a multivitamin with iron and an excessive amount of vitamin a, which I am sure also contributed to previous damage. Also Ate crazy amounts of canned tuna smh. Its like one ends up over supplementing without knowing, until ***t hits the fan.....and then individually over supplementing to see what the heck works or was causing the issue.

I dropped dairy/eggs/yogurt over 4 years ago, and saw an immediate improvement in my acne/cysts. Never went back. Dropped grains/beans 2 years ago and saw an even greater improvement in curing my arthritis, never went back. Afterwards, diet was primarily lean meats (non-red meat) and lean fish, spinach, potatoes, fruits, root veggies....but then got Covid last March and that's when the protein malabsorption started happening. I tried Betaine HCL....caused an insane amount of stomach burning, so stopped it. Shortly after that, I had the endoscopy, where the gastro stated I had some gastritis and an obstructed/abnormal z-line...which I am sure both was caused by my Betaine HCL experiment. I tried apple cider vinegar but feel awful afterwards and similar burning.....I think I also tried apple cider vinegar tablets for easier swallowing, but had similar reactions......both Betaine HCL and APC flared up my psoriasis and brain fog. I might re-attempt the apple cider vinegar tablets with white fish, as b vitamins....individually or in a complex do more harm than good for me.

I was also wondering if this could be a liver/kidney or other organ issue and if I should even attempt to see a specialist in that department. When I went for blood work a few months ago, doc said all looks good based off the markers, but ehh, who knows. Like you, Tried enzymes....and pancreatin and didn't do jack anything but bloat me up. Used to be a strong and muscular sprinter, but now I try not to think I am withering away without protein. I do know that we all have candida, but its all about the balance and whether or not it is in its toxic form so to say. An acidic environment does help it not thrive from what I have come across, so I might retry some acidic protocols again. I have never had coconut oil in my life until I started digging into peat's work. Tried extra virgin unrefined coconut oil, and had really bad reactions, so I steer away from it......same with saturated fat. I can literally feel my blood flow slowing down after consuming saturated fats, at at times, monounsaturated fats too if i go overboard with it. Tried glutamine for leaky gut, but its really messes with my anxiety, super excitatory, and brain dead even after a few grams. My friend told me about this ayurvedic herbalist in a city over who helped him out with bacteria overgrowth, so I might see where that leads me as perhaps the herbs/antifungals/oils I did try were just not applicable to my situation. I looked at pics online of how candida/mucus/fungus looks like in stools, and my stools look very similar, so hopefully if I can also lower the bacteria/fungal overgrowth from the intestines/organs.....my body can start somewhat of a healing process.
I hear that mate, try not to worry about explaining things to people if you can. It'd be nice to be able to discuss with family but I find its easier to save the energy for the most part.

The gut sounds like the best place to focus. Keeping irritation to a minimum and working slowly at reducing bacteria and fungus. The mushroom soup should help with that in a gentle way over time. Think peats mentioned the protein in them is good. Using the kale to make the soup will provide some calcium too. Supplementing it didn't worked for me either. I think improving the gut will help to unburden the liver which will also help digestion.

When I started betaine HCl I couldn't handle more than half cap at a time and felt like I must have had sufficient stomach acid but read that if your gut lining is damaged you can experience paradoxical reactions when starting out. After a while building slowly I was taking quite a lot. It helped but was ultimately a bandaid in my case and working on metabolism has improved my own acid production. I use acv now with meals. Might be a better way to go than betaine. Starting low and slow.

Might be worth try refined coconut oil to see if it works for you. I react badly to virgin but refined is all good.

All probiotics made things worse for me expect for sporebiotics. Had to start really small (half cap megasporebiotic) and really slowly work up. Things were a bit rough to begin with but as I adjusted I could feel subtle physical and physiological improvements. You can slow things down more by taking only a few times a week before building up. They have an antibiotic effect, reducing bad bacteria and can help control candida overgrowth and work towards improving digestion.

As mentioned above conservative doses of some pharmaceuticals can be useful tools to help get the ball rolling if needed, with diet and lifestyle being the place to start and the foundation long term.


Oct 8, 2021
how does your poop look like? are there fungal strings in it, do you have a coated tongue? i had bad candida problems, coated tongue, dandruff and flowers of sulfur (i had an ruptured appendix with 15 and got i.v antibiotics for 2 weeks, never been the same after that) and it was the best thing i did. The dieting never really helped.

3 days flowers of sulfur and a quarter tablet of doxycycline (30 mg ~). Before i went to bed i took activated charcoal, supplemented k2 at the time and that is what brought me out of my digestive problems.
Taking walks is also something that is very overlooked but can help with digestion. It helps with the secretion of gastric juices.
If someone would hold a gun to my head i would say you have ammonia related issues, could be a parasitic infection like giardia, or misbehaving bacteria.

I dont think the demonization of pharmaceuticals is good, using them in the wrong context is harmful. For me they were helpful.
Looks like strips at times, with mucus it seems...sometimes not formed either. At times, I do have a coated tongue, other times i dont. Is one supposed to check for coated tongue upon waking up...or a few hours after brushing? Where did you end up buying flowers of sulfur? An dhow did you go about getting someone to prescribe you doxycycline?

I definitely agree with you that I have probably tons of ammonia, especially form eating an insane amount of protein when I was at my peak athletic performance a few years back. I never donated blood......but have thought about it as I did unknowingly take a multi with iron in it for some years of high school....and then had binge eating episodes of just red meat for days at a time.


Oct 8, 2021
I hear that mate, try not to worry about explaining things to people if you can. It'd be nice to be able to discuss with family but I find its easier to save the energy for the most part.

The gut sounds like the best place to focus. Keeping irritation to a minimum and working slowly at reducing bacteria and fungus. The mushroom soup should help with that in a gentle way over time. Think peats mentioned the protein in them is good. Using the kale to make the soup will provide some calcium too. Supplementing it didn't worked for me either. I think improving the gut will help to unburden the liver which will also help digestion.

When I started betaine HCl I couldn't handle more than half cap at a time and felt like I must have had sufficient stomach acid but read that if your gut lining is damaged you can experience paradoxical reactions when starting out. After a while building slowly I was taking quite a lot. It helped but was ultimately a bandaid in my case and working on metabolism has improved my own acid production. I use acv now with meals. Might be a better way to go than betaine. Starting low and slow.

Might be worth try refined coconut oil to see if it works for you. I react badly to virgin but refined is all good.

All probiotics made things worse for me expect for sporebiotics. Had to start really small (half cap megasporebiotic) and really slowly work up. Things were a bit rough to begin with but as I adjusted I could feel subtle physical and physiological improvements. You can slow things down more by taking only a few times a week before building up. They have an antibiotic effect, reducing bad bacteria and can help control candida overgrowth and work towards improving digestion.

As mentioned above conservative doses of some pharmaceuticals can be useful tools to help get the ball rolling if needed, with diet and lifestyle being the place to start and the foundation long term.
Appreciate it. Yeah, Its only so much one can say or do when it comes to family......sooner or later stuff starts to click, in due time.

Will def try out the mushroom soup. I do recall the last time i had some stir fried mushroom, I had mushroom poisoning/stomach pain. Maybe the soup is a bit different in that the boiling rid of the antinutrients. When you make the soup, I know you said you make it with spinach, and then discard the spinach......but do you discard the mushrooms also and just drink the liquid? Or keep the mushrooms?

You are right about Betaine HCL....perhaps it irritated the already damaged lining. Fascinating how the thyroid and gut are connected, even the vagus nerve. Plan to experiment with some ACV n test out my luck by taking a bit before a protein meal.

The naturopath I was working with actually gave me megasporebiotc to try for a few weeks. Unfortunately, as I was tapering up, I started losing hair, thinning hair, joint pain increased, and same with psoriasis. Stopped after 3 weeks. I came across this article about the ill effects of spore based probiotics, as well as megaspore, with quite a bit of scientific literature and many people commenting about similar experiences to mine -

I am trying my best not to go down the pharmaceutical route, but if it comes down to it, and sounds promising, will give it a go. Hopefully can get something positive and official with some testing done with a qualified functional medicine doc or herbalist


Jun 8, 2021
Appreciate it. Yeah, Its only so much one can say or do when it comes to family......sooner or later stuff starts to click, in due time.

Will def try out the mushroom soup. I do recall the last time i had some stir fried mushroom, I had mushroom poisoning/stomach pain. Maybe the soup is a bit different in that the boiling rid of the antinutrients. When you make the soup, I know you said you make it with spinach, and then discard the spinach......but do you discard the mushrooms also and just drink the liquid? Or keep the mushrooms?

You are right about Betaine HCL....perhaps it irritated the already damaged lining. Fascinating how the thyroid and gut are connected, even the vagus nerve. Plan to experiment with some ACV n test out my luck by taking a bit before a protein meal.

The naturopath I was working with actually gave me megasporebiotc to try for a few weeks. Unfortunately, as I was tapering up, I started losing hair, thinning hair, joint pain increased, and same with psoriasis. Stopped after 3 weeks. I came across this article about the ill effects of spore based probiotics, as well as megaspore, with quite a bit of scientific literature and many people commenting about similar experiences to mine -

I am trying my best not to go down the pharmaceutical route, but if it comes down to it, and sounds promising, will give it a go. Hopefully can get something positive and official with some testing done with a qualified functional medicine doc or herbalist
I use a pressure cooker to cook the mushrooms on high pressure for 1 hour 30. Then discard the water and wash the mushrooms. Then pressure cook the spinach/kale in about one litre of water for 2 minutes and discard the leaves and blend the mushrooms up on the green broth to make the soup ? stomach pain from mushrooms could be die off. I think if there is overgrowth, particularly if it's quite bad, anything that will kill bacteria and potentially improve gut health, will probably cause some discomfort to begin whilst you adjust. I've found the soup much better for me than chopped mushrooms for now. I use 100g cooked mushrooms per serving of soup which i make up to about 400ml with the broth but you could start with less mushrooms.

Sorry to hear they didn't work for you. Definitely better to drop something if it's not working for you. Would be good read the article if you remember where you saw it?


Jun 8, 2021
Spotted the article ? can't edit post for some reason. Be good to hear how you're getting on mate.


Mar 22, 2019
Looks like strips at times, with mucus it seems...sometimes not formed either. At times, I do have a coated tongue, other times i dont. Is one supposed to check for coated tongue upon waking up...or a few hours after brushing? Where did you end up buying flowers of sulfur? An dhow did you go about getting someone to prescribe you doxycycline?

I definitely agree with you that I have probably tons of ammonia, especially form eating an insane amount of protein when I was at my peak athletic performance a few years back. I never donated blood......but have thought about it as I did unknowingly take a multi with iron in it for some years of high school....and then had binge eating episodes of just red meat for days at a time.
told my doc i want it as travel remedy, planning to go abroad, then he gave me a private recipe which i had to cover (doxycycline). I just took normal flowers of sulphur in high grade purity, nothing special. there is a thread with a discussion about which form is best.
Glyphosate can also disturb sulfur related things, i feel like it had a positive systemic effect on me.


Oct 8, 2021
I use a pressure cooker to cook the mushrooms on high pressure for 1 hour 30. Then discard the water and wash the mushrooms. Then pressure cook the spinach/kale in about one litre of water for 2 minutes and discard the leaves and blend the mushrooms up on the green broth to make the soup ? stomach pain from mushrooms could be die off. I think if there is overgrowth, particularly if it's quite bad, anything that will kill bacteria and potentially improve gut health, will probably cause some discomfort to begin whilst you adjust. I've found the soup much better for me than chopped mushrooms for now. I use 100g cooked mushrooms per serving of soup which i make up to about 400ml with the broth but you could start with less mushrooms.

Sorry to hear they didn't work for you. Definitely better to drop something if it's not working for you. Would be good read the article if you remember where you saw it?
Wow, thats so cool, thanks so much for the recipe :) Going to invest in a pressure cooker, but in the meantime, might try with one of my slow cookers. I agree, maybe I am just at a point where anything that can kill the bad bacteria, bothers me, as I am sure when it is killed, it releases certain gasses and toxic elements which mess with me. It it just that I cannot afford to feel crappy for weeks due to working, supporting family, etc. Need to have some level headedness and clarity to function or else I end up risking my job, socializing, and providing care for my family. It's a rough and tough spot, but looking forward to managing it as best I can, hoping to find some alleviation. Also, will try out refined coconut oil.....might have the same reaction to it still its still saturated fat, but might not.

I did provide the link for the article....but it looks like since I am a new user....the article link did not go through in my reply. If you type in "fixyourgut megaspore" into Google, it is the first link that comes up. Within that article, it has links to other articles regarding how SBO's work for some and for others, create more problems than intended.



Oct 8, 2021
Spotted the article ? can't edit post for some reason. Be good to hear how you're getting on mate.
Sweet, no worries. I also came across some youtube videos where some naturpathic docs asked megaspore's kiran krishnan (I think CEO) about side effects users are facing, he stated it works for some, others it doesn't. Will definitely keep you and this thread posted on my progression.


Jun 8, 2021
Sweet, no worries. I also came across some youtube videos where some naturpathic docs asked megaspore's kiran krishnan (I think CEO) about side effects users are facing, he stated it works for some, others it doesn't. Will definitely keep you and this thread posted on my progression.

Wow, thats so cool, thanks so much for the recipe :) Going to invest in a pressure cooker, but in the meantime, might try with one of my slow cookers. I agree, maybe I am just at a point where anything that can kill the bad bacteria, bothers me, as I am sure when it is killed, it releases certain gasses and toxic elements which mess with me. It it just that I cannot afford to feel crappy for weeks due to working, supporting family, etc. Need to have some level headedness and clarity to function or else I end up risking my job, socializing, and providing care for my family. It's a rough and tough spot, but looking forward to managing it as best I can, hoping to find some alleviation. Also, will try out refined coconut oil.....might have the same reaction to it still its still saturated fat, but might not.

I did provide the link for the article....but it looks like since I am a new user....the article link did not go through in my reply. If you type in "fixyourgut megaspore" into Google, it is the first link that comes up. Within that article, it has links to other articles regarding how SBO's work for some and for others, create more problems than intended.

My pleasure. You could cook on the stove top but will take longer and have to monitor it. Would be about 3hours for the shrooms and maybe 10mins for the greens. I use a stick blender to mix one big batch then portion and freeze a bunch.

Thanks mate, yeah I've come across this article before but felt like he was using his articles on popular products to draw customers researching them in the direction of his coaching and book. I think even the safest of supplements can't work for everyone ?


Oct 8, 2021
My pleasure. You could cook on the stove top but will take longer and have to monitor it. Would be about 3hours for the shrooms and maybe 10mins for the greens. I use a stick blender to mix one big batch then portion and freeze a bunch.

Thanks mate, yeah I've come across this article before but felt like he was using his articles on popular products to draw customers researching them in the direction of his coaching and book. I think even the safest of supplements can't work for everyone ?
Oof, thats a long time....might just wait till the weekend hits so i can grab a pressure cooker and save time, till then will grab the ingredients. I think an instant pot should work unless you have other recommendations.

Agree, many folks have actually called him out for the exact reason you stated, and I dont blame them nor you. Perhaps he had a bad experience with it then went on a tangent lol. At then end of the day, all comes down to how unique everyone's body's are....not a one size fits all kind of thing. I am glad it worked for you : )
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