Lost vision for WHOLE MINUTE, almost fainted at club, WTF?


Jan 25, 2014
Re: Lost vision for WHOLE MINUTE, almost fainted at club, WT

I wouldn't blame the niacinamide. As already said keep indeed an eye on your blood sugar. I dare not to say that is was low blood sugar, because all the substances you use, and you used A LOT at once, do interfere with your brain function profoundly!

"niacinamide, pregnenolone, progest-E, a little cypro, tianeptine, half a tablet of lisuride, some low dose of belladonna berries,"

WOW.. or in your own words "WTF?". Medicine doesn't even know for sure what each of these single substances do, and you took them all together.

Care for your body. Upsetting your homeostasis by taking so many substances your body is forced to deal with, is not caring. Take it easy and trust your body. I know you can encounter a lot without so many drugs. If you doubt this than my advice is to go after the questions in yourself.


Nov 9, 2012
Re: Lost vision for WHOLE MINUTE, almost fainted at club, WT

Kenobi said:
He also recommends correcting symptoms with diet or by fixing gut issues, but yet I ate a strict RP diet for almost 4 years with no results, and I moved to the perfect climate, but I still need tianeptine for my symptoms. His recommendations may work for MOST people because they don't have specific abnormalities like I do. When I gave my mom the same dose of tianeptine I take, she felt nothing, but for me it allows me to experience more affect, concentrate, have motivation, etc. So, what, should I stick to only it and not try anything else? Should I take only small amounts because RP said so, even if higher amounts treat me even better? It may work for most, but not me.

It can take a while to experiment with diet. It took me 2.5yrs to get where I am, and still think I could do more on that level. Although I have used cyprohept, and small experiments with tianeptine and lisuride, I now only supplement pregnenolone. Over the last half year, I have found the effect of that and specific foods more powerful than the cyprohept that I was using for a while.


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Lost vision for WHOLE MINUTE, almost fainted at club, WT

Such_Saturation said:
Kenobi said:
Such_Saturation said:
Kenobi said:
Such_Saturation said:
Have you ever taken seven things at once in the past, and secondly have you ever done so before going to a club? Also, how long have you been at that elevation?
I've been at the elevation for like 7 weeks and got over brain fog issues in only a few weeks. And yes, for me taking supplements before a social gathering is common. Usually not lisuride, cypro, or niacinamide, but I thought when would be a better time than before a social gathering. The number of supplements doesn't matter, the type does, and what particularly happened.
Haagendazendiane said:
I know a girl that lost her vision temporarily when she was pregnant. She was having dinner at a restaurant when it happened. I thought in her case and possibly in yours that sugar is the problem. Maybe next time sip on OJ or coke all evening.
So you think niacinamide was the cause of my episode?

Yes the number of supplements increases the sheer number of variables you are not accounting for. In addition a high number creates an anxious state related to the "binging" act. A thought is that you combine cyproheptadine and atropine, both of which have antimuscarinic activity; lisuride (also should speed heart through vagal blocking) and cyproheptadine which can block serotonin; pregnenolone and tianeptine (also can diminish serotonin), both glutamate modulators. I'm not sure if the number of supplements affected your choice of the type of supplement but I am led to believe so because of what happened, assuming you didn't intend to ruin your evening. I think it's always better to try and avoid associating anxiety with a setting which is already fragile, since it always takes time to disassociate them from each other.

See, but if I don't take anything, I am anxious. RP recommended diet and fixing gut issues instead of supplements, but nothing works for my specific issue (ADHD-like lack of motivation and affect) other than tianeptine, and as I'm finding, Datura/Belladonna. And anxiety, only niacinamide and progest-E seem to make a difference. The two combos, lack of positive affect and excessive negative affect, are both strong risk factors for social anxiety, and I need to take supps because high altitude, sunlight, diet, etc don't do a thing.

Be careful that atropine increases heart rate and output but decreases stroke volume and blood pressure. Do also you get tics, obsessive actions or movements along with lack of positive affect and excessive negative affect?
Where did you read that? It's used to treat decreases in blood pressure. Parasympathetic shutdown = higher blood pressure


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Lost vision for WHOLE MINUTE, almost fainted at club, WT

Such_Saturation said:
Maybe I'll measure my parameters for the thread, like BP.
Nov 26, 2013
Re: Lost vision for WHOLE MINUTE, almost fainted at club, WT

Kenobi said:
Such_Saturation said:
Maybe I'll measure my parameters for the thread, like BP.

Why not! Anticholinergics seem to not go in a coherent reductionist direction. Ray Peat has said just as well that the sympathetic and parasympathetic classification makes quite little sense.


Nov 1, 2012
Re: Lost vision for WHOLE MINUTE, almost fainted at club, WT

Rayser said,
"....I had been convinced I'd had a stroke. Doctors thought it was a "panic attack" and told me I should go on the pill to be less "hysteric" but Ray Peat later sent me some studies on low blood sugar - which he finds more dangerous than high blood sugar.
He was the first person ever to tell me the liver couldn't work at all without a moderate level of blood sugar so the estrogen and other stress hormones pretty much accumulated.
Once he had a girl patient (I think I read the story here on the forum as well) who "burped ammonium". He fed her fried potato juice for a few days or weeks and she was fine after a short time. I have been eating the potato juice regularly, too.
I make sure that I always eat something before using any kind of pill because the liver will have to work with the drug and if there is no amount of blood sugar, it can't."

hypoglycemia symptoms

Shakiness, anxiety, nervousness
Palpitations, tachycardia
Sweating, feeling of warmth
Pallor, coldness, clamminess
Dilated pupils (mydriasis)
Feeling of numbness "pins and needles" (paresthesia)
Hunger, borborygmus
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort
Abnormal mentation, impaired judgment
Nonspecific dysphoria, moodiness, depression, crying, exaggerated concerns
Negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage
Personality change, emotional lability
Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep
Confusion, amnesia, lightheadedness or dizziness, delirium
Staring, "glassy" look, blurred vision, double vision
Flashes of light in the field of vision
Automatic behavior, also known as automatism
Difficulty speaking, slurred speech
Ataxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for "drunkenness"
Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
Paresthesia, headache
Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing
Generalized or focal seizures

Some of my son's anxiety/panic attacks were actually initiated by low blood sugar.

I have seen blood sugar issues in my daughter from over the counter medications. This was over 10 years ago. She has had extreme episodes with ibuprofen, excedrin, midol and caffeine. By extreme, I mean she was unable to walk, appeared higher than a kite, completely out of it, and passed out (this was after coffee). While in Europe, she was taken to the ER two times. One dx was dehydration and the second time, different country, they said it was mental. I am not sure whether she had taken something for pain in those instances or not. Later we figured out it was low blood sugar. Three different country's hospitals and also a walk-in clinic had no clue. Now I know hypothyroidism is the root cause and why that wasn't diagnosed.


Oct 3, 2014
I had yet another incident and found lisuride is the cause since I didn't take anything else. My blood sugar was 103, obviously fine. But I did find out why lisuride does that.

http://farmaciasdelnino.mx/eng/index/it ... 20mg-28tab

"In rare cases a special individual sensitivity , there have been sudden drops in blood pressure ( orthostatic reaching collapse) and violent vomiting . In these cases as intolerance reactions disproportionately harsher can be administered intramuscularly sulpiride (up to 100 mg ) .
These side effects usually did not require discontinuation of treatment and can be controlled by reducing the dose . During the treatment , the side effects generally longer occur , even at significantly higher doses."

This is EXACTLY what I experience when I take it. I have an already-serious problem with orthostatic hypotension, that just makes it worse. And I did feel like I was going to vomit too.

I gain little benefit from lisuride and this severe side effect so I will not even consider using it again. If anyone wants the rest of my lisuride (22 tablets), PM me.
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