Low cortisol


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
So there’s all this talk about when cortisol is too high in the damages it causes. But what about if someone’s total cortisol production is physiologically too low because I have several cases of this that I see. Does this change the Peat approach?
Oct 13, 2023
It's the exhaustion stage of Hans Selye's Generalized Adaptation Syndrome. The approach is the same, taking into account that the organism is more damaged than if cortisol were high. Restoring metabolism, lowering inflammation, and reducing over-excitation are still key interventions.


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
It's the exhaustion stage of Hans Selye's Generalized Adaptation Syndrome. The approach is the same, taking into account that the organism is more damaged than if cortisol were high. Restoring metabolism, lowering inflammation, and reducing over-excitation are still key interventions.
Yes I know what you mean…It’s a more chronic problem with cortisol. It’s just that many of the suggested things to do, lower cortisol so isn’t that going to present an issue? I understand that restoring metabolism and lowering inflammation, and lowering stress are important. Thank you for your reply.
Oct 13, 2023
Yes I know what you mean…It’s a more chronic problem with cortisol. It’s just that many of the suggested things to do, lower cortisol so isn’t that going to present an issue? I understand that restoring metabolism and lowering inflammation, and lowering stress are important. Thank you for your reply.
The lowered cortisol is, I think, due to hypothalamic/pituitary dysfunction where these areas no longer respond to the synaptic input from limbic neurons that process stress, a kind of last ditch attempt of the organism to avoid being destroyed by its own cortisol. Lowering total allostatic load (something that most peat-inspired interventions achieve), while acutely lowering cortisol even further, will allow the organism to become responsive to stress again. At the point when cortisol is low and flatlined, maximum supportive measures are needed, even if they temporarily decrease cortisol even further. The very low cortisol that can develop could be compensated by things like caffeine and aspirin.


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
The lowered cortisol is, I think, due to hypothalamic/pituitary dysfunction where these areas no longer respond to the synaptic input from limbic neurons that process stress, a kind of last ditch attempt of the organism to avoid being destroyed by its own cortisol. Lowering total allostatic load (something that most peat-inspired interventions achieve), while acutely lowering cortisol even further, will allow the organism to become responsive to stress again. At the point when cortisol is low and flatlined, maximum supportive measures are needed, even if they temporarily decrease cortisol even further. The very low cortisol that can develop could be compensated by things like caffeine and aspirin.
So would you prioritize interventions like caffeine and aspirin in addition to prioritizing lowering stress, increasing metabolism with all the dietary advice? Anything else specifically? Thanks again.
Oct 13, 2023
So would you prioritize interventions like caffeine and aspirin in addition to prioritizing lowering stress, increasing metabolism with all the dietary advice? Anything else specifically? Thanks again.
Yes. Low cortisol can lead to too much immune stimulation, here aspirin and vitamin D can help. It can also lead to some fatigue, and here is where caffeine helps. Because cortisol helps maintain blood sugar, it would be very important to keep it stable by frequent eating or snacking. Then I would consider the specific context of the person and add pro-metabolic interventions. Thyroid and progesterone are obvious candidates, but some people are reluctant to try them because they are hormones.

However, if everything fails (and I do mean everything), and cortisol remains sub-normal for a long time, i would have to consider supplementing some hydrocortisone to normalize levels. I know it's not peaty, but it's a last resort if nothing else works. The end goal is always the quality of life of the person, even if it is achieved by "non-peaty" means.


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
Yes. Low cortisol can lead to too much immune stimulation, here aspirin and vitamin D can help. It can also lead to some fatigue, and here is where caffeine helps. Because cortisol helps maintain blood sugar, it would be very important to keep it stable by frequent eating or snacking. Then I would consider the specific context of the person and add pro-metabolic interventions. Thyroid and progesterone are obvious candidates, but some people are reluctant to try them because they are hormones.

However, if everything fails (and I do mean everything), and cortisol remains sub-normal for a long time, i would have to consider supplementing some hydrocortisone to normalize levels. I know it's not peaty, but it's a last resort if nothing else works. The end goal is always the quality of life of the person, even if it is achieved by "non-peaty" means.
Any advice on specific thyroid supplement? I have been using nature thyroid bc TSH was high with chronic iron deficiency anemia, but I’m considering one of the ideal labs products to see if it stimulates my metabolism better. Temps are always 97.3 range and always cold. Not sure if T3 or t3/4 combo best…if have advice I would appreciate it.
Oct 13, 2023
Any advice on specific thyroid supplement? I have been using nature thyroid bc TSH was high with chronic iron deficiency anemia, but I’m considering one of the ideal labs products to see if it stimulates my metabolism better. Temps are always 97.3 range and always cold. Not sure if T3 or t3/4 combo best…if have advice I would appreciate it.
The specific ratio of T3 to T4 varies between people. If you experiment with a few micrograms of T3 only you can see fairly quickly what effects it has. After trying this for a few weeks, if you get positive results and want to commit to thyroid therapy, adding some T4 makes sense. If you add T4 you need to increase your doses only every two weeks because of its long half life. It is also important to keep a chart of temperature and pulse.

If you want to try thyroid, would start with 5 mcg T3 a 2 -3 times per day. If you adrenaline is high you will notice overstimulation symptoms that will go away as your metabolism is no longer driven by adrenaline. Remember to eat a nutrient dense diet, and maybe use a B complex supplement if you take thyroid. Increasing metabolism also increases vitamin and mineral requirements.

If you have been using thyroid, but are not satisfied with the results I would move to T3 only, because T4 can be converted to reverse T3, a functional antagonist of T3. I think idealabs products are great.


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
The specific ratio of T3 to T4 varies between people. If you experiment with a few micrograms of T3 only you can see fairly quickly what effects it has. After trying this for a few weeks, if you get positive results and want to commit to thyroid therapy, adding some T4 makes sense. If you add T4 you need to increase your doses only every two weeks because of its long half life. It is also important to keep a chart of temperature and pulse.

If you want to try thyroid, would start with 5 mcg T3 a 2 -3 times per day. If you adrenaline is high you will notice overstimulation symptoms that will go away as your metabolism is no longer driven by adrenaline. Remember to eat a nutrient dense diet, and maybe use a B complex supplement if you take thyroid. Increasing metabolism also increases vitamin and mineral requirements.

If you have been using thyroid, but are not satisfied with the results I would move to T3 only, because T4 can be converted to reverse T3, a functional antagonist of T3. I think idealabs products are great.
So start with Tyronene on top of the Armour thyroid I currently use? Would I be monitoring success based on body temps elevating? I currently do supplement with B vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, and minerals among several other things. Thanks!
I have thyroid labs I can share if that would be helpful.
Oct 13, 2023
So start with Tyronene on top of the Armour thyroid I currently use? Would I be monitoring success based on body temps elevating? I currently do supplement with B vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, and minerals among several other things. Thanks!
I have thyroid labs I can share if that would be helpful.
It depends on how much armour thyroid you are taking, and for how long. If you have been taking armour for less than two weeks I would wait. Otherwise, if you are not taking a lot of armour you can try adding a bit (15 mcg spread throughout the day) of T3 on top of it and see if things improve. If you are taking a lot of armour I would substitute for a T3 only approach for a while, because in that case the T3/T4 mix is clearly not raising temps.
So if I get the hyperstimulation symptoms just push thru and it should go away?
If you get hyperstimulation symptoms it's a signal that you should not increase the dose until they are gone. If they persist, or they are noticeably uncomfortable, the dose has to be lowered.


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
It depends on how much armour thyroid you are taking, and for how long. If you have been taking armour for less than two weeks I would wait. Otherwise, if you are not taking a lot of armour you can try adding a bit (15 mcg spread throughout the day) of T3 on top of it and see if things improve. If you are taking a lot of armour I would substitute for a T3 only approach for a while, because in that case the T3/T4 mix is clearly not raising temps.

If you get hyperstimulation symptoms it's a signal that you should not increase the dose until they are gone. If they persist, or they are noticeably uncomfortable, the dose has to be lowered.
I alternate between 60 and 75 mg of armour for last year. I have been on it with gradually increasing doses bc of slowly rising TSH levels over the last 6-7 years. Would you taper off the armour before starting t3? Tyronene right? I appreciate all your help.


Jun 20, 2022
South Carolina
I recently had my cortisol levels tested with the salivary 4x test and they are all bottom of the range. This is after a lifetime of low cortisol symptoms. Caffeine, b-vitamins, aspirin, progesterone, thyroid all exacerbate my symptoms. Causing bottomed out blood pressure. So I would be careful when attempting these things, they pretty much all lower cortisol. Depending on how low yours is these may not be safe in the beginning. So just a word of caution.
I had to go the hydrocortisone route with Cortef, dosing myself after reading the book “safe uses of cortisol” I think the author is William CK jeffries.


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
I recently had my cortisol levels tested with the salivary 4x test and they are all bottom of the range. This is after a lifetime of low cortisol symptoms. Caffeine, b-vitamins, aspirin, progesterone, thyroid all exacerbate my symptoms. Causing bottomed out blood pressure. So I would be careful when attempting these things, they pretty much all lower cortisol. Depending on how low yours is these may not be safe in the beginning. So just a word of caution.
I had to go the hydrocortisone route with Cortef, dosing myself after reading the book “safe uses of cortisol” I think the author is William CK jeffries.
Thanks for your input LizRey. I have been using all of those things without necessarily strong aggravation of my symptoms. But I do tend to have low blood pressure anyways. I’m not bottomed out though, but definitely low rather than high. I used to be super high, but that was years ago.

Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
Whenever my cortisol levels gets tanked my sleep takes a hit.

I think pregnenolone or progesterone (without DHEA) might be good for modulating cortisol levels. Adrenal cortex could also be an option.

If you need thyroid support with low cortisol, I think it's best using a combination of t3+t4 as t3 on it's own is very cortisol lowering.

Low dose androsterone could also be a way forward in such a scenario. It's a thyroid mimetic, aromatase inhibitor and DHT precursor.


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
Whenever my cortisol levels gets tanked my sleep takes a hit.

I think pregnenolone or progesterone (without DHEA) might be good for modulating cortisol levels. Adrenal cortex could also be an option.

If you need thyroid support with low cortisol, I think it's best using a combination of t3+t4 as t3 on it's own is very cortisol lowering.

Low dose androsterone could also be a way forward in such a scenario. It's a thyroid mimetic, aromatase inhibitor and DHT precursor.
Good to know about the T3 and other options. Thank you!
Oct 13, 2023
I alternate between 60 and 75 mg of armour for last year. I have been on it with gradually increasing doses bc of slowly rising TSH levels over the last 6-7 years. Would you taper off the armour before starting t3? Tyronene right? I appreciate all your help.
You can start tapering the armour, and at the same time start adding some mcg of T3. The end result, considering your doses, should be to replace your current thyroid intake with 25 mcg T3 only spread throughout the day. While you taper off the armour, if you notice more temp drops, add a few mcg more of T3.

Yes, tyronene is T3 only.


Sep 20, 2023
Valley, NE
You can start tapering the armour, and at the same time start adding some mcg of T3. The end result, considering your doses, should be to replace your current thyroid intake with 25 mcg T3 only spread throughout the day. While you taper off the armour, if you notice more temp drops, add a few mcg more of T3.

Yes, tyronene is T3 only.
Thanks. Any idea on how to taper the current dose? Can I cut the tablets?
Also someone one another thread mentioned that they wouldn’t do T3 bc it strongly lowers cortisol. What do you think of that? Obviously you don’t agree in this situation right?
Thanks for you help!
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