Low or high histamine??!


Nov 24, 2017
In another forum I was asking how to improve low stomach acid cause I believe to have this, because my copper levels remain low even with eating high copper foods and high dosed supplements, but someone said it doesn’t sound like I have high histamine, but low histamine.

Now I’m confused. I get seborrhoic eczema , dermatitis , hair loss from high histamine foods.

I wrote this why I believe(d) to have high histamine and would like to know what you think about it:

„Would be a crazy turn for me, cause I’m in believe to be high histamine for a decade almost.

Is there no way to really find this out?
Same question for low or good / or high stomach acid.

But let me tell you why I would consider that I’m high in histamine:

My Dao in blood is low.

Niacin (only the one with flush even i heard it’s not healthy to take) lowers my symptoms quick.

Histidine increases my symptoms quick.

High histamine foods are increasing my symptoms.

Copper is low in every blood test over ten years.

Zinc supplements only improve my symptoms first , but after some time it gets worse.

Same with copper only.

But taking both decreases my symptoms a lot longterm

Does this really look like low histamine for you? If so, pls tell me why.

Ceruloplasmin always low too btw

Edit: and my copper is not going up like I said. Neither with 200 g liver every week twice and lots of cacao (which gave me crazy histamine issues btw) daily or high doses supplements. This could indicate a digestion issue as well. Maybe low stomach acid ??‍♂️

I don’t know if to call this constipation, but all my life I did not go daily , but every few days. Could be bile issue, but I don’t know. It looks like my fat digestion is not good too. „


Feb 3, 2020
Yes, it‘s most likely high histamine.

What supplements are you taking / were you taking?


Nov 24, 2017
Yes, it‘s most likely high histamine.

What supplements are you taking / were you taking?

a lot. Right now just zinc copper , sometimes trace minerals. Magnesium. Bitters and hcl betaine.


I would suspect high histamine as well. here's a comprehensive list/explanation of symptoms: HIT > Symptoms

Low stomach acid can show up as stomach ache/pain after eating protein; hiccups; acid reflux/heartburn.
Histamine can produce extra gastric acid which can cause a burning pain in stomach. I think it's possible to have episodes of both low and high stomach acid with high histamine. If your copper is low you are going to have trouble making enough DAO and if your DAO is low you will definitely have an increase in histamine. I also think histamine can trigger both loose bowel movements and constipated/slow ones (because it seems to slow down metabolism and increases estrogen).

I think supplemental magnesium can reduce copper absorption.

One trick I learned about increasing stomach acid before meals is to drink some water (more than a few sips) with a few large crystals of salt on my tongue 20 minutes before eating. It seems to generate enough stomach acid to digest food better. And don't drink until 1.5 to 2 hours after a meal.


Aug 23, 2018
It's called Histamine Intolerance. It doesn't mean you are low or high in circulating histamine. It means you don't tolerate exogenous histamine.

You might have low histamine, but any small increase in exogenous histamine brings on symptoms since your body is not clearing it out correctly (low DAO). I'm not very scientifically versed, it's just a possibility I devised from the information I have.




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New Member
Jul 30, 2018
In another forum I was asking how to improve low stomach acid cause I believe to have this, because my copper levels remain low even with eating high copper foods and high dosed supplements, but someone said it doesn’t sound like I have high histamine, but low histamine.

Now I’m confused. I get seborrhoic eczema , dermatitis , hair loss from high histamine foods.

I wrote this why I believe(d) to have high histamine and would like to know what you think about it:

„Would be a crazy turn for me, cause I’m in believe to be high histamine for a decade almost.

Is there no way to really find this out?
Same question for low or good / or high stomach acid.

But let me tell you why I would consider that I’m high in histamine:

My Dao in blood is low.

Niacin (only the one with flush even i heard it’s not healthy to take) lowers my symptoms quick.

Histidine increases my symptoms quick.

High histamine foods are increasing my symptoms.

Copper is low in every blood test over ten years.

Zinc supplements only improve my symptoms first , but after some time it gets worse.

Same with copper only.

But taking both decreases my symptoms a lot longterm

Does this really look like low histamine for you? If so, pls tell me why.

Ceruloplasmin always low too btw

Edit: and my copper is not going up like I said. Neither with 200 g liver every week twice and lots of cacao (which gave me crazy histamine issues btw) daily or high doses supplements. This could indicate a digestion issue as well. Maybe low stomach acid ??‍♂️

I don’t know if to call this constipation, but all my life I did not go daily , but every few days. Could be bile issue, but I don’t know. It looks like my fat digestion is not good too. „
Stop thinking that you can check your copper in blood... not really. So you are not getting a real measure. You are accumulating copper in your liver and other tissues, and because your ceruloplasmin (which is what protects us from excess copper) is low... your body does NOT want to release copper to blood because it would be a mess. You need to stop taking liver, chocolate... and let the body get rid of copper slowly, that is why zinc helps in the beginning.... but then you start dumping too much copper (due to the continue Zinc). You are somewhat toxic with excess copper and that drives your histamine high... no matter what you think.. your symptoms are there.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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