Male baboons that harass/assault females are more likely to mate with them


Jun 22, 2021
I thought men on the forum would find the following studies interesting

If you're triggered by the study or trying to insinuate something then please keep it to yourself because I'm just stating facts

Specifically, we show that male aggression is targeted towards the most fecund females, is associated with high male mating success and is costly for the victims. Such aggression can be viewed as a counter-strategy to female attempts at paternity confusion, and a cost of multi-male mating.

When a study came out in 2007 showing that male chimpanzees sometimes sexually coerce females—assaulting and chasing them as a kind of violent, bullying courtship—Huchard and her colleagues wondered whether baboons behaved similarly. So they meticulously catalogued the interactions between individuals living in two troops in Tsaobis's rocky grassland.


Males often chased, bit, struck, and scratched fertile females (easily distinguished by their bright red, swollen hindquarters), but not pregnant or lactating females. These assaults weren't immediately followed by sex. Instead, weeks later when the females were most likely to be ovulating, they tended to mate with their attackers. If a male attacked a fertile female, he was 10%–50% more likely to mate with her than were nonaggressive males, the team reports today in Current Biology.

It wasn't that the females preferred aggressive males in general. Instead, they gravitated to the specific males that harassed them.

The authors conclude that the male baboons' behavior amounts to sexual intimidation. Though the researchers don't know precisely why females prefer their harassers


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The authors conclude that the male baboons' behavior amounts to sexual intimidation. Though the researchers don't know precisely why females prefer their harassers

The study tries to politicize a fact already confirmed in many other species, including humans. Namely, an aggressive male constantly chasing a female is an indication of desire and willingness to pay attention. On a most fundamental level, as one famous French prostitute aptly put it centuries ago, "the desire of the man is for the woman and the desire of the woman is for the desire of the man". So, the male chasing the female around and acting all worked up and angry is a signal of desire and as such a female is much more likely to prefer that male than a passive one who just sits around and eats, without displaying much interest in her. Relevant post from another thread - many females like it when their partner is upset/angry, especially about something related to the relationship. Why? It also signals caring about her and the relationship.

So, no, it is NOT sexual intimidation as the sex did not occur shortly after the aggression but days/months later. Authors making political editorials like that about such important research need to be permanently removed from science...if there is even any real science left. Now, all the angry social justice crowds will use the author's comment to say "you see, men can only get laid if they harass/hurt the female". And if somebody points that out that it was the female who displayed receptivity months after the attack, they will say "oh it is just a 'battered wife' syndrome. she doesn't know what she wants and is not responsible for her actions".
Finally, a disclaimer from me, as has become necessary (as @Michael Mohn said in another thread). I do not encourage male-on-female (sexual) violence. I do however agree with the study that men who act all worked up, angry, agitated (even "rude") and focused on the female they want stand a much higher chance of sleeping with her than the passive "normies" (read: hypogonadal and/or depressed, as @ecstatichamster mentioned in another thread). The only caveat I see in all this is that the male baboon strategy was applied when the female was clearly in estrous, and thus more likely to forgive/tolerate male "aggression". Humans do not have the luxury of knowing when their female object of desire is ovulating, and acting in a sexually aggressive manner towards a non-ovulating human female is likely to backfire. Especially in cases when the women are taking hormonal contraceptives and/or SSRI drugs, which make them unnaturally hostile towards everybody, and especially (horny) males.
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Jan 12, 2021
Namely, an aggressive male constantly chasing a female is an indication of desire and willingness to pay attention.
In another words, in terms of mating it's better to pay attention to females by agressing and harrassing them, than being kind and helpful. It confirms what I said in "How to become alpha male.." thread about what males females are attracted to.


Dec 8, 2016
This, if translated to the female human-
She would be a terrible mate and or mother; and probably a person you wouldn’t even want to be with.

The evolved women you want to be with uses emotion, their spirit, their higher cortex, their mind...

This is carnal and primitive.

I married a gentleman.


Please go fck a baboon.


Jan 12, 2021
The evolved women you want to be with uses emotion, their spirit, their higher cortex, their mind...
It doesn't make sense, emotions are the opposite of the mind. Though I'd like to meet women who use their "higher cortex" for finding a partner for mating, I have yet to find one.
I married a gentleman.
Sure, when marrying, women switch on their brain to find a suitable provider. Unfortunately, today they're most often reach a certain age and have had sex with a bunch of "baboons".
Also, the modern marriage doesn't guarantee anything to males, when woman decides that she has acquired enough financial security, she can decide to divorce and go back to mating with "baboons".


Dec 8, 2016
It doesn't make sense, emotions are the opposite of the mind. Though I'd like to meet women who use their "higher cortex" for finding a partner for mating, I have yet to find one

I included both intentionally.
Separated by commas.
They should work in a healthy women’s mind / spirit in unison with other factors as well.

Mind you- 2022 would be an abysmal time to be single.
I don’t envy you all one bit.



Feb 18, 2016
The female baboon still has to select though, if its multiple harassers which is likely then its still selection for physical traits per se, behaving like a wild primate is conducive to "being" a wild primate, if you show signs of it then your offspring is likely to have said traits necessary for survival in their environment.

Humans are more nuanced than primates, behaving like a primate as a human would likely appeal to a female whose overall perceptive capacity is limited, lower IQ essentially brings us closer to primate's our nearest cousins behaviour, bestiality likely correlates with lower IQ, also brain tissue glucose utilisation rate factors in here, a temporary drop in glucose utilisation rates could send us into primal like behaviour , ATP within the brain is lowered when drunk, when extremely drunk we resemble primates.


Nov 29, 2017
The female baboon still has to select though, if its multiple harassers which is likely then its still selection for physical traits per se, behaving like a wild primate is conducive to "being" a wild primate, if you show signs of it then your offspring is likely to have said traits necessary for survival in their environment.

Humans are more nuanced than primates, behaving like a primate as a human would likely appeal to a female whose overall perceptive capacity is limited, lower IQ essentially brings us closer to primate's our nearest cousins behaviour, bestiality likely correlates with lower IQ, also brain tissue glucose utilisation rate factors in here, a temporary drop in glucose utilisation rates could send us into primal like behaviour , ATP within the brain is lowered when drunk, when extremely drunk we resemble primates.
Good summary


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The female baboon still has to select though

Not really, they mate with multiple males when in estrous. I think the article neglected to mention that when the harassing male eventually mates with that female, he is not the only one. I think the female mates with 10+ males during estrous and the competition is actually at the sperm level.

As far as the selection of mating partners - they tend to be different each time the female is in estrous, probably in order to maximize genetic diversity. How the female selects the group of mates for each breeding season is not really known, but I agree that some form of fitness probably plays a role. Maybe the chasing around is not really harassment but a display of energy and strength on behalf of the male baboon(s).


Jun 28, 2020
If women aren't controlled we know they only find 0.0000001% of men sexually attractive, and will be single for life unless controlled and dominated.


Mar 21, 2021
50 shades of grey sold millions of book and made billions in theaters.

Many Women want to feel dominated in the bedroom and for the man take control.
There is just different levels to it for each women.

Women want to feel a man’s strength and when she feels it she feels protected.

As for abusing women, women who were physically abused as child will look for abusive men or push a man to be physically abusive.
If a woman only received attention from her dad when she did something wrong and was hit or yelled at. In a twisted way she feels when a man is abusive he cares about her. And when a man treats her right it is so foreign to her she will either sabotage the relationship to get him to be abusive or leave him and find a man that will.

And women are attracted to controlled aggression. They want men to have the ability to become aggressive when need be. But ability to control it so they are not a person flying off the handle all the time.


Dec 8, 2016


Jun 4, 2018
I think intelligence and their way of life plays a role. Baboons have to contest for food probably in a violent manner, thats all they have known. So it makes sense aggressive and bigger baboon is one who is able to get food more successfully and be able to provide/security/status for kids and the female baboon.

Risky strategy but thats the way they mate. One male with multiple female. Better to be side chick of someone who has first say on food and hope for preference before others in getting food and things they want.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
All humans both male and female have the capability and dare I say responsibility to overcome our base animal instincts.

Part of the problem is that many these days are doing the exact opposite and returning to living like animals often without even realizing it. There’s a big difference between living a more natural lifestyle and this.

It’s certainly educational to learn about the behaviors of primates and other animals but it’s very unwise to try to emulate them. That is just devolving and probably what the elite want- nudge us more and more towards base animalistic behavior through fear- in order to swoop in under the guise of rescuing us.

Please don’t willingly forfeit the good part of your humanity.
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