Mega Dosing Iodine = Bad, Destroys Thyroid Tissue Permanently


Mar 13, 2018
If concerned about thyroid states, there are labs and ultrasounds that check function and for antibodies. There's also a selenium RBC test to verify continued selenium sufficiency.
How does a vegan diet fare against something like CRON-o-meter? That is, what are the odds you're meeting all nutrient requirements, especially after factoring in bioavailability of nutrients from particular foods?

I'm smashing RDIs on Cronometer, except B12. B12 is the only supplement I take. My bloodwork is good and my energy levels, endurance on the bike (road cyclist), and sleep have improved. However sometimes I do feel a bit cold and noticed just a bit of thinning hair. Sometimes I get dizzy upon standing and my heart rate can get down to 45 when laying in bed. Not too sure what causes this, it appears to be a common issue in the endurance sports world. May be due to simply undereating causing dip in metabolic rate and thus energy output, or maybe not enough iodine, which would also result in metabolic rate drop. Many things can contribute. The addition of seaweed in the diet the past couple days has given me a slight rise in heart rate as well as less dizziness upon standing, sometimes getting a short-lived caffeine-like high from it (particularly Kelp granules). Bloodwork tells me my hemaglobin and all that are good so I don't think I'm anemic. I don't really worry about the RDIs though. I do not fear deficiency for most nutrients when eating unlimited calories per day from fruit, rice, potatoes, panela sugar, corn flakes, lentils, vegetables, small bits of coconut oil, and clif bars. lol.

**EDIT** Although I haven't had an entire thyroid panel done, I did have my TSH taken recently and it was about 0.6 or so if I recall correctly. It would help to get a full panel to really see what's going on but, I tend to follow the advice from traditional chinese medicine and ayurveda to treat myself with dietary and lifestyle changes. I realize that a TSH this low usually does not indicate a hypo condition, I've also read that there are situations where thyroid tests can show up good while being deficient in iodine. Just given that I haven't been consuming very much iodine, and eating goitrogenic foods up until recently, and I also have a personal history of fluoride exposure (pills from the dentist when i was real young), and fluoride in the water, brominated things in my youth.. figured I would simply add in the seaweed for science.
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Jun 25, 2017
I'm smashing RDIs on Cronometer, except B12. B12 is the only supplement I take. My bloodwork is good and my energy levels, endurance on the bike (road cyclist), and sleep have improved. However sometimes I do feel a bit cold and noticed just a bit of thinning hair. Sometimes I get dizzy upon standing and my heart rate can get down to 45 when laying in bed. Not too sure what causes this, it appears to be a common issue in the endurance sports world. May be due to simply undereating causing dip in metabolic rate and thus energy output, or maybe not enough iodine, which would also result in metabolic rate drop. Many things can contribute. The addition of seaweed in the diet the past couple days has given me a slight rise in heart rate as well as less dizziness upon standing, sometimes getting a short-lived caffeine-like high from it (particularly Kelp granules). Bloodwork tells me my hemaglobin and all that are good so I don't think I'm anemic. I don't really worry about the RDIs though. I do not fear deficiency for most nutrients when eating unlimited calories per day from fruit, rice, potatoes, panela sugar, corn flakes, lentils, vegetables, small bits of coconut oil, and clif bars. lol
How much do you weigh? What body fat percentage? How much protein do you get (grams)? What about PUFAs? Iodine? Magnesium? How much vitamin D3 do you take? What was serum 25(OH)D? What was the split among fat, carbs, and protein (percent of calories)? How many calories do you eat in a day? Do you eat within a window (ie, intermittent fasting)? How many goitrogens? Seaweed is said to now be contaminated.


Mar 13, 2018
How much do you weigh? What body fat percentage? How much protein do you get (grams)? What about PUFAs? Iodine? Magnesium? How much vitamin D3 do you take? What was serum 25(OH)D? What was the split among fat, carbs, and protein (percent of calories)? How many calories do you eat in a day? Do you eat within a window (ie, intermittent fasting)? How many goitrogens? Seaweed is said to now be contaminated.

Last I checked I was 165lbs, 5'7", bf% around 16-18 (guessing with the help of BMI. I have some muscle from years of lifting so, I'd probably be low bf% at 140lbs), protein is around 50g most days unless I'm in the mood for lentils and get much more. PUFAs really low, I don't eat nuts/seeds/oils, except some coconut or when i occasionally eat out at restaurants. Iodine has been non existent till recently. Getting over 1mg iodine through kelp. Magnesium often hits 1000mg. Don't take D3 but get lots of sun exposure, last test I took for D the value was about 55. Macro split is about 75c/15p/10f most days. I try to get 2500 calories per day as a baseline, and will eat more depending on my activity levels. Don't intermittent fast very often. Usually eat breakfast at 6:30AM, lunch 12pm and dinner at 7pm, snacks of fruit or rice cakes or something in between if appetite calls for it. I'll occasionally do tofu/soy milk, but not very high amounts, and some other goitrogens like cabbage, broccoli, horseradish, bok choy, collards, kale. I'll occasionally get some things like vitamin D and extra B vits through fortified cereals or clif energy bars.

The kelp granules I get are harvested from the shores of Maine, USA and I'm not particularly concerned about contamination.
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Jun 28, 2019
The point of the protocol is to achieve saturation. After, maintenance mode involves taking 12.5 mg 1 month on + 3 months off. Some continue taking it (12.5-50 mg) regularly anyway. Newer experiences have shown some need more than 12.5 mg to continue opposing other halogens. There's a loading test to check level of saturation.

Once saturated, excess iodine tends to oppose thyroid function. For some, this leads to regular/continuing dose reductions and labs. Eventually, it settles.

do you follow the protocol? how low do you have to go on the iodine to bring back the regular thyroid function?
Also, wouldn't it be better to simply take a normal iodine intake and add in some boron to get rid of fluoride? Along with calcium and taurine. ray advised no more than 500mcg iodine iirc, and my own experience with iodine confirmed that, however, I didn't use much other cofactors other than 150mcg selenium, 1g vitamin c, 20mg of the b vitamins etc. So I didn't do a massive selenium or niacin dose with it.


Jun 25, 2017
Last I checked I was 165lbs, 5'7", bf% around 18, protein is around 50g most days. PUFAs really low, I don't eat nuts/seeds/oils, except some coconut or when i occasionally eat out at restaurants. Iodine has been non existent till recently. Getting over 1mg iodine through kelp. Magnesium often hits 1000mg. Don't take D3 but get lots of sun exposure, last test I took for D the value was about 55. Macro split is about 75c/15p/10f most days. I try to get 2500 calories per day as a baseline, and will eat more depending on my activity levels. Don't intermittent fast very often. I'll occasionally do tofu/soy milk, but not very high amounts, and some other goitrogens like cabbage, broccoli, horseradish, bok choy, collards, kale.
What units for vitamin D? Preferred is 0.8-1.2 g protein per pound of LEAN body mass. Below 0.7 g/lb tends to result in muscle loss. Further, there should be more calories from fat than protein. 1:1 calcium:magnesium ratio (up to 2:1). Breaking an overnight fast with protein + fat only (ie, low carb) supposedly helps train the body to burn both fat and carbs. Additionally, it may do more to maintain (grow if eating at a surplus along with sufficient protein) lean mass and weight.


Jun 25, 2017
do you follow the protocol? how low do you have to go on the iodine to bring back the regular thyroid function?
Also, wouldn't it be better to simply take a normal iodine intake and add in some boron to get rid of fluoride? Along with calcium and taurine. ray advised no more than 500mcg iodine iirc, and my own experience with iodine confirmed that, however, I didn't use much other cofactors other than 150mcg selenium, 1g vitamin c, 20mg of the b vitamins etc. So I didn't do a massive selenium or niacin dose with it.
I follow the protocol. Trying to plan my next order now. I'll be getting enough to take either 100 mg/day, or 300 mg/day.

You could technically achieve saturation at 1 mg iodine/iodide per day (+ cofactors, especially vitamin C to repair NIS). On the other hand, it would take years.

Detox symptoms tend to be powered through and lessened with higher intake (100 mg) during the 90-day period. Higher doses continue until a loading test shows sufficient saturation and reduction of excreted bromide and fluoride.

Salt clears bromide. Boron, MSM, and other things clear fluoride. Iodine is mobilizing these halogens (out of iodine receptors). The other nutrients and vitamin C aid in clearance.

What do you mean bring back the thyroid? Have you had any labs run? A loading test? Do you have a sense of what could be wrong? What about serum 25(OH)D? Have you tried pregnenolone? Unless you were iodine sufficient before, the protocol would've likely improved slower thyroid function. I suppose it could've triggered an autoimmune reaction or you have uncleared toxins/halogens now floating around.


Mar 13, 2018
What units for vitamin D? Preferred is 0.8-1.2 g protein per pound of LEAN body mass. Below 0.7 g/lb tends to result in muscle loss. Further, there should be more calories from fat than protein. 1:1 calcium:magnesium ratio (up to 2:1). Breaking an overnight fast with protein + fat only (ie, low carb) supposedly helps train the body to burn both fat and carbs. Additionally, it may do more to maintain (grow if eating at a surplus along with sufficient protein) lean mass and weight.

Vitamin D units = ng/mL. I'm aware of that protein needs claim, however, I believe in the situation where carbohydrates are very high, then muscle wasting is not very likely. If one was undereating on carbohydrates, protein needs are higher as the body may start breaking down lean tissue for creating glucose. Given that I'm eating 500g+ carbs per day, I don't think I need 110 grams of protein per day. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that men and women obtain 5% of their calories as protein. This would mean 38 grams of protein for a man burning 3000 calories a day. If anything I would be ok with a little bit of muscle loss as I have gained quite a bit during my bodybuilder days. I'm much more into endurance sports now and rock climbing and don't want to be so heavy and inefficient :) lol.

Fat and carbs are always used in tandem for energy. It's how the Krebs cycle operates. All my meals will always be high carb. I always want to be carbed up so I can keep that thyroid pumping and keep the energy up to ride my bike or do anything outside of my house without reliance on coffee or something. :D. Maybe I'll bump my fat intake to higher amounts in the case that my bodyfat levels get too low. But as far as I understand, I have a good supply on my body that I can use.

But anyway, let's not try to derail this thread too much. I'm just throwing out the idea that perhaps the best way to increase your iodine intake is with some quality seaweed as it contains a wide array of nutrients and chelated minerals that work synergistically with the iodine in it; instead of buying individual isolated supplements for everything.
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Jun 28, 2019
I follow the protocol. Trying to plan my next order now. I'll be getting enough to take either 100 mg/day, or 300 mg/day.

You could technically achieve saturation at 1 mg iodine/iodide per day (+ cofactors, especially vitamin C to repair NIS). On the other hand, it would take years.

Detox symptoms tend to be powered through and lessened with higher intake (100 mg) during the 90-day period. Higher doses continue until a loading test shows sufficient saturation and reduction of excreted bromide and fluoride.

Salt clears bromide. Boron, MSM, and other things clear fluoride. Iodine is mobilizing these halogens (out of iodine receptors). The other nutrients and vitamin C aid in clearance.

What do you mean bring back the thyroid? Have you had any labs run? A loading test? Do you have a sense of what could be wrong? What about serum 25(OH)D? Have you tried pregnenolone? Unless you were iodine sufficient before, the protocol would've likely improved slower thyroid function. I suppose it could've triggered an autoimmune reaction or you have uncleared toxins/halogens now floating around.

how is your bodyfat level, appetite, digestion, hair loss/level of hair on the head, androgens, etc?

you mentioned "Once saturated, excess iodine tends to oppose thyroid function. For some, this leads to regular/continuing dose reductions and labs. Eventually, it settles."

so i was wondering how low do you dose the iodine once saturated since excess iodine opposes thyroid function.
do you know what it is about iodine that causes an autoimmune reaction, and if you do get autoimmune reaction from iodine, how would you go about healing that? I used 3mg iodine (terrys tri iodine caps) once a week for 6 weeks and since then seem to have permanent autoimmune hypothyroidism even months later despite restricting iodine less than what it was before. I finally took 200mcg selenium daily for the last 10 days, have cut that out now and am going to keep it to 3 days a week, then maybe in a couple months I can add in some multivitamins and the small amount iodine I was using before (150mcg a day or every other day from multi).

So even 150mcg or 250mcg iodine a day would allow you to achieve saturation, in 10 years?

Arent there issues with doing megadoses of boron, salt, and vitamin c? vitamin c lowers copper, ceruloplasmin, calcium etc and promotes iron absorption.

high salt i imagine would imbalance the other electrolytes and calcium. boron im not sure but can be estrogenic, possibly goitrogenic. usually estrogenic and goitrogenic go hand in hand.

just 6 weeks of 3mg iodine a week was enough for an instant 20 pounds weight gain without changing diet or activity level. Extreme fatigue, bloating, water retention, indigestion, food allergies, balls shrunk to 50% of their regular size (regular size they were at for last 5+ years), hairline receded, lots of thinning hair, hair is still much thinner, meanwhile last 5 years i never had issues with hair thinning or hair loss, always had thick hair and a good hairline even using creatine everyday.

the cofactors I did use included b vitamins in 20mg, vitamin c 1100mg, selenium 150mcg - 200mcg, iodine was 3mg once a week, 1mg once a week for 6 weeks. not sure what I could do now to resolve whatever happened.

autoimmune antibodies show as elevated and positive for sgogrens syndrome but i dont have symptoms of that, have all the hashimotos symptoms. even after taking the 3mg iodine I would get thyroid inflammation/burning sensation in the thyroid (I guess that was thyroid tissue being destroyed). Does the thyroid tissue that was destroyed ever even come back or are you basically permanently at the lower metabolism now. wondering what I could do to resolve whatever that high dose of iodine caused... I can't even handle 150mcg iodine a day now, causes hair shedding again.

I got the inactive vitamin D test done. Is that 25 OHD or 1.25 OHD? The number was 59. dont remember the units, but the scale was something like 30 - 120 and comment said it was a good mid range vitamin D value. i havent tried pregnolone, dhea, or any hormones yet. Was maintaining 12% bodyfat year round previously, while I am now 22% bodyfat, and haven't even been able to lift weights ever since that iodine ***t happened. massive chronic fatigue.


Jun 25, 2017
Vitamin D units = ng/mL. I'm aware of that protein needs claim, however, I believe in the situation where carbohydrates are very high, then muscle wasting is not very likely. If one was undereating on carbohydrates, protein needs are higher as the body may start breaking down lean tissue for creating glucose. Given that I'm eating 500g+ carbs per day, I don't think I need 110 grams of protein per day. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that men and women obtain 5% of their calories as protein. This would mean 38 grams of protein for a man burning 3000 calories a day. If anything I would be ok with a little bit of muscle loss as I have gained quite a bit during my bodybuilder days. I'm much more into endurance sports now and rock climbing and don't want to be so heavy and inefficient :) lol.

Fat and carbs are always used in tandem for energy. It's how the Krebs cycle operates. All my meals will always be high carb. I always want to be carbed up so I can keep that thyroid pumping and keep the energy up to ride my bike or do anything outside of my house without reliance on coffee or something. :D. Maybe I'll bump my fat intake to higher amounts in the case that my bodyfat levels get too low. But as far as I understand, I have a good supply on my body that I can use.

But anyway, let's not try to derail this thread too much. I'm just throwing out the idea that perhaps the best way to increase your iodine intake is with some quality seaweed as it contains a wide array of nutrients and chelated minerals that work synergistically with the iodine in it; instead of buying individual isolated supplements for everything.
Need even more protein if exercising, eh? Have you looked into any testing to verify nitrogen balance?

As I said earlier, most kelp is said to now be contaminated.

How's cortisol, given more calories from protein than fat? IIRC, there are other negative effects from insufficient fat. Including less fat-soluble vitamins, due to poorer absorption.

how is your bodyfat level, appetite, digestion, hair loss/level of hair on the head, androgens, etc?

you mentioned "Once saturated, excess iodine tends to oppose thyroid function. For some, this leads to regular/continuing dose reductions and labs. Eventually, it settles."

so i was wondering how low do you dose the iodine once saturated since excess iodine opposes thyroid function.
do you know what it is about iodine that causes an autoimmune reaction, and if you do get autoimmune reaction from iodine, how would you go about healing that? I used 3mg iodine (terrys tri iodine caps) once a week for 6 weeks and since then seem to have permanent autoimmune hypothyroidism even months later despite restricting iodine less than what it was before. I finally took 200mcg selenium daily for the last 10 days, have cut that out now and am going to keep it to 3 days a week, then maybe in a couple months I can add in some multivitamins and the small amount iodine I was using before (150mcg a day or every other day from multi).

So even 150mcg or 250mcg iodine a day would allow you to achieve saturation, in 10 years?

Arent there issues with doing megadoses of boron, salt, and vitamin c? vitamin c lowers copper, ceruloplasmin, calcium etc and promotes iron absorption.

high salt i imagine would imbalance the other electrolytes and calcium. boron im not sure but can be estrogenic, possibly goitrogenic. usually estrogenic and goitrogenic go hand in hand.

just 6 weeks of 3mg iodine a week was enough for an instant 20 pounds weight gain without changing diet or activity level. Extreme fatigue, bloating, water retention, indigestion, food allergies, balls shrunk to 50% of their regular size (regular size they were at for last 5+ years), hairline receded, lots of thinning hair, hair is still much thinner, meanwhile last 5 years i never had issues with hair thinning or hair loss, always had thick hair and a good hairline even using creatine everyday.

the cofactors I did use included b vitamins in 20mg, vitamin c 1100mg, selenium 150mcg - 200mcg, iodine was 3mg once a week, 1mg once a week for 6 weeks. not sure what I could do now to resolve whatever happened.

autoimmune antibodies show as elevated and positive for sgogrens syndrome but i dont have symptoms of that, have all the hashimotos symptoms. even after taking the 3mg iodine I would get thyroid inflammation/burning sensation in the thyroid (I guess that was thyroid tissue being destroyed). Does the thyroid tissue that was destroyed ever even come back or are you basically permanently at the lower metabolism now. wondering what I could do to resolve whatever that high dose of iodine caused... I can't even handle 150mcg iodine a day now, causes hair shedding again.

I got the inactive vitamin D test done. Is that 25 OHD or 1.25 OHD? The number was 59. dont remember the units, but the scale was something like 30 - 120 and comment said it was a good mid range vitamin D value. i havent tried pregnolone, dhea, or any hormones yet. Was maintaining 12% bodyfat year round previously, while I am now 22% bodyfat, and haven't even been able to lift weights ever since that iodine ***t happened. massive chronic fatigue.
Hard to talk about direct effects of iodine. I megadosed vitamin D since the beginning of 2018, only ending it a few weeks ago. Serum is still high.

I followed the protocol previously, taking hundreds of milligrams of potassium iodide for much of 2018 and 100 mg iodine/iodide for 4+ months in 2019.

Testosterone (total and free) was near the bottom of the range. Megadose vitamin D3 was the main event at those times, however. I won't know until some point in the future how iodine affects such things.

With megadose D3, I didn't have an appetite, but was always ready/able to eat. It's different from prior times where I'd have none whatsoever.

Most usually take 12.5-50 mg during maintenance. Some even less. I suppose they could lower until body temperature is normal or watch function via labs.

I'm unsure why an autoimmune reaction would occur with such a small dose, especially if you were also taking the companion nutrients. What antibodies were high? Do you have any nutrient deficiencies? Iodine dose is usually increased if it initially results in detox or slowed thyroid symptoms.

150 mcg may not achieve sufficiency, as you'd need to take in more than is lost.

Salt wouldn't be taken in larger amounts, except as part of salt flushing during week 1. After, it's 1/2-1 tsp if not already getting enough from foods. I don't remember seeing anything about taking more than 3 mg boron, though some take 10 mg.

For something serious, better to ask a doctor.

Vitamin D is usually relevant for autoimmune cases.


Jun 28, 2019
Need even more protein if exercising, eh? Have you looked into any testing to verify nitrogen balance?

As I said earlier, most kelp is said to now be contaminated.

How's cortisol, given more calories from protein than fat? IIRC, there are other negative effects from insufficient fat. Including less fat-soluble vitamins, due to poorer absorption.

Hard to talk about direct effects of iodine. I megadosed vitamin D since the beginning of 2018, only ending it a few weeks ago. Serum is still high.

I followed the protocol previously, taking hundreds of milligrams of potassium iodide for much of 2018 and 100 mg iodine/iodide for 4+ months in 2019.

Testosterone (total and free) was near the bottom of the range. Megadose vitamin D3 was the main event at those times, however. I won't know until some point in the future how iodine affects such things.

With megadose D3, I didn't have an appetite, but was always ready/able to eat. It's different from prior times where I'd have none whatsoever.

Most usually take 12.5-50 mg during maintenance. Some even less. I suppose they could lower until body temperature is normal or watch function via labs.

I'm unsure why an autoimmune reaction would occur with such a small dose, especially if you were also taking the companion nutrients. What antibodies were high? Do you have any nutrient deficiencies? Iodine dose is usually increased if it initially results in detox or slowed thyroid symptoms.

150 mcg may not achieve sufficiency, as you'd need to take in more than is lost.

Salt wouldn't be taken in larger amounts, except as part of salt flushing during week 1. After, it's 1/2-1 tsp if not already getting enough from foods. I don't remember seeing anything about taking more than 3 mg boron, though some take 10 mg.

For something serious, better to ask a doctor.

Vitamin D is usually relevant for autoimmune cases.

The only antibodies that keep coming up positive/high are the ones for sjogrens and I believe for rhemumatoid factor, but rheumatoid arthritis ones themselves come back negative. However, something with these antibody tests isnt going right, since I had very few sjogrens symptoms (no dry eyes or mouth although I use eye drops and have a metal wire retainer in the mouth for many years which always made me have excess saliva in general).
The symptoms I had were pretty obvious hypothyroid/hashimotos symptoms. thyroid burning, hair loss, shrunk balls, lots of weight gain, fatigue, brain fog,joint pain, muscle pain, weakness, bloating, lack of appetite etc.
for companion nutrients I did have the selenium, vitamin c, only took 20mg niacinamide alongside the iodine and selenium. vitamin D I had been taking 5500 IU d3 daily since early 2015, along with around 5200 IU of A from diet and supps daily since then as well.
What are your temperatures and overall body fat etc? Since implementing the iodine protocol what benefits have you noted? I heard at the start of it you feel great but it is because you are destroying thyroid tissue leaking thyroid hormones into the bloodstream, which makes you feel great at first but then as time goes on feel worse. That's pretty much exactly what happened to me. I would always feel great and have a ton of energy right after the iodine megadose. Couldn't even fall asleep until 48 hours after having it. At the time I took the iodine megadoses, I had been supplementing vitamin c and zma for quite a while, and was deficient in copper (and possibly iron). there were no other general nutrients I was deficient in at the time, other than potentially vitamin E and vitamin K. the antibody tests were taken 2 months, and 3 months after ceasing the iodine megadosing, and they still showed positive for sjogrens. I bet that if they were taken sooner after the iodine megadosing they may have shown much higher. I'm sure I could take 12mg iodine right now and would feel great the next 2-3 days and then would get a bunch of hypo symptoms, even worse than before.

my vitamin A may have been too high the last 4 years to be honest, as I was getting 5200IU A a day and only 5500IU d3, but regardless, I was still functioning fine and was able to do general daily tasks fine, it was only when I added iodine in that ***t got really messed up.

btw regarding the megadosing D3, what doses of d3 were you using daily?

Im curious you mentioned salt clearing bromide, boron clearing fluoride. Which nutrient/mineral clears out chlorine, that is something that is also stored in the body and is toxic right? regarding bromide I thought ray said it actually has functions in the body and is fine if obtained from natural sources like beef? so it looks like fluoride and chlorine are the more urgent ones.


Jun 28, 2019
Yeah, but that inorganic forms are metabolized differently and tend to be more problematic, the organic forms are safer.
I see. I thought all amino acid chelates would be considered organic, usually glycinate is considered a good chelate for other minerals. Anyway if I was going to implement the glycinate form it would be 100mcg 4x a week at most.


Apr 30, 2015
Just read through this thread. There was some mad excitement around Iodine back in Nov-Dec, then nothing.

This was probably peak excitement:

I feel confident that I've only scratched the surface of my improvements given that it takes months of high dose Iodine to saturate the body (plus of course months/years of PUFA depletion and glucose metabolism restoration). I can't wait. I'm going to be a different person than I ever have in my life, given that I suspect I have been Iodine deficient my entire life. I may actually be HAPPY for the first time in my entire life, it's almost like being blind your whole life and being given the chance to SEE. Those who haven't had to deal with life long depression like me can not understand, but it's almost like a miracle. I have been searching for this for decades, I knew there was more to life than what I was experiencing. I can't tell you how many doubters I have had to ignore on my way to health (even, unfortunately, some people on this forum, sadly). "Suck it up" they said. "Be a man" they said. "It's all in your head" they said. "It's just the way of life as you get older" they said to me. I could go on and on. It's like people WANT you to stay sick these days... probably because they're also sick and have severe learned helplessness... Literally all of my relatives attribute their failing health to "just getting old". Well this guy doesn't know when to give up despite seemingly insurmountable odds :P

Any results to chime in on? Is the decade search over?

The high iodine protocol has been around forever, but results always seem mixed with some people saying it is amazing and others not so much. I never liked how when people felt bad on high dose iodine it was always the cofactors and detox. I wonder if combining high dose iodine with myers cocktail would mitigate all that bollox


Jun 28, 2019
Just read through this thread. There was some mad excitement around Iodine back in Nov-Dec, then nothing.

This was probably peak excitement:

Any results to chime in on? Is the decade search over?

The high iodine protocol has been around forever, but results always seem mixed with some people saying it is amazing and others not so much. I never liked how when people felt bad on high dose iodine it was always the cofactors and detox. I wonder if combining high dose iodine with myers cocktail would mitigate all that bollox

what do you mean by myers cocktail? Are you referring to the IV therapy where you receive large amounts of b vitamins via IV?
I took reasonable amounts of cofactors (150-180mcg selenium, 1000mg vitamin c) ruined many months of life for me. I bought into the hype of people in the past getting tons more iodine just from their feet absorbing it from the earths crust etc


Jun 25, 2017
The only antibodies that keep coming up positive/high are the ones for sjogrens and I believe for rhemumatoid factor, but rheumatoid arthritis ones themselves come back negative. However, something with these antibody tests isnt going right, since I had very few sjogrens symptoms (no dry eyes or mouth although I use eye drops and have a metal wire retainer in the mouth for many years which always made me have excess saliva in general).
The symptoms I had were pretty obvious hypothyroid/hashimotos symptoms. thyroid burning, hair loss, shrunk balls, lots of weight gain, fatigue, brain fog,joint pain, muscle pain, weakness, bloating, lack of appetite etc.
for companion nutrients I did have the selenium, vitamin c, only took 20mg niacinamide alongside the iodine and selenium. vitamin D I had been taking 5500 IU d3 daily since early 2015, along with around 5200 IU of A from diet and supps daily since then as well.
What are your temperatures and overall body fat etc? Since implementing the iodine protocol what benefits have you noted? I heard at the start of it you feel great but it is because you are destroying thyroid tissue leaking thyroid hormones into the bloodstream, which makes you feel great at first but then as time goes on feel worse. That's pretty much exactly what happened to me. I would always feel great and have a ton of energy right after the iodine megadose. Couldn't even fall asleep until 48 hours after having it. At the time I took the iodine megadoses, I had been supplementing vitamin c and zma for quite a while, and was deficient in copper (and possibly iron). there were no other general nutrients I was deficient in at the time, other than potentially vitamin E and vitamin K. the antibody tests were taken 2 months, and 3 months after ceasing the iodine megadosing, and they still showed positive for sjogrens. I bet that if they were taken sooner after the iodine megadosing they may have shown much higher. I'm sure I could take 12mg iodine right now and would feel great the next 2-3 days and then would get a bunch of hypo symptoms, even worse than before.

my vitamin A may have been too high the last 4 years to be honest, as I was getting 5200IU A a day and only 5500IU d3, but regardless, I was still functioning fine and was able to do general daily tasks fine, it was only when I added iodine in that ***t got really messed up.

btw regarding the megadosing D3, what doses of d3 were you using daily?

Im curious you mentioned salt clearing bromide, boron clearing fluoride. Which nutrient/mineral clears out chlorine, that is something that is also stored in the body and is toxic right? regarding bromide I thought ray said it actually has functions in the body and is fine if obtained from natural sources like beef? so it looks like fluoride and chlorine are the more urgent ones.
Did you check thyroid levels (TSH, fT4, fT3, etc)? What's your AM body temperature?

I can't say much about the protocol for reasons I mentioned in one of these posts.

I took 100,000 IU/day for 6 months, 60,000 IU for almost a year, and 90,000 IU for a few weeks.

Vitamin C reduces chlorine to chloride.

There are ultrasounds and labs if you are concerned about the thyroid being destroyed. They will show the presence or absence of such an occurence.


Jun 28, 2019
Did you check thyroid levels (TSH, fT4, fT3, etc)? What's your AM body temperature?

I can't say much about the protocol for reasons I mentioned in one of these posts.

I took 100,000 IU/day for 6 months, 60,000 IU for almost a year, and 90,000 IU for a few weeks.

Vitamin C reduces chlorine to chloride.

There are ultrasounds and labs if you are concerned about the thyroid being destroyed. They will show the presence or absence of such an occurence.

Only tsh which was 0.49 probably due to high cortisol.
Mid day 2pm temperature yesterday was 97.6, laughable. I remember 2 years back, i could go out in winter time in a t shirt and still be overheating


Sep 12, 2015
But anyway, let's not try to derail this thread too much. I'm just throwing out the idea that perhaps the best way to increase your iodine intake is with some quality seaweed as it contains a wide array of nutrients and chelated minerals that work synergistically with the iodine in it; instead of buying individual isolated supplements for everything.
Remember that seaweeds concentrate all the halides, so you'll be getting fluoride and bromide with the iodine.


Apr 30, 2015
Just read through this thread. There was some mad excitement around Iodine back in Nov-Dec, then nothing.

This was probably peak excitement:

Any results to chime in on? Is the decade search over?

The high iodine protocol has been around forever, but results always seem mixed with some people saying it is amazing and others not so much. I never liked how when people felt bad on high dose iodine it was always the cofactors and detox. I wonder if combining high dose iodine with myers cocktail would mitigate all that bollox
@Cirion Nothing man??

No need to be ashamed. We all go down roads that don't get the benefits we at one time hoped. I have a lot of those.

I am guessing if results were forthcoming they would have come by now.

I am glad people on this forum tried this experiment. I have seen it pop up over the years and always was a little drawn by it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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