MelaNon - Liquid Apigenin/Naringenin Mix



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Would this work on a vascular lake located on the lower lip?

It may as apigenin is considered a phytoprogestin, and progesterone seems to help such issues.

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
@haidut Do you think this could have any beneficial systemic effects? And what is the reason for removing caffeine on this product?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut Do you think this could have any beneficial systemic effects? And what is the reason for removing caffeine on this product?

Not sure if it would have systemic effects from such small doses but apigenin and naringenin are 11b-HSD1 inhibitors, so could lower cortisol in some people.
Comparison of flavonoids and isoflavonoids to inhibit rat and human 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 and 2. - PubMed - NCBI

Caffeine was affecting the solubility of apigenin and naringenin so we decided to remove it, especially considering that it was not the main active ingredient anyways.
Apr 30, 2016
@haidut. I accidentally put a drop of melanon in my eye (thought it was my morning eye drop). Attempted to wash it out and it still is burning. Will this harm my eye?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut. I accidentally put a drop of melanon in my eye (thought it was my morning eye drop). Attempted to wash it out and it still is burning. Will this harm my eye?

One drop is probably not going to do much/any damage. The only risky part is the ethanol but there is not much ethanol in one drop. If the redness/irritation does not subside within a few days I would see a doctor but as I mentioned there is nothing really dangerous in MelaNon and the ethanol in one drop is unlikely to cause issues. That being said, I would not apply MelaNon to the eye :):
Apr 30, 2016
One drop is probably not going to do much/any damage. The only risky part is the ethanol but there is not much ethanol in one drop. If the redness/irritation does not subside within a few days I would see a doctor but as I mentioned there is nothing really dangerous in MelaNon and the ethanol in one drop is unlikely to cause issues. That being said, I would not apply MelaNon to the eye :):
Thanks so much for your quick response. Of course I’m late now for a root canal that has failed 3 times so I don’t have time to continue washing the eye. When I get back I will irrigate again - it’s pretty red and sore.


Jun 22, 2018
I've stumbled across this, and I'd like to ask: has anyone had success with it for broken capillaries? The DMSO sounds interesting, as I believe it takes ingredients through the skin barrier, presumably to where they need to be to heal these things?


Mar 21, 2014
I've started using this product today. I'm taking before and after pictures and I'm using it on a variety of places. One is a scar where I scraped the skin off my knee when I fell on ice last winter. Another is a surgery scar. Also a red spot.

Finally, I want to try it all over my face to see if it helps with any discoloration or has a brightening effect. I used one drop and patted it all over.

Haidut, do you think it's fine to use it over such a large area and 2) is once or twice per day best?

Hi, how was your experience with this product? I just started using not too long ago. The first few times I did a patted application all over face and cheeks. I have sligh discoloration in some areas. On another occasion I applied a little bit more then a few drops and I started to feel tingles all over face. I went to look in the mirror and it was slightly white patchy raised bump. I immediately washed it off (it burned) I applied some vite e afterwards to calm the skin. Nothing too bad, just strong and redness that quickly subsided. Trying again, with a smaller dose and hoping I don’t have the same reaction.

I have a theory on why I may have felt the burning the second time around using it. I remember using my origins (plan prescriptions) face wash. It’s a mild soap/cleanser. So I’m going to make sure to apply this product alone with out anything else before or after. I think anyone who has sensitive skin should do so as well. And to go easy on the application when first using. Taking it slowly, if using for blemishes/all over face. I will keep you guys updated on any improvements. Also, if anyone else is using on face please let me know your findings. I appreciate it. Thanks!


Mar 21, 2014
So far, I was able to remove dark skin off the upper corners of my nose close to the eye area. I applied two drops twice /different days. First layer of skin cane off along with darkness (of what seem to be sun damage) now revealing a brand new skin. I have used it in dark moles. It’s not working. But my mole Are not like light in color. It’s like those dark black beauty moles. I have on my cheek which I don’t mind. But then I have 3 more in several places and I don’t like them there for cosmetic purposes. So far melanon is not doing much for my Moles.


Mar 21, 2014
Yes, this is intended for use directly on the mole as described in the individual studies. Since both naringenin and apigenin were found to be inhibitors of estrogen, nitric oxide (NO), 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) and COX and so on this supplement should synergize greatly with both EstroBan and SolBan.
Just my 2c.

Haidut, hi there. I’ve mentioned I’ve been using your products. My husband does as well. We are completely clean/healthy ray supporters. I was wondering if you can shed some light on something that has happened recently since taking idealabs suppliments. I use solban, melanon & retinil. Ever since I started using this on face/spots etc. I have crazy symptoms of sneezing after immediate application. I thought it was just mild etc. but 3 weeks in & I have what Spears to be mast cell activation. Digestive issues, I’m in a complete stressed state. I kept using products until I decided I should stop. Since then I have become allergic to everything almost.

After reading/ research I have decided that I’m reacting to DMSO. I read it could possibly distroy red blood cells? Not sure if any this makes since but BOTTOM. The suppliments were the only suspicion. Any advise is welcome.

POSITIVE NOTE, I LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER!! Something thought I was in my late 20’s the other day. I’m 34. I used solban before heading out as sun protection, and also applied it the morning after sun exposures (on face/cheeks) I had large pores, complete gone. Not reduced, GONE. Brighter complexion, instantly after applying. Melanon used as a spot treatment. Retinil at night, around cheekbones and jawline. I would wake up with a nice fresh dewy plumped face. There was mild peeling (due to its exfoliating effects) when this happens I would take some 100% good quality olive and massage all lover face, steam face with towel & gently slough off fleck you skin (gently) I would do this on days I’m not applying any. Just bare face. This prevents irritation of skin. I never mind or over did things. I slowly worked up and alternating prod outs/different days. I was able to get rid of discoloration, pores and tired saggy skin. (For those who are looking for a peaty spa-like effect)

But I’m sad to say I will need stop using untill I find out what’s happening in my system. Thanks for ready & responding! ladies ask away...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haidut, hi there. I’ve mentioned I’ve been using your products. My husband does as well. We are completely clean/healthy ray supporters. I was wondering if you can shed some light on something that has happened recently since taking idealabs suppliments. I use solban, melanon & retinil. Ever since I started using this on face/spots etc. I have crazy symptoms of sneezing after immediate application. I thought it was just mild etc. but 3 weeks in & I have what Spears to be mast cell activation. Digestive issues, I’m in a complete stressed state. I kept using products until I decided I should stop. Since then I have become allergic to everything almost.

After reading/ research I have decided that I’m reacting to DMSO. I read it could possibly distroy red blood cells? Not sure if any this makes since but BOTTOM. The suppliments were the only suspicion. Any advise is welcome.

POSITIVE NOTE, I LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER!! Something thought I was in my late 20’s the other day. I’m 34. I used solban before heading out as sun protection, and also applied it the morning after sun exposures (on face/cheeks) I had large pores, complete gone. Not reduced, GONE. Brighter complexion, instantly after applying. Melanon used as a spot treatment. Retinil at night, around cheekbones and jawline. I would wake up with a nice fresh dewy plumped face. There was mild peeling (due to its exfoliating effects) when this happens I would take some 100% good quality olive and massage all lover face, steam face with towel & gently slough off fleck you skin (gently) I would do this on days I’m not applying any. Just bare face. This prevents irritation of skin. I never mind or over did things. I slowly worked up and alternating prod outs/different days. I was able to get rid of discoloration, pores and tired saggy skin. (For those who are looking for a peaty spa-like effect)

But I’m sad to say I will need stop using untill I find out what’s happening in my system. Thanks for ready & responding! ladies ask away...

Only MelaNon and Magnoil use DMSO. All other products have been moved to the SFA/ethanol or tocopherol/MCT solvent. The DMSO can certainly cause skin irritation in some people so I would stop that for a week and see if issues resolve. None of the other products have been reported to cause allergies so MelaNon remains the main suspect.
So, please try without MelaNon for a week and let me know how it goes.


Mar 21, 2014
Only MelaNon and Magnoil use DMSO. All other products have been moved to the SFA/ethanol or tocopherol/MCT solvent. The DMSO can certainly cause skin irritation in some people so I would stop that for a week and see if issues resolve. None of the other products have been reported to cause allergies so MelaNon remains the main suspect.
So, please try without MelaNon for a week and let me know how it goes.

Well, I was sort of confused at first. So I decided to stop all products and re introduce slowly... and see how it goes. I will add melanon back in first & keep you updated. I also forgot to mention I start sneezing repeatedly after spraying solban, so I may need another method of application. Or pinching my nose closed tight and then spraying..

Bottom line I love your products. They do work....


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Well, I was sort of confused at first. So I decided to stop all products and re introduce slowly... and see how it goes. I will add melanon back in first & keep you updated. I also forgot to mention I start sneezing repeatedly after spraying solban, so I may need another method of application. Or pinching my nose closed tight and then spraying..

Bottom line I love your products. They do work....

Thanks you! Please keep me posted on effects after you restart.


Jul 13, 2014
I used Melanon on a mole. 3 mm in diametre, 2 mm in height. Progress was slow initially, then I decided to put a bandaid after the application. This sped up the shrinkage. Now it is gone. So thank you Haidut.
how long did the process take in total?


Jul 13, 2014
haidut do you think melanon would suitable to apply to the scalp to perhaps help with hair loss?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
haidut do you think melanon would suitable to apply to the scalp to perhaps help with hair loss?

Both naringenin and apigenin are phytoprogestogens, so they should have effects similar to progesterone. Since Peat recommended progesterone on scalp as hairloss treatment I guess it could be tried with MelaNon as well.


Jul 13, 2014
haidut do you think melanon could be helpful for an external thrombosed haemerroid?

as in applied topically
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