Michael Yeadon xVP Pfizer, "there is no virus!" Germ Theory is finally sinking.


Jan 10, 2023
Viruses definitely exist, but people need to switch their focus to improving their own terrain rather than just fearing the virus itself.

The mass hysteria over Covid was a bigger issue for people than the virus itself. When people are living in such fear of Covid it massively amplifies the effects of the virus when they catch it. Then add in factors like having poor mineral status, poor diet and lifestyle all contribute to the severity of someone’s reaction to Covid.


Jul 2, 2022
Viruses definitely exist, but ...
I love this. This is the exact phrase everyone uses. ( and they mean the mainstream virus definition) How can people be so definitive about something there is no direct proof of. Its simply mind boggling how strong programming is.

If you are so sure, show us the definitive proof. I am ready to change my stance in a heartbeat.

Thank you in advance.


Apr 19, 2020
How can people be so definitive about something there is no direct proof of. Its simply mind boggling how strong programming is.
Back when I was a kid, "Captain Kirk" of the Starship Enterprise - William Shatner, presented on the TV commercial for a margarine commercial. And the other one at the time, 'twas the early/mid 1970's, "I can't believe it's not butter". Oh, and another one-"You can't fool Mother Nature!!!" (with the 'fake butter'). I was lucky that my mother never gave up on butter, but used margarine 1/2 and 1/2 with butter for cooking. Now the 'current thing' is seeds, seed crackers, linseed oil, fish oil, NO animal fats, No sugar, very low amounts of animal protein which lean towards factory farmed 'chicken or fish' fed with moldy gmo grains corn and soy - the chooks - and fish = the same sh*te. Plus anti-biotics and anti-lice chemicals AND higher Omega 6. So, moral of the story, DYOR. Otherwise you are poisoning yourself and your family more than you know.


Jan 9, 2019

Great interview from 2020... excerpts below from me from above

RP: That's the same problem with the HIV
AIDS virus. They say, they used to say,
having the antibody is evidence that
you're immune. That's the whole basis for
the vaccine ideology that you want to
produce the antibodies and then you're
immune. There's no other justification
for vaccination. But now they say if you
have the antibody that means you're sick.

RP: Yeah, and Andrew Kaufman's
thing about the exosomes.

PT: Ah, yeah exosomes, right.

RP: That's very important to keep in
mind that we are constantly producing
these. For example, they've shown that an
injured lung cell can send out specific
information in the form of exosomes.
Particles that contain RNA, DNA, fats, and
proteins, and such are emitted. Clouds of
them circulate in the blood. They are so
small, that, for 200 years, people
discarded them as just irrelevant dust
in the background. But with electron
microscopes, they can see that they are
structured, containing nucleic acids, very
small particles on the order of the
particles that are identified as
viruses. But these, for example, travel in
the blood and can signal bone marrow
cells, for example, to make specific types
of repair cells.

PT: Wow.

RP: Specific for lung repair. This is going on constantly and,
for example, mother's milk contains
these exosomes. And they're thought to
contain useful information that passed
through the wall of the intestine as a
baby digests the milk and contributes to the
baby's immune system. So it's in last 20
years or so that they are recognized as
a very basic part of biology that was
simply passed over. It was described
actually by a North Korean in the 1960s.
But no one believed him. It was
rediscovered when people started using
electron microscopes to look at the
background material in blood serum. And
with stress and aging, such large amounts
of these enter the blood that they are,
probably, why you can take the blood from
an old animal and imitate aging symptoms
in young animals. And the serum from
young animals and rejuvenate, to some
extent, old animals. So the circulating debris.
It's a genetic repair system, ideally
with aging and stress, sends such confused
signals. It holds cells in
the senescent state, keeps them from
dying completely and being replaced.
So it's kind of deranged repair system that prevents
renewal and participates in aging, but
it's all organisms have mobile and
genetic elements.
Barbara McClintock eventually got a Nobel Prize for work
showing that genes can move around in
chromosomes and under stress in
particular. And bacteria, when
they develop genetic ability to become
immune to antibiotics, can create a
particle like an exosome and pass it
through a tube to form a bacteria
that had never experienced the
antibiotic and transmit their
resistance to other bacteria. So it's
something that all the way down the bacteria
they can transmit their genetic adaptive
material, and like on the exosome. And
since mothers can transmit it to their
babies, it's probably a feature of all
organisms that they're passing back and
forth within the species this defensive

PT: And Kaufman has shown very
eloquently that the exosomes
you can isolate and then look at
and what they're calling COVID-19 are exactly the same, exactly.

RP: Yeah. There are exosomes that have
exactly that kind of structure. And where
did viruses originate that they can't
evolve by themselves; they have to live
in an animal cell.

PT: in a host. Right? They have to live.

RP: Yeah. And so I think the only
valid theory for viruses
is that they are abnormal like
bacterial immunity transmission of
acquired immunity. We can, a mother can,
pass her immunity to the baby. And,
probably, just by various contacts, we can
pass our genetic information within the
species. For example, people have
demonstrated that a woman's prior
husbands' DNA can be found in her
tissues, even her brain. So we're very
well adapted to absorbing. For example, a
woman absorbing the semen demonstrably
from different husbands incorporates it
into her own cell structure. So it's
probably something very normal to, like
bacteria, improve our immunity. But
with aging, for example, our own exosomes
can become toxic for ourselves. And I
think, the harmful virus effect
originates when animals are taking up
bits of alien DNA from even a different
species. And finding it isn't
helping to repair their system but
actually deranging it.

PT: Alien DNA. Would
be like in a vaccine? or what
other ways would they take it in? what
other way would they take in?

RP: A German geneticist Walter Dorfler has
demonstrated that you can take DNA from
beef, for example, and show that it can be
incorporated into the human genome. So
what we're eating, we are probably
assimilating some of the DNA from
carrots, cabbage, and milk, and beef
Why don't you stop acting like an authority and start being a bit more humble in how you interact with people? If you're tired of reading things that you don't 100% agree with, then perhaps you should take a break. If you don't think the no-virus theory is another sacred cow(an) that needs to be slaughtered, I have a bridge to sell you. That's my opinion, you're free to believe what you want though. But stop telling *me* what to believe, it is antithetic to "perceive, think, act."

Characterizing Ray Peat as a "no-virus" proponent needs to stop though. He was obviously not a proponent of the mainstream virus dogma, yet he was also definitely not in the Cowan et al. "viruses don't exist" camp either. Someone who writes "Caffeine protects against cancer caused by radiation, chemical carcinogens, viruses, and estrogens." is not a virus denier. Ray was way smarter than that, recognizing the issue to have much more nuance, as the above interview excerpt demonstrates. Just yelling that something doesn't exist is not moving our understanding forwards in any meaningful way, it will only alienate potential converts. Ray Peat instead took the correct approach.
First, I know I replied to you but only the first part of my reply was to you, the rest was for people who are posting stuff like @ecstatichamster

2nd, Please. Read. Carefully. I can't expect you to know everything I've written on the topic as there is a lot and I've said everything you just did at various times and places. I'm no authority. I'm pissed about a very specific thing and that's the responses that clog up productive discussion, which is what we were having on these threads before the "this can't be true because it's just not" folks showed up again.

It's akin to the constant "but PUFAs are essential" threads that come about every so often, and people go and track over the same ground over and over again. Honestly it's laziness, people don't take the time to read the thread and expect to be nursed along.

That's my irritation not debate or disagreement in general.

Just as you plead nuance, there is nuance in what methods are accurate for classifying the existence of something and Rays anology of seeing the effect and knowing the cause simply does not apply in the case of so called viruses. Why? Go read the last productive, respectful, non lazy debate on this thread between myself and @LLight

I'll spell it out in case you missed it, please disagree with me, but please have something specific to debate on the topic instead of a simple "they definitely exist, how can they not, scientists can't all be lying." This is not too much to ask and it is what will move this debate forward.

@Jam if you perceive this as not humble, so be it, but please, don't paint an image of me and put words in my mouth.
Last edited:


Jan 9, 2019
Viruses definitely exist, but people need to switch their focus to improving their own terrain rather than just fearing the virus itself.

The mass hysteria over Covid was a bigger issue for people than the virus itself. When people are living in such fear of Covid it massively amplifies the effects of the virus when they catch it. Then add in factors like having poor mineral status, poor diet and lifestyle all contribute to the severity of someone’s reaction to Covid.
Give me your best evidence for the claim, "they definitely exist." This isn't a poll thread, it's to debate specifics of virology.

People think I'm a staunch "virus denier" because I've made many threads about it, I am not, I just have yet to see something that can even come remotely close to convincing me. If you have that I'd love to see it. And if it isn't too much to ask, go through the thread and assure that it hasn't been answered before, or at least not to your satisfaction.


Apr 19, 2020
First, I know I replied to you but only the first part of my reply was to you, the rest was for people who are posting stuff like @ecstatichamster

2nd, Please. Read. Carefully. I can't expect you to know everything I've written on the topic as there is a lot and I've said everything you just did at various times and places. I'm no authority. I'm pissed about a very specific thing and that's the responses that clog up productive discussion, which is what we were having on these threads before the "this can't be true because it's just not" folks showed up again.

It's akin to the constant "but PUFAs are essential" threads that come about every so often, and people go and track over the same ground over and over again. Honestly it's laziness, people don't take the time to read the thread and expect to be nursed along.

That's my irritation not debate or disagreement in general.

Just as you plead nuance, there is nuance in what methods are accurate for classifying the existence of something and Rays anology of seeing the effect and knowing the cause simply does not apply in the case of so called viruses. Why? Go read the last productive, respectful, non lazy debate on this thread between myself and @LLight

I'll spell it out in case you missed it, please disagree with me, but please have something specific to debate on the topic instead of a simple "they definitely exist, how can they not, scientists can't all be lying." This is not too much to ask and it is what will move this debate forward.

@Jam if you perceive this as not humble, so be it, but please, don't paint an image of me and put words in my mouth.

First RealNeat, thanks for spelling it out, it being the existence or not of germ theory/virus 'proof'. AND NO, I wont' "please disagree with you" as....ATTENTION, No Nuance needed: I am firmly in the No Virus camp, with virus definition being a bad **** little deadly pathogenic mofo that we can't fight off, is totally transmissible between humans and animals and is contagious and can mutate and travel around the world on airplanes and live on surfaces and in tiny vapour particles in the air, waiting to attack humans.

I was on the fence about their existence for many decades, as basically there was/is no proof of their existence. I treated folks 30 years ago that had "HIV" and AIDS with acupuncture in public settings, and was somewhat aware of the difficulties in officially 'testing' for it - except for symptoms- and in the extreme cost of the AZT treatments, which basically killed most people who took it in my locale. (Portland, Oregon).
My dad was an MD and he told me when I was about 10 years old (about 50 years ago!!) that viruses are not alive. That never changed as far as I know, according to the virus believers.

Side note: from your statement about PUFAs, well taken and I get it, how about this: Viruses are essential to the workings of modern allopathic medicine. 'Cuz Science!!! Viroliegy, etc... . Along with the BS theories regarding human physiology, for example - cellular semi-permeable membranes that we learned in biology class, etc. .

My interest in using the above RP direct discussion of Exosomes/Virus/mutated bacteria/nucleic acids is that the context is important when RP was speaking about viruses, and that he appears to be flexible precisely because of the context. But, others seem to feel strongly that Ray was a virus believer.

You mentioned planetwavesfm.substack.com in an earlier post, and Eric Coppolino and team has done heaps of work in this arena. He had Dr. Mark Bailey on an interview a few months back, and he has kept a running daily COVID-19 NEWS since March 2020. https://planetwaves.net/coronavirus/. He has a bunch of different websites, and lots for free, and is definitely in the camp (of no virus). He also has been a reporter on toxic bio agents for about 40 years. So he is savvy.

Cheers J


Jul 2, 2022
Back when I was a kid, "Captain Kirk" of the Starship Enterprise - William Shatner, presented on the TV commercial for a margarine commercial. And the other one at the time, 'twas the early/mid 1970's, "I can't believe it's not butter". Oh, and another one-"You can't fool Mother Nature!!!" (with the 'fake butter'). I was lucky that my mother never gave up on butter, but used margarine 1/2 and 1/2 with butter for cooking. Now the 'current thing' is seeds, seed crackers, linseed oil, fish oil, NO animal fats, No sugar, very low amounts of animal protein which lean towards factory farmed 'chicken or fish' fed with moldy gmo grains corn and soy - the chooks - and fish = the same sh*te. Plus anti-biotics and anti-lice chemicals AND higher Omega 6. So, moral of the story, DYOR. Otherwise you are poisoning yourself and your family more than you know.
You had a smart and intuitive mother lead by the power of Love.

Hope I understand the context incorrectly and she is still with you.


Apr 19, 2020
You had a smart and intuitive mother lead by the power of Love.

Hope I understand the context incorrectly and she is still with you.
Yes, she is still on the planet. :): She is 87 years old and going well. No meds, eats a well rounded diet according to the Blood Type scenario, and does not overeat. She did fall for the viruxxx though, nothing I could do about it, even if I was there. The no meds at 87 is probably thought by the M.D.s at her once a year check-up as an anomaly for sure.


Jul 2, 2022
Yes, she is still on the planet. :): She is 87 years old and going well. No meds, eats a well rounded diet according to the Blood Type scenario, and does not overeat. She did fall for the viruxxx though, nothing I could do about it, even if I was there. The no meds at 87 is probably thought by the M.D.s at her once a year check-up as an anomaly for sure.
Truly happy to hear this. Really ! Having one of the closest Souls next to you for such a long time in good health and no drugs is a true blessing. You are doing a damn good job as a son obviously.


May 4, 2022
Some suffer from a fallacy known informally as the effect proves the cause.


Jul 25, 2022
Maybe I worded my previous post/ question poorly as no one seems to have responded.

I'll ask a simpler question, has anyone produced a good rebuttal to Kaufmans and Cowans "Terrain" documentary? Be it an article. video or counter documentary etc?


Apr 19, 2020
Maybe I worded my previous post/ question poorly as no one seems to have responded.

I'll ask a simpler question, has anyone produced a good rebuttal to Kaufmans and Cowans "Terrain" documentary? Be it an article. video or counter documentary etc?
I don't think the Medical Mafia think they have to rebutt anything.... they are staying the ignorant course. Their unscientific faux-science rationale is sacred to them and not to be questioned. (Toe the line or get shafted.)
No I have not heard/seen anything in that genre.


Jan 9, 2019
Maybe I worded my previous post/ question poorly as no one seems to have responded.

I'll ask a simpler question, has anyone produced a good rebuttal to Kaufmans and Cowans "Terrain" documentary? Be it an article. video or counter documentary etc?
What do you mean? The entire field of virology is a rebuttal to it. They stick to their guns no matter what other evidence comes to light because "consensus" is a God to them. Terrain is a cute movie put together to get people interested, rebuttals should be much more precise ie a proper debate, and if you watch the most recent video that I posted on this thread you will see that people just don't want to debate the subject with the "no virus" crowd.

People bash me and others for holding these viewpoints but there is an open arena for debate and no one who is an "agent of rebuttal" is willing to step in.

Go on Cowan's bitchute, he has many videos of the challenges and debates he has tried to get going, people just won't do it. If they do it's some cowardly throw of a stone from 5 million miles away.


Jan 9, 2019
First RealNeat, thanks for spelling it out, it being the existence or not of germ theory/virus 'proof'. AND NO, I wont' "please disagree with you" as....ATTENTION, No Nuance needed: I am firmly in the No Virus camp, with virus definition being a bad **** little deadly pathogenic mofo that we can't fight off, is totally transmissible between humans and animals and is contagious and can mutate and travel around the world on airplanes and live on surfaces and in tiny vapour particles in the air, waiting to attack humans.

I was on the fence about their existence for many decades, as basically there was/is no proof of their existence. I treated folks 30 years ago that had "HIV" and AIDS with acupuncture in public settings, and was somewhat aware of the difficulties in officially 'testing' for it - except for symptoms- and in the extreme cost of the AZT treatments, which basically killed most people who took it in my locale. (Portland, Oregon).
My dad was an MD and he told me when I was about 10 years old (about 50 years ago!!) that viruses are not alive. That never changed as far as I know, according to the virus believers.

Side note: from your statement about PUFAs, well taken and I get it, how about this: Viruses are essential to the workings of modern allopathic medicine. 'Cuz Science!!! Viroliegy, etc... . Along with the BS theories regarding human physiology, for example - cellular semi-permeable membranes that we learned in biology class, etc. .

My interest in using the above RP direct discussion of Exosomes/Virus/mutated bacteria/nucleic acids is that the context is important when RP was speaking about viruses, and that he appears to be flexible precisely because of the context. But, others seem to feel strongly that Ray was a virus believer.

You mentioned planetwavesfm.substack.com in an earlier post, and Eric Coppolino and team has done heaps of work in this arena. He had Dr. Mark Bailey on an interview a few months back, and he has kept a running daily COVID-19 NEWS since March 2020. https://planetwaves.net/coronavirus/. He has a bunch of different websites, and lots for free, and is definitely in the camp (of no virus). He also has been a reporter on toxic bio agents for about 40 years. So he is savvy.

Cheers J
Thanks for the response. I had some of your posts in my responses for reasons unknown to me. It was a case of replying to the wrong individuals my fault. I like your perspective however.


Jan 9, 2019
Some suffer from a fallacy known informally as the effect proves the cause.
Yes and people use Rays remark of using such methodology to try and apply it to virology. What they are missing is that to view the effect of a cause the cause was at some point discovered, isolated, made independent. That's what helps dismantle such processes in reverse.

This is the exact thing virology is missing, the agent being blamed has never itself been isolated, reproduced and replicated. The genetic sequence "proofs" have been addressed earlier in this thread.


Jul 25, 2022
What do you mean? The entire field of virology is a rebuttal to it. They stick to their guns no matter what other evidence comes to light because "consensus" is a God to them. Terrain is a cute movie put together to get people interested, rebuttals should be much more precise ie a proper debate, and if you watch the most recent video that I posted on this thread you will see that people just don't want to debate the subject with the "no virus" crowd.

People bash me and others for holding these viewpoints but there is an open arena for debate and no one who is an "agent of rebuttal" is willing to step in.

Go on Cowan's bitchute, he has many videos of the challenges and debates he has tried to get going, people just won't do it. If they do it's some cowardly throw of a stone from 5 million miles away.
So what’s your thoughts on the “no virus” crowd and the Terrain documentary saying the genome they picked for proving one has “covid” (via PCR test) was just some random sequence?

I don’t buy that, I’m no fan of the PCR fraud, but they certainly were able to detect SOMETHING that caused myself and several co workers to all have the same symptoms/ illness at the same time, and all PCR tested “covid” positive.

That can’t be a randomly chooses sequence.


Jan 9, 2019
So what’s your thoughts on the “no virus” crowd and the Terrain documentary saying the genome they picked for proving one has “covid” (via PCR test) was just some random sequence?

I don’t buy that, I’m no fan of the PCR fraud, but they certainly were able to detect SOMETHING that caused myself and several co workers to all have the same symptoms/ illness at the same time, and all PCR tested “covid” positive.

That can’t be a randomly chooses sequence.
Please read the entire thread, that is indeed what has occurred, I have referenced several well written articles about genomic sequencing and highlighted the main points. Making assumptions is not an intelligent way to go about such discussions. Many things occur to many people in a similar fashion every year, a so called virus does not have a monopoly on these events. All of these things you may think are "figured out" are so much less so than many believe. Misleading words have taken over the conscience. Words like, immune system, virus, antibody are all extremely unspecific and highly flawed ways to describe very foreign concepts.


Apr 19, 2020
There is this link a bit down on the leftside.... and a short excerpted version only 19 pages long.


Dr. Mark Bailey has done a great job. As in Fantastic!!! Mate! This is truly a clear takedown. Apologies if this has been posted on this thread. I know it is at least posted once elsewhere on the forum.

I have read up to mid 6th page. Thanks for the encouragement @RealNeat to get to the finer details of this excellent thread.

Also posted elsewhere is the accounts of the WWI soldiers who did NOT get sick when trying to get 'infected' by the coughing sick soldiers presumably down with 'Spanish Flu'. They could not get ill. They were coughed on with saliva/mucous particulates and..... Nothing. No transmission. They were 'volunteers' to help find a cure of this 'terrible pandemic'. Same game play 100 years later. Only this time with TV and internet propelling the narrative.


Jul 25, 2022
Please read the entire thread, that is indeed what has occurred, I have referenced several well written articles about genomic sequencing and highlighted the main points. Making assumptions is not an intelligent way to go about such discussions. Many things occur to many people in a similar fashion every year, a so called virus does not have a monopoly on these events. All of these things you may think are "figured out" are so much less so than many believe. Misleading words have taken over the conscience. Words like, immune system, virus, antibody are all extremely unspecific and highly flawed ways to describe very foreign concepts.
I’m not assuming anything.

My question is, clearly the genomic sequence they choose to test for with the PCR tests must have a much higher chance of showing positive test while people are experiencing symptomatic illness. Now maybe it’s genomic sequence from the flu? Okay well the flu is a virus as well, which also hasn’t been isolated? So we are back to the same problem.

The idea that the genomic sequence was just randomly choosen as they took the “longest sequence” they could find doesn’t add up.

I know the PCR causes many false positives as well, but they clearly are sIgnificantly MORE likely to come back positive when people are symptomatic. A random chosen sequence wouldn’t do this, there has to be more to it.
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