Milk Causes Hairloss!



Oct 21, 2018
every day and yup who have fared a lot worse than me, I just have a very slight recession at the hairline. I don’t think my milk consumption protected me either tho, like I said it has no effect, good or bad imo. Idk what it is that has me not as effected

Mind telling us what your diet has been like during your late teens to mid twenties?


Feb 18, 2018
Seems a bit reductionist to me. Pinning any health issue to one food is too extreme. Anything would cause health issues if it was abused. Imagine a diet of only oranges and then conclusively stating that oranges cause tooth problems. Well...yea, if that’s all that’s eaten, but it’s more honest to say that a diet high in sugar and low in protein and fat will cause tooth problems. A diet with balanced protein, fat, and sugar on the other hand will cause no tooth issues whatsoever and lead to higher health. Relying exclusively on milk for nourishment though is bound to cause a problem somewhere.

Are there stats on the prevalence of baldness among countries? You could run a statistical examination of the correlation between baldness and dairy consumption across countries. The Finnish people have the highest milk consumption per person in the world, so starting there would be interesting.


Oct 21, 2018
Seems a bit reductionist to me. Pinning any health issue to one food is too extreme. Anything would cause health issues if it was abused. Imagine a diet of only oranges and then conclusively stating that oranges cause tooth problems. Well...yea, if that’s all that’s eaten, but it’s more honest to say that a diet high in sugar and low in protein and fat will cause tooth problems. A diet with balanced protein, fat, and sugar on the other hand will cause no tooth issues whatsoever and lead to higher health. Relying exclusively on milk for nourishment though is bound to cause a problem somewhere.

Are there stats on the prevalence of baldness among countries? You could run a statistical examination of the correlation between baldness and dairy consumption across countries. The Finnish people have the highest milk consumption per person in the world, so starting there would be interesting.

I tried finding stats. At least publicly there is no reliable data. It blows my mind how this issue has been prevalent for thousands of years and now worse than ever and still we don’t even have basic data.


Sep 6, 2018
I notice more inflammation when I drink milk. I think if you have gut issues or some hidden sort of allergy, this can flare up inflammation and increase DHT as a response.

Weirdly enough I used to go to the toilet fast after drinking milk, I tried milked for the last 3 weeks and all I get now is constipation of the worst kind. But at the same time I quit gluten probably a relation there. Only warm milk, probably the cold milk would give me a quick belly ache reaction to have to go to the toilet like before.
I would have never though I could be drinking lots of milk and not have the worst diarrhea or gut pains.


Sep 6, 2018
Where I lived people until not that long ago had cows and drank fresh milk, someone I know used to had lots of fresh milk, but not that much, probably 500ml per day, had perfect hairline in his 18yr pictures as far as I see and when he was small it was the same. They stopped having cows probably when he was around 15yr. At 30yr+ MPB set in and he is not an every day milk drinker anymore.


Oct 21, 2018
Where I lived people until not that long ago had cows and drank fresh milk, someone I know used to had lots of fresh milk, but not that much, probably 500ml per day, had perfect hairline in his 18yr pictures as far as I see and when he was small it was the same. They stopped having cows probably when he was around 15yr. At 30yr+ MPB set in and he is not an every day milk drinker anymore.

Probably just a coincidence that his mpb set in. I know that studies have linked milk consumption with acne.

i mean it could be just bad quality milk. Cow milk is full of crap these days including organic choices.

All i want to know is how this tribe has children balding. If we can understand that then that a huge piece of information!

my bet its some sort of undocumented nutritional deficiency. Theres no way they get everything they need from a cows blood and milk or meat.

i am not sayinf vegetarians dont bald. But diet with lots of vegetables and fruits often lead to alot less balding.


Sep 6, 2018
I am not talking about these days. Many people used to have have their own cows around my area, rural area, people were not even buying any milk from stores back then, it was normal life for us.


Feb 18, 2018
I tried finding stats. At least publicly there is no reliable data. It blows my mind how this issue has been prevalent for thousands of years and now worse than ever and still we don’t even have basic data.

It just shows that governments, health agencies, and sociologists don’t really view balding as an important metric to keep track of. It would be a relatively simple process to begin keeping track of that data, but its not really something that impacts anyone else besides the person undergoing the ordeal.


Oct 21, 2018
It just shows that governments, health agencies, and sociologists don’t really view balding as an important metric to keep track of. It would be a relatively simple process to begin keeping track of that data, but its not really something that impacts anyone else besides the person undergoing the ordeal.

I think balding is way worse than most people realize. Like doctors dont realize its affect on mental health is significant. Sure its tolerated but significant.


Sep 6, 2018
I think balding is way worse than most people realize. Like doctors dont realize its affect on mental health is significant. Sure its tolerated but significant.

Do you think that it affected the mental health of people in the medieval times? Considering that the overwhelming majority was illiterate and books and knowledge was not possible to get at each second anywhere and tons of myths were believed, church was dominant, people were dying from wars that were never ending.
Do you think it has affected the mental health of tribesmen in Africa along the thousands of year?

Today, it is undeniable that some people lose their mind when they lose their hair, that is without question, especially when the hair loss starts, but I have great reservations this was the case for the great majority of people during history, especially since frequenting clubs filled with chicks barely clothed was not really a thing.

I am curious if Albert Hofmann was feeling bad when he started to see his MPB.
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Oct 21, 2018
Do you think that it affected the mental health of people in the medieval times? Considering that the overwhelming majority was illiterate and books and knowledge was not possible to get at each second anywhere and tons of myths were believed, church was dominant, people were dying from wars that were never ending.
Do you think it has affected the mental health of tribesmen in Africa along the thousands of year?

Today, it is undeniable that some people lose their mind when they lose their hair, what is without question, especially when the hair loss starts, but I have great reservations this was the case for the great majority of people during history, especially since frequenting clubs filled with chicks barely clothed was not really a thing.

I am curious if Albert Hofmann was feeling bad when he started to see his MPB.

those people had worse things to worry about. As the condition of life improved less problems to focus on. As our lives becomes more luxurious more superficial issues are of concern. Fact is today we are way more vain. Even getting a job can be affected by this.

during the mid evil times i am more concerned about just staying alive and affording food. The maasai dont even have the luxury to sit around. They move alot.


Sep 6, 2018
those people had worse things to worry about. As the condition of life improved less problems to focus on. As our lives becomes more luxurious more superficial issues are of concern. Fact is today we are way more vain. Even getting a job can be affected by this.

during the mid evil times i am more concerned about just staying alive and affording food. The maasai dont even have the luxury to sit around. They move alot.
At this point I guess that hairloss mental issues will become more and more relevant as the world has more and more access to wealth, in terms of abundant food and no wars, seeing how someone can be idolized on social media and movies will also have a major impact on all generations to come that will have MPB issues, it already has this impact, but still yet are so many people who were born without the idolizing thing on social media and still many areas where poverty is the standard.


Feb 18, 2018
I think balding is way worse than most people realize. Like doctors dont realize its affect on mental health is significant. Sure its tolerated but significant.

Certainly. It’s an outward, physical observable sign of faltering health. Times when my acne and hair shedding were at their worse correlated with extreme anxiety and low self-confidence. I remember feeling so ashamed that I would cancel on outings just so I could mope alone. It was a clear indicator to me that something was wrong, and I began to use these signs as markers as whether what I was doing was in the good or bad direction. The feedback loops between our outward observations and internal states are powerful. They reinforce feelings of well-being or self-hatred, and they operate at a subconscious, instantaneous level. All the positive, acceptance psychology only goes so far, because it just takes a split second automatic reaction to your appearance, judgement, behavior, etc... that belies people’s true color towards your acceptance or exclusion, which in turn influences ones own feeling of well-being.

There are something’s that are for sure changeable, such as the outward manifestations of health, and then others which are more unlikely, and knowing which things are in and out of your control is very powerful towards maintaining a solid mental state. At the end of the day, surrender to the things out of ones control is a powerful psychological practice to let go of a lot of tension and anxiety towards those which cause distress. This is analogous to the confident balding man who completely shaves his head, tosses it up to his unfortunate genetics, and then entirely chooses to focus his energy and efforts on other matters. Such a moment can permanently change character and then in turn change a number of other interactions in their life. Perhaps then the negative social judgement is forgiven by those who outwardly observe the confident man with a bald head if he displays the same characteristics of a man who has a thorough grounding!


Feb 18, 2018
Do you think that it affected the mental health of people in the medieval times? Considering that the overwhelming majority was illiterate and books and knowledge was not possible to get at each second anywhere and tons of myths were believed, church was dominant, people were dying from wars that were never ending.
Do you think it has affected the mental health of tribesmen in Africa along the thousands of year?

Today, it is undeniable that some people lose their mind when they lose their hair, that is without question, especially when the hair loss starts, but I have great reservations this was the case for the great majority of people during history, especially since frequenting clubs filled with chicks barely clothed was not really a thing.

I am curious if Albert Hofmann was feeling bad when he started to see his MPB.

You raise a good point, but I think more of the fault lays in the societal change of men becoming much more preoccupied with their appearance in comparison to their works. Albert Hoffman was discovering the chemical secrets of our universe, and I’m sure the task enveloped him so powerfully that he hardly cared for his own external appearance. Perhaps everywhere people lack a deep connection with something other than themselves, and so the connection with the ego becomes prominent and in turn leads to vanity and a preoccupation with ones own well-being.


Aug 27, 2018
Let's be honest, if suddenly more women would experience pattern baldness, we'd already have some sort of reliable working treatment or even a cure.
Nobody cares about men and their issues and balding is a "nice" mechanism of weeding out poor genetic material from the gene pool.


Mar 4, 2019
I think it's possible that milk can cause hair loss if taken in excessive amounts causing an imbalance with other vitamins and hormones, but women who quit veganism and start taking animal products like meat, dairy and eggs report that their hair stops falling and regrowth and thickening occurs, so I don't think it's as simple as milk being the culprit. It could also be an intolerance to it that causes it, which may imply that other problems are in the body which could indirectly be causing hair loss. The environment and lifestyle should be thought of as important factors as well, with the stress combined with the oxidation of fat possibly being one of the main reasons for balding. Bodybuilders who do excessive training for long hours are under a constant state of stress, and it's more common to see balding with them than bodybuilders who take a more relaxed approach in comparison.


Sep 6, 2018
Let's be honest, if suddenly more women would experience pattern baldness, we'd already have some sort of reliable working treatment or even a cure.
Nobody cares about men and their issues and balding is a "nice" mechanism of weeding out poor genetic material from the gene pool.

Weeding out men, for me this seems like a "mirage" of women, especially since I look at some young women all the men in their family from both sides are bald, so these women will be also "gene carriers" if we should go by that point of view.


Aug 6, 2017
Miniturization of a hair follicle is the result of overstimulation compared to available resources. Unless the environment is fixed, it will eventually lead to hibernation and loss of hair production. Fascial tension is probably the leading cause which restricts circulation and resource delivery. And the tension also directly stimulate the skin/follicle cells. Highly available calcium from milk might also increase activation. DHT is "the cause" of balding only in that it is "the most potent activator" and thus most probable to drive the demand over the limit, and kickstart a recalibration sequence (miniturization) to match the environment.


Sep 15, 2017
The masai used to be almost entirely pastoralists. If I recall correctly, the british killed the majority of their livestock to gain control of them and then moved them to a reservation of sorts. When this occurred corn became a staple in the diet (I think this explains the moderate atherosclerosis seen in the studies).

The current diet of the masai is likely significantly altered from their original native diet.


Dec 29, 2015
Miniturization of a hair follicle is the result of overstimulation compared to available resources. Unless the environment is fixed, it will eventually lead to hibernation and loss of hair production. Fascial tension is probably the leading cause which restricts circulation and resource delivery. And the tension also directly stimulate the skin/follicle cells. Highly available calcium from milk might also increase activation. DHT is "the cause" of balding only in that it is "the most potent activator" and thus most probable to drive the demand over the limit, and kickstart a recalibration sequence (miniturization) to match the environment.
This sounds interesting. Can you please elaborate? Also what do you mean by activate how is DHT the most potent activator? Thanks
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