Milk is the most non-peaty peat food ever


Apr 15, 2015
I don't drink milk or eat the foods you list. I do know that my stress went down and my sleep got better when I started to get more calcium.
yeah, casomorphines in dairy , you know babies fall asleep after drinking milk. When consumed, these fragments attach to the same brain receptors that heroin and other narcotics attach to.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
yeah, casomorphines in dairy , you know babies fall asleep after drinking milk. When consumed, these fragments attach to the same brain receptors that heroin and other narcotics attach to.
The calcium I consume is mostly from calcium carbonate and calcium citrate, not from dairy.


Apr 15, 2015
I don't drink milk or eat the foods you list. I do know that my stress went down and my sleep got better when I started to get more calcium.
I believe you. I know a person who takes a pill of calcium gluconate whenever feels nervous.


Apr 9, 2022
United States
Not sure you ever had access to raw milk.
I live in France and regularly go to farms to get my raw milk.
It energizes me in a clean non-jittery way, and gives me great strength and stamina.
I don't live in france, if I ever go there I will try raw milk and tell you how I react. But I could never make dairy a main part of my diet, it feels wrong for the reasons listed above
Apr 4, 2021
Everything is natural
It is, otherwise OP would have to explain the varying degrees of "being natural" because there are some people who might get diarrhea from even one glass of milk while there are others who drink a gallon with not sign of bloating. What is natural in this case again? The act of drinking milk or the ability to digest it? If it is the earlier, then I will just identify as "baby cow" (calf) from now on o_O
besides that, many calves and cows would keep drinking milk from the udders of other cows but farmers attach nose rings so they wean off that habit


Dec 28, 2021
I don't live in france, if I ever go there I will try raw milk and tell you how I react. But I could never make dairy a main part of my diet, it feels wrong for the reasons listed above
Have you ever tried raw milk anywhere?

Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
I'm not that into casein either, notable opiate effects if I eat a large amount of cheese in one sitting. I actually had withdrawal from cutting out dairy a few years back.


Apr 9, 2022
United States
These claims with no proof backing them. Also, cow milk is not the only milk and it’s the most tampered with in the west. Goat and sheep dairy have been staples in thousands of cultures and we are gonna discard that all for “it’s meant for a baby cow”? Who are you to say what the “natural” human diet is? You also mention starch as being worse than milk but it’s also been used by every culture associated with longevity.

this is how the whole forum acts when I say something bad about milk


Jan 1, 2020
yeah, casomorphines in dairy , you know babies fall asleep after drinking milk. When consumed, these fragments attach to the same brain receptors that heroin and other narcotics attach to.
Yeah if you inject them straight into the brain. Babies doze off after breastfeeding because they're full and cozy not because they're nodding off like dope fiends lmao


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I cannot find an argument against "we are not baby cows"

Well, we are not baby bees either, but we eat honey (and so do a large number of wild animals, including birds and especially bears) and we do just fine on it. In fact, it is quite beneficial to our health. In addition, if we extend the argument "eating something that was not intended for consumption by humans", we also eat eggs (chicken embryos), and those seem to be fine for us as well.
If milk does not sit well with you there could be a number of reasons for that not related to the fact that "we are not baby cows". FWIW, there are plenty of people here who do fine on it.


Apr 9, 2022
United States
Well, we are not baby bees either, but we eat honey (and so do a large number of wild animals, including birds and especially bears) and we do just fine on it. In fact, it is quite beneficial to our health. In addition, if we extend the argument "eating something that was not intended for consumption by humans", we also eat eggs (chicken embryos), and those seem to be fine for us as well.
If milk does not sit well with you there could be a number of reasons for that not related to the fact that "we are not baby cows". FWIW, there are plenty of people here who do fine on it.
Honey is not for baby bees specifically, they make it for multiple reasons. And plus, other animals (like birds and bears as you said) consume it.
Eagles and such will also eat eggs from other birds/animals, so that is found in nature.

But no animal drinks the actual milk, of another animal, that part is the part only humans will do.


Sep 6, 2020
Honey is not for baby bees specifically, they make it for multiple reasons. And plus, other animals (like birds and bears as you said) consume it.
Eagles and such will also eat eggs from other birds/animals, so that is found in nature.

But no animal drinks the actual milk, of another animal, that part is the part only humans will do.


They love it though.

Come on this whole natural or not debate is retarded. Humans will eat whatever they can find at any time. That is natural. To listen to your body. If it wants milk, it wants milk. If not, also fine.

Your post reeks of autism.


Apr 21, 2021
Just look at a cow. It’s begging to be domesticated so that it can provide daily nourishment for people. Seems very natural to me.

I didn’t always think that way. I was on the “milk causes osteoporosis” train and “no animal consumes milk after infancy…”.

However, since adding a little dairy to my diet I feel more stable energy. I did have to clean up my gut first though - get out all the excess nuts and greens, and other gut irritants. Now it feels very soothing to my digestion and I’m sure dairy was integral to healing my gut.


I currently agree with almost everything ray peat says apart from the milk/dairy side of things. It just seems so out of place, I mean, you got the meat (natural) and you got your fruit (natural) but then where does dairy fit into the mix?

I'm not a vegan, but I cannot find an argument against "we are not baby cows". No matter how good the milk is in quality, no matter how raw it is, we still aren't baby cows and therefore it will trigger some kind of inflammation/abnormality when humans ingest it. I can't be the only one who thinks this way in this forum? Drinking the milk that was meant for another animal could not possibly lead to better health in a fully developed human, it's very out of place.

Then, there's all the opiods inside milk which have been shown to make autism worse, casein aswell which seems to make autism worse. As well as hormones that we are against such as prolactin and estrogen, the highest amount of these things are found in milk (even if it's raw organic, doesn't matter because it's naturally there in the milk and it's supposed to be)

You know what else is found in milk which most people here are against? Tryptophan, high levels of tryptophan which will convert into serotonin. There's no known proof that the calcium "Blocks the effect", because otherwise, why do people feel so tired/lazy after drinking a glass of milk and not energized? It doesn't just make you "relaxed from the calcium" it also seems to have a very numbing tryptophan effect on humans. I have taken SSRIS long time ago and played around with serotonin-increasing compounds so I know what high serotonin feels like, all kinds of dairy makes me feel very high serotonin/high estrogen and causes slight anhedonia aswell. Aswell as a diminished libido.

I understand that milk is probably better than starch and is a convenient source of nutrients, but in no way is it optimal, and you guys can't deny that, we biologically don't want milk past infancy and it is not apart of a natural human diet. And drinking milk all the time probably convinces the human body that it is a baby and needs to rapidly grow into a bigger version, hence all the weight gain/water retention people experience with milk. It's just simply not meant for us.
While I disagree with your premise that cow milk is bad for humans (with the caviot - I'm referring to those who have no digestive issues with dairy), your questions were well stated and provoke thought. I'm surprised at the negative reaction to your ideas in a forum that is certainly aware of the censorship and cancel culture of these times. As far as I'm concerned, you should keep on asking questions. It's through debating these ideas that we learn and grow and filter out bad ideas and retain good ideas anyway.

It does seem to me that you are stuck on the humans are not baby cows thing, which we all obviously know, like that is your supposed salient point - you infer that is the concrete evidence for the milk is bad for us premise. I would look more into the science of how milk benefits or is a detriment to our health if I were you instead of relying on "you are not a baby cow" to back up your premise.

I agree that milk does induce sleepiness in many but so does simply eating a big meal as the blood supply is diverted to the digestive system.
Milk is very growth promoting, that doesn't mean that the body becomes "convinced it is a baby", and excessive growth, weight gain and water retention can be the effects of many if not all foods eaten in excess. When the body detects it is receiving sufficient calories growth and repair is initiated regardless of the dietary source. And the opposite is true, a caloric deficit will not promote excess growth, even if you are drinking a ton of milk. The body will in a caloric deficit do only the most necessary processes first and not excessive growth.

Thank you for your post. It made me think.
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Dec 1, 2020
Starchless said:
God I wonder if anyone here truly has low levels of serotonin because the constant emotional sensitivity on this forum is mentally constipating.

Breh. Low serotonin people get anger toward high serotonin people. We arent getting mad cause we are filled with anxienty and have hatred toward anyone we come across (high serotonin).

We get anger and irritation because you are directly insulting the though of empaty and respect and acting like a b****. This behavior is disgusting to good humanbeings...


Jul 8, 2014
Drinking the milk that was meant for another animal could not possibly lead to better health in a fully developed human, it's very out of place.

And yet it does, for some of us.

why do people feel so tired/lazy after drinking a glass of milk and not energized?

Because they don’t digest it well and/or it crashes their blood sugar? I don’t feel tired after drinking milk, but I do after consuming meat or starch because they crash my blood sugar.

And drinking milk all the time probably convinces the human body that it is a baby and needs to rapidly grow into a bigger version,

That’s what I’m hoping for. :pray So far, nope. I’m still as little as ever.
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