Milk Tongue


Jan 6, 2019
If Lactose is such a slow digestible sugar (or Resistant starch) then why would milk cause an overgrowth in the smaller intestine or tongue coating if we try to feed the colon?
Insightful questions. In SIBO bowel transits are so slow that digestion will be highly putrefactive. The purpose of the milk regimen is not to merely supply the colon with adequate sugar, but also to keep the intestines moving by constant feeding. So in order to ensure that minimal putrefactive digestion occurs, feeding amount & frequency each have to be high. These offset the possible risk of putrefaction from milk proteins. If you are just sipping milk on top of your regular diet, you are not drinking enough to impact the colon or to speed up transit times -> pre-existing putrefactive metabolism tends to only strengthen.
And how does supplying the colon with sugar take care of the overgrowth in the small intestine? Is the Resistant starch resulting in moving the bacteria?
Consider that the core of the problem in SIBO is that the harmful bacteria of the colon have spred upward to the small intestine. As us peatarians know, the small intestine should be sterile. If it isn't sterile, normally the fault does not lie in small intestine, but the colon. What is called 'small intestinal overgrowth' is really 'colon undergrowth (of good bacteria)'. Thus when you normalize the colon, the small intestine becomes normalized too. This is why treatments that only seek to clean the small intestines have so low long term success rate.
I thought the whole purpose of eating easy sugars and supplying the body with energy is trough the small intestine absorbing most of it instead of having all this fermentation/byproducts from bacteria.
Yes, this is how digestion would ideally work when the small intestine is sterile. With no harmful bacteria present to steal the food and produce harmful acids, the small intestine becomes very competent at extracting nutrition from food. Then it passes the undigestible bulk onto the colon bacteria, so that they may through fermentation extract any remaining value out of the food, producing valuable fatty acids and other goodies in the process.

Hope that makes sense.


Dec 11, 2018
Assuming that you are frequently eating large amounts of fructose throughout the day so as not to give the small intestine a chance to steal it all, I suspect it would be doable. Another option would be to do honey enemas and directly supply the colon with sugar this way.
Yeah, that would work as well. Thanks.


i have the same and just stopped drinking big amounts milk because of it. i just whiten my coffee which adds to maybe 100ml a day. if I get coating and bad breath my body is telling me something. im not going to try to work my way around that somehow

Do you no longer suffer from white tongue? Do you supplement calcium, or not feel the need?


Nov 21, 2019
Do you no longer suffer from white tongue? Do you supplement calcium, or not feel the need?

no more white tongue

yes, some eggshell

milk seems to be good for my thyroid/temps and bad for numerous other things (gut-->serotonin/endotoxin; skin--> probably estrogen; mouth health)

I started eating tuna to have an easy snack option for animal protein, as well as gluten free oatmeal (in apple sauce)

another advantage this has is less fluids, which is probably better too (especially if you already drink coffee throughout the day, and juice)

but yeah milk definitely seems to have pro metabolic effects


no more white tongue

yes, some eggshell

milk seems to be good for my thyroid/temps and bad for numerous other things (gut-->serotonin/endotoxin; skin--> probably estrogen; mouth health)

I started eating tuna to have an easy snack option for animal protein, as well as gluten free oatmeal (in apple sauce)

another advantage this has is less fluids, which is probably better too (especially if you already drink coffee throughout the day, and juice)

but yeah milk definitely seems to have pro metabolic effects

It’s so frustrating when a substance has such positive and negative effects at the same time. Maybe at some point in the future you’ll be able to drink milk again without the negatives. I’m going to try cutting back now - although, like you, I simply need that splash of milk in my morning coffee.


Apr 22, 2019
I've been drinking more milk than normal (not a huge amount by any means), and have noticed that my tongue has acquired a white coating. It seems to disappear when I stop drinking milk for a few days. It's unsightly and not easy to scrub off. Do any of you milk drinkers have this same problem?



Apr 18, 2018
It's candida. The yeast uses the calcium to protect itself. The problem isn't the milk. It's sub-optimal digestion. Unhomogenised would be the preferred choice to ensure the lactoferrin is not destroyed. There are numerous ways to deal with this. Aspirin, niacinamide, methylene blue, sulphur, sunlight.


The problem isn't the milk. It's sub-optimal digestion.

Yeah, that does seem to be the case. I'm hoping that as my digestion improves, my tolerance for milk will improve - I do love the stuff, and it does me good in other respects. Avoiding wheat, and avoiding fibre, seems to be helping my digestion right now.


Apr 22, 2019
It's candida. The yeast uses the calcium to protect itself. The problem isn't the milk. It's sub-optimal digestion. Unhomogenised would be the preferred choice to ensure the lactoferrin is not destroyed. There are numerous ways to deal with this. Aspirin, niacinamide, methylene blue, sulphur, sunlight.

But how does one improve digestion?


But how does one improve digestion?

My digestion is improving by avoiding wheat, making sure not to over-eat, chewing well, and keeping my fibre intake quite low, among other things. But it's early days for me. Mine has been poor for years.
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If it isn't sterile, normally the fault does not lie in small intestine, but the colon. What is called 'small intestinal overgrowth' is really 'colon undergrowth (of good bacteria)'. Thus when you normalize the colon, the small intestine becomes normalized too. This is why treatments that only seek to clean the small intestines have so low long term success rate.

This is extremely helpful to me, and makes an awful lot of sense. The root of my problem is clearly my colon, because that's where the discomfort and bloating and belching always occurs. Thank you.


1 dose of cypro completely reset my gut.

its not sustainable for me to stay on it though, because it crashes my dopamine

By the way, does fermented dairy cause you the same problems?


Oct 6, 2020
It's candida. The yeast uses the calcium to protect itself. The problem isn't the milk. It's sub-optimal digestion. Unhomogenised would be the preferred choice to ensure the lactoferrin is not destroyed. There are numerous ways to deal with this. Aspirin, niacinamide, methylene blue, sulphur, sunlight.

I had already thought of this son of a fungi as a possible cause for this. Both my dentist and my regular physician told me that in "healthy" human beings that this is no issue and is defenitely in no way whatsoever responsible for more severe health issues ... tbh from all health issues i have the white coating is the least of my concerns but as with everything, things are connected.

Some while ago i had bought this "anti-candida" supplement containing neem leaves, garlic extract, horseradish, galangal, olive leave extract, coconut flour, lemon juice, oregano, grapefruit seed extract, turmeric, dianthus blossoms, nigella, watercress, cinnamon, cayenne pepper.
Haven't tried this yet but if in fact candida was the problem, would this help?

Let's assume the overgrowth - wether it is candida or sibo - is causing the white coating, then merely "attacking" it might not provide a long term solution. Aren't these things occuring because of an already compromised health state? Perhaps due to running to long on stress hormones, emotional or physical trauma etc.

Could you give me an idea of how you would use thoose mentioned "consumables" (amount per day for example)?

... The purpose of the milk regimen is not to merely supply the colon with adequate sugar, but also to keep the intestines moving by constant feeding. So in order to ensure that minimal putrefactive digestion occurs, feeding amount & frequency each have to be high. These offset the possible risk of putrefaction from milk proteins. If you are just sipping milk on top of your regular diet, you are not drinking enough to impact the colon or to speed up transit times -> pre-existing putrefactive metabolism tends to only strengthen.

Consider that the core of the problem in SIBO is that the harmful bacteria of the colon have spred upward to the small intestine. As us peatarians know, the small intestine should be sterile. If it isn't sterile, normally the fault does not lie in small intestine, but the colon. What is called 'small intestinal overgrowth' is really 'colon undergrowth (of good bacteria)'. Thus when you normalize the colon, the small intestine becomes normalized too. This is why treatments that only seek to clean the small intestines have so low long term success rate.


Hope that makes sense.

Hey, thank you very much for that response. Now that you mention it ive read on sibo being caused by opportunistic bacteria not getting enough "food" in the colon and therefore moving up the digestion track. Is this actually universally agreed upon? What if bacteria in the small intestine moved there because there was to much "competition" going on in the collon?

About the raw potatoe starch supplement you are using... i thought potatoes generally should be cooked because of their antinutrients and the solanine content. Or is the supplement barely containing any of thoose?
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Jan 6, 2019
Now that you mention it ive read on sibo being caused by opportunistic bacteria not getting enough "food" in the colon and therefore moving up the digestion track. Is this actually universally agreed upon? What if bacteria in the small intestine moved there because there was to much "competition" going on in the collon?
Hmm, I don't know. If there was too much competition, wouldn't they simply die out? I guess it would depend on how intelligent we deem these organisms to be, ha. I'm inclined to see them as mere opportunistic feeders rather than cunning strategists. That is to say, the circumstances just happen to enable them to breed so excessively that they expand into the SI. Kind of like how cancer grows because it can.

About the raw potatoe starch supplement you are using... i thought potatoes generally should be cooked because of their antinutrients and the solanine content. Or is the supplement barely if containing any of thoose?
Ah, yes it's pure raw starch, devoid of nutrients and antinutrients alike. It has lnothing that the body can make use of, which is why it goes straight to the colon where the amylolotic bacteria turn it into a sugary feast for the rest of the bacteria.


not sure tbh. skin gets worse on any dairy though. just not worth it in big quantities for me.

Do you suspect it's some kind of bacterial or fungal overgrowth in your case as well? And that the milk is somehow supporting or promoting the growth of the bacteria?
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