MRNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccines: Possible Integration into the Human Genome

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I agree with all of that...however, since at least one of the COVID-19 vaccines is now officially FDA-approved as "safe and effective", that argument won't hold up in court if people try to sue doctors, nurses, school admins, etc for personal injury. All of them will say " all we did is administer a safe and effetive treatment as per FDA's official rulings". Just like the oncologists who killed a cancer patient saying well, all we did is administer a "standard of care" treatment that has been FDA-approved as safe and effective. Apparently, according to FDA, causing death is "safe" as long as it is done in an approved manner.
As my grandmother used to say: "Which will kill you first, the disease or the cure?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Question, hoping someone has an answer. What do you say when someone is arguing that all the injected people they know seem fine and having no reactions like others are having? I have a few responses but looking for something more solid:

1) this is an experiment and they are testing different amounts - some are saline some 10 mg some 20 mg some 40 mg etc.

2) They might look fine but test their a) d - diner test shows micro clotting, b) immune markers - much like an HIV test - shows autoimmune disease developing. Any other tests or evidence we have?

3) These therapies are designed for slow kill - and high medical expenses until the end. Most deaths will come between 6 months and 3 years. Wait until 3 years and let’s have this conversation again.

Any other points?

@Mito @Pina @Drareg @Birdie @Perry Staltic Anyone else? and excuse me if I didn’t tag you.

Some people may have a genetic predisposition that results in harm. Some people may have previously undetected health issues. Something I'm wondering about is if people who are having problems had the needle penetrate a blood vessel, which caused the toxins to be spread quickly throughout the body.


Nov 18, 2019
Some of the most "fine-looking" (by official normie standards at least) celebrity trainers, bodybuilders, athletes, etc died in the last year from various conditions that nobody would have thought they had (e.g. CVD, diabetes, etc). The lead actor in Black Panther looked "fine" to people around him...until he disappeared from the public space and died from colon cancer 2-3 months later. So, looking "fine" is not a criteria without objective tests.
Thank you. Precisely the kind of reasoning I am looking for.


Jul 30, 2017
well the black panther actor was actually really emaciated if you look back on the videos of him doing interviews with his marvel co workers. people now posting videos of how "we should have known" because hes extremely skinny in a lot of the videos up to before he disappeared from media and then died.


Nov 18, 2019
Some people may have a genetic predisposition that results in harm. Some people may have previously undetected health issues. Something I'm wondering about is if people who are having problems had the needle penetrate a blood vessel, which caused the toxins to be spread quickly throughout the body.
I have heard about that an MD was proposing this as an explanation for the deaths.

Thank you.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Good summation of the data to date: Using the presence of antibodies alone as a measure of immunity is misleading, the presence of memory T and B cells is much more indicative; natural infection causes a better grade of immunity than the vaccine; at 6 to 8 months out vaccine immunity shows evidence of rapid waning while that from natural immunity does not; taking the vaccine after having had the infection entails substantial risk of systemic adverse effects.

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Question, hoping someone has an answer. What do you say when someone is arguing that all the injected people they know seem fine and having no reactions like others are having? I have a few responses but looking for something more solid:

1) this is an experiment and they are testing different amounts - some are saline some 10 mg some 20 mg some 40 mg etc.

2) They might look fine but test their a) d - diner test shows micro clotting, b) immune markers - much like an HIV test - shows autoimmune disease developing. Any other tests or evidence we have?

3) These therapies are designed for slow kill - and high medical expenses until the end. Most deaths will come between 6 months and 3 years. Wait until 3 years and let’s have this conversation again.

Any other points?

@Mito @Pina @Drareg @Birdie @Perry Staltic Anyone else? and excuse me if I didn’t tag you.
In this interview about 4 mins in Catherine Austin Fitts states that based on the information coming from the scientist she follows the side effects will be seen in most people 6 - 18 months after the 2 shot.

Catherine Austin Fitts: "The injections have nothing to do with Covid-19."​


Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
In this interview about 4 mins in Catherine Austin Fitts states that based on the information coming from the scientist she follows the side effects will be seen in most people 6 - 18 months after the 2 shot.

Catherine Austin Fitts: "The injections have nothing to do with Covid-19."​


As much as I like her, I hope Catherine is just overly paranoid. In some of her interviews, she really takes the deep dive into almost every aspect of "conspiracy" I've come across, from satellite fires in CA to the Mark of the Beast to whatever. And her ideas are so tightly woven and subsumed under one grand plan, they can be quite compelling. Having worked with paranoids, I can tell you this is exactly why they are so unphaseable, all details of the fantasy are worked out meticulously and so fit together like a jigsaw forming a compelling picture of the world. It can even become compelling to the therapist.

It seems to me doubtful that flawed humans, no matter how much money and power they have, could organize such an all-encompassing global coup. (Of course, if the Devil exists and he is behind it, that's a different story). This vaxx mandate may simply boil down to greed and regulatory capture alone, with all the ravings of Klaus Schwab just the fantasies of a psychotic psychopath.

Then again, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

if she's right, God help us.
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As much as I like her, I hope Catherine is just overly paranoid. In some of her interviews, she really takes the deep dive into almost every aspect of "conspiracy" I've come across, from satellite fires in CA to the Mark of the Beast to whatever. And her ideas are so tightly woven and subsumed under one grand plan, they can be quite compelling. Having worked with paranoids, I can tell you this is exactly why they are so unphaseable, all details of the fantasy are worked out meticulously and so fit together like a jigsaw forming a compelling picture of the world. It can even become compelling to the therapist.

It seems to me doubtful that flawed humans, no matter how much money and power they have, could organize such an all-encompassing global coup. (Of course, if the Devil exists and he is behind it, that's a different story). This vaxx mandate may simply boil down to greed and regulatory capture alone, with all the ravings of Klaus Schwab just the fantasies of a psychotic psychopath.

Then again, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

if she's right, God help us.
It's mind blowing isn't it? After 18months I have no doubt 'an all-encompassing global coup' is possible.

Having followed Catherin Austin Fitts work for a while now, I must say I don't find her paranoid at all. Her work is based on many years of experience in the industry. She has helped a lot of people navigate the legal aspect of the vaccine mandates for instance. I think if you explore her website you will find her work is based on evidence and not just speculation. Dr Peat speaks in similar ways about the pandemic and the financial systems. I once heard Dr Peat say that HIV was being worked on in the 50/60's as an ethinic specific bioweapon. Those are not his exact words. This is not new, it's been going on in Africa for a long time.

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Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
which one is worse for the human body the vector shot or the mrna shot?
Bump. I'd like to know as well. There is comparatively little discussion among the Covid-savvy doctors and scientists specifically regarding the vector shot.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
It's mind blowing isn't it? After 18months I have no doubt 'an all-encompassing global coup' is possible.

Having followed Catherin Austin Fitts work for a while now, I must say I don't find her paranoid at all. Her work is based on many years of experience in the industry. She has helped a lot of people navigate the legal aspect of the vaccine mandates for instance. I think if you explore her website you will find her work is based on evidence and not just speculation. Dr Peat speaks in similar ways about the pandemic and the financial systems. I once heard Dr Peat say that HIV was being worked on in the 50/60's as an ethinic specific bioweapon. Those are not his exact words. This is not new, it's been going on in Africa for a long time.

I've visited her site, read a lot of her stuff, and watched about every video with her I can find. As I said the very plausibility of her outlook, is compelling. Many things of which she speaks, particularly the financial angles, are I'm sure accurate. However, and I'm not saying she is wrong, mind, the totalizing aspect of her world view, in which so many so-called conspiracy theories are incorporated, including some that strike me as pretty far out and which are not immediately related to her field, impresses me as very similar to clients I've seen who were diagnosed as paranoid, some extremely intelligent and perceptive people like Catherine. I take the same position with her that I took with them: meeting them with as open a mind as possible.


Bump. I'd like to know as well. There is comparatively little discussion among the Covid-savvy doctors and scientists specifically regarding the vector shot.
Some of Dr Tenpenny’s interviews from early this year discusses the difference between them. She does stress that they have equal risk for human health.


Feb 18, 2016
Question, hoping someone has an answer. What do you say when someone is arguing that all the injected people they know seem fine and having no reactions like others are having? I have a few responses but looking for something more solid:

1) this is an experiment and they are testing different amounts - some are saline some 10 mg some 20 mg some 40 mg etc.

2) They might look fine but test their a) d - diner test shows micro clotting, b) immune markers - much like an HIV test - shows autoimmune disease developing. Any other tests or evidence we have?

3) These therapies are designed for slow kill - and high medical expenses until the end. Most deaths will come between 6 months and 3 years. Wait until 3 years and let’s have this conversation again.

Any other points?

@Mito @Pina @Drareg @Birdie @Perry Staltic Anyone else? and excuse me if I didn’t tag you.
How many are on angiotensin blockers, is this protective like they were with covid.
How many teens dying were on SSRI’s , this would increase the clotting risk or anything heart related.


Jul 25, 2013
It seems to me doubtful that flawed humans, no matter how much money and power they have, could organize such an all-encompassing global coup. (Of course, if the Devil exists and he is behind it, that's a different story).

That's a good point. A well structured evil plan that takes decades (or even generations) to prepare, can only be possible if there is a force that lives throughout human history and acts globally. Humans, as much as they want to, cannot achieve such results over long periods of time. They die, life circumstances get in the way, greed and incompetence come into play, etc. Finally, a new generation of conspirators may no longer care about the plans created by their seniors.
But, like you said, if devil exists, it's a different story. Such entities would be able to organize, guide with need-to-know information access, and execute plans over long periods of time.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
Way back at the beginning of this pandemic nonsense, during the Trump administration, there was a short video clip of the reporters and photographers getting set up for a White House briefing. One guy walks in with a mask and another guy says something like "hey you don't need that mask - we've all been vaccinated". Long before there was a jab available. Makes me suspect there is a different jab for "the chosen", and all they ever get is a bad cold. While some celebrities and athletes have died from COVID or after the jab, how many of our powerful politicians have died during the pandemic/vaxx?

There are different Lot numbers. There are different manufacturing facilities. There is RFID tracking of the lots, and the time and temperature exposures. Big pharma will know where each lot went, though not necessarily whose arm each jab went into. Does anybody know how many shots have been discarded "out of spec"?

What technology will eventually tell us whether the synthetic mRNA/dsDNA has been integrated into the human genome?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
How many are on angiotensin blockers, is this protective like they were with covid.
How many teens dying were on SSRI’s , this would increase the clotting risk or anything heart related.
which drugs/supplements are angiotensin blockers? i think aspirin is one, potentially thiamine, and milk?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Bump. I'd like to know as well. There is comparatively little discussion among the Covid-savvy doctors and scientists specifically regarding the vector shot.

Both appear to be bad, in terms of risk of integration into our genome. In fact, at least one scientific publication seems to publicly acknowledge that, and still argue for the vaccines b/c "but...but...the virus can also integrate into our DNA, and it is better to be vaccinated than face the natural infection". So, if possible, I would not take either one, and if forced at gunpoint then maybe opt for one of the "traditional" ones like Novavax (if it ever gets approved).

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