Multi Racial Society - The Biggest Stressor Of Them All?


Jul 10, 2016
very true

dark eyed europeans are completely different from blue eyed europeans and are treated as such. The difference in facial features is obvious. This would be difficult for americans to grasp. Europe is quite elitist

As a southeastern european stuck in a northwestern country due to the encouragement of my naive parents, I've had much better luck socialising with indians and middle easterners due to their culture (they're warm blooded), and our genetic proximity and facial resemblance. Attempts to connect to light eyed europeans have felt like a dead end most of the time, it's been a dispiriting experience.

I wouldn't say nobody cares about the admixture. Most white supremacist groups do not consider Mediterraneans and Pontids to be pure europeans. Europeans can tell on a subconscious level that there's a difference even if they're not aware of the genetic background/history of mixing. Theres a superiority/inferiority complex dynamic going on between the two groups.

I did not think I would read something like this...

"Dark eyed Europeans" go from Portugal to sweden and are entirely caucasoid and Europid in all features.... you can have two people, one with brown eyes and one with blue or gray eyes, who posees the exact same facial features and bone structure.

All over the European continent you see, within families - regardless of other physical features, members with blue, brown and green eyes.

Btw, the only "pure" light eye colours are sea blue and grey, green eyes are themselves the result of some degrees of mixture between the caucasian types.

Mulatoes can have light eyes.

Eye colours are only one insignificant and unimportant feature of race.... as unimportant as being 6'1 vs 6'2.... it alone does not tell much.... all features in combination are important.


Why is it that white countries are facing forced, mass scale diversity?
This is not only happening in white countries think Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand. These countries became "white" due to immigration. The globalist are moving population around to exploit and depopulate. That's my simplistic viewpoint.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
This is not only happening in white countries think Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand. These countries became "white" due to immigration. The globalist are moving population around to exploit and depopulate. That's my simplistic viewpoint.
Maybe “white countries” wasn’t the right way to put it.

So I’ll ask, why are countries that are white populated facing replacement?


Maybe “white countries” wasn’t the right way to put it.

So I’ll ask, why are countries that are white populated facing replacement?
World population around 8 billion. The cabal want to reduce to 500, 000. (2 Billion at most). Who will be left? - the elite and slaves.


Mar 21, 2021
World population around 8 billion. The cabal want to reduce to 500, 000. (2 Billion at most). Who will be left? - the elite and slaves.
The elites know the average human monkey is very wery of the other. If you don’t understand a culture you are more likely to fear it. And these world leaders saw how easy it was to use race to divide and conquer in America to gain lots of money power and keep the plebs fighting amongst each other they are shipping them in . Create fear and infighting then use it to gain power and steal all the money.

Create Covid and then be the savior with the vaccine and we saw all the power and money they got with it.


The elites know the average human monkey is very wery of the other. If you don’t understand a culture you are more likely to fear it. And these world leaders saw how easy it was to use race to divide and conquer in America to gain lots of money power and keep the plebs fighting amongst each other they are shipping them in . Create fear and infighting then use it to gain power and steal all the money.

Create Covid and then be the savior with the vaccine and we saw all the power and money they got with it.
Exactly - we all fell for it to some extent. I'm unlearning a lifetime of lies. It's not easy.


Thank you for dodging, it told me all I need to know.
Dodging what? What do you want me to say? The globalist hate white people and they want to replace them? You think they don't hate dark skin people too? You think they are not exploitiing and controlling them?


Feb 12, 2020
I did not think I would read something like this...

"Dark eyed Europeans" go from Portugal to sweden and are entirely caucasoid and Europid in all features.... you can have two people, one with brown eyes and one with blue or gray eyes, who posees the exact same facial features and bone structure.

All over the European continent you see, within families - regardless of other physical features, members with blue, brown and green eyes.

Btw, the only "pure" light eye colours are sea blue and grey, green eyes are themselves the result of some degrees of mixture between the caucasian types.

Mulatoes can have light eyes.

Eye colours are only one insignificant and unimportant feature of race.... as unimportant as being 6'1 vs 6'2.... it alone does not tell much.... all features in combination are important.
eye colour correlates with facial features

composite of brown and blue eyed europeans posted earlier in the thread



Aug 17, 2018
Why is it that white countries are facing forced, mass scale diversity?
My personal opinion is that only white race can stop NWO...because of their unique ability to innovate...which has been heavily compromised.


Oct 2, 2018
Why is it that white countries are facing forced, mass scale diversity?
As far as I can make out it is because any strong nation that had a Nationalist streak made them dangerous to the globalist cabal and their agenda. White countries were the ones that were able to organise, educate their populations, and become industrial powers. As others said, these are the countries that could resist the globalists as singular nations and if they formed alliances.

By flooding these countries with immigrants from nations not use to the rule of law, where tribalism rules, where corruption and violence is the norm, and who will not align with and strengthen that nation, they ensure the rot and destruction of that nation. This removes it as a resistance threat to the globalists and means it’s populace can be manipulated on a mass scale.

It will be interesting to see how the globalists deal with the BRICS nations as they rise in power, who all have homogenous cultures and who don’t have immigration policies.


Jun 14, 2020
As far as I can make out it is because any strong nation that had a Nationalist streak made them dangerous to the globalist cabal and their agenda. White countries were the ones that were able to organise, educate their populations, and become industrial powers. As others said, these are the countries that could resist the globalists as singular nations and if they formed alliances.

By flooding these countries with immigrants from nations not use to the rule of law, where tribalism rules, where corruption and violence is the norm, and who will not align with and strengthen that nation, they ensure the rot and destruction of that nation. This removes it as a resistance threat to the globalists and means it’s populace can be manipulated on a mass scale.

It will be interesting to see how the globalists deal with the BRICS nations as they rise in power, who all have homogenous cultures and who don’t have immigration policies.
A great comment. The contrast between the opinions of this kind on this thread, versus those of the dimwitted proponents of the inexistence of race and the superiority of multiculturalism make it obvious which view is rooted in reality.


Feb 12, 2020
White countries were the ones that were able to organise, educate their populations, and become industrial powers. As others said, these are the countries that could resist the globalists as singular nations and if they formed alliances.
It will be interesting to see how the globalists deal with the BRICS nations as they rise in power, who all have homogenous cultures and who don’t have immigration policies.

east asia has always been up there in terms of ability to organise, educate, and have strong industry. China has long ago risen in power to match or exceed the development of white countries... if there is such an attempt by globalists to wreak havoc via immigration to weaken global powers, it has already been made and they have dealt with it...

Globalist immigration aside, the young population of East asia is voluntarily wiping itself out, fertility rate well below replacement, widespread reclusive hikikomori behaviour among affluent east asians in their prime reproductive years. Northwestern europeans are headed down the same trajectory of voluntary extinction, with or without the involvement of immigrants. They already have the same pattern of behaviour, but it's not as bad yet. Even the rich ones who can afford a family, prefer to have dogs over children and a netflix subscription over a partner. Eternal "free spirits" who like to be solitary. The reduced drive to procreate and form social bonds with the rise of technological advancement, access to education and increasing economic power is a universal blueprint of human behaviour. This problem is already present among the western white population, even if you remove all the immigrants, it will persist
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Mar 10, 2016
So wait, LET ME GUESS:

You grew up in a White-country, then decided to visit an African country to "find yourself", is that right?

On a scale of 1-10, how right am I?

Oh, wow. No, I was there on a research grant. It wasn't Africa. Take a look at my original comment below and notice how friendly it is. Personal attacks like this are why I've stopped using this forum.
I have lived in 1 predominantly white country and 1 predominantly non-white country. So, my experience is limited.
The former had better sanitation and air quality. Also, there was less waiting involved.
The latter was more connected on a human level. People were more inclusive and affectionate toward each other.


Oct 4, 2022
i considered making a burner account for this one because i dont want people to stop giving me good advice but im going to trust that the users here are mature enough to not take this personally.

living in a big European city, dealing all the immigrants is naturally very stressful to me. but this can be attributed to the fact that they hassle me every time i take the subway or the fact that they are more likely to be violent/criminal. but ever since i was a small child, before i had even started judging people based on their skin color, i was always unhappy being around non-white kids. this feeling never went away as i grew older. though i try not to judge other people based on race there is just this deep natural feeling of stress from seeing them. i grew up with a very small amount of immigrants in my small town, so at this point it wasnt even because of the huge immigrant problem we have now. i just can not be happy or relaxed knowing there are other races around me. its not like walking down the street and seing a Chinese person ruins my day, but constantly seeing people of all colors around me just makes me depressed and angry.
of course, arabic and black people stress me out the most, because they most are likely to hurt me. but even the peoples that i know are not a problem, being around them to much makes me feel alone and isolated and this deep unnatural frustration.

(americans who have not visited a northern european city in the last 5 years, please do not tell me about what our situation is like)

surely fighting these instincts must cause harm

i cant think of any people that wouldn't be happier surrounded by their own kind. racism is a deep natural instinct and completely suppressing it must be so tiresome and exhausting. i think the fact we we teach kids from the moment they are born to not categorize people is dumbing down the population. the brain WANTS to categorize and generalize. we are fighting our natural way of understanding the world.

who actually feels happier in a multicultural society? you are constantly put on guard.
Fantastic thread with a painfully honest starter post. Quite telling of the modern day landscape that he had to make a burner account to post this


Fantastic thread with a painfully honest starter post. Quite telling of the modern day landscape that he had to make a burner account to post this
He "considered making a burner account" but didn't.


Mar 21, 2021
I think racism is natural and a instinct that was beneficial to us back before the modern times. I think we have a natural instinct to be weary or fear people different from us. In a time with no laws and at a time were someone could just kill you or a waring tribe could just come in and take out a whole village.

So that is why being part of group is so essential to humans we also needed groups to protect us from dangers from the environment, animals and dangers from other people.

So not only do we see color of skin and dress we also see language as mechanisms to think are they a friend or potentially foe.

I was watching this WWII documentary and there was this German spy that infiltrated the us army pretending to be a US soldier and they said he spoke perfect English.

So how they were able to find out he was spy. it was because one day he asked were they stored the petrol and in America we called it gas. So this raised alarms in their minds of the us soldiers and with just one word they look into it and we’re able to find out he was German spy.

So the problem with a multi-racial society or multi-cultural society and many wars and many problems in a society happens just because people had different cultures or religions even though the skin color was the same.

So when encounter people of different cultures or skin color and especially if you grew and around people mostly just like you. You could get a serotonin, adrenaline and cortisol response telling you to fight, flee or freeze even though in your logical mind think is just regular person in modern time going about there day , you could still have this subconscious response in you saying this could be potential danger. And you may be right. But statistical you were probably wrong 99.9% percent of the time.

But if you were wrong that point one percent you could be seriously harmed or killed. And we see these point one percent of horrible things that happen to people all the time in the news and it makes us more prone to think the odds of it happening are a lot higher in these modern times. And without these laws and structured societies that are better in certain areas then others would happen a lot more then they do.

I think a lot of racism isn’t hate but just a sense subconsciously you don’t want to feel that serotonin, cortisol and adrenaline response and it’s really your body trying to protect you in more of caveman sense.

And then you have the people that get the higher cortisol and serotonin response that get is more of we need to get them or get rid of them before they get us. Which in prehistoric times with neighboring tribes they could potentially do harm to your tribe. It could lead to the survival of your tribe if you took them out before they could take you out.

But in todays time we have a lot more in common then we have different, but the elites know that creating fear of the others and then pretending to be the the savior, that will able them to keep people infighting and obtain power.

And truth is we will never be able to take on the elites if we let them exploit the minor differences we have and make a minor difference seem like threat to your life and well being.

We fear what we don’t know or fully understand.

And I come to realize racism isn’t hate, it’s fear. And peoples racism will only stop is if you have empathy for them and not make them out to be a villain and try to help them come to an understanding. But the elites do not want that. Because that is threat to their power. And it is not just about race we just saw how they were able to make people who didn’t get the vaccine as a threat to everybody. But as more people spoke out and more knowledge about the vaccine and covid a lot of that fear and hate of the unvaccinated went away for a majority of the population. You still have some of those covidians out there. But it’s a lot smaller now and they are being seen as the crazy ones more and more each day.

And look at the native Americans that were killed by small pox. So other humans posed a threat because of a virus they had even though the could have been a friend. Just look at the black plague in Europe. So there over reaction they had about Covid was a protective mechanism because they lacked the knowledge. We fear what we don’t understand.

At the end of the day we are all trying to make it in these modern times with our caveman brain.


Mar 15, 2014
they're south indian
Even they have a good 25% as well, just not as much as the other two.

The general stereotype (as well as my opinion) is that South Indians are usually more quiet and reserved, while North Indians are more likely to go out and party, be more social, and also do general "machismo" type stuff

Basically like the reverse of the comparison between North Europeans and South Europeans. Or East Asians and everybody else. It's possible that you just know some really outgoing South Indians, I've noticed some "merchant" class type people tend to be like this.

it is because any strong nation that had a Nationalist streak made them dangerous to the globalist cabal and their agenda. White countries were the ones that were able to organise, educate their populations, and become industrial powers
Funny how you decry globalism and then boast about Europe becoming more globalist
It will be interesting to see how they deal with the BRICS nations, who all have homogenous cultures
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