


Apr 30, 2015
Well, I bought a few boxes and had them shipped overnight. Tried to make yogurt using a quart of goat milk and the contents of a capsule in a yogourmet yogurt maker for 9 hours. There's no hint of fermentation.
Have you tried a couple times?

Do they still use cold packs with the express option? I thought the mutaflor option was best because it was packaged specifically to help the bugs stay alive


Do they still use cold packs with the express option? I thought the mutaflor option was best because it was packaged specifically to help the bugs stay alive
Yes, it’s been really hot here (in California, just look at the news), so I opted for overnight delivery. Arrived the next morning before the heat of the day.
It might have something to do with goat milk? It didn’t thicken at all. I will try again with cows milk and maybe two capsules this time? If anyone has advice for making yogurt I’d appreciate it.


Feb 8, 2018
Well, I bought a few boxes and had them shipped overnight. Tried to make yogurt using a quart of goat milk and the contents of a capsule in a yogourmet yogurt maker for 9 hours. There's no hint of fermentation.

When starting, you may want to empty the powder from two caps and use less milk, like 1/2 liter, and ferment longer, like 24 hours.

Is your yogurt maker running hot? Mine has adjustable temperature settings and I've had success with 100F (38C).

I usually use one capsule and around 6oz of cow milk to create the starter. I takes around +/-6 hours. I then use 1 TBSP of this starter with around 1.5 liters of milk to make a batch of yogurt. I refrigerate the starter and keep using it until it runs out after making 5-6 batches. Then I create a fresh starter using another Mutaflor cap. And so on. I don't use yogurt from one batch to inoculate the next batch because of the possibility of cross-contamination and weakening of the Mutaflor bacteria.


Make sure to whisk the Mutaflor contents in a little of the cooled pasteurized milk before adding to the rest of the milk and stirring thoroughly.

I started out using Dr Myhill's recipe of 1/2 liter soymilk plus two Mutaflor caps. It worked fine. (Her recipe calls for 2 dessertspoons sugar. A dessertspoon = 2 teaspoons). The yogurt had a distinct smell reminiscent of moth balls. It's not too bad.

I tried goat milk and it came out runny. If I recall I boiled the milk. Goat milk is delicate and I later discovered you shouldn't heat over 180F.

Cow milk Mutaflor yogurt comes out almost like regular yogurt and does not smell like moth balls. This makes me wonder whether lactic bacteria are forming endogenously and dominating the Mutaflor bacteria. If that's the case then soymilk or other substrates might be superior to milk.

If using milk, don't add sugar since e. coli Nissle does feed on lactose.

When I used shelf stable milk (UHT) I didn't need to pasteurize the milk. Just add the starter/Mutaflor and put in yogurt maker. Not sure of the bad health effects of UHT so now I use regular pasteurized non-homogenized milk and heat it to about 180F.

I use this yogurt maker which has adjustable temp settings. Or you can use this SCD yogurt maker


Feb 8, 2018
Yes, it’s been really hot here (in California, just look at the news), so I opted for overnight delivery. Arrived the next morning before the heat of the day.
It might have something to do with goat milk? It didn’t thicken at all. I will try again with cows milk and maybe two capsules this time? If anyone has advice for making yogurt I’d appreciate it.

Here are some links I've gathered on making yogurt. Some are for making SCD yogurt and others are specific to Mutaflor yogurt. Note that there is disagreement on what kind of bacteria you end up with when you culture milk using a multi-strain probiotic such as VSL#3 which is not designed to culture yogurt. According to a couple of research papers, the bacteria would compete with each other and the final yogurt would not resemble the make up of the probiotic capsule. Good luck.

Dr Enid's Blog at The Taymount FMT Clinic Super Yogurt. Mutaflor and VSL#3
Growing Mutaflor - DoctorMyhill
Mutaflor: Growing your own
How to duplicate probiotics as yogurt
FMT Series for Severe Constipation, a Complete and Thorough Log : fecaltransplant
Growing/fermenting Mutaflor pills?
GI ProHealth Inc.
Yogurt | SCD Wiki


Dec 10, 2016
I wanted to throw a recent story in here about Mutaflor.

A few months ago, when I added more beans into my diet, my old problem of waking up early in the morning started to crop its head up. Usually 3-4am depending on what time I went to bed. I would wake, feel shaky like I had low blood sugar. Sometimes my arms and legs would twitch as well.

It wasn't too bad until late June when it started to get bad. In early July, I consulted my notes and remembered about Mutaflor. I also remembered that Mutaflor would tend to cause me some anxiety and I really did not want that, but I decided to do it anyways.

Did it for a month and I was able to sleep in. In that time I started taking cholestyramine and an antifungal, and with the extra sleep made a lot of great progress in my health. I started lifting weight and seeing results. Walks were good. Mood was lifted. It was awesome.

Four days ago, I decided I had been on the mutaflor for a month and it was probably enough that I could go off it(it is pricey!).

Two nights ago, I woke up at 2:45am with higher blood sugar. So I took some insulin which is normally not a problem but surprise surprise...I instantly felt low blood sugar in my arms and legs. They started to twitch and I woke RIGHT up.

As I laid in bed for a couple hours, I said to myself "no ******* way am I giving up the progress I have made in the last couple months over this stupid waking up early." Next morning I took Mutaflor and this morning I slept in just fine.

So to sum up:
•Sleep problem for me comes from gut bugs. Mutaflor is an amazing tool for changing that.

•Microbiome matters so much. If you are operating under a sterile understanding of health, you are missing a huge part of the picture and no wonder sometimes substances do the exact opposite of what they should.
Are you saying that it improves your sleep but comes at the cost of anxiety when you’re not sleeping?


Apr 30, 2015
Are you saying that it improves your sleep but comes at the cost of anxiety when you’re not sleeping?
The first time it did correct.

This time I did not notice any anxiety, but I was also not trading the stock market as much as I was the first the anxiety could have been exacerbated by my other words this time around, any anxiety was not noticeable.


So I tried a 2nd batch of yogurt with 6 oz of cow milk and 1 capsule. It did not thicken after 6 hours, so I let it go overnight, probably a total of 18 hours to see what would happen. It smelled slightly tangy and the solids had separated, not exactly a yogurt or even a kefer consistency. Letting it continue to ferment did not improve the consistency. I'm concerned that only the naturally occurring bacteria in the milk is responsible for the fermentation. I used A2 ultra-pasteurized milk, and did not boil beforehand.


Apr 30, 2015
So I tried a 2nd batch of yogurt with 6 oz of cow milk and 1 capsule. It did not thicken after 6 hours, so I let it go overnight, probably a total of 18 hours to see what would happen. It smelled slightly tangy and the solids had separated, not exactly a yogurt or even a kefer consistency. Letting it continue to ferment did not improve the consistency. I'm concerned that only the naturally occurring bacteria in the milk is responsible for the fermentation. I used A2 ultra-pasteurized milk, and did not boil beforehand.
The guy above used soy milk. Have you tried that?

Edit: He also super sterilized the soy milk in a pressure cooker for 24 hours before using it
Last edited:


Feb 8, 2018
The guy above used soy milk. Have you tried that?

Edit: He also super sterilized the soy milk in a pressure cooker for 24 hours before using it

I've used Trader Joe's shelf stable soymilk successfully straight out of the carton without sterilization. Pressure cooking seems like overkill to me.


Feb 8, 2018
So I tried a 2nd batch of yogurt with 6 oz of cow milk and 1 capsule. It did not thicken after 6 hours, so I let it go overnight, probably a total of 18 hours to see what would happen. It smelled slightly tangy and the solids had separated, not exactly a yogurt or even a kefer consistency. Letting it continue to ferment did not improve the consistency. I'm concerned that only the naturally occurring bacteria in the milk is responsible for the fermentation. I used A2 ultra-pasteurized milk, and did not boil beforehand.

Looks like 18 hours was too long. That happened to me too. Try 7-12 hours. Culture it during the day so you can observe it.

Was your A2 milk in the fridge when you bought it? Possibly the refrigerated ultra-pasteurized milks are not pasteurized to the same degree as the shelf stable ones? Try heating it to 180F.


Apr 30, 2015
I've used Trader Joe's shelf stable soymilk successfully straight out of the carton without sterilization. Pressure cooking seems like overkill to me.
I think he did it so he knew for sure that whatever cultured in there was mutaflor. Maybe you can get competing species or something


Jun 2, 2020

Long time lurker, first time poster. This thread is super interesting and encouraged me to give Mutaflor a go. So, I've been on 2 caps 2X day for over a month now and I can attest to the low blood sugar/low body temperature. Sleep is definitely better and I think this is because E. Coli raises serotonin and melatonin. This may also explain why it improves gut motility. Interestingly, my estrogen level (E2) was significantly elevated as witnessed by a bloodwork.

My primary issue is hypoglycemia, I'm not yet able to find a workaround. I tried to take Enterococcus faecalis (Symbioflor 1) and D-Ribose alongside EcN since they're said to be synergistic but this made my hypoglycemia issue even worse.

Did anyone find a solution to Mutaflor's effect on lowering blood sugar? Is it a transient issue until EcN dominates other competiting bacteria? Any thoughts are highly appreciated ?


Jun 2, 2020
Anyone care to share his/her experience?

I'll try only one capsule a day see if this helps. Turns out my estrogen (E2) may have been raised due to being on DHEA for a while. Mutaflor is doing wonderful things balancing my gut microbiome (I'm low in E Coli as per Thryve Inside) but the hypoglycemia and low body temperature are hard to bear.


Feb 26, 2018
I did an interview with Ken Lassesen I will release in a few weeks.

In it I asked him about Mutaflor and he said in his experience, CFS people tend to react one of two extreme ways to it. Either it does nothing at all, or someone has a really bad herx and feels awful for awhile.

He also shared a story about a woman with CFS who was sleeping very little, like a couple hours here and there. She started taking Mutaflor and almost instantly was able to sleep 8 hours each night. So another sleep testimony

He also shared a couple other E. Coli probiotics that may be of interest...more shelf stable. Symbioflor or something like that. I will look into those
Did you ever try out symbioflor ?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Did you ever try out symbioflor ?
I’ve taken Symbioflor 1 which is the formula for the respiratory tract. It does seem to help stave off sinus and bronchial issues for me. I can’t tolerate the full dose but I’m a small person with a sensitive gut. I basically take a half dose for a few days when I start noticing sinus or chest issues coming on and I haven’t developed a full blown infection since taking it. I was getting frequent respiratory infections prior to starting it from being required to wear dirty masks for long hours at work.
In addition to symbioflor 1 I also use xylitol nasal spray which I find helpful as well. I have a friend who used both for sinus problems and didn’t experience the same benefits.


Feb 26, 2018
I’ve taken Symbioflor 1 which is the formula for the respiratory tract. It does seem to help stave off sinus and bronchial issues for me. I can’t tolerate the full dose but I’m a small person with a sensitive gut. I basically take a half dose for a few days when I start noticing sinus or chest issues coming on and I haven’t developed a full blown infection since taking it. I was getting frequent respiratory infections prior to starting it from being required to wear dirty masks for long hours at work.
In addition to symbioflor 1 I also use xylitol nasal spray which I find helpful as well. I have a friend who used both for sinus problems and didn’t experience the same benefits.
Thanks, I have a long history of sinus problems so I might give it a shot!
A friend of mine took symbioflor and she completely got rid of the seasonal hay fever and cat allergies .
What would happen if you take the full dose ? Any side effects ?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks, I have a long history of sinus problems so I might give it a shot!
A friend of mine took symbioflor and she completely got rid of the seasonal hay fever and cat allergies .
What would happen if you take the full dose ? Any side effects ?
It was just really hard on my bowels to the point of feeling intense spasms and praying for relief. I’m about 100 pounds though and have gut issues from celiac and being floxed so not typical of most people.


Feb 26, 2018
It was just really hard on my bowels to the point of feeling intense spasms and praying for relief. I’m about 100 pounds though and have gut issues from celiac and being floxed so not typical of most people.
I ordered it , wanna try it for my sinus stuff and allergies... Did you try prosymbioflor ?
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