My Blood Tests Results After 2 Weeks Of NDT


Jan 18, 2020
Hi Guys.

Below i paste my blood test results 1.5 months apart. I took NDT only two weeks before i did the second test, for the first week I took one caps 40mg bovine source, and the second week I took 2x40mg caps. It's clear to me that I feel less stressed/more relaxed during the day even though my sleep isn't still perfect, my insomnia did improve a bit as I can now fall back to sleep after 3 am awakenings. When I take NDT during the day seem that my frequent urination is less frequent but at night still need to wake up multiple times. My temps did not improve yet, I'm aware it might take a few months so I am patient. Waking temp is 35.5C and it quickly raising to 36C later in the morning, and further with eating it can get to 36.5 later during the day.

As you can see below, my TSH dropped significantly, but I'm concerned about raised antibodies. Could too much NDT raise antibodies? lugos iodine supplementation? is there any other potential reason/ supplement that could raise antibodies?

Thyroid Stim.Hormone H 4.30 /// 0.270 - 4.2 mIU/L
Free T3 4.7 /// 3.1 - 6.8 pmol/L
Free Thyroxine (FT4) 14.3 /// 12 - 22 pmol/L
Total Thyroxine (T4) 78.00 /// 59 - 154 nmol/L
Thyroglobulin Antibodies 13.7 /// 0 - 115 kU/L
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 23.4 /// 0 - 34 kIU/L

THYROID FUNCTION TESTS 29.08.2020 (supplementation with NDT 14-29)
Thyroid Stim. Hormone 0.64 /// 0.270 - 4.2 mIU/L
Free T3 6.2 /// 3.1 - 6.8 pmol/L
Free Thyroxine (FT4) 17.1 /// 12 - 22 pmol/L
Total Thyroxine (T4) 91.00 /// 59 - 154 nmol/L
Thyroglobulin Antibodies 20.1 /// 0 - 115 kU/L
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies H 36.3 /// 0 - 34 kIU/L
Last edited:
Nov 21, 2015
I don't really worry about that antibodies reading. TSH is lower. That's good.

But more important is how are your temperatures and HR trends? How are you sleeping? How are you feeling?

I personally doubt these blood tests are worth much.


Jan 18, 2020
I don't really worry about that antibodies reading. TSH is lower. That's good.

But more important is how are your temperatures and HR trends? How are you sleeping? How are you feeling?

I personally doubt these blood tests are worth much.
Thanks for coming back, when i take two NDT with breakfast i feel really relaxed during the day, sleep slightly improved as i had before the problem with falling back to sleep at 3 am and now if i have some carbs at night, i sleep till around 6 am, the problem is i need to go to the bathroom multiple times at night...
my temps are low still, as i said above waking temps are 35.5 or a bit lower, then quickly get to 36, when i eat it can raise i bit more but generally it stays on 36 during the day. sometimes when i give a break for like a week from progesterone cream and then use it, i pee less at night.


Jan 18, 2020


Feb 7, 2017
I don't have any experience with NDT. Ray never seems to be a big fan of them in any of the interviews I've heard.

Not sure how useful the tests are above without the other hormones (i.e- cortisol, dhea, etc.)

It's good that your TSH is lowering, but stress can lower it as well so it's best to have a really big picture of what your health is.

Sleep to me is #1 as nothing else will go right without a good night's rest. A pitch black room, no electronics in the room, cold temperature (we do 73 degrees or colder and it really helps,) casein based snack before bed or a little ice cream, T3 (really helps with sleep onset) or T3/T4 (seems to help keep inflammation down through the night...hence keep TSH low) before bed can help, cutting out blue light for an hour or 2 before bed, early sun on your eyes without a window/glasses/contacts between your eyes and the sun and many more things can be a little or major impact.


Jan 18, 2020
I don't have any experience with NDT. Ray never seems to be a big fan of them in any of the interviews I've heard.

Not sure how useful the tests are above without the other hormones (i.e- cortisol, dhea, etc.)

It's good that your TSH is lowering, but stress can lower it as well so it's best to have a really big picture of what your health is.

Sleep to me is #1 as nothing else will go right without a good night's rest. A pitch black room, no electronics in the room, cold temperature (we do 73 degrees or colder and it really helps,) casein based snack before bed or a little ice cream, T3 (really helps with sleep onset) or T3/T4 (seems to help keep inflammation down through the night...hence keep TSH low) before bed can help, cutting out blue light for an hour or 2 before bed, early sun on your eyes without a window/glasses/contacts between your eyes and the sun and many more things can be a little or major impact.

I will do 4 point cortisol saliva test next week just to make sure where i am with my cortisol. I was told that thyroid hormones need adequate cortisol to work properly, and many peoples who are having bad side effects from thyroid its caused by low cortisol, i wish i could take thyroid before bed but it make my insomnia worse.

Did you use thyroid to bring your temps back to normal?


Feb 7, 2017
I will do 4 point cortisol saliva test next week just to make sure where i am with my cortisol. I was told that thyroid hormones need adequate cortisol to work properly, and many peoples who are having bad side effects from thyroid its caused by low cortisol, i wish i could take thyroid before bed but it make my insomnia worse.

Did you use thyroid to bring your temps back to normal?

High cortisol often correlates with high reverse T3 levels. I don't see that in your thyroid test and I'm not sure sure how useful the overall test is without it.

T3 has worked best for me in that regard. When I get more T3/T4, I'll be able to test it more and see the major difference..or not.


Jan 18, 2020
High cortisol often correlates with high reverse T3 levels. I don't see that in your thyroid test and I'm not sure sure how useful the overall test is without it.

T3 has worked best for me in that regard. When I get more T3/T4, I'll be able to test it more and see the major difference..or not.
Well for sure i dont have hight cortisol, maybe 2 years ago when it all started and i was wired and felt like on cocaine for few months, anyways ill know for sure next week when i do a saliva test.

I got a little bit better with thyroid but this frequent urinating is really debilitating, from frequent waking up to the toilet, to dehydration, its like my body cant hold on to water. I know that progesterone cream helps sometimes with it. I use to have big problems with blood sugar as an effect of elevated enzymes as a result of hypothyroidism, but it subsided now after my enzymes dropped significantly. Thing is with this urination as well that, when i take NDT in the morning with meal i seem to pee less during the day, if i could take it in the evening maybe it would help with night time bathroom, anyways if NDT wont raise my temps and help with hydration, i will have to try "dr Ray protocol" of small pieces of t3 thru the day with meals and a bit of cynoplus i giess.

Matt C

Nov 25, 2018
Tips for high reverse t3?

I have the typical symptom picture - high LDL cholesterol, high cortisol in morning and afternoon, high reverse T3 but all other thyroid tests normal.

I eat liver, oysters, lots of carbs and meat, collagen daily but i can't seem to get better even with tiromel split throughout the day. I'm thinking i must have an infection somewhere or perhaps its because I play video games at night which might be disrupting my sleep.


Jan 18, 2020
I don't really worry about that antibodies reading. TSH is lower. That's good.

But more important is how are your temperatures and HR trends? How are you sleeping? How are you feeling?

I personally doubt these blood tests are worth much.
Hi mr, what made you say that i should not look at the antibodies? ever since i started taking natural glandular they were raising significantly, someone told me that once you trigger somehow autoimmune , it will always be there, what say you about it?
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