My Contribution To The Forum

Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina

I think it would be right to say that most of us are in this forum because we want to be the best version of ourselves, have the best health possible and gather a lot of knowledge about the true way to wellness.

Well, my contribution is not going to be precisely medical, or about a supplement, or strictly lab-related.

It's gonna be about what I know more about, the true religion.

Why would you be interested in religion?

- Well, it's more about knowing God. That's the way of seeing it.

You should be interested because from the creation itself we can see He is a wise, powerful, loving God, worthy of praise. You should not be missing it.

Now, if you somehow get to have contact with The Bible, there will be no doubt on the subject.

So, you can guess now: the true religion is Christianism. But the true, original way of it, accordingly to the sound doctrine.

To put it more clearly is the Bible-centered evangelical christianism.

This I consider a contribution to you all because life is seriously meaningless if you don't get to know Jesus Christ. Plus He is the author of salvation of men. I'll explain this now.

Jesus (a.k.a God) came to Earth as we know aproximately 2.000 years ago. He came to pay the price of our sins, which is death. That's why He, being perfect, suffered the unfair punishment of crucifiction;
Like the Bible says:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Jesus is the visible image of God. As he died without any sin commited ever, the grip of death didn't hold him; for God the Father resurrected him on the third day.

We christians have believed in the words and works of Jesus and so through that same God-given faith we have been reconciliated with God.
If Jesus died for us so that we would have eternal life, then believing in his sacrifice and accepting Him as Lord is how we reach that justification.

Nothing else! God did it all for us.

Then, living in holyness is just a consecuence of the believer being saved.

Saved from what? (if you didn't get it yet)

- Saved from the fair and just eternal death (that means conscious suffering) in the lake of fire. A place created by God to punish anybody, be it human or angel, who has decided to walk through the path of sin. Much more if they had turned their backs on the Son of God.


So, my contribution is this:

While a lot of people here can give useful information about ways to get you into physical health; me, as a servant of God share the gospel with you so that to your health you sum up salvation and eternal life, and true purpose of living (thought you had it or not).

In conclusion: live your life for God, honor Him. Respond to his sacrifice in Jesus Christ with living a holy life, free of sin. Get a Bible, I recommend the KJV (version matters), and read it; learn about Him.

You will see things much more clear, in any aspect. If you care about the things He created and how they work, much more you should care about knowing who made them.

I already pointed you the way.

God bless you.


Nov 22, 2017
The stories of Jesus Christ as told by the gospels and Paul's letters can certainly be inspirational, however, the foundations of Christian faith itself are let's say very shaky.

The 3 synoptic gospels copy one another and are written at least 60-70 years after the facts. Moreover, they are often conflictual and do not even agree on the basis of the faith: the ressurection. If only they were independent accounts, but alas they're not, they used one another as sources for their own accounts. John is different than the other three, but he probably comes even later.

The first real mention of Jesus is in Paul's letters, and he omits much of the fundamental elements of the Christian faith which would come to be present later. We don't have legitimate historical sources for the life of the historical Jesus. Even the common references to the Jewish-Roman historian Josephus are probably fake, and added after the facts by Christian apologists.

Moreover, the New Testament was written in Asia Minor (which was part of the Greek-Hellenic world), and is probably largely influenced by Greek mythology, and others have made the parallels quite clear. Dr. Robert Price is very knowledgeable about this topic.

As someone who was raised a Christian, I remain agnostic, and I think there is much beauty in Jesus's story and it is certainly a better ideological basis for a religion than say, Islam, with a caravan-robbing prophet with questionable behavior. I probably believe in syncretism more than anything else.

That being said, much of the faith is probably an invention by Paul of Tarsus, whomever he really was. Morever, the influence of Christianity has strayed far from the basic teachings of Jesus Christ, at least the way he his depicted in the gospels. The historical Jesus was probably much different and was probably a strictly Jewish preacher with no intent of spreading a message to the gentiles.

Sadly there are too many question marks with the actual history behind the Christian faith for me to take it very seriously, and especially with regards to the Church with a capital C which I think has had an overwhelmingly negative impact on human history, starting from the destruction of the ancient knowledge of the classical hellenistic period during the 4th and 5th century.


Jul 9, 2020
One man's fortune cookie is another man's prophecy. Personally I've never had much use for religion, I never found the arguments compelling or convincing enough. But it's really not "religion" that I take issue with, it's the concept of any creationism really.

Whether we're talking orthodoxed religion, ancient astronaut theory, or the "simulation theory" they all have a unique and uncanny ability to absolve a certain level of responsibility from the human species. It allows our race to not take action on some of the most useful things paramount to our own survival. "Why take life seriously?," "why care about our planet?."

It teaches the human mind to not care about the most important questions that have yet to be answered, namely our own survival. And the reason why is the responsibility has been absolved on the blind belief that a god, intelligent being, or software update is going to save us. That there's something above us, a "all knowing" force and "all caring" force that will be our salvation.

I gotta admit it sounds good, really good. In fact who would not want it like this? The unfortunate thing is we can't depend on this, if we wish to survive anyways. This responsibility is NOT absolved on us, it does NOT belong to a "all knowing" force. We are the stewards sitting a drift on this pale blue dot, and we are our own keepers. This is a very empowering reality check, however it also comes with a massive responsibility that humans don't like burdening.

The survival of our species is in the stars. We can either evolve and come closer to our own divinity, racing ourselves towards Type III civilizations that populate galaxies, or we can destroy ourselves on this lonely little rock while beholding to primitive thought that absolves our responsibility.


If you believe in God's eternal love. YOU ARE A COMMUNIST.
The radical left don't have politics anymore. BUT THEY HAVE CHRISTIAN LIBERALISM. And spreading around the money always means god's love.



Nov 22, 2017
If you believe in God's eternal love. YOU ARE A COMMUNIST.
The radical left don't have politics anymore. BUT THEY HAVE CHRISTIAN LIBERALISM. And spreading around the money always means god's love.


What does he mean by ''Christian theology'', it's such a vast concept?

And personally, I don't see what is wrong with the idea of communism. Of course the practical execution is another story altogether.
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What does he mean by ''Christian theology'', it's such a vast concept?

And personally, I don't see what is wrong with the idea of communism. Of course the practical execution is another story altogether.

So you have never heard of this quote, and don't know who Oswald Spengler is? I'm not about to explain an entire rabbit hole. If you really know history this shouldn't be a problem connecting dots.


Sep 19, 2016

All jokes aside, why is it so important to believe in God the character/guy?

Cant we just believe and be stoked on the universe, and how all of us are already interconnected through protons turning to elements and electrons flowing through all that?

I think we should go back to worshipping the sun and the earth considering thats what we use to live and should be treating better.

Jesus was most likely real and most likely a cool dude, but for all we know, he could've just been a medium of control and influence by the kings to believe in magic. One of em coulda been the actual father and felt guilty at the end and drugged him.

That and the fact that the bible is just second hand accounts? thats just what I've heard from and ex-christian friend of mine.

Im not one to criticize though since I haven't done the research, and I do believe in higher powers that be, but how it could be shared accurately through human language and all that is just suspicious. Maybe one day through science.

People shouldn't just be good out of fear that God will smite them and send them to hell unless they repent, etc.

what @Jessie said. I think its partially a cop out on stewardship to rationalize a mental slavery. Its great for the purpose of removing oneself from suffering poor circumstances, but It's kind of limiting in the 21st century/ more informed times.


Sep 25, 2019
GuiCHE, I think if you address your hypothyroidism you will see that everything you have written in the post is totally absurd.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Religion that connects man to the land is true religion. Religion which fails to do so produces rootless interlopers who parasitize society due to lack of skin in the game.


Apr 8, 2020
Past research has found that religiosity correlates with lower IQ
Science is too complex for those with lower intelligence, who therefore resort to the simpler explanations and life-guiding rules of religions.
And what has Rocky to do with this? he is your God?


Jan 9, 2019
Thank you for your invitation to something besides materialism and the worship of "science" and the neo-Darwinist digital frontier.

Ray and I talk about, morality, the analog world vs digital and a higher power in my newest interview. It'll be published on the Primitive Initiative Podcast in about a month.

also Yerba mate is one of my favorites, I love the ritual of making it.

and no I'm not Christian
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Past research has found that religiosity correlates with lower IQ
Science is too complex for those with lower intelligence, who therefore resort to the simpler explanations and life-guiding rules of religions.
And what has Rocky to do with this? he is your God?

"There is no fundamental incompatibility between science and religion." K. S. Thorne.



Sep 10, 2019
[QUOTE="Jessie, post: 573316, member: 11937”] The survival of our species is in the stars.[/QUOTE]

Unless you are actively working towards this, you’re no different from those you criticize.

Religion is so much more than absolving man of responsibility. Cultures that are rooted firmly in a religion will be here long after any loose-knit atheistic society that has no ties to anything other than a desire to live as long as it can.


Jan 9, 2019
Past research has found that religiosity correlates with lower IQ
Science is too complex for those with lower intelligence, who therefore resort to the simpler explanations and life-guiding rules of religions.
And what has Rocky to do with this? he is your God?

Hmm, interesting justification on your part.

Do you question covid at all? Because if you do then you are a sociopath according to science and recent studies.

"A recent study out of Brazil may shed some light on why some people are so resistant to wearing masks.

Researchers from the State University of Londrina found that people who reported "antisocial traits," such as low levels of empathy and high levels of callousness and risk-taking, were less-likely to comply with Covid-19 prevention measures, such as wearing a mask and social distancing.

In this case, "antisocial" refers to traits that are typically present in people diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, which is defined as "a chronic and pervasive disposition to disregard and violate the rights of others," according to the American Psychological Association. It is characterized by common behaviors such as repeatedly violating the law and exploiting others, and traits such as deceitfulness, impulsivity, aggressiveness, reckless disregard for the safety of self and others and irresponsibility, according to the APA. People with the mental health condition often lack of guilt, remorse, and empathy.

The disorder is also referred to as "dyssocial personality, psychopathic personality and sociopathic personality."
You see? Any conclusion can be made with "science" as long as it fulfills an agenda.

Take a step back and critically analyze your evidence and any potential agendas behind it before you essentially call billions of people stupid. I've witnessed and talked to an innumerable amount of extremely intelligent individuals who see the wisdom behind religion and belief.


Apr 8, 2020
Take a step back and critically analyze your evidence and any potential agendas behind it before you essentially call billions of people stupid. I've witnessed and talked to an innumerable amount of extremely intelligent individuals who see the wisdom behind religion and belief.
me? no it was science!!!
i am just a messenger
But common, nobody is 100% sure there is a god or not.
Jezus, allah etc, there is no proof...
But we do know (history shows it on and on) that religion in overall is a big source of violence.
So it's no use to us, so why give this a stage? -> money, population control and power for more violence.
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Nov 22, 2017
me? no it was science!!!
i am just a messenger
But common, nobody is 100% sure there is a god or not.
Jezus, allah etc, there is no proof...
But we do know (history shows it on and on) that religion in overall is a big source of violence.
So it's no use to us, so why give this a stage? -> money and power for more violence.

Agnoticism is my position, and indeed I agree that it doesn't take long to realize that the Qu'ran and Hadiths are not divine pieces of works. The gospels and Jesus are nice stories, but there are massive red flags regarding their historicity and fundamental coherence.

Take a step back and critically analyze your evidence and any potential agendas behind it before you essentially call billions of people stupid. I've witnessed and talked to an innumerable amount of extremely intelligent individuals who see the wisdom behind religion and belief.

Well I think there are a lot of extremely intelligent individuals who see value in spirituality and recognize that we cannot disprove the existence of higher power(s). There is possibly value dispersed among the various faiths, and I think syncretism is important.

However, to believe blindly in the Abrahamic religions requires a massive leap of faith, and in my experiences, many of those who do so are not the best critical thinkers. Clearly I don't believe faith to be intrinsically stupid, but let's say there is decent correlation between stupidity, ignorance and so-called faith in many places on earth. Pakistan is an example.


Jan 9, 2019
Agnoticism is my position, and indeed I agree that it doesn't take long to realize that the Qu'ran and Hadiths are not divine pieces of works. The gospels and Jesus are nice stories, but there are massive red flags regarding their historicity and fundamental coherence.

Well I think there are a lot of extremely intelligent individuals who see value in spirituality and recognize that we cannot disprove the existence of higher power(s). There is possibly value dispersed among the various faiths, and I think syncretism is important.

However, to believe blindly in the Abrahamic religions requires a massive leap of faith, and in my experiences, many of those who do so are not the best critical thinkers. Clearly I don't believe faith to be intrinsically stupid, but let's say there is decent correlation between stupidity, ignorance and so-called faith in many places on earth. Pakistan is an example.

Interesting, you must have had a bad experience with Abrahamic faiths and especially Islam. I think Islam makes the most sense out of all of them, and surely doesn't ask to believe blindly, any person who has actually read the Quran would know that. It contains none of the major issues and contradictions the other Abrahamic faiths present hence why Christianity and Judaism don't appeal to me.

Islam is truly evidence based. Though, it's important to remember that yes, after a certain point it does require faith, like all belief systems not based on strictly physical phenomena.

the Hadith are there in series of authenticity. Meaning they have chains of narration with people like Bukhari dedicating many many years to trace back traditions to Muhammad. The Hadith help give context to the Quran when needed and there are huge volumes of them with weak and strong designations depending on the complete nature of their chains.

The Quran has so much detail and precision that your dismissive tone shows exactly how much first hand experience you have with it, which in my opinion is next to none. This shouldn't offend you if it's true.

There are several books I can link that show (with proper evidence) the many intricacies that it contains from nutrition, history, linguistics, politics, law and so on.

I actually initially followed Ray because of how well it fits with so many aspects of Islam and the way prophet Muhammad said to eat and behave.

And funny enough I'm writing a small ebook on it that I'll provide here. At least then people will know how specific and nuanced Islam is about so many topics including nutrition, and if they then decide to deny or hate it, it will in turn deny their own "dietary" beliefs that they so strongly hold on to.

I think @milk_lover would agree with the last statement.
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Nov 22, 2017

"Islam is truly evidenced based"

You'll forgive me if I don't think a murderous, hallucinating, slave-owning, caravan-robbing and pedophile 7th century arab is the so-called messenger of god.

The only evidence here is that all of the characteristics I used to describe the "prophet" are attested to in real legitimate sources. I'm not talking about so called 'weak hadiths', I'm referring to Sahih Muslim, the most trusted sources of the Islamic faith.

"The Quran has so much detail and precision"

You mean things like the sun setting in a muddy pool (18:86), or the stars being missiles which kill demons (15:17), or Allah shooting thunderbolts (like Zeus...) (13:13)

Yeah...I don't know what your definition of detail and precision is. But it certainly isn't mine.

Islam is the most nonsensical, convoluted and arbitrary collection of ideas and doctrines. The stories in the Qu'ran are exactly what they seem: a distorted and confused perspective on the christian, jewish, syriac, pagan and byzantine sources which circulated in the middle east and 7th century arabia.

Moreover, I've read many "out there" things on this site, but an attempt to draw parallels between the so-called "prophet" Muhammad and Ray takes the cake.

You've truly made my day! But you know what, I'll be reasonable and I'll read your book when it's done. Just to be fair.
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Jul 9, 2020
[QUOTE="Jessie, post: 573316, member: 11937”] The survival of our species is in the stars.

Unless you are actively working towards this, you’re no different from those you criticize.[/QUOTE]

Rome wasn't built in a day. We're still an estimated 150-200 years away from even reaching Type I capabilities (see Kardashev scale for more info). Reaching Type II capabilities is probably at the very least another 1,000 years away. And Type III civilizations are nothing more than science fiction right now, it's not even realistically conceivable yet.

It's really hard to advance society when desire for profit and special interests keep steering us towards obsolete tech like combustible engines and fossil fuels. Do you honestly think the best invention we've had over the past 100 years is the combustible engine? Absolutely not, we already have the capability of making anti-gravity technology, there's just no money in it.

Why give people the keys to energy sources that are limitless? You can't control them if you do that.
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