My Life Sucks. ADD, Autism, Asperger


Aug 10, 2012
Hopping in the tub right now. Aspirin and baking soda.
Don't have any epsom salts so will use some magnesium oil afterwards.


Jun 28, 2019
Try a low vitamin A diet for a few weeks. Beans, beef, and rice/potatoes. Add in some apples or pears for a bit of C.

Really amazing mind benefits. Huge productivity increase as well. I used to be productive but like you needed a lot of breaks. Focusing too long hurt in an unexplainable way. It’s cheap and easy to try.

whats the purpose of a low vitamin A diet? wouldnt this be harmful?


Aug 10, 2012
whats the purpose of a low vitamin A diet? wouldnt this be harmful?
Thanks. Ray Peat is not in favor of the low vitamin A diet. He advises vitamin A in a ratio of 5:1 with vitamin D.

Not necessarily in supplements if you can do it with food and light. Sunlight can produce vitamin D. Milk is supplemented.
So, eating liver will help raise the vitamin A. I do take vit A and vit D supplements in the 5:1 ratio.


Jun 28, 2019
Thanks. Ray Peat is not in favor of the low vitamin A diet. He advises vitamin A in a ratio of 5:1 with vitamin D.

Not necessarily in supplements if you can do it with food and light. Sunlight can produce vitamin D. Milk is supplemented.
So, eating liver will help raise the vitamin A. I do take vit A and vit D supplements in the 5:1 ratio.

can you clarify if he is referring to a vitamin A to vitamin D ratio of 5:1 in terms of micrograms, or IU? Because 5000 IU of vitamin A is 1500mcg while 5000Iu of vitamin D is 125 mcg. So a 5:1 ratio in micrograms would mean 625mcg vitamin A per 125mcg vitamin D? otherwise 25000 Iu vitamin A for 5000 Iu vitamin D seems like a very high vitamin A dose. wouldn't that high a dose cause bone loss and weakness, and hypothyroidism. I've seen ray discourage going above 5000Iu of A?


Apr 30, 2015
whats the purpose of a low vitamin A diet? wouldnt this be harmful?

Nah I actually mean a diet that gets rid of all the vitamin A sources, at least the big ones.

Read the thread I linked. Google Grant Genereux and read his blog. I think it has a real chance of helping with what you are going through. You could try it for two or three weeks. Nothing has to last forever, you should feel a difference by then, if not you can go back to eating liver, eggs, milk and all things Peaty.

The basic diet is rice, meat, and maybe beans if you want. Then there are some add ons like apples and pears if you feel so inclined. It is pretty boring, but Try it for a few weeks and see if your mind isn't blown.


Jun 16, 2015
Related to reducing serotonin, try things that increase dopamine. Either dopamine agonists or dopamine precursors like l-tyrosine. When dopamine is low, everything seems difficult, but when it's high you automatically do things and breeze through tasks without thinking about them.


Jun 25, 2017
Megadose vitamin D3 (+ K2 + magnesium). 300-500 IU/kg. 10 IU D3 : 2 mcg+ MK-4. 400-600 magnesium.


Feb 18, 2018
How I see it, is that curing the ADD would allow you to focus long enough to then deal with your Asperger s/autistic traits.

Assuming you don’t have full blown autism, and just never learned how to properly socialize.

This is probably a deep rooted problem since most adjusted individuals learn how to socialize from a young age, and then continually refine it as they develop in school and hobbies.

I’d recommend putting yourself into a physiological state that is capable of learning, and then engaging with the world at every opportunity, especially within social contexts, to learn how to act most appropriately.

Watching others socialize, with acute attention to pleasantries, eye contact, physical touch, tone of voice, use of language, etc... could also be helpful, as long as you get out there and practice eventually. All the game footage in the world won’t help if it’s never applied.

Escaping the stressed condition and being able to enter into a well nourished, focused state is critical, so that learning can take place, and all maladaptive behaviors can be changed into positive behaviors.

Im a firm believer that anything can be changed, but it takes proper nutrition and tactics to achieve the intended result. It could be days, months, years, but at the end of your life, you’ll be all the better, since you consistently developed and improved yourself, which is the best any of us can do.


Jan 1, 2013
Guys something crazy happened today and I’m not sure yet if it’s just coincidence or there’s really something to it, but

I found some old magnesium bathing powder that my mum bought years ago.
I never used it cause I thought its bull****, but I took a bath with it and cleaning my apartment was so easy today.

No idea if it’s because of the magnesium bath.

I need to try this again maybe in a few days.

It it helps again I would really consider that maybe my body doesn’t absorbs nutrients how it should?

If it helps again maybe I should get other topical supplements and try them?

Yes, it's because of the magnesium.

Try some NIGARI.

Do you have metals in your mouth ?


Jun 10, 2016
@Motif Yes, I think it is possible to get cured.

I have been getting better since 2016. I think a combination of:

* a Ray Peat inspired diet
* learning how to relax properly and take breaks
* treating my internet, game and information addiction

At this moment, I have a 40 hour well paid job, a girlfiend, my own apparment, and Im able to keep it clean :)


Nov 14, 2017
Hey folks. Some great posts here, which are really insightful for me and I sincerely hope will help the OP.

As for my 2 cents, I have also had real issues with focus, concentration, and as you describe, being totally overwhelmed.

The ADD symptoms (taking 10 breaks when reading an article) have been my life for many years, though I was at once a highly intelligent person who voraciously read literature, engaged in stimulating debates for hours upon hours, and had a deep passion for grass roots politics and campaigning. My brain just stopped working at around 22. I got through University through sheer force of will. I spent a few years post-graduation in an anxiety fuelled haze, and eventually started building myself back again.

The issue at root of all this in my case, and I believe may be a significant factor in what you’re experiencing, is an overly stressed emotional system. Namely, the anxiety state.

I did something called The Linden Method for 3 years and this reduced my anxiety a decent amount, though it didn’t bring the total recovery I was promised every other month as I called and emailed the centre. I would then connect with other people who recovered using the method, and after developing a relationship with them after a while, they began to help me and gave me the insider scoop. There was another layer I needed to explore towards healing my brain and emotional system: acceptance.

I was introduced to the works of Dr. Claire Weekes, who practices something I will call the acceptance approach. Dr. Weekes’ perspective was different to what I encountered with TLM. It was all about recovery, about allowing the body and mind to heal themselves. I began to live a more relaxed life and stopped putting pressure on myself to heal. I took aspects of TLM which helped, such as intellectual engagement (keep the mind busy, watch relaxing stuff on TV, listen to music….I watched a lot of Friends when I was outside of work and just lay down on an earthing mat), let the mind cool off and settle.

You can learn all you need to learn about this acceptance based approach from YouTube. Search for Dr. Claire Weekes. She has a great book called Freedom From Nervous Suffering, which you can listen to entirely for free on YouTube. There are some great acceptance based channels on YouTube also which I can recommend.

Essentially, detoxify your emotional system, calm your mind, and support your body and mind with a Peat based diet.

Peat’s work will help a lot and you will begin to heal. Find a balance.



Nov 14, 2017
How I see it, is that curing the ADD would allow you to focus long enough to then deal with your Asperger s/autistic traits.

Assuming you don’t have full blown autism, and just never learned how to properly socialize.

This is probably a deep rooted problem since most adjusted individuals learn how to socialize from a young age, and then continually refine it as they develop in school and hobbies.

I’d recommend putting yourself into a physiological state that is capable of learning, and then engaging with the world at every opportunity, especially within social contexts, to learn how to act most appropriately.

Watching others socialize, with acute attention to pleasantries, eye contact, physical touch, tone of voice, use of language, etc... could also be helpful, as long as you get out there and practice eventually. All the game footage in the world won’t help if it’s never applied.

Escaping the stressed condition and being able to enter into a well nourished, focused state is critical, so that learning can take place, and all maladaptive behaviors can be changed into positive behaviors.

Im a firm believer that anything can be changed, but it takes proper nutrition and tactics to achieve the intended result. It could be days, months, years, but at the end of your life, you’ll be all the better, since you consistently developed and improved yourself, which is the best any of us can do.

I also strongly agree with this post.


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Jul 8, 2014
I am reading through all the comments here and I am deeply moved about all the help offered.

I probably had borderline ADD or ADHD and learning was sometimes a struggle, but I got my Ph.D. in physics, although I struggled. I recently read about an interesting post, where a dad asked his children whether they failed in something during the week (maybe in school) and he applauded them if they did, since you only fail if you have pushed yourself to your limit! So that is an interesting thought: not to take a failure as a negative emotion but just as 'information' that you found an obstacle where you have to work harder to overcome it. Eventually, you succeed but then you 'fail' at the next one, and so forth. Success is to overcome these boundaries and move on.

Regarding ADD, the brain only works if it had enough REM sleep. So if good sleep is a problem, search my posts on shielding the bed. Also walking barefoot outside does amazing things. Search for 'Grounding' or 'Earthing'. Clint Ober and Dr. James Oschman are pioneers on this subject, I was lucky to meet both of them in person many years ago.

Someone else mention 'metal in your mouth', and yes, so-called 'silver fillings' are made of a metal mix, 50% silver and 50% mercury. There are many reports on people suffering from mercury poisoning. There are three genome types, that are responsible for removing mercury from the brain, the first one produces a protein that can remove two molecules of mercury, the second type can only remove one, and the unlucky third type cannot remove any mercury. So there may be a genetic connection.

If that is so, then having a natural dentist remove the mercury filling may help you with getting your brain healed.

In addition, Prof. Stanley Omaye from UNR told me that selenium binds with mercury so strongly that the mercury is no longer bioavailable. That is how fish in the ocean protects itself from getting poisoned by mercury. And fish that has a high ratio of selenium/mercury are safe to eat, while fresh water fish may not. Supplementing selenium may also help in the removal of mercury. EDTA is NOT safe as a chelation agent, I found a medical journal article about that. It makes things worse! Open cell chlorella, and other metal detox formulae may help clearing the brain from mercury. I also read that infrared sauna helps with the mercury removal. Some spas have those, worth checking out.


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Jul 8, 2014
One more thought: There is also a link between intestinal digestive disorders and ADHD and autism. The gut microbiome may be off balance and/or parasites may cause problems. In this regard, it is quite possible that pesticide residue may negatively affect the intestinal flora. It may be advisable to avoid non-organic foods, at least for a while, to test whether that is the problem. I also read that chlorine dioxide had helped in autism cases. It helps fighting bad bacteria and/or fungus. Another approach is turpentine, I tried this and it doesn't taste very well, but you can load gelatin capsules with it and swallow those. Search for turpentine detox. It had a similar effect on my brain as alcohol, to be aware of that. It made me a bit dizzy. Chlorine dioxide really works, it cured arthritis in my mom's caretaker within 5 days (early onset of arthritis)! I talked to a woman here in the Reno area who fought Lyme disease usiong chlorine dioxide, she is taking 9 activated drops 5x a day, I find that a little too high. For the arthritis, 4 activated drops, once a day did the trick. Supplementing with beneficial bacteria during that time may help 're-seed' the intestine.


Feb 25, 2018
@Motif Do you have calcification/fibromyalgia any tissue of your body and do you know your vitamin D and PTH status?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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