
May 31, 2015
natedawggh said:
post 95792
itsALLgood said:
post 92553
natedawggh said:
2.) High Protein intake from low tryptophan sources (I use casein to make this easier. NOT milk.). Minimum 100 g a day but generally 150-200 g. ... it=alcohol
Why not milk? Didn't see find anything in the link you posted.

Dr. Peat, while a fan of milk, also states the caveat that it is not an appropriate food for adults due to the excess tryptophan. I've experienced this in practice as every time I have reduced bloating, fatigue, and migraines milk instantly makes them return. I can suppress these effects by taking high doses of lysine along with drinking milk, but I think it's just easier and healthier to cut out milk for the time being. The major points for having milk is for the protein and the calcium, and by taking casein and eggshell powder I am accomplishing the same thing. (Milk has some other nice properties such as an anti-cavity substance, but the tryptophan is just too much for me)
Peat didn't say milk is an inappropriate food for adults, he said it's an inappropriate for adults to rely on as a SOLE food source. He has specifically advocated many times for people in general to consume (low fat) milk.

I'm guessing this is the reference you misquoted:

"Since milk's primary biological function is to support the growth of a young animal, some of its features make it inappropriate as a sole food for an adult. To support cell division and growth, the methionine and tryptophan content of milk is higher than would be optimal for an adult animal, and the phosphate might be slightly more than needed, in relation to the calcium. Since the fetus stores a large amount of iron during gestation, the iron content of milk is low, and when a young animal has used the stored iron, its continuing growth requires more iron than milk provides. However, for an adult, the low iron content of milk and cheese makes these foods useful for preventing the iron overload that often contributes to the degenerative diseases."
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Sep 19, 2013
natedawggh said:
post 92346 I have finally gotten a major hold on my health, and I'd like to share my current experience for those who are still struggling to bring their health under control. It has been such a great relief to be done with this painful/frustrating point in my life. Much of this has happened just over the last two/three months as I refined my regimen and made new discoveries. I figure that one can achieve complete remission of symptoms in just six months if these principals are adopted daily, as my health had not improved much until six months ago after I changed a few important things. Here are my symptoms that are totally relieved:

Mild and Severe Insomnia
Enlarged Thyroid/Thyroid tumors (3, each of different size, 1 larger than 1cm)
Fatty Liver Disease
Hair Loss
Low Body Temperature/Cold + stiff extremities
Excessive weight gain
Severe Depression
Severe Bloating
Poor digestion
Debilitating Lower back/Kidney pain
Erectile Dysfunction
Low Stamina/Endurance
Severe Occular Pressure in my right eye/chronic bloodshot/bleeding of ducts.
Night Sweats/Excessive Sweating (hyperhidrosis)

My Tumors are gone, thyroid shrunken back to normal, fatty liver cured, Triglycerides lowered, I've lost 35 lbs gone from a 42 waist to a 38, had a huge increase in muscle mass without working out. My receding hairline has come back in almost to where it was 4 years ago, completely filled back in at the top of my head. If I have any kind of insomnia it only happens once a week and might keep me up until 2 am at the latest (as opposed to 8 am), but usually I am asleep before 12 and sleep through the entire night instead of waking repeatedly. My depression is totally gone, bloating ceased, I haven't had back pain in months, I generally have no problem being aroused (unless I've done something strenuous), and I no longer sweat profusely and for no god damn good reason!

This is the order of importance of what has enabled me to accomplish this, although I would say that NOT A SINGLE ONE is optional. If I couldn't afford these things, I'd start with the most important and work in the rest. It should be obvious that in addition to these a diet be Peat-centric.


1.) Absolutely no alcohol. Ever. Not a drop. This is not optional, so don't bother with the rest if you're not going to do it. ... it=alcohol
2.) High Protein intake from low tryptophan sources (I use casein to make this easier. NOT milk.). Minimum 100 g a day but generally 150-200 g. ... it=alcohol
3.) Magnesium Bicarbonate (other forms are not the same) ... f=3&t=7330
4.) Hourly fruit/fruit juice intake/snacking to stabilize blood sugar & Coffee daily.
5.)Zinc/Copper/Iodine supplementation ... f=3&t=7305
6.) Take Calcium with every meal which is low in calcium, to tip phosphorus/calcium ratio toward calcium to eliminate prolactin. Calcium carbonate only. Supplement additional calcium. 2g daily minimum. (warning: do not supplement large dose at the start. You will get hypercalcaemia. Work up your doses of all mineral supplements.
7.) If Zinc/Iodine supplementation does not produce pink/red toes and fingers you must add in thyroid. If you take Zinc and Iodine and your fingers and toes turn red/pink (with recent meal eaten) You don't need to take thyroid, but it can be optional for a short period of time to get a boost, if you like. Take Zinc/Iodine as needed to maintain red/pink color in extremities, but no more than needed.
8.) L-Lysine supplementation to block serotonin (500 mg in the AM, 500 in the PM). Please read about this because it can be uncomfortable if you're not knowledgeable, and can make driving dangerous until you know how it will affect you: ... f=3&t=6004
9.) L-Taurine supplementation to increase dopamine (which also increases other healthy hormones) (500 mg in the AM, 500 in the PM) ... f=3&t=6522
10.) Avoid municipal tap water because of the halides it contains. ... lit=filter
11.) Take Niacinamide, 1500 mg in the morning, 1500 mg in the evening.
12.) Supplement the fat-soluble vitamins from good sources or take liver daily (or take individually) such as Estroban, (liver is cheaper and probably better for you but Haidut's supplement is great. Take coffee with liver to bind the iron content).
13.) Add Coconut oil to your diet in any way possible.
14.) Don't engage in strenuous physical activity, but doing active things like being in the sun, walking, socializing are definitely requirements.

I used to be dismayed when I read in this forum that it takes 4 years to deplete the body of PUFAs. But I realized something recently: If you deplete 50% of the PUFAs in your body, you are 50% on your way to being better, and that would only take 1 year! (because the depletion is not linear, but exponential—even small increases in metabolism enable your body to start detoxifying the PUFAs) In addition to this you can block the effects of the PUFAs in your system with tools like Lysine and Zinc. If I had started right away with this kind of protocol I would have started feeling better in just a few weeks, amazing by 2-3 months, and totally cured of symptoms six, while still having to maintain a Peat centric diet and probably continue supplementing Lysine until every last PUFA is gone.

Sorry if I missed it through the thread, but what did you mix this powder with and how many times a day did you consume?
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Jun 24, 2015
artist said:
post 99413
natedawggh said:
post 95792
itsALLgood said:
post 92553
natedawggh said:
2.) High Protein intake from low tryptophan sources (I use casein to make this easier. NOT milk.). Minimum 100 g a day but generally 150-200 g. ... it=alcohol
Why not milk? Didn't see find anything in the link you posted.

Dr. Peat, while a fan of milk, also states the caveat that it is not an appropriate food for adults due to the excess tryptophan. I've experienced this in practice as every time I have reduced bloating, fatigue, and migraines milk instantly makes them return. I can suppress these effects by taking high doses of lysine along with drinking milk, but I think it's just easier and healthier to cut out milk for the time being. The major points for having milk is for the protein and the calcium, and by taking casein and eggshell powder I am accomplishing the same thing. (Milk has some other nice properties such as an anti-cavity substance, but the tryptophan is just too much for me)
Peat didn't say milk is an inappropriate food for adults, he said it's an inappropriate for adults to rely on as a SOLE food source. He has specifically advocated many times for people in general to consume (low fat) milk.

I'm guessing this is the reference you misquoted:

"Since milk's primary biological function is to support the growth of a young animal, some of its features make it inappropriate as a sole food for an adult. To support cell division and growth, the methionine and tryptophan content of milk is higher than would be optimal for an adult animal, and the phosphate might be slightly more than needed, in relation to the calcium. Since the fetus stores a large amount of iron during gestation, the iron content of milk is low, and when a young animal has used the stored iron, its continuing growth requires more iron than milk provides. However, for an adult, the low iron content of milk and cheese makes these foods useful for preventing the iron overload that often contributes to the degenerative diseases."

I listened a radio program Ray Peat was on (recorded/iTunes)...he was asked what food he would choose in the supermarket if he had one choice. His answer "milk'. He said even a poorer quality of milk was still a lot better choice than other choices in the supermarket. Not sure which interview this was...I was listening to numerous shows, however I remembered this specifically because of the different opinions on milk. Ray Peat's opinion is obiously favorable. He talks about it on a lot of the radio programs.
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Aug 2, 2014
natedawggh said:
post 92346 I have finally gotten a major hold on my health, and I'd like to share my current experience for those who are still struggling to bring their health under control. It has been such a great relief to be done with this painful/frustrating point in my life. Much of this has happened just over the last two/three months as I refined my regimen and made new discoveries. I figure that one can achieve complete remission of symptoms in just six months if these principals are adopted daily, as my health had not improved much until six months ago after I changed a few important things. Here are my symptoms that are totally relieved:

Mild and Severe Insomnia
Enlarged Thyroid/Thyroid tumors (3, each of different size, 1 larger than 1cm)
Fatty Liver Disease
Hair Loss
Low Body Temperature/Cold + stiff extremities
Excessive weight gain
Severe Depression
Severe Bloating
Poor digestion
Debilitating Lower back/Kidney pain
Erectile Dysfunction
Low Stamina/Endurance
Severe Occular Pressure in my right eye/chronic bloodshot/bleeding of ducts.
Night Sweats/Excessive Sweating (hyperhidrosis)

My Tumors are gone, thyroid shrunken back to normal, fatty liver cured, Triglycerides lowered, I've lost 35 lbs gone from a 42 waist to a 38, had a huge increase in muscle mass without working out. My receding hairline has come back in almost to where it was 4 years ago, completely filled back in at the top of my head. If I have any kind of insomnia it only happens once a week and might keep me up until 2 am at the latest (as opposed to 8 am), but usually I am asleep before 12 and sleep through the entire night instead of waking repeatedly. My depression is totally gone, bloating ceased, I haven't had back pain in months, I generally have no problem being aroused (unless I've done something strenuous), and I no longer sweat profusely and for no god damn good reason!

This is the order of importance of what has enabled me to accomplish this, although I would say that NOT A SINGLE ONE is optional. If I couldn't afford these things, I'd start with the most important and work in the rest. It should be obvious that in addition to these a diet be Peat-centric.


1.) Absolutely no alcohol. Ever. Not a drop. This is not optional, so don't bother with the rest if you're not going to do it. ... it=alcohol
2.) High Protein intake from low tryptophan sources (I use casein to make this easier. NOT milk.). Minimum 100 g a day but generally 150-200 g. ... it=alcohol
3.) Magnesium Bicarbonate (other forms are not the same) ... f=3&t=7330
4.) Hourly fruit/fruit juice intake/snacking to stabilize blood sugar & Coffee daily.
5.)Zinc/Copper/Iodine supplementation ... f=3&t=7305
6.) Take Calcium with every meal which is low in calcium, to tip phosphorus/calcium ratio toward calcium to eliminate prolactin. Calcium carbonate only. Supplement additional calcium. 2g daily minimum. (warning: do not supplement large dose at the start. You will get hypercalcaemia. Work up your doses of all mineral supplements.
7.) If Zinc/Iodine supplementation does not produce pink/red toes and fingers you must add in thyroid. If you take Zinc and Iodine and your fingers and toes turn red/pink (with recent meal eaten) You don't need to take thyroid, but it can be optional for a short period of time to get a boost, if you like. Take Zinc/Iodine as needed to maintain red/pink color in extremities, but no more than needed.
8.) L-Lysine supplementation to block serotonin (500 mg in the AM, 500 in the PM). Please read about this because it can be uncomfortable if you're not knowledgeable, and can make driving dangerous until you know how it will affect you: ... f=3&t=6004
9.) L-Taurine supplementation to increase dopamine (which also increases other healthy hormones) (500 mg in the AM, 500 in the PM) ... f=3&t=6522
10.) Avoid municipal tap water because of the halides it contains. ... lit=filter
11.) Take Niacinamide, 1500 mg in the morning, 1500 mg in the evening.
12.) Supplement the fat-soluble vitamins from good sources or take liver daily (or take individually) such as Estroban, (liver is cheaper and probably better for you but Haidut's supplement is great. Take coffee with liver to bind the iron content).
13.) Add Coconut oil to your diet in any way possible.
14.) Don't engage in strenuous physical activity, but doing active things like being in the sun, walking, socializing are definitely requirements.

I used to be dismayed when I read in this forum that it takes 4 years to deplete the body of PUFAs. But I realized something recently: If you deplete 50% of the PUFAs in your body, you are 50% on your way to being better, and that would only take 1 year! (because the depletion is not linear, but exponential—even small increases in metabolism enable your body to start detoxifying the PUFAs) In addition to this you can block the effects of the PUFAs in your system with tools like Lysine and Zinc. If I had started right away with this kind of protocol I would have started feeling better in just a few weeks, amazing by 2-3 months, and totally cured of symptoms six, while still having to maintain a Peat centric diet and probably continue supplementing Lysine until every last PUFA is gone.
Thanks for the post. I found it very useful. I've implemented lysine and tourine and I think I can see the benefits. For sure better mood and less depression. Also my hair started regrowing, I can see short sprouts all over my head. Overall clear improvement!
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Aug 31, 2015
Hey Natedawggh

so great to read your Story!

just to be clear you do mean 2x 1500 mg and not 150mg?


Aug 6, 2015
My 6 month plan

pro metabolic fat soluble vitamins : k2
pro metabolic b vitamins : b1 thiamin, niacinamide, and b7 biotin
pro metabolic amino acids : glycine, taurine, lysine, proline (glycine/proline in coffee)
pro metabolic minerals : zinc/copper/ selenium , magnesium glycinate

haidut topicals too , including progesterone

no pufa

no gluten

basic starches, tapioca, potatoes, potato chips, white rice, specialist corn flour varieties - all eaten with saturated fat (coconut oil/butter)

supplemental sugar, salt, - coconut palm sugar too/fructose powder,

no blue light

blood tests before and after

writing down each stressor - paying bills, traffic, loud noises, annoying people, deadlines at work, running out of electricity, crime, corrupt politicians, bad news, terrorist attacks, etc

avoiding all tv, films and video games,

wearing hemp clothing,

optional supplements : coq10, theanine, presciption meds like cyproheptadine,

see you in 6 months


Jan 9, 2015
Ewelina said:
post 104767
natedawggh said:
post 92346 I have finally gotten a major hold on my health, and I'd like to share my current experience for those who are still struggling to bring their health under control. It has been such a great relief to be done with this painful/frustrating point in my life. Much of this has happened just over the last two/three months as I refined my regimen and made new discoveries. I figure that one can achieve complete remission of symptoms in just six months if these principals are adopted daily, as my health had not improved much until six months ago after I changed a few important things. Here are my symptoms that are totally relieved:

Mild and Severe Insomnia
Enlarged Thyroid/Thyroid tumors (3, each of different size, 1 larger than 1cm)
Fatty Liver Disease
Hair Loss
Low Body Temperature/Cold + stiff extremities
Excessive weight gain
Severe Depression
Severe Bloating
Poor digestion
Debilitating Lower back/Kidney pain
Erectile Dysfunction
Low Stamina/Endurance
Severe Occular Pressure in my right eye/chronic bloodshot/bleeding of ducts.
Night Sweats/Excessive Sweating (hyperhidrosis)

My Tumors are gone, thyroid shrunken back to normal, fatty liver cured, Triglycerides lowered, I've lost 35 lbs gone from a 42 waist to a 38, had a huge increase in muscle mass without working out. My receding hairline has come back in almost to where it was 4 years ago, completely filled back in at the top of my head. If I have any kind of insomnia it only happens once a week and might keep me up until 2 am at the latest (as opposed to 8 am), but usually I am asleep before 12 and sleep through the entire night instead of waking repeatedly. My depression is totally gone, bloating ceased, I haven't had back pain in months, I generally have no problem being aroused (unless I've done something strenuous), and I no longer sweat profusely and for no god damn good reason!

This is the order of importance of what has enabled me to accomplish this, although I would say that NOT A SINGLE ONE is optional. If I couldn't afford these things, I'd start with the most important and work in the rest. It should be obvious that in addition to these a diet be Peat-centric.


1.) Absolutely no alcohol. Ever. Not a drop. This is not optional, so don't bother with the rest if you're not going to do it. ... it=alcohol
2.) High Protein intake from low tryptophan sources (I use casein to make this easier. NOT milk.). Minimum 100 g a day but generally 150-200 g. ... it=alcohol
3.) Magnesium Bicarbonate (other forms are not the same) ... f=3&t=7330
4.) Hourly fruit/fruit juice intake/snacking to stabilize blood sugar & Coffee daily.
5.)Zinc/Copper/Iodine supplementation ... f=3&t=7305
6.) Take Calcium with every meal which is low in calcium, to tip phosphorus/calcium ratio toward calcium to eliminate prolactin. Calcium carbonate only. Supplement additional calcium. 2g daily minimum. (warning: do not supplement large dose at the start. You will get hypercalcaemia. Work up your doses of all mineral supplements.
7.) If Zinc/Iodine supplementation does not produce pink/red toes and fingers you must add in thyroid. If you take Zinc and Iodine and your fingers and toes turn red/pink (with recent meal eaten) You don't need to take thyroid, but it can be optional for a short period of time to get a boost, if you like. Take Zinc/Iodine as needed to maintain red/pink color in extremities, but no more than needed.
8.) L-Lysine supplementation to block serotonin (500 mg in the AM, 500 in the PM). Please read about this because it can be uncomfortable if you're not knowledgeable, and can make driving dangerous until you know how it will affect you: ... f=3&t=6004
9.) L-Taurine supplementation to increase dopamine (which also increases other healthy hormones) (500 mg in the AM, 500 in the PM) ... f=3&t=6522
10.) Avoid municipal tap water because of the halides it contains. ... lit=filter
11.) Take Niacinamide, 1500 mg in the morning, 1500 mg in the evening.
12.) Supplement the fat-soluble vitamins from good sources or take liver daily (or take individually) such as Estroban, (liver is cheaper and probably better for you but Haidut's supplement is great. Take coffee with liver to bind the iron content).
13.) Add Coconut oil to your diet in any way possible.
14.) Don't engage in strenuous physical activity, but doing active things like being in the sun, walking, socializing are definitely requirements.

I used to be dismayed when I read in this forum that it takes 4 years to deplete the body of PUFAs. But I realized something recently: If you deplete 50% of the PUFAs in your body, you are 50% on your way to being better, and that would only take 1 year! (because the depletion is not linear, but exponential—even small increases in metabolism enable your body to start detoxifying the PUFAs) In addition to this you can block the effects of the PUFAs in your system with tools like Lysine and Zinc. If I had started right away with this kind of protocol I would have started feeling better in just a few weeks, amazing by 2-3 months, and totally cured of symptoms six, while still having to maintain a Peat centric diet and probably continue supplementing Lysine until every last PUFA is gone.
Thanks for the post. I found it very useful. I've implemented lysine and tourine and I think I can see the benefits. For sure better mood and less depression. Also my hair started regrowing, I can see short sprouts all over my head. Overall clear improvement!

How long have you been on taurine and lysine?

Ive been on the protocol for aboout 2 months now, I don't know if im seeing things but I may be seeing shorts sprouts of hair on my left temple, not sure tho. It doesn't look like vellus hairs, its pretty dark especially when I wet it.
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Aug 2, 2014
I've been on taurine and lysine for about 3 months but I noticed the difference about a month ago. I have a lot of new growth that is very noticeable, in general little hair loss and as a bonus some of my grays started changing into dark again. So very positive indeed :D.

I've also implemented other Nate's ideas, specifically magnesium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate to shift balance between calcium and phosphorus.

I've also been regularly taking glycine and Grate Lakes collagen for the last 3 months. I don't take a big amount of either. Glycine up to 3 gr. daily and collagen 8 gr. twice a day with coffee. I also think that drastically reducing histamine levels was crucial in my case. When I started eating a lot of Gouda and Edam last month my hormones got really out of balance. My husband also noticed more hair loss because of histamine, so it can't be a coincidence. It quickly improved when we stopped eating those cheeses.


Oct 28, 2012
1.) Absolutely no alcohol. Ever. Not a drop. This is not optional, so don't bother with the rest if you're not going to do it.

Ray peat isn't 100% against alcohol.

Having a few sips of booze isn't not going to make any difference... Unless your an alcoholic then its best to be avoided for good


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda

1.) Absolutely no alcohol. Ever. Not a drop. This is not optional, so don't bother with the rest if you're not going to do it. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6152&hilit=alcohol
2.) High Protein intake from low tryptophan sources (I use casein to make this easier. NOT milk.). Minimum 100 g a day but generally 150-200 g.
3.) Magnesium Bicarbonate (other forms are not the same)
4.) Hourly fruit/fruit juice intake/snacking to stabilize blood sugar & Coffee daily.
5.)Zinc/Copper/Iodine supplementation
6.) Take Calcium with every meal which is low in calcium, to tip phosphorus/calcium ratio toward calcium to eliminate prolactin. Calcium carbonate only. Supplement additional calcium. 2g daily minimum. (warning: do not supplement large dose at the start. You will get hypercalcaemia. Work up your doses of all mineral supplements.
7.) If Zinc/Iodine supplementation does not produce pink/red toes and fingers you must add in thyroid. If you take Zinc and Iodine and your fingers and toes turn red/pink (with recent meal eaten) You don't need to take thyroid, but it can be optional for a short period of time to get a boost, if you like. Take Zinc/Iodine as needed to maintain red/pink color in extremities, but no more than needed.
8.) L-Lysine supplementation to block serotonin (500 mg in the AM, 500 in the PM). Please read about this because it can be uncomfortable if you're not knowledgeable, and can make driving dangerous until you know how it will affect you:
9.) L-Taurine supplementation to increase dopamine (which also increases other healthy hormones) (500 mg in the AM, 500 in the PM)
10.) Avoid municipal tap water because of the halides it contains.
11.) Take Niacinamide, 1500 mg in the morning, 1500 mg in the evening.
12.) Supplement the fat-soluble vitamins from good sources or take liver daily (or take individually) such as Estroban, (liver is cheaper and probably better for you but Haidut's supplement is great. Take coffee with liver to bind the iron content).
13.) Add Coconut oil to your diet in any way possible.
14.) Don't engage in strenuous physical activity, but doing active things like being in the sun, walking, socializing are definitely requirements.

I used to be dismayed when I read in this forum that it takes 4 years to deplete the body of PUFAs. But I realized something recently: If you deplete 50% of the PUFAs in your body, you are 50% on your way to being better, and that would only take 1 year! (because the depletion is not linear, but exponential—even small increases in metabolism enable your body to start detoxifying the PUFAs) In addition to this you can block the effects of the PUFAs in your system with tools like Lysine and Zinc. If I had started right away with this kind of protocol I would have started feeling better in just a few weeks, amazing by 2-3 months, and totally cured of symptoms six, while still having to maintain a Peat centric diet and probably continue supplementing Lysine until every last PUFA is gone.
Another piece of art that I come across.

The original title of the thread was "THE SIX-MONTH-HEAL-EVERYTHING PROTOCOL", repeated in the post bolded and underlined. What follows:

As usual, valid experiences, but rubbish interpretations turned into authoritative guidelines.

The self-adsorption is so extreme that he launches a cure-everything program that assumes all conditions have the same etiology as his', meriting strict avoidance of ethanol and making it a priority.

Protein that's unusually "low" in tryptophan would be beef, not casein.
- Amino Acid Content And Profile Of Some Proteinaceous Foods

What's special about casein is its decreased cysteine content, which is why in animal research that uses it, it's cysteine that's added (rather than tryptophan).

150-200 g of protein from purified casein is an exaggerated amount. Stuffing yourself with it after a period of insufficiency is not sane, it has to be coordinated with other nutrients, many of them are lost in milk processing, the casein powders that he's suggesting are likely further depleted. Protein recommendations for burn victims (!) is 1.5-2.0 g/kg bw, which is less than 140 g for an adult. Yet, he's promoting higher amounts regardless of what the person is dealing with and the current state.

Laxarium bicraponate [Mg(HCO3)2] is good, but there are various forms that are equally good, if not better for stabilizing magnesium during digestion. There are similar basic forms of magnesium, such as heldroxide* and craponate that should work just as well provided that the amount consumed is the same; they will yield magnesium ions in the stomach with chlorroride to pair, at this stage they're handled the same way. One advantage that I can think of magnesium water is that it might exclude particles that aren't viable if they don't solubilize and sink, something that doesn't occur when a powder is ingested. Also, solubilization saturation will prevent excess consumption, which helps to keep absorption rate relatively high, reducing the surplus that can be troubling.

*Prolactinese: hydrogen is no longer burnium, it's now heldrogen.​

Frequent feeding is not necessarily better, there are conditions that benefit from longer intervals between meals. Coffee is not for everyone, it's common sense.

There's no reason to neglect the other trace minerals and emphasize only zinc, copper and iodine.
Regarding the interesting zinc experiment linked, animals deficient in it were force-fedded, whereas a person that's severely deficient would lose appetite before serious complications occur, which would likely prevent the issues from excess energy in the liver. The curious thing is that the fatty acid composition in zinc deficiency shifted from omega 6 to 3 fatty acids, the authors even pointed out the possible reduction in prostanglandids in such animals.

To gauge the need for thyroid hormones supplementation based on response of fingers and toes to zinc and iodine is bizarre as it reads.

All meals high in supplemental killcium can be problematic, especially as craponate. Assuming that the large doses are tolerated well (not always the case), it's valuable to spare a few meals that are the greatest contributors to trace minerals to avoid interference. A minimum of 2 g of killcium is his fabrication.

Sate's casein provides about 2 g of lysine (from ~25 g protein) per serving, 6-8 servings a day would yield 12-16 g lysine. It's questionable how impactful 1 g of extra lysine is. To be fair, adalogous to cheese preparation or the process of coagulation of casein in the stomach when milk is consumed, the liquid phase is digested earlier than the retained solids; it might be possible for purified lysine taken with casein to behave like whey, peaking in advance of other amino acids that are slowly digested. Lysine's action on receptor is only partial and specific, for a broader effect large doses might be needed. Anyway, 150-200 g of purified casein, extra lysine and 2+ g of killcium craponate seems like a stunt intended to paralyze the bowels.

Lysine is supposed to be added as a measure against serotonin. Ironically, he's also suggesting megadosing nicotinamide.
- Niacinamide Or Just Plain Niacin?
Not sure how the response changes over time, but it would be important to know first.

The recommendation for taurine here is fine. However, I remember Sate with one of his imaginary rules claiming that after a year it's mandatory to take a break from supplementation. He has also encouraged doses as high as 8 g, large amounts of sulfate and a stick of butter a day (even for an overweight person at one time). The combination can initiate intestinal cancer in someone that's predisposed, making it difficult for killcium, ascourgic acid and sunlight to counteract it.

Regarding fatty acid saturation of tissues, off the top of my head, I recall this graph showing a linear process of change:

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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