My Summary Of The Ray Peat Protocol


Jun 10, 2016
I'm chatting with some people with hair loss lately. And I often get questions like:

"Dude I have no time to read this Hair Like A Fox book, can you tell me what the diet looks like."

So this is what I message back, I thought other people that are beginning to put their head around Ray Peat may find this useful:

The most important thing is, to measure you body temperature and pulse. The diet is supposed get your body temperature and pulse back to the levels of a child. Which is around 37.0-37.3 degrees oral temp after lunch. And 36.7-37.0 degrees in the morning. Pulse around 85 bpm.

You can eat anything you want, as long as you have this metabolic rate of a child. In practice, only children and some lucky ones are able to get this metabolic rate while eating anything they want.

So, what he [read: Danny Roddy] recommends, is a high carb, high protein, low fat diet. I feel best with around 450 gram of carb, 150 gram of protein and 40 gram of fat. Some people do better with for example 300 gram of carbs, 150 gram of protein, 80 gram of fat. You have to play around with that.

The optimal carb source is considered fruit and fruit juices from ripe fruit. Most people will end up with at least 1L of orange juice. I drink 3L of OJ. Preferably fresh squeezed from ripe oranges. Personally, I use organic pasteurized orange juice from a local shop.

For proteins, gelatin is considered a very good source of protein. I take 60 grams of gelatin sheets every day. The hard core people would get it from bone broth. Meat is considered a less optimal source, because of the inflammatory amino acid composition, and a too high phosporous/calcium balance. Many people will take at least 1L of skim milk on this diet, because of the favourable calcium/phosporous balance, and good source of protein. I take 2L of skim milk (0.5% fat).

Vegetable oils like sunflower oil, canola oil are considered the worse possible oils, because of the unstable polyunsaturated fats. Coconut oil, and grass fed butter the best sources of fat. I take around 30 gram of coconut oil daily. Also fatty fish are avoided because of the too high amount of PUFAs.

High quality animal foods, such as organic eggs, liver and oysters should be part of the diet, because of the high amount of fat soluble vitamins, B-vitamins, cholesterol and minerals (zinc, copper, selenium). I take 2 soft boiled eggs daily, 2 oysters, and liver once a week.

To make sure you have regular bowel movements, eating a carrot salad, and/or mushroom soup can help.

I think that is basically it, the diet is also high in salt (around 2 teaspoons), and lots of coffee (4-5 cups). I take caffeine supplements instead of coffee personally (400-600 mg).
Feb 4, 2015
Roddy isn't low fat. He eats a ton of Parmigiano-Reggiano, butter and cream (cream from cream only in coffee, ice cream, and the cream in 1% or 2% milk). I think he's able to do that and not get a tummy or gyno (the fat version of gyno not the hormonal one) because he takes thyroid among other supplements and he's figured out how to have his muscle and heart tissue burn those saturated fatty acids instead of storing them into adipose tissue. The average guy you're talking about is not as savvy as Roddy and will likely enlarge their adipose tissue, and for some they would be enlarging it even more so than it already is in an excess state. If they say they don't have time to read an e-book then they aren't dedicated and your efforts to help such people are futile.
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Oct 5, 2014
This is a good summary but I am not sure wether that is the "Ray Peat protocol" or the "What people on the internet like danny roddy believe is a RP protocol".

I never heard Ray talking about a protocol :):
Aug 18, 2015

You eat 30 packets of gepatin packets everyday? Are u worried about random fillers or anything? I started doing knox a lot more often and started doing significantly better... But i started getting very dry palms of my hands amd hair wirey and dry and fallimg out fast. I dk if releated or not tho bc i was also takikg progrsterone and egg shell calciu


Jun 10, 2016
You eat 30 packets of gepatin packets everyday? Are u worried about random fillers or anything? I started doing knox a lot more often and started doing significantly better... But i started getting very dry palms of my hands amd hair wirey and dry and fallimg out fast. I dk if releated or not tho bc i was also takikg progrsterone and egg shell calciu

I take 60 gram of gelatin (36 sheets) from Dr. Oetker Gelatin every day. I have no idea about random fillers, it seems to work great, and it looks like pure gelatin. Not sure why this would be less pure than other brands.


Jun 26, 2016
I take 60 gram of gelatin (36 sheets) from Dr. Oetker Gelatin every day. I have no idea about random fillers, it seems to work great, and it looks like pure gelatin. Not sure why this would be less pure than other brands.

That looks like it gets pretty expensive. Probably more tasty/practical to just get pork rinds.


Jun 10, 2016
That looks like it gets pretty expensive. Probably more tasty/practical to just get pork rinds.

0.84 * 3 = 2.50 euro for 60 gram of protein. I don't find that really expensive.


If he is not determined enough to read a small ebook written in pretty simple English, he won't change his lifestyle anyway, because we all know it demands a bit of extra work/money/time.
So don't waste your time.
Nov 26, 2013
"I haven't time to read, just give me the nitty gritty"

"Why isn't it working"


May 21, 2016
You guys are talking about people who don't have time to read a simple ebook... I understand your point of view, but you may fail to realize that sometimes is not that simple.
Each case is a case.

I may be naive, but I will speak for myself: I have serious problems to focus myself (I was diagnosed with OCD back then) to the point when I was studying with my colleagues I would only read 3 pages or less in one hour and they would read 30 times more pages than me or even more. They would ask me: "Hey, don't you want to pass the exam?". Of course I wanted! But I just couldn't focus...

In this case, sometimes 'time' is not the only issue, but the time you spend to read something (even if it is few pages) can be much more than some people need. Plus, if a person is ignorant and doesn't understand anything about science and scientific terms that time can even be more.
That's why people ask for help or try to imitate others which may lead to failure (or not). Specially when someone wants a short-time solution. And people want everything that way nowadays...
Also, if a person is in a learned helpless state, I'm pretty sure that, yes, he hasn't time to read a book, an ebook, a phrase, a word... He just want help, some guidelines.

Of course I am not saying that you aren't somehow right.
In my case, I am still not following Peat's ideas because I still didn't manage to read and, more important, understand them very well. And if you asked me if I wanted someone to teach me how Peat's ideas work or someone that said to me to do X and Y, yes, sometimes I would prefer that way. Because I have no time to read them. Actually, there are days I have, but I don't understand anything (yet).
Moreover, being ignorant may even take you to understand things wrong.
This is how I feel: the more I read, the less I know.

What is easy for some people may be hard for others.
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Feb 21, 2016
I have been pesting for 5 years I'm now on trt and I'm now thinning after 6 months


Jul 13, 2014
Vegetable oils like sunflower oil, canola oil are considered the worse possible oils, because of the unstable polyunsaturated fats
Are they less toxic if not heated at all?

Canola actually has a high level of monounsaturated fat


Nov 20, 2017
Are they less toxic if not heated at all?

Canola actually has a high level of monounsaturated fat

Yes because these oils are extremely susceptible to oxidation, which is essentially degradation. This happens at room temperature (72 degrees F) at a fairly quick rate. That said, when they get inside our body--which is 98.6 degrees F--the process is quickened and oxidation occurs inside our bodies, causing damage.

A good way to think about it: Antioxidants are considered helpful and healthy because they protect cells of the body from oxidizing. These oils act in the exact opposite way.

Casual reading: PUFA's: The Worst Thing For Your Health You Eat Everyday

CTRL + F "oxid" and read around for more examples and explanations in plain English.

Hopefully that helps
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