Need Help With Adrenal Insufficiency


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Yes, straight niacin. Yes it is preferable to niacinemide for its effect on cholesterol. It reduces/normalises cholesterol, and rebalances LDL and HDL, reducing the former, and increasing the latter. And niacinemide doesn't do that.

My only advantage to the Niacinamide is the way it can theoretically prevent sugars from turning into Triglycerides. Mine were in the 400’s the last year


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Then again, I hear straight Niacin can have good effect on blood lipids via different mechanisms, including Triglycerides. Perhaps Haidut could reiterate why Niacinamide’s action on free fatty acids or sugars could prevent Triglycerides from forming, vs Niacin.


Jan 9, 2018
I was pretty similar to you when I was in my late 30's, only I'm 20 years down the road now and my health is generally solid. Like you, I went thru all the MD/Alt Med testing(blood tests, saliva tests, Hair Mineral tests) and solutions, like Rx Testo, numerous supplements, herbs, adrenal extracts and what not. It can be an expensive, exhausting, lonely, tough road in this day and age, the MD s seem to only offer band aids. Hopefully you have a supportive spouse/family. We ll do our best here to get you back to feeling like a Super Human, and nothing less.

One thing that I can share with you is to not waste too much of your time and put too much hope in every idea that comes along. I would say that supplements can help somewhat, but don't get too crazy thinking that you have to take every supplement under the sun or that Supplements are going to CURE YOU... You can waste a few years of your life experimenting with every supplement idea out there. I've tried most of them at one time or another, nothing worked as well as eating a dozen raw eggs, some raw honey, raw beef, unripe bananas/mangoes/pineapple core, celery juice, lemon/lime/olive oil/ACV. To get your start with raw eggs, you can combine 3 to 6 eggs or egg yolks to a few tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice, add some raw honey and a little cream, a pinch of grey REAL sea salt, and blend it up, it tastes like key lime pie or lemon meringue pie. Tastes very good and they all will be helpful. Drink it once or twice per day. ( I usually eat the eggs raw with some added raw honey, olive oil and sometimes ACV. Ive consumed in excess of 4000 raw eggs in the past 10 years and have never gotten sick even once, not even a little, since most people think you'll get worries...I can assure you of that)

Ripe fruit seems to me and to many others to cause blood sugar disturbances, last thing you want. The unripe fruit has alot of enzymes that improve your digestion and energy levels. I personally avoid most pasta, bread, nuts/peanuts, snack foods, and only moderate amounts of starches like sweet potato's/carrots. Stick with the raw proteins, the unripe fruits mentioned, and cooked vegetables generally. I avoid most dairy except a little cream here and there.

As far as supplements, I wouldn't overdo the Vitamin C, and I' d use caution with the Niacin also. Niacin can reduce blood cholesterol levels. Guess what your hormones are built on... cholesterol. My understanding is the Vitamin C lowers Cortisol mainly, so taking large amounts of Vitamin C will not likely be helpful.

The iodine/tyrosine/selenium/ascorbic acid/sea salt combo seems to help if you have a thyroid issue. Ive used some NAC and Methionine on occaision and they seem to be somewhat helpful...maybe worth a try. That's all for now.

I tried your raw eggs recipe and it actually wasn't all that bad. Actually, it tasted pretty good. Doesn't Ray recommend limiting eggs to about 2 per day? I'm still trying to understand all of this and it seems like much of the advice I get is contradictory. I was hoping for some clarification, but seems thing to have become more complicated. I have been following many of the Peat recommendations (150 g protein +, plenty of sugar, mostly fructose, limiting starches, no PUFA, lots of OJ and milk, collagen, calcium > phosphorous) for about 3 months now, but now that I have been told my cortisol is too low, i'm wondering if the peat style diet is not right for me, or if I need to make some adjustments.

RE: supplementation, my thyroid is seemingly healthy. My labs are pretty good, I think (TSH = .8, ft4 = 1.2), and my temps are great (98.1 in a.m., 98.8 in afternoon), heart rate usually about 75 - 85.


Jan 21, 2018
Peat likely recommends limiting to 2 eggs per day because of the Pufa content in eggs. I would not disagree on a long term basis, but depends on your lifestyle. The more physical your lifestyle, the more eggs it seems is helpful. If you have a desk job or mind work, maybe 2 would be just right. In my experience, I find that the average worn out/tired/fatigued middle aged male needs more like 5 or 6 per day(that s only about 350 calories) to re establish a solid hormone profile. About 1000 mg of raw cholesterol (that s about 6 large eggs) is a nice foundation to build the hormone cascade on. Eat a few before bed, as the hormones are built while you sleep, and you can wake up with a nice charge in the morning. Adding some olive oil, raw honey, splash of ACV are some options as they seem to work well together. Your thyroid tests 'sound' good. I found that taking 4 to 10 drops of lugols 2% iodine was helpful, if nothing more than to flush some of the damn flouride out of the system. Been doing that for over 10 years with some breaks a few times per month. Drinking celery juice seems helpful as a balancing act and for excellent hydration.

For the record, I would not recommend orange juice, or any pasteurized dairy. Orange juice will just give you blood sugar swings, same with any ripe fruit, and the high heated dairy is a huge digestive drag. I know, not what Peat recommends, but I know what my personal tests have determined. Do much better with greenish banana s , green unripe mangoes, un ripe pineapple, all loaded with digestive enzymes. Forget the sweet fruits, you'll be unstable as hell. I ve gone months eating nothing but raw beef sandwiches, raw turkey sandwiches, raw eggs, un ripe fruit, celery juice, raw honey, some raw carrots and raw beets. Everyone is somewhat different, I'm just telling you my experience based on many year s of testing and trial and error.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
Hey, what was your digestion like when you began all the raw meats and all? Did you have strong stomach acid etc? Wondering if the raw foods are good for weak digestion, seems the opposite of typically recommended out here. Were you eating the raw meats by themselves or combining with any fiber?


Jan 21, 2018
My digestion improved very much going to raw or lightly cooked beef raw eggs and what not
They are very ez to digest raw. It's the cooking that uses up all your digestive resources. Previously, I did alot of raw fruits and vegetables for several years, and while I don t mind eating some, all that fiber tends to mess up digestion because its sitting in your gut so long. Slow digestion can cause sugars to ferment.

My digestion on the eggs and meat is perfect. No gas, no bloat. I will usually take a teaspoon of olive oil and some raw honey w them and this keeps bowel movement s regular for me. Been doing this for over 10 years now. Several hundred pounds of meats and over 10000 raw eggs. Never got sick even once, not even a little.

Hope that helps I started the program due to adrenal fatigue and low hormones which I think were caused in part by relying on fruit and vegetables too much.

I currently 63 yo and still doing 10 to 15 50 yard sprints and can squat 450 to 500.lbs. better than when I was 22 yo


Jun 24, 2022
United States
That is quite the success story, glad you are doing well now. Agree with everything you said, I have the same opinion on the foods you mentioned. Have been trying a little of this, seems to be going well. Thank you for all the info.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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