New to Dr. Peat's work - application to NF1?


New Member
Mar 26, 2014
What's your age? 39

How did you find the forum? After finding Dr. Peat's website, I Googled to see if Dr. Peat has written anything on neurofibromatosis.

How did you find Ray Peat's work? Researching dopamine in relation to cognitive issues in children with neurofibromatosis type 1.

How long have you been Peating? Haven't yet. Just starting to learn about it.

I am a mom of an awesome 5 year old boy with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). I have been researching his condition on the internet for almost 4 years now. I found Dr. Peat's work while researching the relationship between low dopamine levels and cognitive/behavioral issues in NF1 kids (and trying to find alternatives to the drugs the doctors try to push for anything that even resembles ADHD). I was fascinated to read his articles on natural progesterone and cancer. Coincidentally, I had been poking around in that area for a bit after reading the 2012 study about progesterone receptors found in NF tumors. Studies of PR+/ER- lung and breast cancer cells and progesterone (or at least anti-estrogen therapy) were particularly interesting. However, I found it so frustrating to find so many articles that seemed to show opposite results (and the lack of differentiating between natural progesterone and its synthetic version). Dr. Peat's articles explained the profit-motivated discrepancies and it makes sense now.

I am interested in finding out whether natural progesterone may be beneficial for NF-1. Has anyone applied Dr. Peat's work on cancer to NF-1 (or at least come up with any theories)?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome Lori, I don't have an answer for you personally but wanted to give you a warm welcome anyway! I'm sure other forum members will reply with any info they might have on the topic. :D


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Lori, :welcome


Jul 24, 2013
No, I have never heard of someone using Dr. Peat's ideas in relation to NF. It's a good thought. I had briefly seen some progesterone-NF research reports and wondered. Many genetic issues have different expression due to metabolism and environment. NF is one of many situations where such questions have not been asked much, nor answered.

You might read more about the Progest-E formulation (bio-indentical progesterone in Vitamin E oil). Since the progesterone is absorbed through the skin with the oil based vitamin, it may be of interest for the skin issues and fibromas close to the surface. In talks years back with endocrine researchers, there was no interest in studying dermal delivery of progesterone.


Feb 20, 2013
Welcome to the forum
I believe RP still does private nutritional counseling, though he has removed
all the contact info from his webpage. You can try his old P.O. box address to
get an appointment or his opinion on this particular disease.
I have heard him in audio interviews answering people's questions regarding
cancer. His answersinvolved a healthy diet which lowers stress hormones
and increases anti-stress hormones. You can look at blood tests on
Thyroid, PTH, Prolactin, lactic acid, iron, free fatty acids etc to see if there is any
abnormalities. If they exist then you can focus on lowering those numbers by
diet sufficient in vitamins and minerals. You can also check temperature and pulse
1-2 hours after breakfast to get an idea about metabolism.
He talked about studies on light therapy treating cancer.
You can listen to his interviews here , there are few interviews on cancer.
But he has talked about cancer in other interviews too. ... nterviews/
Here is a link to general dietary guidelines.
I am not sure, but i think that 80 grams of protein is based on
average adult weight. It is mainly a low iron, low PUFA, low
soluble fiber and low starch ( increases endotoxin by feeding bad bacteria),
moderate protein, moderate to high carbohydrate, high anti oxidant,
high alkaline minerals and sufficient vitamins and minerals.
All these are protective against cancer and tumor.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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