new to the forum and need serious guidance please :/


May 24, 2013
okay let me start off by saying hello guys. im a new member and will explain my story here for anyone who wishes to help me out. about two ago i started to develop cystic acne, worst was on my right cheek. long story short i went on a low carb diet for over a year and just around september of 2012 i realized my hair was thinning rapidly. i had developed all sorts of hypo symptoms prior to that (severe dermatitis on nose fold eyebrows and scalp). around febuary of this year i have upped my carbs by a lot! i am currently ranging from 300-500 grams of carbs a day. i noticed that since my hair thinning started all hair on my body started to thin too. after 3 months on high carb i seem to be getting no results. diet consisting of milk, oj, cheese, traditionally prepared tortillas, some meat and alot of sugar and fruit. id like to add that i am 20 and work in construction (could that be hindering progress? and if so what can i do to atleast slightly counter act it? more sleep?) so far my hairk has thinned out and im scared ima be bald by the time im 21. i loose TONS of hair on my head and the roots are so weak. when i kwork i feel inflimation on my scalp. my dad is also 55 and is only slighktly balding and has strong temple hair. so i know this cant be right since i inherited most of his skin genetics. so here comes the questions and i hope i can get some insighkt. why doesnt my symptoms ever improve? did i permenantly damage myself with low carbs? why dont i get acne even when i eat high carb anymore? should i be eating alot more cals since i work construction (i eat 3500 on average). could i be defiecent in hgh due to low carb? deficient in minerals or vitamins? why does the sun aggravate my symptoms? and most important questions, what should be my first moves? should i take thyroid? pregnenolone? Progesterone? should i still have hope? am i never atleast gonna recover just some of my hair? sorry this was so long but if you got this far i truly appreciate your time.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Hi dannylingo, and welcome to the forum.

Are you familiar with Danny Roddy? He's the Peat-person that's done the most work on hair loss. Based on the quality of his Peat Whisperer book, I would guess that his Hair Like a Fox book would really help you. His work helped me grasp Peat's ideas about hormones, and then decide how to fix them based on bloodwork.

When you mention the sun aggravating your symptoms, are you referring to the scalp irritation, or something else?

As first step, monitoring your temperature and pulse (see here for a good guide) might clue you in to potential hypothyroidism.


Feb 7, 2013
:welcome2 to the forum Dannylingo!

Dan's given you some good advice for your situation. Danny Roddy's experience may be of great help to you, particularly as hair loss is what drove Roddy and he's successfully turned that around for himself.

Good luck and see you around the forum!


Oct 10, 2012
dannylingo said:
okay let me start off by saying hello guys. im a new member and will explain my story here for anyone who wishes to help me out. about two ago i started to develop cystic acne, worst was on my right cheek. long story short i went on a low carb diet for over a year and just around september of 2012 i realized my hair was thinning rapidly. i had developed all sorts of hypo symptoms prior to that (severe dermatitis on nose fold eyebrows and scalp). around febuary of this year i have upped my carbs by a lot! i am currently ranging from 300-500 grams of carbs a day. i noticed that since my hair thinning started all hair on my body started to thin too. after 3 months on high carb i seem to be getting no results. diet consisting of milk, oj, cheese, traditionally prepared tortillas, some meat and alot of sugar and fruit. id like to add that i am 20 and work in construction (could that be hindering progress? and if so what can i do to atleast slightly counter act it? more sleep?) so far my hairk has thinned out and im scared ima be bald by the time im 21. i loose TONS of hair on my head and the roots are so weak. when i kwork i feel inflimation on my scalp. my dad is also 55 and is only slighktly balding and has strong temple hair. so i know this cant be right since i inherited most of his skin genetics. so here comes the questions and i hope i can get some insighkt. why doesnt my symptoms ever improve? did i permenantly damage myself with low carbs? why dont i get acne even when i eat high carb anymore? should i be eating alot more cals since i work construction (i eat 3500 on average). could i be defiecent in hgh due to low carb? deficient in minerals or vitamins? why does the sun aggravate my symptoms? and most important questions, what should be my first moves? should i take thyroid? pregnenolone? Progesterone? should i still have hope? am i never atleast gonna recover just some of my hair? sorry this was so long but if you got this far i truly appreciate your time.

I think your first step is to check for low thyroid. You can go to the doctor or pay for the commercial blood work, your tsh, t3, t4, rt3, estrogen, prolactin, testosterone, and cortisol. Some food to throw in liver, eggs, and heart. Ginger can also help for hair loss, it block serotonin and raises some of your protected hormones. in the mean time pregnenolone can't hurt, Dan w knows a good source. Do not take testosterone therapy, or anti-androgen therapy. The testosterone will convert to estrogen, and the anti-androgen will be block some hormones that can help you.


May 24, 2013
hey guys thanks for the replies. i am aware of danny roddy yes, but i am scared that diet might just be part of the solution for me, i feel like i have chronically damaged my self with 15 months of low carb. and yes the sun irritates all the skin on my body. btw is there a cheap way to get bloodwork if im 20 and poor? ikno health comes first but whakt if i end up taking the wrong bloodwork? any advice?


Feb 7, 2013
dannylingo said:
hey guys thanks for the replies. i am aware of danny roddy yes, but i am scared that diet might just be part of the solution for me, i feel like i have chronically damaged my self with 15 months of low carb. and yes the sun irritates all the skin on my body. btw is there a cheap way to get bloodwork if im 20 and poor? ikno health comes first but whakt if i end up taking the wrong bloodwork? any advice?
I don't feel qualified to advise on the bloodwork, but others here with more knowledge of your particular situation probably can.

If it were me, I would email both Ray Peat and Danny Roddy with my questions and outline my situation. I believe Roddy was a one time "devout" low carber. Many of us were. I think I did every variation that exists for low carb. :roll:

So many of us have tried every diet known to man - from raw vegan to low carb and everything in between.

You are not alone.

Ray has said hair loss in hyperthyroidism may be the result of excess serotonin.

The hair loss that occurs in hypothyroidism, postpartum syndrome, and with the use of drugs such as St. John's wort (which can also cause the “serotonin syndrome”) could be another effect of excess serotonin.
This comment from Ray was from an email exchange from a young male with problems with hair loss and libido.

If you are getting enough of the major nutrients, including protein, calcium, and sugar, it's possible that you have a specific stress-related deficiency, for example of B6, niacinamide, or selenium. 10 mg of B6 can sometimes make a quick difference in prostate and libido, 100 mg of niacinamide can reduce some stress symptoms. Applying caffeine solution to the scalp locally helps to promote hair growth. Water and a little alcohol are convenient for applying it. [LOW LIBIDO, HAIR LOSS FOR A YOUNG MALE]
Here is a link to the forum where you can download Ray's interview on Hair Loss and Osteoporosis


This Roddy article relating hair loss to paleo may also help.


Nov 21, 2012
Can't really offer much help,but do you eat enough protein? and are you maybe low on iron? bc those things can cause your hair to fall out too,as the body regards hair,nails etc. the least prioritized parts for fuel for the body to go too.

P.S. Cool that you work in construction:) What is it that you do? Last week I had a trial jobplacement at a road-making company with the possibillity to be schooled as a road-maker/pavior, but I failed horribly which still bothers me and that part wants to give it another shot but the other part thinks that I'll never be able to pull off the problems I ran into. So far for 'training for the job at the gym" bc it didn't help at all!
I like to have an outside laborious job but can only think of construction(which is atm hard to get a job in over here,let alone as an unexperienced female) and gardening.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
dannylingo said:
btw is there a cheap way to get bloodwork if im 20 and poor? ikno health comes first but whakt if i end up taking the wrong bloodwork? any advice?
I wouldn't worry about bloodwork yet; once you start to understand Peat's ideas, it can help you confirm a theory (for example, I began to suspect that I had high serotonin, and then got a serotonin test to confirm that before doing anything drastic). And keeping an eye on your temperature and pulse is a very useful initial test, and probably more useful than bloodwork right now.

And all the other stuff in this thread is useful too...hopefully we're not throwing too much stuff at you!


May 24, 2013
thancs again for your time guys. dutchie, basically i lift heavy roccs and position them on the concrete to patios ect.. i dont no if im maybe undereating protein or something but also not sure if that would macce the difference. btw it seems no matter how much sugar i eat my bpm are always on the 65-70 range..and can anyone have any input into why i dont get acne anymore no matter what i eat? i feel lice oddly this could be a big piece to my puzzle since acne is closely related to hgh.


Jan 22, 2013
I'd say eat eggs, and more preferably shellfish (shrimp, lobster, crab, squid) every day, and as much dark chocolate as you can handle. Your diet is low in choline (necessary to transport cholesterol and hormones throughout your body) and copper which is crucial for hair amongst other things. Make sure to get enough saturated fat (cocoa butter or added butter/cream/ghee) to support healthy hormone levels


Feb 20, 2013
You did not mention liver and sea foods. You will need 3-6 oz of liver every week to supply all the important nutrients, especially Vitamin A and copper.Liver is high in iron, drink coffee with liver to lower iron absorption. You will need weekly serving of seafood for selenium needed to make active form of thyroid T3. Are you getting at least 80 grams of protein? You may need more protein than average people. RP mentioned people with weak liver cant detoxify estrogen. Daily raw carrot salad or just eating a carrot will help you to lower estrogen and endotoxin. You can not over do carrot, excess carotene is bad for you. Are you drinking pulp free OJ? Have you tried gelatin? Not having acne surely is a good sign.


May 24, 2013
pboy, what would be my best sources for choline that are hair friendly? and mittir, i never gave those nutrients any thought. what seafood would you say is most crucial out of all of them? i am starting to also thin i dont eat enough protein, but on your comment about acne i would have to disagree as far as in my case because i cant seem to dismiss the fact that once the acne was dissapearing i was becoming more hypothyroid and that i never had issues with hair, but when the acne never came bac all hell brocce lose. i just no there has to be a connection here! i would even go as far as to say that acne is a good sign of health in my own body and i cant even seem to induce it anymore if i tried..could low carb for so long have affected my hgh levels? or is that just ridiculous?

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Regarding the acne, I recall Matt Stone theorizing that "starvation mode" corresponding with acne disappearing. Maybe the "permanence" of your acne disappearing is just long-term hypothyroidism...I'd focus more on temps/pulse/extremity-warmth than the acne though.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
And regarding choline, egg yolks and liver are both good sources, and good for other nutrients too.


Feb 20, 2013
Shell fish is strongly recommended for their selenium and copper and low fat content. Make sure you get ocean shrimp not the farm raised one. You need low fat seafood like sole, whitefish, turbot, scallops, oysters, lobster, shrimp, squid, etc. Oysters are very rich source of copper but high in iron . Vitamin A is very crucial for over all hormonal balance. In low carb diet metabolism slows down and thus need for nutrients. Once you start adding carb your metabolism is increasing and thus need for extra nutrients. I used to have mild acne and once i gave up vegetable oil it never came back. According Ray Peat acne is a major indicator that something wrong in the diet. I think for now you can focus on protein, liver and seafood and see what happens.


May 24, 2013
Re: new to the forum and gneed serious guidance please :/

i just got some cynomel today guys and gonna try dividing 25 mcg through out the day, any thought or advice? is this a good idea to cicc off recover? and my cceyboard is broccen so i replace "cay" with "c"


May 24, 2013
hey guys im on my fourth day on t3 and for the first time since my LC crash i have reached ak consistent average of 80bpm since yesturday morning (been lurking around 65 since LC crash. should i be happy? my symtoms like severe hairloss and irritated skin and scalp while in the sun and working stay the same, but is it likely that since im starting to increase my metabolic rate these symptoms should slowly but gradually improve? thansk for any replies and please give me thoughts people

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
dannylingo said:
hey guys im on my fourth day on t3 and for the first time since my LC crash i have reached ak consistent average of 80bpm since yesturday morning (been lurking around 65 since LC crash. should i be happy?

I think so, it's at least a big step in the right direction. Any idea of your body temperature?

If you're anything like me, the more you get dialed in (and the longer you stay dialed in) to Peat's recommendations, the more you'll improve.
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