Noel Gallagher's Log - Get My Life Back And Become "the Man"

Mar 3, 2016
As I look back on my childhood, I realize I had a lot of hypothyroid symptoms that flew under the radar. A lot of feelings of insecurity, inferiority, depression, anxiety, self-hate, guilt, erratic behavior, etc. I got mononucleosis at the age of 21 and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I completely crashed and my hypothyroidism truly became exposed. Now at the age of 26, I am ready to pull my self out of this miserable state and figure out who I am beyond this fog I've been stuck in for pretty much my entire life. Despite my struggle with illness, it's also an extremely exciting time in my life because I am fortunate to have the tools and resources to heal and this community. I've isolated myself for 5 years now. I've lost a lot of friendships. I don't know what people think of me, but it probably isn't anything good. But I'm not going to dwell on that. This is my journey, and no one will understand it unless they have gone through it themselves. I am starting this log in an effort to become more organized, and suppress my tendencies to just do things on a whim. This log will allow me to evaluate my progress and provide guidelines for achieving my goals. I want to become completely confident and secure with myself. I grew up extremely fearful of girls because I was so lacking in self confidence. While many seem to overcome this as they grew older, I went in the opposite direction. To cope with my pain, I chronically masturbated. As I look back, the frequency of masturbation has wreaked havoc on my system. I suspect many my age chronically masturbate given the abundance of porn on the Internet. So now, I make the vow to stop masturbation indefinitely. It just isn't justifiable given my poor state of health. It's too depleting. A lot of changes I need to make are uncomfortable, but necessary. It's do or die. I hope this log gives others ideas as to how they can improve their situation. And I also hope to get feedback on what I am doing from those who "have arrived." What I mean by that is that I'd like to get advice from those who experience great health, with high temperatures. The plan I am going to outline will hopefully get me to where I want to be in life because this current situation is truly miserable. I think we can soar just as high as we have fallen. I think those that have been average their entire life, or slightly above average will always remain as such. Meanwhile, those who have truly suffered, and hit rock bottom can become great because they have such strong motivation. That type of thinking comes from Tyler at RSD, but I think it makes sense. Feeling so different than everyone else creates so much pain, you either want to die, or do everything in your power to change it. I could go on and on about my history, but I want to achieve a state of health where I feel anything is possible for me. Something I've experienced in glimpses, but very rarely throughout my life. My vices have been an obstacle to my own recovery. I've sabotaged my health in an effort to improve it by taking things to the extreme. I need to learn to be patient! Acknowledging this and creating this log are the first step in changing who I am on a fundamental level.

Here are the guidelines to my daily protocol:

Vitamin A - 10,000 IU (May change based on skin symptoms I notice, but for now it is a 5:1 to ratio with D)
Vitamin D - 2,000 IU
Vitamin K - 2 mg
Vitamin E - 400 IU (Once weekly)

Zinc - 30 mg (Once weekly)
Copper - 2 mg (Once weekly)

Pregnenolone - 50 to 100 mg Will take as much as I can without getting constipation but anything under 100 mg should be safe. Will scale back if libido is affected. (After a large meal to avoid adrenaline response)
DHEA - 5 mg (After a large meal)
Synthetic T4 - To determine T4 dose, I will take the dose of T3 used and multiply it by 5 and take that amount at night. Caffeine will sometimes substitute for T3 doses and will be factored in. Thyroid doses are constantly changing in the range of 50 to 100 mcg.
Synthetic T3 - As needed

Medications (to be used on occasion):
Cyproheptadine - 1 mg every 8 hours (Experienced loss of appetite, body odors because of liver poisoning from taking way too much)
Aspirin - 325 to 650 mg per day

Other supplements to be used as needed:
Activated Charcoal
Cascara Sagrada
Caffeine/Theanine Combo
Edit: Add Taurine

I feel like this is on the side of caution, which is certainly NOT in my nature. I have overdone Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Copper, Pregnenolone, Cyproheptadine, Aspirin and more. I will fall in love with a supplement and completely abuse it in an attempt to fix everything immediately. I have learned my lesson the hard way. I have a tendency to push the limits to the point of getting myself sick. I have done the same with marijuana, alcohol, bodybuilding, and many other things. I don't know why that is the way it is, it's almost like a form of self-punishment. It probably stems from some traumatic experiences that happened in my childhood. But this plan is simple and it will allow me to identify mistakes.

Now for the dietary staples:

Half gallon of Whole milk without any added vitamins
Haagan Dazs Ice cream
0% fat greek yogurt
Low Fat cheese sticks
Real Sugar Pepsi/Coke
Fruit Juices
Ruminant Meats
Shellfish - Lobster, Shrimp, Oysters, etc.
Pastured Eggs cooked in coconut oil
Potato chips cooked in coconut oil
Low/no PUFA cereals
Low/no PUFA cookies
Dark Chocolate
Gummy bears
Dried Fruit

I'm not going to concern myself with macronutrient ratios, I'm just going to focus on listening to my body and eating what is appetizing at the time. My diet is pretty lenient. The main things are avoiding digestive irritants and PUFAS.

I will track my progress with updates to my mood, digestion and temperatures, as well as any epiphanies I have along the way. And thank you to DaveFoster for already giving me some direction on my approach.

Indications of improvement:

Feeling warm (duh)
waking up with morning wood
Patient, content in the moment
Feeling happy and optimistic, like nothing is wrong (this is something I haven't really experienced in my life and when I have, it has felt really uncomfortable)
Energy, no need for a nap
Ability to make predictions about future (Like who is going to win a sports game)
Having core confidence, not needing a certain job or certain amount of money to feel adequate
Not taking things personally, higher consciousness
Feeling grateful to just be alive, like a child
Great social skills, feeling like I have control over social situations, more alpha
Comfortable with appearance
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Mar 3, 2016
Day 1

Woke up feeling pretty good. Optimistic about this process. No libido though. It may be from pregnenolone, but we'll see. Definitely will be eating oysters at some point today.

My main focus outside of Peating is going to be on incorporating the principles discussed in The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. That book really taught me the importance of watching my thoughts and being okay with not thinking so much.

Temp on rising: 97.5
Had a bowel movement too, which is a great sign given my recent issues with constipation.

Took 70 mg pregnenolone after a meal with ice cream and lots of milk. Feeling okay, not great. I think I got an adrenaline response, but then again I had adequate sugar. Maybe taking the pregnenolone so early in the day was a mistake. This stuff always confuses me. Now I just want to go to sleep. Maybe I need to take at night. I think Haidut has mentioned that because of the sedating effects of progesterone. Definitely feeling anxiety too, almost like I want to cry. Very sad. Any insights on preg would be appreciated. These are the moments I need to look within and ask myself what I did wrong. Did I take too much? Did I take too early in the day? Hands and feet are cold now. This stuff confuses me because I was under the impression I couldn't take too much. Ugh!!!!

Edit: After some thought I think I just took it too early in the day and my liver wasn't ready for it despite the meal. From now on, I will wait until mid day at the least, and let my body tell me when it is ready. Once my body starts asking for T3 or caffeine, then it is probably ready for the pregnenolone. I think I screwed up my liver with cypro a bit, so it may take some time. I think less is more. Was feeling good, then I crashed in an attempt to feel even better and stepped too hard on the gas pedal.
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I wish you the best.
But after reading your post, I am pretty confident that you will make it.
Very reasonable approach and you even consider the powerful influences of thought.
Mar 3, 2016
I wish you the best.
But after reading your post, I am pretty confident that you will make it.
Very reasonable approach and you even consider the powerful influences of thought.

Thank you, that means a lot to me. This process has been incredible and has taught me so much about myself.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Agree with tobieagle. Hope the best for you. :hattip


Sep 11, 2013
Energy, no need for a nap

Actually, Ray Peat says thyroid makes you feel energetic, but in a way that you can still take a nap during the day.

A cheap supplement, you may want to consider, Taurine. I feel like it has changed my life, I have heard similar things from other people here.

Wish you best of luck :D


Sep 11, 2013
Oh and one other thing. I think tiredness, in general, is not always a bad sign. I feel like it is part of the healing process of getting from stress metabolism to healthy metabolism.

There is this serotonin tiredness, you will want to avoid this.

But since, my serotonin is dropping the last weeks, I begin to explore another kind of tiredness, which makes me want to take a nap during the day. I feel like this is very healing kind of tiredness.

I think the difference is, in the one kind of tiredness, I have impaired ability to make contact with people, with the other kind of tiredness, I can still make perfect contact with people (without it feeling me it to cost any energy), but I just am relaxed, and want to take a nap.

I think this is one mistake I made in the past. I was thinking, health means not feeling tired, but the quickest way to make you not feel tired, is by increasing stress hormones. So I think I was unconciously confusing health with stress hormones.
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Mar 3, 2016
Actually, Ray Peat says thyroid makes you feel energetic, but in a way that you can still take a nap during the day.

A cheap supplement, you may want to consider, Taurine. I feel like it has changed my life, I have heard similar things from other people here.

Wish you best of luck :D

Thanks. What doses of taurine do you take? And what is it used for?
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Mar 3, 2016
Update: I think my bad response to pregnenolone this morning was actually corrective. My mood has been excellent this morning, despite the cold hands and feet. What I perceived to be a bad response, may actually be positive. I still will take pregnenolone later in the day, instead of in the morning. My appetite is back and libido is much better. Digestion feels smoother. Someone told me on the phone that I sounded like I was in a good mood. I am feeling optimistic again. I also think the addition of taurine will be helpful. Thanks Kaspar. The body odor is gone which suggests the liver is improving. I will keep grinding! I will not quit! Less is more.
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May 16, 2013
Am excited to read your log. I am of a similar age, and going through illness in your early twenties (and all of your childhood hypothyroid, like you said!) certainly makes you seek health and happiness as a priority. I agree it has the capacity to make or break you. Make, in your case, I am sure! It is so great you found Ray's work, because the capacity you and your body have to heal is extraordinary. It just takes some tweeking and experimenting.

Have you tried any b-vitamins? It was the one thing I noticed quickly came up short for me as I went full-force into thyroid meds, coconut oil, sugar etc. B1 might be helpful for you. A small starting dose could be 20mg-100mg. It seriously helped my temperatures, digestion and mood.
Mar 3, 2016
Am excited to read your log. I am of a similar age, and going through illness in your early twenties (and all of your childhood hypothyroid, like you said!) certainly makes you seek health and happiness as a priority. I agree it has the capacity to make or break you. Make, in your case, I am sure! It is so great you found Ray's work, because the capacity you and your body have to heal is extraordinary. It just takes some tweeking and experimenting.

Have you tried any b-vitamins? It was the one thing I noticed quickly came up short for me as I went full-force into thyroid meds, coconut oil, sugar etc. B1 might be helpful for you. A small starting dose could be 20mg-100mg. It seriously helped my temperatures, digestion and mood.

I have some on hand, but haven't used it much. I will keep it in mind and do some research. Thanks.
Mar 3, 2016
Mid-day now and I'm feeling decent. Still completely confused regarding the pregnenolone situation. It's like it pulled me back but pushed me forward at the same time. But I certainly will keep taking it. I had the desire to engage in physical activity today, and I haven't had that in a while. I'm going to trust the process. Appetite isn't great right now, and I'm feeling a bit stimulated from the T4 I took earlier today. I shouldn't have taken it, but I wanted to see what would happen. Mistake. Didn't follow my rule. I am going to try and go to sleep and let my body return to balance. After that I will reassess things. The "protocol" is always adapting. Nothing is set in stone. But for the time being, I would like to focus on the following:

-Cyproheptadine 1 mg every 8 hours. I recall the first time I took it, it pulled me out of a state where I felt stuck. I will certainly not be exceeding this dosage.
-T3 as needed and will multiply dosage by about 4 or 5 and take that amount of T4 at the end of the day. Because the weather is improving, I anticipate needing around 50 mcg t4. Will try to use coffee as well.
- Taurine twice a day, doses of 1000 mg, in between meals.
-If i sense any intestinal irritation, I will take an aspirin.
-I sense something is blocking metabolism right now, but I can't quite figure it out. I've been in this state before where I sort of feel trapped. I may introduce clonidine just to see what happens. I am thinking it could be just what I need because my hands and feet are so cold. But then again Ray has recommended to me pregnenolone instead of a beta blocker. So shouldn't the pregnenolone address the adrenaline?

I feel stable in this state. It's not unbearable like it has been before. It is manageable, but obviously not ideal. I need to be patient and not bombard my body with supplements like I have done in the past. This plan is something to shoot for. It won't be put into action immediately, but whenever I feel the time is right.
Mar 3, 2016
Rested for a bit, but didn't sleep. And on second thought, I don't know why I convinced myself that an adrenaline response was a good thing after waking up with a somewhat solid temperature of 97.5 No more pregnenolone until I can determine why that happened.

Circulation is finally returning now. It's amazing how the body bounces back despite all the insults. I had great results with cyproheptadine, I just overdid it. I will return to that at some point. Still determined to make the pregnenolone work. My liver is just overburdened right now. I need to chill out and stop pushing so hard. It's hindering my recovery.

Taurine should lower adrenaline so I took some of that.

Body odor is back...ughh...maybe too much eating when not hungry. I need to stop force-feeding myself.

Edit: here is the response I got regarding the preg....

"I would try divided doses, say 20mg pregnenolone taken 3 times a day." Thank you!
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Mar 3, 2016
I have some on hand, but haven't used it much. I will keep it in mind and do some research. Thanks.

Wow took some b1 and got instant improvement in mood and warmth! Incredible.

My body took a beating today after that pregnenolone incident this morning but I've recovered nicely. Relaxing now and going to have some ice cream before bed. Tomorrows a new day and new opportunity to expand upon what I learned today.

I think Haidut takes b1 on a daily basis and I may start too, because I only get b vitamins from milk.

"Supplement-wise, I use caffeine, niacinamide, aspirin, biotin, P5P, and riboflavin. On a daily basis I probably only use the caffeine, niacinamide and P5" -Haidut
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