Nootropic/supplement To Socialize/relax


Feb 13, 2016
Yea I feel similarly about psilocybin. I became much less helpless and needy, and let go of a lot of that false selflessness that just leads to negative feelings and victim hood. It could also be a bit destabilizing and cut my appetite which caused some other issues, but in its entirely it induced a huge personality shift in terms of how I relate to myself an others.

Forgot about mushrooms and acid, those are probably safer to try and might honestly even be a good idea for OP to do since even Peat recommends LSD in low doses. Those will moderately downregulate serontonin receptor activity whereas MDMA will nuke the serotonin neurons to death.


Sep 28, 2016
Forgot about mushrooms and acid, those are probably safer to try and might honestly even be a good idea for OP to do since even Peat recommends LSD in low doses. Those will moderately downregulate serontonin receptor activity whereas MDMA will nuke the serotonin neurons to death.
Though I do respect LSD as a potentially useful drug I don't think someone should try it just for social anxiety issues. It can dramatically change the course of someones life.


Feb 13, 2016
It can dramatically change the course of someones life.

in a bad way? unless the trip itself was bad, everyone i know who has done LSD has talked about only positive long-term changes & that it helped them make changes they needed to make. i realize that definitely will not be the case 100% of the time though


Sep 28, 2016
in a bad way? unless the trip itself was bad, everyone i know who has done LSD has talked about only positive long-term changes & that it helped them make changes they needed to make. i realize that definitely will not be the case 100% of the time though
No most of the time it is in a good way in my experience but I do think people should be aware of the extent at which your perception can change from it. I know one person who was negatively impacted from it.
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Vitamin B3 in the form of Niacinamide, in high dose, can be used against social anxiety:

Niacinamide, one of the B vitamins, provides energy to the mitochondrial system. Under stress and strong excitation, cells waste niacinamide NADH, but niacinamide itself has a sedative antiexcitatory effect, and some of its actions resemble a hormone. Estrogen tends to interfere with the formation of niacin from tryptophan. Tryptophan, rather than forming the sedative niacin (pyridine carboxylic acid), can be directed toward formation of the excitatory quinolinic acid (pyridine dicarboxylic acid) by polyunsaturated fats. Excitation must be in balance with a cell’s energetic resources, and niacinamide can play multiple protective roles, decreasing excitation, increasing energy production, and stabilizing repair systems. The stat of excitation and type of energy metabolism are crucial factors in governing cell functions and survival.” -ray peat

case study - journal of orthomolecular medicin:

An 11-year-old female first presented
to my office on November 10, 2003. Her
chief complaints were nervousness, anxi-
ety and excessive worrying. The onset of
her symptoms occurred when her father
tragically died in September of 2003. The
patient reported anxiety when she had to
sit for examinations and when she was
around her classmates. The most concern-
ing symptom was her fear of being kid-
napped, which was instigated by a well
publicized kidnapping of a young Asian girl
in the city where she lives. She also reported
having approximately two panic attacks
each month since September for which she
had learned to deal with them by “leaving
the situation to get air.” Other symptoms
that were reported included some facial
acne, frequent blushing, stomachaches, and
sweatiness. Her past medical history was
unremarkable, except for asthma that was
diagnosed approximately one year earlier.
The asthma was not a concern since her
symptoms were reported to be mild with
the rare use of an inhaler as needed. Apart
from the inhaler, she was on no other medi-
cations at the time of the visit. A complete
physical examination was performed and
all findings were within normal limits. The
only notable sign was some acne along her
cheeks and chin. She was diagnosed with
PD, with some elements of social phobia.
She was prescribed a daily multiple vita-
min/mineral preparation, 25 mg of zinc,
100 mg of pyridoxine, 400 of magnesium,
and 500 mg of niacinamide twice daily.
A follow-up appointment occurred on
December 13, 2003. The patient reported a
slight improvement with her anxiety. She
did not like taking all the supplements and
agreed to continue with just the multiple
vitamin/mineral preparation, zinc, and ni-
acinamide. She also agreed to increase the
dose of niacinamide to 1000 mg twice daily.
No side effects were reported.
A second follow-up occurred on Feb-
ruary 7, 2004. The patient, now 12 years old,
Supplemental Niacinamide Mitigates Anxiety Symptoms: Three Case Reports
reported a striking improvement with her
anxiety. She did not always take her pills
daily, but was happy with the results. Her
panic attacks completely stopped and her
acne was much improved as well.
In a recent email from the patient, she
reported to be taking only the 1,000 mg of ni-
acinamide twice daily. Her anxiety remained
much improved and was no longer interfering
with her ability to engage in a regular life.


A 28-year-old female came to my pri-
vate practice with a chief complaint of GAD
on May 10, 2004. She had been struggling
with this anxiety disorder for the past
twelve years. She is a high school teacher
and noted that her anxiety was more pro-
nounced during the academic year. Her
anxiety was worse in the morning with
symptoms of frequent muscular tension,
the passing of flatus, and chest pain. She
reported a fear of smelling when she needed
to expel gas. The anxiety also made it dif-
ficult for her to concentrate and focus on
things. When she experienced anxiety
symptoms she would feel the need to iso-
late herself from others. The same isolat-
ing need would also occur when she sim-
ply thought about possibly feeling nervous
and expelling gas. She also reported fears
of embarrassment and worried about be-
ing criticized from others. She had been on
paroxetine for one year but had not noticed
any improvement. She reported feeling de-
pressed due to the anxiety and would get
apathetic when her anxiety was at its worst.
Baths, lying in bed, walking, and exercis-
ing helped to slightly reduce her anxiety.
She was unable to correlate any of her
symptoms with foods. This patient also had
a history of thrombocytopenia for the past
five years for which she was being regularly
monitored by her family physician. She did
report easy bruising but did not have any
history of widespread bruising and bleed-
ing. The rest of her past medical history was
Physical examination revealed a well
nourished woman with normal vital signs.
All her systems were within normal limits.
She was subsequently diagnosed with GAD
with some social phobia, and thrombocyto-
penia. Lab tests were requisitioned and she
was prescribed niacinamide at an initial
dose of 500 mg three times daily for three
days, and then was instructed to increase it
to 1,000 mg every morning, 500 mg at lunch,
and 1,000 mg at dinner. She was also pre-
scribed 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) at a
dose of 100 mg twice daily for her mild de-
pression, and 2,000 mg of vitamin C to be
taken daily for the thrombocytopenia.
The patient had a follow-up appoint-
ment on May 31, 2004. She had difficulty
swallowing the niacinamide pills due to
their bitter taste. Despite this, she was tak-
ing the recommended dose of 2,500 mg per
day. Her anxiety was much improved and
she experienced only three minor panic
attacks since the initial visit. Prior to the
treatment her anxiety was chronic, occur-
ring daily, with the sensation or need to
pass gas. The patient continued to com-
plain of depression, which she felt was more
pronounced prior to menses. Her complete
blood count was normal, except that her
platelets were low at a value of 79 (refer-
ence range, 150-400 x 10
/L). The patient
was unsure if the treatments were working
due her time away from teaching. We
agreed that she would discontinue all pre-
scribed treatments except for the vitamin
C until June 14, 2004. After this date, the
patient would resume the 5-HTP, niacina-
mide, take 250 mg of vitamin B
, and 400
mg of magnesium. The vitamin B
magnesium were prescribed for the pre-
menstrual symptoms of depression.
On June 4, 2004, I received an urgent
telephone call from the patient. Since dis-
continuing the prescribed treatments on
June 1, her anxiety symptoms returned
promptly and she had difficulty function-
ing. She agreed to resume only the niaci-
namide tablets.
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 20, No. 3, 2005
On July 2, 2004, the patient emailed me
with an update. She discontinued all the pre-
scribed treatments except for the niacina-
mide. She found her anxiety and depression
to be much relieved due to being at home and
not teaching during the summer months.
When she felt anxiety she would take niaci-
namide and it would help. In her words, “I
take the niacinamide and I’m fine afterwards.
Feb 26, 2018
Along with Kava, I should have included Lemon Balm and Taurine. Kava has the most pronounced effects though, where it can actually feel fun to start conversations with strangers.


Jul 13, 2017
Minimize PUFA intake and make sure you are not deficient in any nutrients (maybe get some blood work done etc.)

Other stuff that may be helpful and is relatively safe:
- red light
- Pregnenolone
- DHT/Androsterone
- Lysine
- DeFibron
- Stearic acid
- Niacinamide


Jan 25, 2018
So many good suggestions

The small redlight device shined on closed eyes and liver very good. Also IR on the kidneys for a couple of minutes. Need to avoid overdoing light therapy.

I also take pycnogenol for special occasions like a date - taken every day and it loses its impact. Pycnogenol really loosens me up. Also will avoid dairy.

Totally agree about the excess serotonin. Bcaas really helping me stay calm and centred recently discovered thanks to this forum - sometimes need a decent coffee to get the dopamine happening after taking it though.. Niacinimide awesome too. Lukas really nailed it as others. P5P with ionic mag good as well as jigsaw mag. Even the right fragrances can get me social and confident such as montblanc legend, bvlgari black or yatagan by Caron. But i spray these on clothing. Finally look at potential amalgam illness if you have metal fillings.

All of the above help me get out of anxious nervous obsessive thinking limbic mode and better able to socialise. Good luck, let us know what you try and how you go.


Sep 23, 2017
Guys hi,

I have a problem. Basically it's very difficult for me to relax, socialize, relate to others. Partly because of that my social life is pretty much none existent now.

If there is some kind of competition involved in socializing - let's say playing sports - i am great at that! I am very competitive person and right a way i understand what to do. But right after the competition part stops, people start talking, joking - i got lost right a way. Bored, anxious, etc.

Also i am afraid to hit on girls. If girl won't make steps and show that she is VERY VERY interested i won't move. So i am thinking maybe i have low T. However remember from teenage years in situations when some bully/bullies were trying to attack my friends - i was always first to act, and all my friends/colleagues know me as the guy to solve this kind of situations. I even remember my much stronger physically friend got attacked by bullies and i was the one to act - he himself submitted a bit. Telling this not to brag, just to explain that in conflict situations i hardly ever afraid, it's just in social ones i afraid. Also i am much eager to help my friends than myself. And in general it's very hard for me to accept help from anyone.

Please advise. I know ideally i should try to solve this naturally. But it does not work. I tried everything for years! - diet, meditation, working out, sun, less computer time - not results.

you problem has nothing to do with food and hormones but a lot to do with your up bringing. I believe you may have a personality disorder. Something called the CARE TAKER PERSONALITY DISORDER. You may have a weak or non existent sense of self. And when you help others even to the point of doing more for them than yourself you feel good about yourself and you feel your sense of self.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
you problem has nothing to do with food and hormones but a lot to do with your up bringing. I believe you may have a personality disorder. Something called the CARE TAKER PERSONALITY DISORDER. You may have a weak or non existent sense of self. And when you help others even to the point of doing more for them than yourself you feel good about yourself and you feel your sense of self.
The thing is being abused as a child and under chronic stress leads to altered hormone and neuro chemical states.


Oct 11, 2016
Guys hi,

I have a problem. Basically it's very difficult for me to relax, socialize, relate to others. Partly because of that my social life is pretty much none existent now.

If there is some kind of competition involved in socializing - let's say playing sports - i am great at that! I am very competitive person and right a way i understand what to do. But right after the competition part stops, people start talking, joking - i got lost right a way. Bored, anxious, etc.

Also i am afraid to hit on girls. If girl won't make steps and show that she is VERY VERY interested i won't move. So i am thinking maybe i have low T. However remember from teenage years in situations when some bully/bullies were trying to attack my friends - i was always first to act, and all my friends/colleagues know me as the guy to solve this kind of situations. I even remember my much stronger physically friend got attacked by bullies and i was the one to act - he himself submitted a bit. Telling this not to brag, just to explain that in conflict situations i hardly ever afraid, it's just in social ones i afraid. Also i am much eager to help my friends than myself. And in general it's very hard for me to accept help from anyone.

Please advise. I know ideally i should try to solve this naturally. But it does not work. I tried everything for years! - diet, meditation, working out, sun, less computer time - not results.

So much bad advice here! Simply give your friend $100 and if you don't approach he knows you like someone, then he won't give you the money back. Basically, he should force you to start doing 5 per night or else you're gonna lose a lot of money. He should also start punching you if you are not approaching within 5 seconds of noticing her. If you are so self obsessed that you can't say hello to a stranger, then you need to be around some men who won't let you get away with your weakness and rationalizations.


Sep 23, 2017
The thing is being abused as a child and under chronic stress leads to altered hormone and neuro chemical states.

you can not fix a personality disorder with hormones...if it were that easy everyone would be SANE.


Sep 25, 2017
Zinc, tirosine with light, taurine, methylene blue b vitamins, and maybe thyroid or cypro probably take care. Cypro make my vision around the world change, sometimes everyone look beatiful and with less or no downsides. Don't forget good diet, a good amount of calories, animal protein, low pufa, good amount of carbs preferably simple, coffee & etc. Androsterone should be good too, less estrogen and more good steroids due thyroid mimetic properties should make interesting things in mood. With these supplements and peat diet i think that anyone would sky rocket T.
Feb 26, 2018
I did not like the effects of Kava, hated that spaced out feeling

Taurine + Lysine for the win however

Yes, larger amounts of kava definitely have a sedative effect and different strands produce different effects. It is probably best at a low dose and stacked with something else like taurine.


May 7, 2017
Good ol' learned helplessness.

Suggest you do a L-I-G-H-T search for articles and interviews on the topic. Looking for the magic bullet isn't a winning strategy.


Forum Supporter
Mar 26, 2016
Can I suggest looking to Rehmannia Glutinosa. This really takes the edge off things for me. Helps me to relax and get into social situations with ease.
Also worth looking into is SAFFRON. I have only just started to dabble with it and have found it to be glorious in the way of empathy.


Sep 28, 2016
Glad you said this. Have you seen or heard someone be adversely affected from LSD?
Yes a friend of mine was adversely affected by lsd. I think uninhibited reality can be too harsh on certain people of certain circumstance.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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