
Mar 9, 2021
@Hans i feel that vitamin d worse my ocd and give me anxiety, even when i try with magnesium, k2.


Jun 22, 2021
I get OCD symptoms whenever I eat honey or take larger doses of niacinamide (B3) - I'm assuming I get it from honey because of the niacin in it - even if I eat larger meals before consumption (I had initially thought it was some type of stress response from not enough carbs) I still get OCD symptoms if I don't take in micro doses - I personally think taking niacinamide or niacin demands a lot more B vitamins to balance, but I was never able to place my finger on it. Completely went away once I stopped using either - niacin from other sources like coffee don't seem to bother me, but I am also unsure if the dosage in these things is too small to have a noticeable effect


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Aug 24, 2017
I get OCD symptoms whenever I eat honey or take larger doses of niacinamide (B3) - I'm assuming I get it from honey because of the niacin in it - even if I eat larger meals before consumption (I had initially thought it was some type of stress response from not enough carbs) I still get OCD symptoms if I don't take in micro doses - I personally think taking niacinamide or niacin demands a lot more B vitamins to balance, but I was never able to place my finger on it. Completely went away once I stopped using either - niacin from other sources like coffee don't seem to bother me, but I am also unsure if the dosage in these things is too small to have a noticeable effect
Do you also get OCD symptoms from milk and meat? Both are great sources of (different kinds of) B3.


Jun 22, 2021
Do you also get OCD symptoms from milk and meat? Both are great sources of (different kinds of) B3.
I don't but I also don't consume as much meat as I used to. Eating meat everyday makes me smell rancid and I usually have to find some pineapple and get some gelatin in to keep metabolic rate high - I do drink a lot of milk where I feel fine - this is what makes me unsure of the niacin in honey/B3 since these other sources don't seem to bother me

The odd thing is larger doses of B3 and honey both seem to completely obliterate serotonin/any anxiety demons out of me. I get very calm, but I suddenly just want to keep everything in my room and my computer ridiculously organized/arranged in a specific manner - I actually clean my entire room spotless in like 15 minutes when I'm on B3 - it's interesting, I don't feel anxious, but am very strongly driven to have everything in my life sorted/arranged in a specific way
Last edited:
Nov 18, 2018
I don't but I also don't consume as much meat as I used to. Eating meat everyday makes me smell rancid and I usually have to find some pineapple and get some gelatin in to keep metabolic rate high - I do drink a lot of milk where I feel fine - this is what makes me unsure of the niacin in honey/B3 since these other sources don't seem to bother me

The odd thing is larger doses of B3 and honey both seem to completely obliterate serotonin/any anxiety demons out of me. I get very calm, but I suddenly just want to keep everything in my room and my computer ridiculously organized/arranged in a specific manner - I actually clean my entire room spotless in like 15 minutes when I'm on B3 - it's interesting, I don't feel anxious, but am very strongly driven to have everything in my life sorted/arranged in a specific way
I feel this way everyday without B3. My only problem is relaxing and calming down. I get a lot of neck,trap and middle back tension plus lower back pain.


Feb 3, 2020
OCD is highly tied to high histamines in my opinion. Everytime I try to make myself more histadelic (high histamine) by taking B3 or zinc + P5P, then I also get this perfectionist OCD organized mindset. I kinda like it and it is very good for productivity.
My gf has all histadelic characteristics and also high OCD tendency.

Niacin(amide) depletes methyl groups and raises histamine levels, so this would make sense.

Supporting methylation with copper, riboflavin, folate, B12, creatine, glycine, choline should help with OCD.


May 4, 2019
I feel this way everyday without B3. My only problem is relaxing and calming down. I get a lot of neck,trap and middle back tension plus lower back pain.

Same - high histamine is great because you are highly productive and get a lot of stuff done, but the problem becomes that "it's never enough" and you feel bad when you are not doing something. Your mind is always thinking about work and it makes it really difficult to relax. I also have tension in my traps and back and my sleep isn't great.

Using anti-histamine drugs like Cyproheptadine only works for 1 day then it stops working (histamine receptor upregulation/increased histamine production?).

I think I'm so addicted to drinking coffee because it shuts down the histamine so it's not so overpowering.


Feb 3, 2020
Same - high histamine is great because you are highly productive and get a lot of stuff done, but the problem becomes that "it's never enough" and you feel bad when you are not doing something. Your mind is always thinking about work and it makes it really difficult to relax. I also have tension in my traps and back and my sleep isn't great.

Using anti-histamine drugs like Cyproheptadine only works for 1 day then it stops working (histamine receptor upregulation/increased histamine production?).

I think I'm so addicted to drinking coffee because it shuts down the histamine so it's not so overpowering.
Vitamin D also can act like a histamine lowering agent in my experience. If you get a dose that brings you to 50-100ng/ml like 10-20‘000 IU you feel way less histamine.
And maybe that‘s a reason why some people don‘t react well to it, if they already low in histamine, then causing even worse cognitive functioning, motivation, ambition and so on.
Nov 18, 2018
Same - high histamine is great because you are highly productive and get a lot of stuff done, but the problem becomes that "it's never enough" and you feel bad when you are not doing something. Your mind is always thinking about work and it makes it really difficult to relax. I also have tension in my traps and back and my sleep isn't great.

Using anti-histamine drugs like Cyproheptadine only works for 1 day then it stops working (histamine receptor upregulation/increased histamine production?).

I think I'm so addicted to drinking coffee because it shuts down the histamine so it's not so overpowering.
Im addicted to coffee as well


Dec 17, 2018
Im addicted to coffee as well
If you have a ton of caffeine, this can easily explain the muscle tension from noradrenaline excess. Beyond a certain dose (and depends on the individual) it just gets too high and the body cannot regulate it.

How much caffeine do you intake? Choline helps counteract the noradrenaline-induced tension but depending on the dose it may not make a difference.


Caffeine is great for high histamine but in the long run, especially if your doses are much too high, you will have more histamine problems as your adrenergic tone will be lower on its own as its dependent upon caffeine and the receptors significantly downregulate in response to caffeine.

Vitamin D also can act like a histamine lowering agent in my experience. If you get a dose that brings you to 50-100ng/ml like 10-20‘000 IU you feel way less histamine.
And maybe that‘s a reason why some people don‘t react well to it, if they already low in histamine, then causing even worse cognitive functioning, motivation, ambition and so on.

Vitamin d upregulates tryptophan hydroxylase and increases GABA. Both serotonin and GABA work in seperate ways to inhibit other neurotransmitters like dopamine, histamine, acetylcholine, glutamate this is how it is bad for those who lack drive and good for those with high histamine, low serotonin and high drive. You can have high histamine with high serotonin as well but usually not the case.


Dec 17, 2018
@redsun almost a whole french press worth everyday so probably about 28 ounces

Well the caffeine intake can vary depending on the type of coffee you consume but if we are going with average caffeine content its about 91mg of caffeine per 8oz of coffee. So my guess is around 320mg caffeine based on that information. Its not a crazy amount of caffeine but its enough that it could easily be contributing to your muscle tension problems as noradrenaline is disinhibited strongly and in excess it directly causes this muscle tension and an inability for these muscles to relax.
Nov 18, 2018
Well the caffeine intake can vary depending on the type of coffee you consume but if we are going with average caffeine content its about 91mg of caffeine per 8oz of coffee. So my guess is around 320mg caffeine based on that information. Its not a crazy amount of caffeine but its enough that it could easily be contributing to your muscle tension problems as noradrenaline is disinhibited strongly and in excess it directly causes this muscle tension and an inability for these muscles to relax.
I didn’t think about the noradrenaline aspect. Thank you man, i’ll slowly lower the amount and see if the tensions fades.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Same - high histamine is great because you are highly productive and get a lot of stuff done, but the problem becomes that "it's never enough" and you feel bad when you are not doing something. Your mind is always thinking about work and it makes it really difficult to relax. I also have tension in my traps and back and my sleep isn't great.

Using anti-histamine drugs like Cyproheptadine only works for 1 day then it stops working (histamine receptor upregulation/increased histamine production?).

I think I'm so addicted to drinking coffee because it shuts down the histamine so it's not so overpowering.
Have you tried physicaly exhausting your traps and back? Id bet that would help in relaxing them and getting better sleep


Jun 19, 2021
OCD is highly tied to high histamines in my opinion. Everytime I try to make myself more histadelic (high histamine) by taking B3 or zinc + P5P, then I also get this perfectionist OCD organized mindset. I kinda like it and it is very good for productivity.
My gf has all histadelic characteristics and also high OCD tendency.

Niacin(amide) depletes methyl groups and raises histamine levels, so this would make sense.

Supporting methylation with copper, riboflavin, folate, B12, creatine, glycine, choline should help with OCD.
Oh thank you! That could be the reason my allergy has become worse last months. Pretty high B3 last 6 months.


Jun 19, 2021
Well the caffeine intake can vary depending on the type of coffee you consume but if we are going with average caffeine content its about 91mg of caffeine per 8oz of coffee. So my guess is around 320mg caffeine based on that information. Its not a crazy amount of caffeine but its enough that it could easily be contributing to your muscle tension problems as noradrenaline is disinhibited strongly and in excess it directly causes this muscle tension and an inability for these muscles to relax.
Great info! Big coffeineoholoic and stiff with a lot tension with pain.


Feb 3, 2020
Vitamin d upregulates tryptophan hydroxylase and increases GABA. Both serotonin and GABA work in seperate ways to inhibit other neurotransmitters like dopamine, histamine, acetylcholine, glutamate this is how it is bad for those who lack drive and good for those with high histamine, low serotonin and high drive. You can have high histamine with high serotonin as well but usually not the case.

That‘s my experience too. If histamine is high serotonin is often low and when histamine is low serotonin is usually high. I think it comes back to methylation. Having it properly balanced is probably best, maybe with a slight tendency towards histadelia.


Nov 18, 2019
I find that high histamine lowers my OCD tbh

low histamine + high serotonin just makes me constantly anxious and my OCD show up while high histamine makes me way less anxious and More »IDGAF » tho it shoots my drive and libido


May 4, 2019
Vitamin D also can act like a histamine lowering agent in my experience. If you get a dose that brings you to 50-100ng/ml like 10-20‘000 IU you feel way less histamine.
And maybe that‘s a reason why some people don‘t react well to it, if they already low in histamine, then causing even worse cognitive functioning, motivation, ambition and so on.

That is interesting... In the past I never got along very well with supplemental vitamin D and I think I do better without it, but I don't know to be honest, so many different variables. Maybe I would do better with vitamin D now when I am healthier. I may just buy a Sperti vitamin D lamp and try to get my levels up that way. Thank you for the advice.

If you have a ton of caffeine, this can easily explain the muscle tension from noradrenaline excess. Beyond a certain dose (and depends on the individual) it just gets too high and the body cannot regulate it.

How much caffeine do you intake? Choline helps counteract the noradrenaline-induced tension but depending on the dose it may not make a difference.


Caffeine is great for high histamine but in the long run, especially if your doses are much too high, you will have more histamine problems as your adrenergic tone will be lower on its own as its dependent upon caffeine and the receptors significantly downregulate in response to caffeine.

Yeah I noticed that there's a sweet spot for caffeine intake where if I go beyond 3 strong cups per day I just feel worse. I have cut down my intake to only 1 cup in the morning and it has helped me sleep much better which has made me feel more relaxed.

Have you tried physicaly exhausting your traps and back? Id bet that would help in relaxing them and getting better sleep

That's a good idea! I have been really sick for a while and not been able to workout but I am trying to get back to weigh training again. Do you think doing a few sets of dumbbell shrugs would help release the tension?


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
That's a good idea! I have been really sick for a while and not been able to workout but I am trying to get back to weigh training again. Do you think doing a few sets of dumbbell shrugs would help release the tension?
I dont think any equipment is strictly necessary, you may get relief from simply shrugging the shoulders up to the ears and holding the contraction for a while, same with rowing the elbows behind the back
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