Olive oil in vitamin d capsule?

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Not in my opinion, unless you have any specific reaction to olive oil. Each capsule would have a very small amount of olive oil, with only maybe ~10% of that being PUFA.

If you don't mind a liquid form (with a built-in dropper), I use the Carlson in MCT oil which works out about the same price per dose:
http://www.iherb.com/Carlson-Labs-Super ... 8-ml/39813


Jun 2, 2013
Thanks Dan! Any info on the dosage during the winter? I've never taken vitamin D3 before. I've read anywhere from 1,000-10,000 IU daily.


Sep 22, 2013
Depends on a few things. If you've never taken D3 and don't get out in the sun regularly, you might need a higher dose at first to get your levels up. Also, there is some interplay between vitamin D3, vitamin K2, magnesium (and maybe vitamin A?) that I don't fully have a grasp on, perhaps others can elaborate. From what I understand, D3 increases the body's demand for K2, and both D3 and K2 increase need for adequate magnesium.

I use the Carlson D3 and usually rub it on my wrist, so I increase the dose to compensate for the lower absorption rate as compared to taking it orally.


Oct 10, 2013
Hi Max219 and all the other posters,

In another life on another forum, I called myself a "B12 and magnesium advocate", which doesn't mean much, but does mean that I have read quite a bit about magnesium. (Back then, between 2009-2011, I didn't know that hypothyroid people have a tendency to both lose magnesium easily and to have difficulties in storing it, but that's a whole 'nuther story).

Anyway, in Nov 2008, I began taking Vit D3 for the first time, after being somewhat sceptical, but was an instant convert. The kind you have, Max, sounds fine, but Loess is right about the other substances, especially magnesium (Mg).

At some point when I was researching the whole vitamin D3 thing, I did some random surfing and noticed that there were lots of people reporting on the net that they were having problems with vitamin D3.

They mentioned various symptoms and I thought, "Hey, those are typical low magnesium symptoms!" So, people were blaming the Vit D3 for their symptoms - which was obviously justified - but what was happening was that the D3 was helping them to absorb the Mg in their food better, but, then their bodies needed more than the food intake was providing. (At least, that's how I interpreted it). If the body needs magnesium, it will take it from wherever it is stored in the body, which, if I remember rightly is in muscles and bones. The result is that you might get symptoms such as cramps, anxiety and all sorts of other things, which have nothing to do with the D3 as such, but from the cascade that has begun as a result of the extra D3 in the system.

I can't remember all the things that were mentioned, but I knew about Mg-deficiency symptoms (which are awfully similar to many hypothyroid symptoms, duh) at the time, so I would recommend that you start at a low dose of about 1K per day and make sure you have some kind of good Mg at hand.

I used to recommend Mg glycinate (as did Peat, by the way), but even that is not absorbed so well. It is better than Mg oxide, which is basically a laxative. I think that Mg chloride (the "oil") and Epsom Salts might be better. Vitamin D3 is powerful stuff and not to be messed with. Take it very slowly and very carefully if you want to avoid any nasty side-effects with ODing.

I would also look into K2, which is not an area of expertise, but I believe it is also helpful and ties in with Peat's recommendations, too.

Hope this helps,


I hope this helps.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Interesting, I just started up D3 just recently and started getting some muscle spasms in my legs, albeit not painful ones thanks goodness.


Oct 10, 2013
Hi Charlie,

That would be the kind of thing I noticed back in the day - Mg deficiency symptoms resulting from extra D3 in the system.

My recommendation would be to get either supplements - Mg glycinate DOES work better than others, but, like any supplement it contains a whole bunch of nasty fillers. I have used the one by Dr's Best which has 100mg per tab (chunky talcky things) and the Bluebonnet Nutrition ones at 200mg per gelatin capsule (easier to swallow).

The jury is out as to which of these is better. I think right now I would go for the Bluebonnet Nutrition ones as I think they might have fewer nasty things in them.

The only trouble with the Mg chloride "oil" is that it is messy and you have to be at home to apply it and then wash it off again. And it itches and is sticky. The same for the Epsom Salts baths. It is just so much effing HASSLE. I managed to score some Epsom Salts via someone I know with the USA military who got it at a commissary store for me, but I haven't used it very often as I am not a fan of baths, and footbaths are also something you have to ORGANIZE. It is much easier to just pop a pill once in a while.

My two hundred cents.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Well I am trying to up my coffee, OJ, and also using the magnesium chloride oil. The muscles spasms have stopped for now. I will make sure to eat some extra liver so that is covers the vitamin K.


Oct 10, 2013
Charlie said:
Well I am trying to up my coffee, OJ, and also using the magnesium chloride oil. The muscles spasms have stopped for now. I will make sure to eat some extra liver so that is covers the vitamin K.

Glad to hear your muscle spasms have stopped!

I just listened to one of the KMUD shows and heard that Ray Peat recommends leafy green broths as a good source of magnesium! I shall have a quick look for a recipe.

Yesterday I had to go all the way to the local customs office to pick up a bottle of Bluebonnet Chelated Magnesium Glycinate - GRRRRRR. I took some last night and didn't seem to have clenched my teeth together in the night - sometimes I wake up and can feel the stress in my jaw and even have a headache from it.

Take care and keep on Peating!


Jun 2, 2013
Thanks for all the info AmandaWald! I'm not sure if I still want to take D3, considering it looks like a hassle if I am going to have to focus on magnesium deficiency after taking the pills. I figure I have been alright previous winters without supplementing D3 at all, so why should this year be any different.


Sep 22, 2013
I always feel like I'm playing "catch up" with magnesium. I agree that the mag oil can be a real hassle due to the skin irritation (mostly happens on my arms), and also I can only get a few sprays rubbed into my feet and wrists and forearms before the salty/chalky film builds up. And then I have to wash that stuff off of my skin and reapply, otherwise it just blocks any further magnesium oil that I apply to the same area. I work from home right now, so fortunately I have time to go through all of that song & dance most days, but if I had to be on somebody's else's schedule I would never be able to be consistent enough with it to meet my needs.

That said, for me magnesium oil is the most effective and bioavailable form that I have yet found (short of, like, swimming in a super mineralized hot spring or something...but do you really think there are hot springs in Nebraska? Or for that matter, ANY land in this state where the soil isn't massively depleted of minerals? Um, NOPE). I was thinking about ordering some pure magnesium glycinate powder and will try the leafy green broth.


Oct 10, 2013
max219 said:
Thanks for all the info AmandaWald! I'm not sure if I still want to take D3, considering it looks like a hassle if I am going to have to focus on magnesium deficiency after taking the pills. I figure I have been alright previous winters without supplementing D3 at all, so why should this year be any different.

Well, if you have some already, then don't waste it! You don't have to take it every day or mega-dose on it. It will help your mood stay a bit sunnier if you take it just once or twice a week. That's the way I do it; I don't take it religiously every day.

I do try to take it with a fatty meal, though, as this helps the uptake of Vit D3.

What I think a lot of people do is to over-do it with the D3, which is not a good thing to do with what is basically a precursor of a hormone.

I've overdone it with other supplements - zinc and the B vitamins - in the past and learnt the hard way, so I'm now very careful with them and tend not take anything on a daily basis, but take various single supplements about twice a week. Now that I've been reading Peat, I may even phase those out, slowly but surely, but I'll definitely use up what I've got.

That said, it has to be remembered that Vit D3 is one of the few supplements which Peat does actually recommend, so that must mean something! :D

Take care and have a good winter! Make sure you get outside as much as possible whether you take the D3 or not - that's what I am trying to do and I am sure it helps me to sleep better when I find time for a morning or afternoon walk.



Jun 2, 2013
Good point, I might as well take one 1-2 times a week. Is 1000 IU a good amount to take each time, or is that too little?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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