Omega 3 Replaces Omega 6 And Lowers Prostaglandin Synthesis


May 17, 2018
So maybe that is the way to take it? It's not the PUFA it's the lack of exercise.
I still don’t think it’s optimal, especially not fish oil supplements. But I think adding a small quantity of fresh, wild caught fish to the diet may be better than none at all. Just be sure to exercise post consumption. Personally, if I decide to eat PUFA due to social obligation/pressure I’ll make sure to go for a run later that day to offset some of its harmful effect. As well as olive leaf extract and vitamin e.


Feb 18, 2018
I still don’t think it’s optimal, especially not fish oil supplements. But I think adding a small quantity of fresh, wild caught fish to the diet may be better than none at all. Just be sure to exercise post consumption. Personally, if I decide to eat PUFA due to social obligation/pressure I’ll make sure to go for a run later that day to offset some of its harmful effect. As well as olive leaf extract and vitamin e.
Yh fresh fish is always going to be best but if there is a good quailty fish oil that isn't rancid Im sure it wouldn't be as bad as it is made out to be on this forum.


Apr 13, 2019
I've always wondered if fish oil is so bad how comes nearly all athletes take fish oil and are healther than most people? When I read weight lifting forums nearly everyone is taking fish oil and they are in better health and shape than most people on this forum? . Now taking rancid fish oil would not be a good idea but if you can find a good quality fish oil that isnt rancid maybe it wouldnt be too bad?

Land animals have eaten and resorted to eating fish since ever. You can’t compare it to pufa omega 6 oils. They have appeared the last 70 years and see how health has deteriorated. Before these oils health was good and people still ate a lot of fish.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
When I think of omega 3, I think of Charles Poliquin (RIP, and thank you). Interestingly, omega-3's have always made me feel great, but I have become aware of the possible reasons why.

Also re: athletes taking fish oil and being healthier than most: Looking healthy and being healthy are different things, although it is possible to be both.
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Feb 3, 2019
When I think of omega 3, I think of Charles Poliquin (RIP, and thank you). Interestingly, omega-3's have always made me feel great, but I have become aware of the possible reasons why.

Also re: athletes taking fish oil and being healthier than most: Looking healthy and being healthy are different things, although it is possible to be both.
what do you mean?


Mar 2, 2019
The body preferentially burns PUFA, especially during exercise. So athletes aren’t likely to store much, if any, of the harmful fatty acids. Usain Bolt is famous for consuming 100s of grams of omega6 fatty acids via McDonald’s chicken nuggets the day of he broke the world record.

This is hilarious to me for some reason


Sep 15, 2017
I’m definetly not a smoker.

This next piece is for everyone not just beefcake:

If i’m not mistaken travis did not reccomend fish, he recommended getting enough alpha linoleic acid to convert to DHA because DHA itself was too unstable. His point of view if I remember correctly was to get the alpha linoleic acid from leafy greens and grass fed animals.

With that said I dont think seafood, especially some shellfish periodically is a bad thing. I think it has a net positive.

One of the strategies I use to minimize PUFA’s effect besides limiting it is maintining a high lean muscle mass, i think its helpful. I see quite a few bodybuilder eat higher PUFA and doing ok. I think this is due to thier muscles burning them off.

The liver also can glucoronidate and excrete PUFA if adequate nutrients are supplied.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I see quite a few bodybuilder eat higher PUFA and doing ok. I think this is due to thier muscles burning them off.

Roids are a heckuva drug too. Also, they aren't doing OK. I have a BB friend I used to be in correspondence with that took huge scoops of peanut butter every day. Later, he tore his shoulder muscles and had to have surgery. That stuff really causes some major inflammation and can make you more susceptible to injury as was his case. I know this firsthand. I also used to intake huge scoops of PB and I had tons of chronic inflammation everywhere in my body until I made the connection that it was the PUFAs.


Sep 15, 2017
Not all are on roids and many are doing ok that I know. Some arent doing well for sure and there are many on roids. More and more tho I see young guys on roids. In college large swaths of fraternities were on roids. I was in the gym lifting more weight and doing what I though was everything right diet and recovery wise, yet still burning out. These guys would party, eat ***t, not sleep and drink copious amounts of alcohol. I couldnt figure out what was wrong with me. Then my friend in a frat told me about how his brothers were roiding up and using SARMs. It took me awhile to realize that the world doesnt play fair lol.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Show me evidence. I know it makes sense. And I’m not promoting omega 3 supplements. Im saying consumption of fresh fish. I don’t believe it’s the same. Show me one single study that proves what you are saying. I can show you several studies with mutiple beneficial things liked increased dopamine, increased testosterone, increased metabolism and reduced inflammation. I don’t care if theoretically it should be unstable. If omega 3s benefits is from reducing omega 6 and prostaglandin synthesis I can totally understand why it woulf be beneficial.
Would this help:


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
First off you’re linking to posts on this forum written by you where you have selected the title to be shown. Very missleading as when you enter the actual study they are about total different things. You just analyse and twist them a lot to fit your narrative. Don’t have time right now to scrutinize them but will come back and pick them apart.

LOL, all of these "threads" are actually posts about studies. Almost nothing in those posts is written by me. The vast majority is actually extracts/quotes from the actual studies, with underlined parts clearly stating how detrimental omega-3 is. And here is the best part - in the study authors own words. Show me even one sentence in those threads that does not represent what the study (or studies) in those threads actually claimed. The last 3 are not even links from this forum.
But even assuming you are actually posting in good faith - if you believe so much in the benefits of omega-3 - what are you doing on this forum?
And yes, I am waiting on you to come back and pick apart the links I sent you.
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Feb 3, 2019
Roids are a heckuva drug too. Also, they aren't doing OK. I have a BB friend I used to be in correspondence with that took huge scoops of peanut butter every day. Later, he tore his shoulder muscles and had to have surgery. That stuff really causes some major inflammation and can make you more susceptible to injury as was his case. I know this firsthand. I also used to intake huge scoops of PB and I had tons of chronic inflammation everywhere in my body until I made the connection that it was the PUFAs.
THanks for pointing that out. Avoid PB
Also many athletes are internally unhealthy, muscle fibers and coordination aren't everything


Feb 3, 2019
LOL, are you kidding me!?!? All of these "threads" are actually post about studies. Almost nothing in those posts is written by me. The vast majority is actually extracts/quotes from the actual studies, with underlined parts clearly stating how detrimental omega-3 is. And here is the best part - in the study authors own words. Show me even one sentence in those threads that does not represent what the study (or studies) in those threads actually claimed. The last 3 are not even links from this forum.
But even assuming you are actually posting in good faith - if you believe so much in the benefits of omega-3 - what are you doing on this forum?
And yes, I am waiting on you to come back and pick apart the links I sent you.
See this is what I was referring to. An emotional response, even saying he doesn't belong on this forum, because he found some more information on fish oil. Don't get me wrong, I'm anti fish oil. But reactions like these are anti-social


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Could you please link me to source? Im not here to try to argue against you or anyone im just interested in learning.

That study on thyroid transport inhibition used only omega-6, so it likely won't be acceptable for this argument but here it is anyways.
PUFA And Endotoxin (LPS) Inhibit Vitamin D And Thyroid Transport / Activity
Effect of free fatty acids and nonlipid inhibitors of thyroid hormone binding in the immunoradiometric assay of thyroxin-binding globulin.

But I have something better. Omega-3 raise TSH and ACTH in mammals. Anything that raises TSH levels is by definition either a goitrogen or interferes with thyroid hormone cellular uptake/effects. I don't think I even need to comment on ACTH.
Goitrogen - Wikipedia
"...Goitrogens are substances that disrupt the production of thyroid hormones by interfering with iodine uptake in the thyroid gland. This triggers the pituitary to release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which then promotes the growth of thyroid tissue, eventually leading to goiter."

Here is the study.
Docosahexaenoic Acid Increases Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Concentration in Male and Adrenal Corticotrophic Hormone Concentration in Female Weanling Rats
"...At 2 wk of age, no effect of diet on circulating levels of TSH (Fig. 1), ACTH (Fig. 2), GH (Fig. 3) or PRL (Fig. 4) was apparent. By 3 wk postweaning, 6-wk-old male pups consuming the diet containing 22:6(n-3) had significantly elevated levels of TSH and female pups had greater levels of ACTH. No effect of diet was observed on circulating GH or PRL levels. Male pups had higher levels of TSH than females (P < 0.0001; Fig. 1), whereas female pups from the 22:6 (n-3) diet treatment had significantly higher concentrations of ACTH than all male pups."



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
See this is what I was referring to. An emotional response, even saying he doesn't belong on this forum, because he found some more information on fish oil. Don't get me wrong, I'm anti fish oil. But reactions like these are anti-social

What response do you expect when he directly accuses me of making things up - i.e. not providing evidence but only my "posts" which I concocted? Remember, civility has to go both ways. If he/she could not even be bothered to read what I had sent him, then this is not a serious conversation. Actually, scratch that. Not only he did not read what I sent him, he did not even open any of those links to see they are mostly quotes from studies. He directly assumed I am concocting things. Do you really believe such a person wants to engage in a productive discussion??
It becomes akin to a "denial or service" (DoS) attack. Somebody comes along, throws inflammatory comments around, and then demands that we rebuff them. When we try to do so, he/she accuses us (me actually) of providing "fake" evidence and says he/she does not have the time to read it.
I think there is nothing antisocial in asking the person trolling and shitposting what is this person's point and purpose for being here. Having informed, productive discussions takes effort/time. If he/she really "wants to learn" (in their own words) then he/she would have done his/her part of the work needed for a truly productive discussion - i.e. read Peat's writings on the topic, read some of what we have posted here, formed a good argument, presented it, defend it, etc. Clearly, none of that has been done. One side does all the work, while the other simply inflames/trolls/shitposts with quick snippets/abstracts and accusations. Absolutely classic DoS!

So, I am asking you - what is the point of this conversation? With the troll, that is. Does anybody benefit? Aren't we all here to do/exchange beneficial things like knowledge and mutual respect?
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Jul 17, 2015
Under the influence of PUFA, the stress response becomes self-amplifying.” RP
All forms of PUFAs have been shown to decrease T4 (a thyroid hormone) binding to TBG, which allows T4 to be active.”
PUFA and Endotoxin (LPS) Inhibit Vitamin D and Thyroid Transport / Activity.
“Several drugs interfere with the binding of thyroid hormones to thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) and free fatty acids (FFA) can also compete with the binding of steroid or thyroid hormones to their plasma-binding protein [9-11]. Polyunsaturated but not saturated fatty acids were able to decrease the binding of thyroxine to TBG [9] and similar observations were made for the interaction of estradiol with sex hormone-binding globulin [10, 1 I]”.

We’re not talking here about supplementing with omega-3 oil or EPA to dampen inflammation (short sighted). You want to bring some w3 to balance w6 from meat and free range eggs. I try to stay under 10 gr PUFA, preferably with a ratio between 1/1 and 1/4 for w3/6; max 1/10.
As I don’t want to eat seeds and nuts for this purpose, I eat fresh fish once or twice a week.

See details on this link (in French but with English references).
Inhibition of metabolism by accumulation of PUFA.

In the first part we postulate that an imbalance in the contribution of PUFA depresses the system. In the second part we focus on correcting the shot, limiting the hormonal impact.
PS: Maybe you'll have to register to read the post. This is a constraint imposed by the "host" of the site.


Feb 3, 2019
What response do you expect when he directly accuses me of making things up - i.e. not providing evidence but only my "posts" which I concocted? Remember, civility has to go both ways. If he/she could not even be bothered to read what I had sent him, then this is not a serious conversation. Actually, scratch that. Not only he did not read what I sent him, he did not even open any of those links to see they are mostly quotes from studies. He directly assumed I am concocting things. Do you really believe such a person wants to engage in a productive discussion??
It becomes akin to a "denial or service" (DoS) attack. Somebody comes along, throws inflammatory comments around, and then demands that we rebuff them. When we try to do so, he/she accuses us (me actually) of providing "fake" evidence and says he/she does not have the time to read it.
I think there is nothing antisocial in asking the person trolling and shitposting what is this person's point and purpose for being here. Having informed, productive discussions takes effort/time. If he/she really "wants to learn" (in their own words) then he/she would have done his/her part of the work needed for a truly productive discussion - i.e. read Peat's writings on the topic, read some of what we have posted here, formed a good argument, presented it, defend it, etc. Clearly, none of that has been done. One side does all the work, while the other simply inflames/trolls/shitposts with quick snippets/abstracts and accusations. Absolutely classic DoS!

So, I am asking you - what is the point of this conversation? With the troll, that is. Does anybody benefit? Aren't we all here to do/exchange beneficial things like knowledge and mutual respect?
My understanding changes, I didn't see that you sent him anything. My bad


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My understanding changes, I didn't see that you sent him anything. My bad

No problem, I also thought maybe you did not see my original response to him/her.
Let's see what he/she comes back with, if anything.
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