OpenAi's Sora


Jan 15, 2022
Hey everyone, I really wanted to bring to your attention to the ever advancing Ai revolution we have all found ourselves in.

I think it is important to understand that this new Ai engine Sora by OpenAi has the power to disrupt creative jobs all over the world, create massive amounts of unemployment and even bring to question the purpose of humanity.

Sora examples:


Feb 18, 2018
I understand why some people may feel as if AI being able to imitate our art is disempowering, especially if whole livelihoods have been built upon this. However traumatic it may be, the onus is on those who have derived a huge sense of purpose from art to find it in something else. Art is beautiful, it inspires awe, but it doesn't make corn grow. Ultimately, what we humans need to survive is a functioning ecosystem contingent upon the physical realities of this universe, so long as we have that, we can at least physically survive.

What is troubling though is the ramifications that AI will have on the psyche of our culture. It makes ever now easier for people to craft up nefarious agendas, with realistic video evidence and stories, to convince whole swathes of the population to act or believe in a certain manner. It is going to be harder to organize information into what is true and what is fiction, which will only serve to fractionate us. What humanity needs is a global belief system united under values and principles that are universal and aligned with human flourishing. That is of course much harder said than done, or else we wouldn't have such a diversity of opinion and thought as we see today and the resultant disorder and conflict that it brings.

Then lastly there is of course the nefarious, carrying on in the background, this idea that AI itself will end up committing an act that we humans can't even comprehend because it is now more intelligent than us, and end up making life unlivable for us. I really hope the people who are researching AI Control and Alignment theory can figure this one out.


Jan 15, 2022
If it means Hollywood implodes then maybe yeah for AI
I was actually maybe thinking of making a YouTube video about this, just to clear up any confusion about what is going to happen in the future about this.

I personally think that it is really.naive to only focus on Hollywood and the elites, we need to be thinking about the bigger picture.

What's going to happen to the human psyche when we overstimulate ourselves with absolutely everything and anything Ai can generate. There is no limit to this, and I feel like it will have the ability to break humans, mostly in the mental sense.

Also where's the consideration for people like myself, who've been creating art and animations for years on end, only to be left redundant by this technology.

This is not an us Vs the artists situation, if it can replace art and the creative expressions of humans and make better art than humans, then it's inevitable that it will come for everyone eventually including you and everyone else.


Dec 1, 2014
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should"


Jul 13, 2014
its all controlled and run by the central banks (zionists)

theyve also launched this "World Coin" crypto scam which is currently pumping like crazy and working with Sora,

How is it so few can see that this Sam Altman clown is just another deep state recruit to front their next round of enslavement projects....AI, digital ID, digital currencies......How do people keep falling for this like literal sheep....

Oh and Sam Altman just so happens to be a Zionist. What are the chances!!


Feb 18, 2018
I was actually maybe thinking of making a YouTube video about this, just to clear up any confusion about what is going to happen in the future about this.

I personally think that it is really.naive to only focus on Hollywood and the elites, we need to be thinking about the bigger picture.

What's going to happen to the human psyche when we overstimulate ourselves with absolutely everything and anything Ai can generate. There is no limit to this, and I feel like it will have the ability to break humans, mostly in the mental sense.

Also where's the consideration for people like myself, who've been creating art and animations for years on end, only to be left redundant by this technology.

This is not an us Vs the artists situation, if it can replace art and the creative expressions of humans and make better art than humans, then it's inevitable that it will come for everyone eventually including you and everyone else.

In regards to the mental component, the solution to technology addiction will always be rooted in escaping away and grounding oneself in the physical world. Engaging in the physical domain and not mindlessly scrolling is the antidote. Any addiction has the capacity to break humans and has been a problem forever, since humans have discovered all sorts of pathological ways to release dopamine, whether that be foods, drugs, sex, behaviors, etc... I don't see AI unique in this capacity, just in that it will affect more normal people because it has less of a stigma against it and virtually everyone is exposed to it through their smart phone. With more awareness though, I do believe we can make it a cultural norm to stigmatize the dangers of spending 6+ hours a day scrolling on your phone. With enough cultural awareness and public health efforts, we can stigmatize something like that just as heavily as we do someone who is obese because of their eating habits, or heavy drug usage, or any other seriously pathological behavior.

In regards to AI replacing humans in carrying out work, this is an inevitable results of machine automation and many intelligent people have forecasted the end result of this. To me, it's not a matter of if but when. I would encourage you to look into post-labor economics, UBI, and Resource Based Economies (Jacque Fresco) in how we handle this societally. AI and automation has the power to free us from the bondage of slave labor that this Life has necessitated for our survival, if we align and control it with our interests, and the abundance equitably distributed among the people.

Where the trouble lies in is the social and political chaos that usually undergoes swift changes in socioeconomic systems. So long as people are assured that they will have the least a basic means for survival (food, water, shelter, healthcare), absolute chaos won't unfold.
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