Organic orange juices tasting much worse and different. Super fruit juice brand

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
So i had cut out Oj for the most part since 2021 not intentionally but I just couldnt handle the liquid amount.
I do know both Costco and whole foods organic orange juices would say “product of usa/mexico” on them. They both had a nice sweet taste and tasted noticeably better than the non organic OJ brands.

A couple months back i tried some whole foods organic OJ and it tasted horrible. Very sour and odd taste. I thought maybe they didn’t refrigerate it properly since it wasnt that cold when i got it. Anyway then i tried costco OJ and it had the same very odd taste to it. Its hard to drink and they dont taste good. Both whole foods and costco OJ now say “product of mexico” on them. So no more usa/mexico. Thats the only on paper difference with these. But something is clearly going on with these, they arent at the same quality level as they used to be.

Ive cut out OJ entirely… and im not sure if it’s really that important? I was doing it for its vitamin C content and anti endotoxin benefits but apparently meat/dairy have vitamin C already?

Ignoring the vitamin C aspect does OJ have the same beneficial effects of something like fig, pomegranate, grape…

There is another organic juice brand i forget the name but they offer a product called super fruit 7… its all organic, comes in a glass bottle, room temperature. It has pomegranate juice, and fig juice and grape juice plus i think strawberry, cranberry, maybe bilberry and something else tart cherry maybe.

Pomegranate juice supposedly has the same effect as thiamine and caffeine. Im forgetting what its called but its when a certain enzyme gets inhibited at higher altitudes. Supposedly pomegranate fruit, juice, maybe even seed extracts inhibit that same enzyme that then increases CO2 levels similar to going high altitude.

This super fruit 7 brand is apparently made in turkey. Maybe thats better than the soil we have here? I read once that turkey had really high boron levels in their soil or something.

They also offer a 100% bilberry (blackberry) juice which sounds really good but i havent seen it available at any stores.
I have tried their 100% pomegranate juice and it does seem to have the co2 boosting effects but it is almost impossible to drink it is far too tart. Even if you add sugar or salt its just impossible to drink more than a sip. The super fruit 7 masks the pomegranate juice because of the other juices in there so thats the only way ive found to have pomegranate juice.

Also the lakewood juice brand sold another product called pomegranate concentrate which is a concentrate meant to mix with water (to create from concentrate pomegranate juice) but it is still a liquid form on its own.
I tried a direct few sips of that stuff and it definitely seemed to increase blood flow, relaxation, and temperature but it is way too difficult to do more than a couple sips due to tartness.

Lakewood is also 100% organic in glass bottles but as far as their concentrate products i think they only offer lemon, lime, tart cherry and pomegranate concentrate liquids. I was reminded of that when Danny Roddy at one point mentioned how marmalade could be considered a superfood because of how it heavily concentrates the nutrients from oranges.

The pomegranate concentrate definitely seems to have the most noticeable immediate effects of any fruit juice or other liquid product I’ve tried. If you could figure out a way to consume that whole 8oz or 12oz bottle I think it would definitely have noticeably measurable effects. It would also be expensive to use daily, cost $10 maybe for the 8oz or 12oz bottle.


Aug 10, 2012
Ray had been talking about mold in the oj. Said he'd switched to grape juice for that reason. But, I've been finding very good orange juice where I live. Luckily, because the times I drank a little grape juice it was very strong and not tasty imo. I never found a nice one.

I can't remember all the good things Ray said about oj, but naringenin sticks in my mind. Effective against melanoma for example. Yes, Ray recommended marmalade. My husband used to make it every year until he got too old.


Jul 8, 2014
I was doing it for its vitamin C content and anti endotoxin benefits but apparently meat/dairy have vitamin C already?

Yes, meat and dairy are excellent sources of the oxidized form of vitamin C dehydroascorbic acid.

This super fruit 7 brand is apparently made in turkey. Maybe thats better than the soil we have here? I read once that turkey had really high boron levels in their soil or something.

They also offer a 100% bilberry (blackberry) juice which sounds really good but i havent seen it available at any stores.

I’m thinking you mean the brand Smart Juice? And by bilberry, I think you mean black mulberry? I used to make gummies with the black mulberry. It reminds me of berry pie. It’s delicious, IMO. I used to get it from Vitacost, but they recently stopped carrying it, however, it’s sold on the company’s website:



Jul 8, 2014
Lakewood is also 100% organic in glass bottles but as far as their concentrate products i think they only offer lemon, lime, tart cherry and pomegranate concentrate liquids.

I forgot to mention I also used to buy the Lakewood brand until I started having severe allergic reactions to what I thought was fruit. It turned out it was the clarifying agents used in the processing of bottled juices that aren’t required to be listed on the label, not even organic juice. I contacted the companies of the bottled juice I was drinking and all but Lakewood got back to me. The ones that did said they use clarifying agents. If you do an internet search for clarifying agents used in processing juice, you’ll get a ton of hits but to give you an idea of some that are used, you can see a list of them in the link below on pages 3–6:



Mar 27, 2021
I forgot to mention I also used to buy the Lakewood brand until I started having severe allergic reactions to what I thought was fruit. It turned out it was the clarifying agents used in the processing of bottled juices that aren’t required to be listed on the label, not even organic juice. I contacted the companies of the bottled juice I was drinking and all but Lakewood got back to me. The ones that did said they use clarifying agents. If you do an internet search for clarifying agents used in processing juice, you’ll get a ton of hits but to give you an idea of some that are used, you can see a list of them in the link below on pages 3–6:

Wow thanks for sharing. That explains the brutal diarrhea I get from every bottled juice I’ve tried. I should’ve listened to my instincts.


Aug 17, 2016
So i had cut out Oj for the most part since 2021 not intentionally but I just couldnt handle the liquid amount.
I do know both Costco and whole foods organic orange juices would say “product of usa/mexico” on them. They both had a nice sweet taste and tasted noticeably better than the non organic OJ brands.

A couple months back i tried some whole foods organic OJ and it tasted horrible. Very sour and odd taste. I thought maybe they didn’t refrigerate it properly since it wasnt that cold when i got it. Anyway then i tried costco OJ and it had the same very odd taste to it. Its hard to drink and they dont taste good. Both whole foods and costco OJ now say “product of mexico” on them. So no more usa/mexico. Thats the only on paper difference with these. But something is clearly going on with these, they arent at the same quality level as they used to be.

Ive cut out OJ entirely… and im not sure if it’s really that important? I was doing it for its vitamin C content and anti endotoxin benefits but apparently meat/dairy have vitamin C already?

Ignoring the vitamin C aspect does OJ have the same beneficial effects of something like fig, pomegranate, grape…

There is another organic juice brand i forget the name but they offer a product called super fruit 7… its all organic, comes in a glass bottle, room temperature. It has pomegranate juice, and fig juice and grape juice plus i think strawberry, cranberry, maybe bilberry and something else tart cherry maybe.

Pomegranate juice supposedly has the same effect as thiamine and caffeine. Im forgetting what its called but its when a certain enzyme gets inhibited at higher altitudes. Supposedly pomegranate fruit, juice, maybe even seed extracts inhibit that same enzyme that then increases CO2 levels similar to going high altitude.

This super fruit 7 brand is apparently made in turkey. Maybe thats better than the soil we have here? I read once that turkey had really high boron levels in their soil or something.

They also offer a 100% bilberry (blackberry) juice which sounds really good but i havent seen it available at any stores.
I have tried their 100% pomegranate juice and it does seem to have the co2 boosting effects but it is almost impossible to drink it is far too tart. Even if you add sugar or salt its just impossible to drink more than a sip. The super fruit 7 masks the pomegranate juice because of the other juices in there so thats the only way ive found to have pomegranate juice.

Also the lakewood juice brand sold another product called pomegranate concentrate which is a concentrate meant to mix with water (to create from concentrate pomegranate juice) but it is still a liquid form on its own.
I tried a direct few sips of that stuff and it definitely seemed to increase blood flow, relaxation, and temperature but it is way too difficult to do more than a couple sips due to tartness.

Lakewood is also 100% organic in glass bottles but as far as their concentrate products i think they only offer lemon, lime, tart cherry and pomegranate concentrate liquids. I was reminded of that when Danny Roddy at one point mentioned how marmalade could be considered a superfood because of how it heavily concentrates the nutrients from oranges.

The pomegranate concentrate definitely seems to have the most noticeable immediate effects of any fruit juice or other liquid product I’ve tried. If you could figure out a way to consume that whole 8oz or 12oz bottle I think it would definitely have noticeably measurable effects. It would also be expensive to use daily, cost $10 maybe for the 8oz or 12oz bottle.
We treat ourselves to this brand.

I love it. And do very well it.
When run out, the ALDI brand organic OJ is nice tasting. Sweet. But I try to always have the Matt's brand.

But many other fruit juices just don't agree with me. Lakewood is one of them.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I forgot to mention I also used to buy the Lakewood brand until I started having severe allergic reactions to what I thought was fruit. It turned out it was the clarifying agents used in the processing of bottled juices that aren’t required to be listed on the label, not even organic juice. I contacted the companies of the bottled juice I was drinking and all but Lakewood got back to me. The ones that did said they use clarifying agents. If you do an internet search for clarifying agents used in processing juice, you’ll get a ton of hits but to give you an idea of some that are used, you can see a list of them in the link below on pages 3–6:

It seems i cant access the info on that article besides the abstract? What kinds of things do they use as clarifying agents? And wow, is coconut water at least safe from those. It sounds like none of the packaged bottled juices are safe besides maybe coconut water

Also yes i meant the black mulberry juice they may have just titled it mulberry before im not sure. It sounds good but i never see it i only see the tart cherry, pomegranate, super fruit 7, and theres one more called 9 or fruit veggie mix something that has vegetable juices blended in

Should we be avoiding all packaged and bottled juices now then , all the lakewood brand juices use clarifying agents? Does smart juice not use those agents?
So i guess the best is actually the organic fresh squeezed OJ at whole foods etc?

We treat ourselves to this brand.

I love it. And do very well it.
When run out, the ALDI brand organic OJ is nice tasting. Sweet. But I try to always have the Matt's brand.

But many other fruit juices just don't agree with me. Lakewood is one of them.

I tried that brand years back but i think its not organic? It also wasn’t as sweet at the time as costco whole foods and it was priced higher than the organic brands. But it may be the best option now. I think all of the non organic brands assuming they taste the same as years ago, should be better than the organic costco/WF OJ. I wonder if theres some sort of loophole for organic oj where quality has degraded and we dont know. Or maybe its all coming in spoiled from Mexico.

A year or two back Haidut in a video mentioned that starting early 2021 due to Covid laws and relaxations of laws, companies selling different foods like mayo, could actually hide which oil was used or even sell products that don’t match the ingredients list.

I have not yet tried aldi or lidl organic oj. I had lidl oj a couple years back and it was fine then.


Sep 27, 2015
It's now happened to me with 4 or 5 brands of OJ where they taste and digest well for months or years and then something changes where suddenly they taste bad and I react poorly and I have to find a new brand. I have tried periodically buying the same brands again later in case it was seasonal changes in the fruit or the grocery store supply chain's poor refrigeration and every time they have still been bad. These days I am just having 1 cup a day of fresh squeezed when I can find organic oranges from the US, or the Natalie's OJ is still okay if I strain it and don't drink too much, although it used to be better where I could drink more. The Natalie's tangerine juice is also okay, although it's more carotene. For me Uncle Matt's used to be good but now is no good. Trader Joes has some that are okay too but really fresh squeezed is a totally different food.


Jul 8, 2014
Wow thanks for sharing. That explains the brutal diarrhea I get from every bottled juice I’ve tried. I should’ve listened to my instincts.

You’re welcome. :) Diarrhea was one of the symptoms I experienced, too.

It seems i cant access the info on that article besides the abstract? What kinds of things do they use as clarifying agents? And wow, is coconut water at least safe from those. It sounds like none of the packaged bottled juices are safe besides maybe coconut water

Also yes i meant the black mulberry juice they may have just titled it mulberry before im not sure. It sounds good but i never see it i only see the tart cherry, pomegranate, super fruit 7, and theres one more called 9 or fruit veggie mix something that has vegetable juices blended in

Should we be avoiding all packaged and bottled juices now then , all the lakewood brand juices use clarifying agents? Does smart juice not use those agents?
So i guess the best is actually the organic fresh squeezed OJ at whole foods etc?

Just keep scrolling down the page I linked you to until you see page 3. The list starts there. It’s pretty extensive. I tried posting the pages but for some reason, the list shows up jumbled.

Lakewood was the only brand that didn’t get back to me so I’m not sure if the company uses clarifying agents, however, I was buying their OJ and I don’t like it, personally. It tastes a lot like grapefruit. I haven’t found a single bottled OJ that I like and I’ve tried a lot. Some were better than others, but still acidic and bitter. I think I was spoiled and now my standards may be too high. lol Back when I was on the fruitarian diet, there was a period of time when I was getting raw, fresh pressed OJ from the supermarket that was sugary sweet with no acidity or bitterness to it whatsoever. Just imagine the sweetest navel orange you’ve ever had and concentrate it. There’s really no comparison between fresh squeezed OJ from truly ripe oranges and bottled OJ. Like Nick said, fresh squeezed is a totally different food. I buy local, unfiltered Gala and Fuji apple juice from Whole Foods now.
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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
You’re welcome. :) Diarrhea was one of the symptoms I experienced, too.

Just keep scrolling down the page I linked you to until you see page 3. The list starts there. It’s pretty extensive. I tried posting the pages but for some reason, the list shows up jumbled.

Lakewood was the only brand that didn’t get back to me so I’m not sure if the company uses clarifying agents, however, I was buying their OJ and I don’t like it, personally. It tastes a lot like grapefruit. I haven’t found a single bottled OJ that I like and I’ve tried a lot. Some were better than others, but still acidic and bitter. I think I was spoiled and now my standards may be too high. lol Back when I was on the fruitarian diet, there was a period of time when I was getting raw, fresh pressed OJ from the supermarket that was sugary sweet with no acidity or bitterness to it whatsoever. Just imagine the sweetest navel orange you’ve ever had and concentrate it. There’s really no comparison between fresh squeezed OJ from truly ripe oranges and bottled OJ. Like Nick said, fresh squeezed is a totally different food. I buy local, unfiltered Gala and Fuji apple juice from Whole Foods now.
I think whole foods fresh squeezed, even though it is organic and fresh, they dont use ripe oranges. They probably just stuff every orange they can find into the juicer. Because their juice was too sour.

Did you ever try the whole foods and costco organic OJ in the plastic bottles? Those had a very good flavor and sweet taste at least in 2020 and 2021.

The lakewood OJ is a shelf product so I’ve wondered how they make it shelf stable is it pasteurized high heat. Or just the vaccuum bottle allows it to be shelf stable. I think they had a blood orange juicr and it did taste like grapefruit. They had blueberry juice which was too tart. And a coconut milk mixed drink which i did not like and it had gums and fillers in it anyway.
Its rare to see a shelf stable orange juice usually it’s refrigerated
Does the smart juice brand not use fillers or clarifying agents


Jul 8, 2014
@Dr. B, I’ve tried Whole Foods’, but not Costco’s. Off the top of my head, I’ve tried Whole Foods, Lakewood, Trader Joe’s, Natalie’s, Uncle Matt’s, the popular commercial brands, fresh pressed pasteurized store brands and the raw, fresh pressed. I didn’t bother contacting Smart Juice because I hadn’t bought any in over a year and after the other companies said they use clarifying agents, I figured they likely do too. I think both HTST (high temp short time) pasteurization for OJ specifically and vacuum sealing make Lakewood shelf-stable. And you’re correct. Lakewood does have blood orange juice. I found the blueberry to be too tart, too. Same with Trader Joe’s and R.W. Knudsen’s blueberry. Santa Cruz’s white grape juice is probably the sweetest shelf-stable juice I’ve had, but the company confirmed that they use clarifying agents. When the juice is clear, the company likely used clarifying agents.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
@Dr. B, I’ve tried Whole Foods’, but not Costco’s. Off the top of my head, I’ve tried Whole Foods, Lakewood, Trader Joe’s, Natalie’s, Uncle Matt’s, the popular commercial brands, fresh pressed pasteurized store brands and the raw, fresh pressed. I didn’t bother contacting Smart Juice because I hadn’t bought any in over a year and after the other companies said they use clarifying agents, I figured they likely do too. I think both HTST (high temp short time) pasteurization for OJ specifically and vacuum sealing make Lakewood shelf-stable. And you’re correct. Lakewood does have blood orange juice. I found the blueberry to be too tart, too. Same with Trader Joe’s and R.W. Knudsen’s blueberry. Santa Cruz’s white grape juice is probably the sweetest shelf-stable juice I’ve had, but the company confirmed that they use clarifying agents. When the juice is clear, the company likely used clarifying agents.
You mean clear even with the pulp or solid buildup settled on the bottom of the bottle, still means clarifying agents?
It’s likely every major juice besides fresh squeezed!

What about kennessaw brand OJ. Its not organic, i think its labelled cold pressed or something.


Dec 29, 2015
Hello all,
I have been not wanting to buy any bottled juice despite the high quality, because they are all Pasteurized. I would want to get all the "Raw" Benefits of a fresh juice. I have been juicing my own, not to much more expensive than a Lakewood Organic Grape Juice at $8.99. What are your thoughts on fresh vs. Pasteurized?
Mar 10, 2021
Hello all,
I have been not wanting to buy any bottled juice despite the high quality, because they are all Pasteurized. I would want to get all the "Raw" Benefits of a fresh juice. I have been juicing my own, not to much more expensive than a Lakewood Organic Grape Juice at $8.99. What are your thoughts on fresh vs. Pasteurized?
Heat kills vitamin C so I only drink fresh squeezed orange juice, strained of it’s pulp.


Jul 8, 2014
You mean clear even with the pulp or solid buildup settled on the bottom of the bottle, still means clarifying agents?
It’s likely every major juice besides fresh squeezed!

What about kennessaw brand OJ. Its not organic, i think its labelled cold pressed or something.

@Dr. B, I mean clear juice that only has a trace of sediment on the bottom, but even juice that has a good amount of pulp or “sludge” as I call it may, too. I questioned how the fiber got sludgy like that, you know, with no trace of visible fibers, so it seemed to me that something was used to dissolve it, and the companies I contacted confirmed it. I saw Kennesaw OJ at Whole Foods, but decided to go for the apple juice instead because I knew for certain it was unfiltered.


Jul 8, 2014
Hello all,
I have been not wanting to buy any bottled juice despite the high quality, because they are all Pasteurized. I would want to get all the "Raw" Benefits of a fresh juice. I have been juicing my own, not to much more expensive than a Lakewood Organic Grape Juice at $8.99. What are your thoughts on fresh vs. Pasteurized?

Quality/Brix, i.e., the measurement of sugar and minerals is more important to me than whether or not juice is raw. There’s nothing in juice that I can’t get from the more nutrient dense animal products I consume so some nutrient loss from pasteurization isn’t a concern.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
@Dr. B, I mean clear juice that only has a trace of sediment on the bottom, but even juice that has a good amount of pulp or “sludge” as I call it may, too. I questioned how the fiber got sludgy like that, you know, with no trace of visible fibers, so it seemed to me that something was used to dissolve it, and the companies I contacted confirmed it. I saw Kennesaw OJ at Whole Foods, but decided to go for the apple juice instead because I knew for certain it was unfiltered.

So kennessaw you dont know if it has no clarifying agents. The apple juice did you confirm it doesnt use clarifying agents? Is this whole foods fresh squeezed appoe juice or which one. Have you found any other juices available at whole foods or other retailers which dont use the clarifying agents

Also the kennessaw brand isnt organic i think they also offer a strawberry juice


Dec 29, 2015
Quality/Brix, i.e., the measurement of sugar and minerals is more important to me than whether or not juice is raw. There’s nothing in juice that I can’t get from the more nutrient dense animal products I consume so some nutrient loss from pasteurization isn’t a concern.
Oh, but if the quality of the minerals is most important, than wouldn't the cooking process damage some of them?
Rinse & Repeat stated that it destroys the Vit C.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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