“Pandemic Is Over”


Apr 8, 2016
Can you show me where there is any evidence for that or how do you come to that conclusion?

If you say this information could be derived from the graph, don't you think it would be astonishing if this virus get's less deadly and more contagious at such a peculiar rate that somehow the death numbers are at an almost perfectly constant rate throughout 6 months?

Just my opinion from my own personal interpretation of the data.


Jan 25, 2014
The death rate seems to be around 0.25% meaning 1 out of 400 people who get it die. That's still a lot of people. It's certainly not over. It won't be over until it mutates into something even less deadly.

In my opinion, I wouldn't call it over until the death rate goes under 0.1% and the number of active infections drops a lot.

Actually, 100% of people who get it will die.... eventually. To date, there is no proof it caused a single death. Or that Covid 19 even exists.

I wouldn't say it even started till someone can satisfy Koch's Postulates, or at least provide an electron micrograph.


Jan 25, 2014
Because the virus mutated into a more contagious but less deadly form.

I don't know if this has been proven but the variant most people got before the summer was D614 and the variant most people have now is G614. From the data you posted, it looks to me like the G614 variant is much more contagious but much less deadly than the D614 variant was.

I prefer the idea that an invisible dragon that also can't be heard or touched is killing these people, and doctors and government officials are so terrified of this dragon, that they are blaming a virus mutation instead.

As long as you are going to make stuff up, why not do it with flair?

Anyway, if it mutated, then it ain't Covid 19 anymore. So you can't count those deaths.
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May 11, 2020
It's far from over.
The psychopaths have bigger plans:
Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-thrax and "the Darkest Winter"

This is my waking nightmare. Not only will it actually for real claim hundreds of thousands (or more) of lives, they'll blame it on everyone who was "using misinformation" to push for the end of lockdowns. Goodbye freedom of speech. There are two storms in America right now. I worry they are about to converge. Chances are probably low though. They're doing creepy exercises all the time. It doesn't mean they're going to kill us all.
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