Peat + Old School Bodybuilding? An Experimental Quest



Feb 13, 2021
Well, based on your macros, you could play around with fat and carbs. Don't have to go all the way to 80g of fat, but you could try thinks like lower fat milk and yogurt, while keeping in things like 80% beef and full fat cheese.
Good idea! May try to titrate carbs back up to hit the 33/33/33 macros Dr. Peat has mentioned.

I get whole raw milk from a local farm and it's just too tasty to pass up...but can definitely cut out fat from other sources.


Feb 13, 2021
There is a thread on this forum called 'Carbosis - superior for lean bulking' or something like that. It's something that I read it was common sense in bodybuilding circles. Most of them restrict fat to under 80g or around that number.
Others recommend carb cycling or carb backloading or front-loading.

The reasoning goes that, when the body is an insulin elevated state, for example when you have your post workout meal, dietary fat included in the meal is more likely to go to fat storage.
Your post has got me thinking. Tho I've tried carb backloading and all sorts of other macros...

I've never tried carb backloading with only Peat-friendly foods! May have to give it a shot, if only after intense training sessions.


Feb 13, 2021
Just curious if you ever did Vince Gironda's 36 eggs a day diet?
I did something similar for a while last year...24+ eggs a day and beef.

It made me kind of tired and I think Gironda used that diet for athletes who were cutting, as opposed to bulking - which is what I'm trying to do.

Gironda was a genius tho. He definitely discovered thru experience that eggs are anabolic.


Feb 13, 2021
I think I've been dealing with high cortisol levels for a long time. On top of that, I worked an early morning shift for a decade, and cortisol levels are known to be higher in people who do that.

Oh dang. Glad you're away from the early morning shift now!

Feeling rushed in the.morning is super stressful. So is getting up when it's still dark out. I did that for a year working construction.

It's probably best to rise with the sun, get some sun/red light, and then putter around for a while. Trying to do that consistency now.


Feb 13, 2021
Update 2

Another great day of training and foodstuffs.

AM workout: 20 squats + 20 pullovers. Pushed the weight on the squats, but they still felt good. For some reason this short workout has been consistently euphoric so far.

PM workout: bench press PR, dumbbell press, chest flies. Finished with 2 x 10 ring dips.

Nutrition: Was pretty.hungry today so I ate ~5000 calories. Mmm. Normal diet + 800 cals of chocolate.

So far so good. My body is responding very well to the increased training frequency. Actually kind of sad to have a rest day (core stuff only) tomorrow.
Sep 5, 2016
Thank you, appreciate the interest!

I get pastured eggs from a local farm. Unsure of the PUFA content, tho I do think they're worth it for the anabolic factors.

My hope is that cooking them in a few tbsp of coconut oil will offset the drawbacks of the PUFA...we shall see. I've always done pretty well with eggs in the past, unless shooting for Gironda's 36 egg/day.

Thanks. Sounds good. Look forward to hearing about your experiments and trying more eggs myself.

Wish we could go back in time and bring back some of the foods that were available in VG's youth.
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Feb 13, 2021
Thanks. Sounds good. Look forward to hearing about your experiments and trying more eggs myself.

Wish we could go back in time and bring back some of the foods that were available in VG's youth.
Thank you, as well! Feeling good with the eggs re-added so far. I think it's best to cook them lightly to not oxidize the cholesterol in the yolks. Good luck!

Yeah, it was certainly easier to be naturally strong and muscular back then.

Premium food still exists these days...just at a premium [high] price. Trying to be healthy in 2021 is kinda like trying to swim upstream.


Feb 13, 2021
Progress Pics (Before Pics)

Figured I'd take a more standardized set of "before" pics to track progress. Will probably take the same pics in the same location about once a month. Also tracking bicep/chest/thigh/etc measurements.

** Note: My back seems more developed than my chest. This is partially due to the angle of the pics, partially due to 'genetics,' and mostly due to the fact that I've been doing deadlifts & weighted pullups for several months, and bench presses for only 1-2. I kind of like having a bigger back than chest...but not this much!

The current training format should fix this imbalance since it has more 'push' days than 'pull' days. Silver era bodybuilders viewed the pullover, which I just started doing, as an excellent chest & serratus builder. Hopefully the uneven tan resolves itself too ?

After looking at these pics, I'm gonna just go up to 4800 calories a day for awhile and see what happens. Too scrawny lol.


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Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Update 2

Another great day of training and foodstuffs.

AM workout: 20 squats + 20 pullovers. Pushed the weight on the squats, but they still felt good. For some reason this short workout has been consistently euphoric so far.

PM workout: bench press PR, dumbbell press, chest flies. Finished with 2 x 10 ring dips.

Nutrition: Was pretty.hungry today so I ate ~5000 calories. Mmm. Normal diet + 800 cals of chocolate.

So far so good. My body is responding very well to the increased training frequency. Actually kind of sad to have a rest day (core stuff only) tomorrow.

Damn, now I wanna try daily squats and pullovers. Big fan of high frequency training, low intensity training.

I've heard about this daily squats and pullovers idea before. I believe it was a crossfit template modified for extra size gains.


Feb 13, 2021
Damn, now I wanna try daily squats and pullovers. Big fan of high frequency training, low intensity training.

I've heard about this daily squats and pullovers idea before. I believe it was a crossfit template modified for extra size gains.
You totally should try it! The workout seems to produce a mood/metabolic afterglow that lasts for a few hours afterwards. If you're healthy, I bet you'll find that it's surprisingly low-stress. Let me/us know how it goes.

Didn't know CrossFit advocated this, good stuff! It seems to have originated with a guy named Josep Hise. Later on, in the 40s, Reg Park adopted such a plan with incredible results:

"Training twice a day, six time a day in 1949!!​

My life change when I trained twice a day, six times a week. In the morning, I trained the lower body with high repetition squats, hack lifts, calf exercises and sometimes heavy bench presses.

In the evening, I worked the upper body. All the squat sets were done in 20 reps with very deep breathing. The upper body work consisted of heavy standing presses, curls, bench presses, both barbell and dumbbell rows at anywhere from 6 to 10 reps per set. At this time, I did no other activity and rested whenever I was away from the weights."


May 10, 2016
Hi @OccamzRazer I've been lifting for 19 years. I thought I maxed out on muscle growth 3 years ago. Adding beef gelatin and dhea has allowed me to increase my physique.


Feb 13, 2021
Hi @OccamzRazer I've been lifting for 19 years. I thought I maxed out on muscle growth 3 years ago. Adding beef gelatin and dhea has allowed me to increase my physique.
Awesome, thanks for the input! Approx how much muscle have those additions allowed you to gain?

I'm definitely going to get some gelatin ASAP. Do you think the knox gelatin powder found in most grocery stores is good enough?

Also highly considering getting CortiNon - DHEA + Progesterone. But I may take @tankasnowgod advice and do a few months without it, then a few months with.
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Feb 13, 2021
Hi @OccamzRazer I've been lifting for 19 years. I thought I maxed out on muscle growth 3 years ago. Adding beef gelatin and dhea has allowed me to increase my physique.
Also, if you've been lifting for that're obviously WAY more experienced than I am with such things.

Have you tried the squat + pullover routine? What routines/concepts have you found most effective for muscle gain?


May 10, 2016
Awesome, thanks for the input! Approx how much muscle have those additions allowed you to gain?

I'm definitely going to get some gelatin ASAP. Do you think the knox gelatin powder found in most grocery stores is good enough?

Also highly considering getting StressNon - DHEA + Progesterone. But I may take @tankasnowgod advice and do a few months without it, then a few months with.
Never tried Knox before. Always get Great Lakes. Just make sure Knox is beef gelatin.

I believe you meant Cortinon. It's a great product. Definitely helped me sleep better as well.

Also, if you've been lifting for that're obviously WAY more experienced than I am with such things.

Have you tried the squat + pullover routine? What routines/concepts have you found most effective for muscle gain?
The only routine that matters is consistency. Going 4-6 times a week will bless you with good results.


Feb 13, 2021
Never tried Knox before. Always get Great Lakes. Just make sure Knox is beef gelatin.

I believe you meant Cortinon. It's a great product. Definitely helped me sleep better as well.

The only routine that matters is consistency. Going 4-6 times a week will bless you with good results.
CortiNon - yep. Just edited.

Awesome, thank you! Planning to stay consistent with this long into the future.


Feb 13, 2021
Update 3

(planning on doing one update per day)

PM workout: Today is a rest day. Just doing a little bit of core stuff. May also go for a walk later if it doesn't rain. Very sedentary day so far...mostly been typing away with all the bright minds on this forum.

Nutrition: Going for 4800 calories today! 4400 hasn't been enough. Even after 5000 cals yesterday, I woke up a pound lighter this morning at 174. I'm not really hungry, so I may eat something ultra-palatable like ice cream or cheesecake later. Mmmmm.

If my caloric demands get any higher I'm going to have to start eating rice or potatoes or something. An organic animal-based diet is EXPENSIVE!

Planning to slowly titrate carbs up and fats down until I'm at the 33/33/33 macro split Dr. Peat has speculated about. Will probably concentrate carbz in the post-workout period.


Feb 13, 2021
You won't regret working out and molding your physique instead of playing video games. Trust me
I believe it! I'm already so thankful to have stumbled onto Peat, Haidut, Weston A Price, Reg Park, etc etc at a youngish age.

Video games...I'm kind of an old soul, so I haven't been into them for maybe a decade.

Tho there are many other ways to waste time - and lifting is not one of them!


Dec 12, 2019

Let me Mention that this Thread is Great. I will watch this with great Interest. I'm also a Fan of the Old Bronze and Silver Era Bodybuilding Guys. The Golden One's not so much, because they got involved in Many Types of Steroids and Physiques that were not attainable Naturally.

Good Physique btw. Back Shots are looking great, especially Mid Back and Traps. I wish mine would look like that. I also think the Tan (?) contributes to the Muscle Definition too. Maybe i should bring back Deadlifts into my Program too.

I'm also a Big Fan of Higher Frequency Training. Most People (at least in my GYM) are training way too Wrong with Low Frequency AND Low Volume which is not good in the Long Term especially if someone wants to Build Muscle. When i asked them on what Split they are they are telling me mostly ''Bro Splits'' as the Anwser. Which CAN still work if layed out properly btw. But it's not the Best Option as a Natural Weightlifter.

Every Muscle Group should be Trained at least Twice per Week (or even Three Times) with around 10 Sets per Bodypart per Week with about 1-3 Reps close to Failure. This Works best for Most of the People.

Also Direct Core / Abs Work (especially Weighted) is very crucial. I'm a big believer in Training them Directly with Weights (Weighted Sit Ups, Weighted Crunches, Weighted Russian Twists or Weighted Cable Crunch). Since they are not only improving your Asthetics but also Improving your Bench Press, Deadlift and Squat Numbers.

The only routine that matters is consistency. Going 4-6 times a week will bless you with good results.
Yep it surely does. The Volume from Training 4x per Week alone could be Enough to give someone a Great Physique. Although i think 6 Times COULD be too much, huge exception if someone has very low Stress in Life. But 4 Times per Week is also enough. Especially if someone trains every Muscle Group at least Twice per Week with enough Volume.

Oh dang. Glad you're away from the early morning shift now!

Feeling rushed in the.morning is super stressful. So is getting up when it's still dark out. I did that for a year working construction.

It's probably best to rise with the sun, get some sun/red light, and then putter around for a while. Trying to do that consistency now.

Same here. I only have one Early Shift a Week nowadays. And Mostly late Shifts. It's really better to rise with the Sun. And having Very Mixed Shifts or Early Shifts can fu** up you Circadian Rythum Big Time.

Video games...I'm kind of an old soul, so I haven't been into them for maybe a decade.

Tho there are many other ways to waste time - and lifting is not one of them!

True. I still do Play Video Games from Time to Time (ONLY in my longer Vacation Week(s) from Work). And Planing on forfeit it in Late 2021. Besides Reading, Working Out and Home Improvment. But most of our Guys and Girls over here are hanging out on IG, Snapchat and so forth the Whole Day and this is what i don't do. Because this can be truly be a Waste of Time in my Perspective.

And if they anwser me with ''but i don't have Time to Workout'' then i'll just say ''Then make Time, even as little as Half an Hour would be Enough. You just have to Manage your Time better''.


Aug 27, 2018
Also Direct Core / Abs Work (especially Weighted) is very crucial. I'm a big believer in Training them Directly with Weights (Weighted Sit Ups, Weighted Crunches, Weighted Russian Twists or Weighted Cable Crunch). Since they are not only improving your Asthetics but also Improving your Bench Press, Deadlift and Squat Numbers.
Is it really needed? I feel like my abs get hit really hard in all kinds of workouts. The point is I use free weights most of the time.
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