Peata's Log For Weight Loss & Misc

Jan 24, 2014
Hi ziton....yes....not pain exactly, but I was aware of slight discomfort, felt sort of pinched, along with discomfort in the duodenum, not my stomach, just below. Naturally followed by poor digestion.

I have to apologize in advance, the turpentine isn't really my protocol, it was put forth by Dr. Daniels. It would not be considered Peat-ish, I don't think so please understand that up front.

I will say that I've never been happier or more glad that I did it. I think turpentine is awesome stuff, but it's DEFINITELY not for the constipated. I've written about it a bit scattered here and there on the forum, you can search around or I'll send you some links to research.

The Raw Garlic Shock & Awe was good too, much smellier.....Pick Yer Poison.


Nov 21, 2015
Thanks thebigpeatowski. Yes sorry about that, I realize it's not 'your' protocol, I meant as in you had used it. I understand it's not Peatish; afaik Flowers of Sulphur or similar would be but I think turp really seems to work from what you described! Yes I'd appreciate the links if you have them handy. You can pm them if you like. The sensation I feel is not so internal it's more just behind the 3rd rib from the bottom probably closer to the gallbladder as that sits in front of the duodenum/stomach so maybe bloating was pushing against it.


Apr 21, 2015
I have been following this thread since mention of turpentine.

Peata, I wonder where you are with your turpentine experiment. It seems you took a small amount and may have passed a single roundworm and something that looked like a small silicone breast implant (that cracked me up!). Did you continue with it and see any other action?

How about you, 800mRepeats? Did you continue with turpentine and see any results?


Jul 13, 2015
re turpentine - I took two doses (a day apart) and noticed nothing other than the piney fresh burps. Thought about doing it again, decided not to jeopardize performance in an athletic competition, and now ... here we are. Maybe I'll try it again.


Jun 12, 2013
I have been following this thread since mention of turpentine.

Peata, I wonder where you are with your turpentine experiment. It seems you took a small amount and may have passed a single roundworm and something that looked like a small silicone breast implant (that cracked me up!). Did you continue with it and see any other action?

How about you, 800mRepeats? Did you continue with turpentine and see any results?

I haven't repeated the experiment since then. I thought I'd wait and find a day or two when I don't have to go anywhere far from the toilet. I have the turpentine in a dark glass bottle with a dropper, I have my sugar cubes. I even have 2 enemas on standby in case, since you're not supposed to let yourself get stopped up after using turp (not sure why on earth I thought that would be an issue with me, but better to be safe than sorry). I think I'll try it again next week.


Jun 12, 2013
I mentioned that the scale had been climbing again. I started back on low(ish) fat, high carb and protein on Monday. Yesterday (Thurs) I was down 3# on the scale. So hopefully it's all taking effect again. And I hope I am really going to lose and continue losing, rather than the way it always seems to go - I lose some and get hopeful but reach a certain number and go back up again. Maybe the MitoLipin will help me out.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Maybe the MitoLipin will help me out.
I'm interested in how this works out for you. I'm trying it but not for weight loss and haven't weighed myself but my gut bloating has improved. I also got strict about avoiding gluten again and switched to lactose free milk so I think that helped my situation.


Apr 21, 2015
Lysine made it possible for me to drink milk again. Used to drink raw milk with no problem. After low carb could not drink it. Worse was pasteurized. Got LactAid and did fine but wanted to go back to raw. Couldn't get near it without getting gassy beyond anything civil! Started Lysine and now I can drink as much raw milk as I like. Perhaps that could help your digestion, too, Peata and Blossom.
Jan 24, 2014
There's a site that talks about using turpentine for help in weight control. I do know that turpentine lowers blood sugar (used TOPICALLY), here's a patent:

Patent EP2629784A1 - A novel herbal oil for controlling blood sugar without risk of hypoglycemea

The invention relates to a herbal oil, for controlling blood sugar without risk of hypoglycemia, comprising of the step of (i) fractional distillation of essential oils comprising of turpentine oil, jasmine oil, rose oil, eucalyptus oil, sandal wood oil and water green oil to obtain hydroxyl compounds α-terpinol, linalool, Gereneol, Citroneoll, α-Santalol, Methyl salicylate and other alcoholic terpenoils and (ii) dilution with fat oil so as to have approximate weight percentage of α-terpinol 50%, linalool 6%, Gereneol 4%, Citroneoll 3.5%, α-Santalol 2.7%, Methyl salicylate 2%, other alcoholic terpenoils and fat oil 31.8%.

And according to this site turpentine helps with LIPID METABOLISM....

Turpentine in diabetes mellitus

Could be total BS...but interesting nonetheless.

From the Review posted upthread:

In Germany, (Rowachol and
Rowatinex), Slovenia (Uroterp) and Poland (Terpichol
and Terpinex), the traditional drugs for renal and hepatic
diseases (especially against cholesterol stones in the gall
bladder and the bile duct) contain α- and β-pinenes [2].
Modern phytotherapy describes the following properties
of the terpenic oil: antiparasitic, analgesic, revulsive, disinfectant (external use); balsamic, active on bronchial secretion and pulmonary and genito-urinary tract infections, haemostatic, dissolving gallstones, diuretic, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, deworming, being an antidote for poisonings caused by phosphorus [3] and improving the ciliary and secretory activity in patients who present chronic obstructive bronchitis (internal use ) [4].

It has also been shown that α-pinenes do not exhibit an
oestrogenic activity [60] or a behavioural effect [63].
Table 2.
Summary of the properties of α-pinenes,
alone or in synergy with other pinenes, reported
in scientific litterature
Anticarcinogenic (cytotoxic on cancer cells)
Capable of expelling xenobiotics
Anticholinesterase activity


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Lysine made it possible for me to drink milk again. Used to drink raw milk with no problem. After low carb could not drink it. Worse was pasteurized. Got LactAid and did fine but wanted to go back to raw. Couldn't get near it without getting gassy beyond anything civil! Started Lysine and now I can drink as much raw milk as I like. Perhaps that could help your digestion, too, Peata and Blossom.
Thanks RePeatRePeat. I think I damaged my villi by being too lax with gluten contamination (I have real Celiac) and thus I lost my ability to handle lactose again. I've regained it before so I'm sure I will get it back. Lesson learned. I might look into trying lysine at some point if it would help speed up the process. I don't think Peata has a problem with lactose or digestion but I could be wrong.


Jun 12, 2013
Been using 15 mg. K2 for about 6 days now. I feel like it may be doing some things, but time will tell. One thing I started feeling is sensation under my right breast where I fractured my ribs 1.5 years ago. It doesn't bother me these days unless I'm having prolonged coughing, but since taking this amount of K, I have felt a slight ache in that spot at times. No coughing been going on. I haven't aggravated it in any way I can think. Maybe the K2 is working on that spot?


Jun 12, 2013
Also dreaming more, kind of intense dreams. Not necessarily bad ones, but I'd prefer if my mind was resting more while I sleep, haha.

My temps are up more. I can feel the warmth in hands and arms especially. A little while ago, temp was 98.7 and pulse 88. I'd have a Wendy's Ultimate Grill Chicken Sandwich and some Coke earlier. But I believe I'm getting a little consistently higher temps since I upped the K2. I'm not using MitoLipin for a couple days now, so it's not that.

Moods are pretty good, less irritation.

No water weight lately.

But who knows, it could all be where I am in cycle, it could be the K2 or something else. All I can do is continue and hope to see signs of improved metabolism.

Adding - I'm off Biotin too. I tapered down from 10 mg 3 x day, took the last one yesterday. It was still helping but since I'd switched brands I felt like it wasn't helping as much. And if I've read right, the K2 should help with glucose metabolism.

I take a tiny amount of cyproheptadine now, as I'm tapering off. Been on it since Christmas Day. Might use it once or twice per week.

Since I'm not using MitoLipin right now, I may use the Swanson's gamma 2 or 3 x week but haven't started that back up yet.
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Jun 12, 2013
Hi Peata...I'm sure I missed this, but are you concerned about glucose metabolism again? Sorry for my memory lapse:sorry:

Yes, I have been concerned about it for a long time. I hadn't felt it was right, partly because of my hormonal symptoms (pcos) and lack of weight loss, the blood sugar issues.

I have been off Biotin for a couple days and knock on wood, no problems with blood sugar symptoms.

I think the K2 might be helping me out. I've been reading more on it.

It's good for the liver. I felt like my liver still wasn't as good as it could despite the supps I've taken like glycine, caffeine and so on. Because I've still had issues with estrogen.

Vitamin K also has anticancer effect, antibiotic, helps with mitochondria and can help with fat loss and oxidative stress.

I have taken K2 here and there over the last couple years but not this much. Usually 2 mg to 5 mg. Didn't notice much if anything. Occasional 10 mg. It was when I went to 15 mg. I think something is happening. I'll keep you updated.
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Jan 24, 2014
Wow, K2 does a LOT of good things!!! I had no idea...

So 15 mg. won't make your blood too thick? Sorry, I'm so clueless. The only thing I was aware of was blood coagulation properties and putting calcium where it something like that.

I am not thrilled with the performance of my liver the last few weeks either. I take glycine, caffeine, occasional taurine (when I remember). I need to really learn more about my liver.

"Something Happening" sounds promising:happy:


Jun 12, 2013
I'm feeling more energy lately too. Again, so many variables and my cycle effects me a lot so I'll hold off on getting my hopes up too much and see how the cycle progresses.

Here's some info from a post from haidut:

RP: There is a series that actually starts with vitamin K. It's a quinone structure that has been studied from about 1910 on as an anti-cancer, antiviral, energy-promoting, respiration-improving, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic substance. For example, vitamin K is now used to strengthen bones, prevent osteoporosis and prevent calcification of arteries. That's a basic, vital function that does have tremendous range of functions. The emodin in cascara is a three-ring substance and the tetracycline is a four-ring substance, but they are all quinones that are intensified by adding the extra ring. So from vitamin K all the way up to tetracycline, it's a similar biological effect. It sounds too good to be true, to be able to stimulate respiration, be anti-inflammatory, germicidal, anti-cancer and so on."

"...RP: If you put vitamin K and emodin and lapacho in a row and tetracycline (the antibiotic which is an anti-inflammatory), they're essentially the same structure with a different number of rings. But it's like each one is an analog of the other and each one has properties overlapping with those of the other — anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-stress."

and references he listed on his Kuinone page:


Bone Health


Cardiovascular disease (CVD)


Kidney Health


Neurological Health


Vitamin K2 is a mitochondrial electron carrier that rescues pink1 deficiency. - PubMed - NCBI

Kuinone - Liquid, High-dose Vitamin K2 (MK-4) Supplement


Jun 12, 2013
I mentioned that I was eating a lot more fat since about mid March, and then I got it under control again. But the weight did not want to come off. My weight was climbing toward the upper range again, in fact. It seems I get down to a certain number and it will not go lower, it rebounds back up no matter what. And I've said it before, but I've never been one to have a weight problem save for a few times where it climbed but I always got it under control and didn't have problems. But it's never been like this. Since I came to this "peating" and increased sugar and dairy, I've gained and not been able to really lose. Over the last couple years, I have tried all different macro ratios - higher protein, lower fat, lower and higher carb, work outs, reduced calories, supplements and everything else.

So now, I am not going to be stubborn and persist in an eating/lifestyle framework that has not given me results. It will probably be anathema, but this week:

-I am lowering dairy/calcium, not worrying about keeping calcium/phosphate tended by eating dairy or calcium supps.
-I am not concerning myself with balancing protein and carbs with carbs at the much higher level than I did before. If it causes a stress response, I will have some more carbs, otherwise I'm going to be lower with the carbs. Not low carb, just a lot lower than before.
-I am lowering my carbs by about half so far. I was getting 400 - 500 g. and starting Monday I went down to about 270 g. and yesterday to 260 g. I am going to try to end up around 150 - 200 g. per day.
-Eating less white sugar. Only using it in coffee so far, and not as much as before. Not eating as much fruit, just if it appeals.

I'm having 1/2 - 1 c. orange juice w/Natural Calm magnesium when I wake up and before bed. At bedtime, I stir in a little salt. I'm also taking more Natural Calm in the afternoon. Getting about 1 g. magnesium per day. The ionic kind in Natural Calm is the only kind of magnesium that seems to give me results. I have tried pretty much all the forms I know about. I think the magnesium could help with my hormonal imbalance. I'm also working on decalcifications. I never stuck with the Natural Calm long enough or took enough, I don't think.

I am using about 10 - 12 mg B6, 500 mg. Lysine, 12 mg preg, 5 mg K2. Glycine w meat. Had taken a week off MitoLipin but I intend to start back on that tonight.

Hold onto your horses - I was up to about 2 liter Coke everyday for a while (it had become a type of addiction), and now I'm down to about 12 oz. day.

Having coffee with a little dairy and sugar, I'm having 2 cups most days, occasionally up to 6 cups. I think it has been a little hard on my stomach and what I was taking for lowered blood sugar seems to be a gastric problem. Because when I thought I was having a blood sugar episode eariler, my temps were above 98.6 and pulse in low 90s, and so I do not think that was adrenaline. My stomach was bothering me though, and I realized it's probably some gastritis giving me those symptoms (they are similar for me in some ways to low bs). So there were times I have been taking more carbs thinking the problem was low blood sugar when it probably was not.

Obviously with less carbs, the other macros are going up. I'm eating more lean meat. Having steak, boneless skinless chicken, oysters, liver, turkey, etc. I'm hoping to still keep fat on the lower side as much as I can. But I'm using meats, coconut oil, been having some eggs lately. With the meat, I eat veggies. I've gone back to veggies that I really like, and I like a lot of them. I'm mostly eating them cooked, things like green beans, cauliflower, onions, peas in pod. Still eating potatoes and mushrooms.

So I've been doing this since Monday. I feel I'm able to go a little longer without feeling hungry or stressed. I don't have any bloat. My temps are good everytime I check them. I can feel the telltale sign for me - a pleasant heat in my hands, forearms and some in upper arms.
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