Pentagon creates MICROCHIP that will detect Covid-19 under skin


Deleted member 5487

The Pentagon has engaged in medical technology development since its creation. DARPA (which sponsored the development of this chip) is part of the Pentagon and has sponsored research of high social impact (e.g. "moonshot" projects) for decades. To the Pentagon, any technology that can impact the lives of entire mankind has inherent military value, and medical technology certainly meets that requirements. As such, they want to sponsor its creation/development to ensure they remain on the crest of the wave for any such groundbreaking technology, so they can control/direct it and be always ahead of their adversaries. Most of the vaccines developed in the US back in the 20th century were Pentagon projects as part of research on biological weapons.
Microsoft is Merging with the Pentagon with their virtual headsets 22 Billion, and cloud contract 10 billion, they also have backdoors into basically every computer in the country
Amazon is Merging with the intelligence agencies
Blackrock will just fund these megacorps equity/debt with mom and pop 401k/pension. Thats what the green new deal is about

It's Becoming One Big MegaCorp. Or Corporate Facism. Very similar to Mussolini's.

Even worse is the "Infrustructure bill" is identical to mussolinis/Hitlers which is really just going to buy off large parts of the population and make them dependent on the state so their is no resistance to further draconian measures or wars.


Jul 8, 2019
I have to say, the woke crowd is really gunning for winning the Darwin awards for the next several years in a row.

I keep thinking the same thing. Why did they go after their own people, the people who can be counted on to do whatever the elites want?

They're leaving only smart and rebellious people standing. Odd choice for Goldfinger types.

Just found out my best sister got the vaccine, two doses already. She wanted to return to normal life.


Jul 8, 2019

I can just hear my sister. "I was tired of carrying ID around."


Jul 8, 2019
Yeah sure it will, that’s how they will try to sell blockchain identity, it’s yours, a sovereign individual, sell your data how you please, empowerment, backdoors are everywhere in these systems, the amount of data you are generating "anonymously" means companies like Palantir will know your patterns, can easily tell who it is.

Have you heard about the Quantum Financial System that is supposedly already installed, ready for the switch to be flipped?

Things like the SWIFT payment system will reportedly end and every dollar will be trackable. Optimists believe this will cause the illegal holdings of the ClA, Vatican, Mafia, etc. to evaporate overnight.

I've got friends whose entire life savings are in casino gaming chips, keep wondering what happens to them.


Feb 18, 2016
Have you heard about the Quantum Financial System that is supposedly already installed, ready for the switch to be flipped?

Things like the SWIFT payment system will reportedly end and every dollar will be trackable. Optimists believe this will cause the illegal holdings of the ClA, Vatican, Mafia, etc. to evaporate overnight.

I've got friends whose entire life savings are in casino gaming chips, keep wondering what happens to them.
David Chaum is the only one I know of working on quantum algorithms, XX coin. He is also working on secure communication pathways via the use of quantum algorithms. It sounds good, something we need, no metadata, the question is can he be trusted, is there still a backdoor to spy somehow?
Its early days, still in beta but I’m keeping an eye on it.
He created the first crypto coin I believe.


Mar 15, 2014
It's not going to happen, at least not this abruptly. Maybe if you can entice people to "chip" themselves on their own terms, like for fitness or virtual reality, then it'll catch on.


Jan 15, 2016
Microsoft is Merging with the Pentagon with their virtual headsets 22 Billion, and cloud contract 10 billion, they also have backdoors into basically every computer in the country
Amazon is Merging with the intelligence agencies
Blackrock will just fund these megacorps equity/debt with mom and pop 401k/pension. Thats what the green new deal is about

It's Becoming One Big MegaCorp. Or Corporate Facism. Very similar to Mussolini's.

Even worse is the "Infrustructure bill" is identical to mussolinis/Hitlers which is really just going to buy off large parts of the population and make them dependent on the state so their is no resistance to further draconian measures or wars.

Deleted member 5487

It's not going to happen, at least not this abruptly. Maybe if you can entice people to "chip" themselves on their own terms, like for fitness or virtual reality, then it'll catch on.
Won't come to chipping for a few years. Your already chipped=with Applewatchs/Fitbits(google), Cell Phones, and apples new release which will track Key/sWallet so your pretty much never moving around without data collection.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It's not going to happen, at least not this abruptly. Maybe if you can entice people to "chip" themselves on their own terms, like for fitness or virtual reality, then it'll catch on.

Actually, it's already happening and been going on since least in the UK. So, by now the elite have already perfected their PR game and can even claim their "pilot" projects were smashing success so everybody should just hurry up and get chipped../s
I wonder if @Drareg has heard anything more on the topic as I have not seen anything else in the media since those original articles from 2018. The picture from the BBC article below just makes me cringe. Did they think such images will somehow encourage people line up to get the chip implanted??

Deleted member 5487

Actually, it's already happening and been going on since least in the UK. So, by now the elite have already perfected their PR game and can even claim their "pilot" projects were smashing success so everybody should just hurry up and get chipped../s
I wonder if @Drareg has heard anything more on the topic as I have not seen anything else in the media since those original articles from 2018. The picture from the BBC article below just makes me cringe. Did they think such images will somehow encourage people line up to get the chip implanted??

Chipping and Digital Central Bank Cryptos are another step in Corporate Totalaltarinism.

Where entering into a Neofeudal society. It's Run From Davos Billionaire Club. Essentially they're gonna do everything they can to hold on to what's been gained.

Lots of things starting going wrong in 2019 with the financial system as well as stuff like yellow vests protests which was scaring the ***t out of Old European Money.

2020 was a powergrab and started the process of lowering people expectations/lifestyles/standard of living through massive unemployment.
Getting people use to apartments, click farms(work from home), TV, and Some food(soon to be GMO plant based only).

You've done more research on the vaccine than me, so we will see how it plans out. Could be a slow kill to provide continued profits for big pharma, down right kill you, or just make you more docile. Of course Rockefellers Pfizer looks like it's getting the monopoly on vaccines for the EU with 1.8 Billion doses planned through 2023. At an average of $23.5 comes out to like 42 billion in profit paid for with nations states Public tax dollars. Reducing nation states and civilians to furthur debt peonage to the financial oligarchy.

Will be interesting decade for sure. Hopefully humanity prevails.

Best to keep your head down, avoid those clearly bought into the "official reality", try to keep a creative and healthy lifestyle with likeminded folks.

Also best thing you can do is realize your living in profit/data farm and getting leeched on by Big Pharma(Vaccine), Military Industrial Complex(Defense Spending), Landlords/Banks(Mortgage/Rent), Data( Google, FB, Apple...etc). This is what corporate toltaltarism is. The State is nothing but a front for the corporation
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Aug 17, 2016

Chipping and Digital Central Bank Cryptos are all control mechanisms.

What's unfolding is totalitarian Corporatism and a transition into a feudal/slave society. It's Run From Davos Billionaire Club. Essentially they're gonna do everything they can to hold on to what's been gained.

Lots and Lots of things starting going wrong in 2019 with the financial system as well as stuff like yellow vests protests which was scaring the ***t out of Old European Money.

2020 was a powergrab and started the process of lowering people expectations/lifestyles/standard of living through massive unemployment.
Getting people use to apartments, click farms(work from home), TV, and Some food(soon to be GMO plant based only).

You've done more research on the vaccine than me, so we will see how it plans out. Could be a slow kill to provide continued profits for big pharma, down right kill you, or just make you more docile. Of course Rockefellers Pfizer looks like it's getting the monopoly on vaccines for the EU with 1.8 Billion doses planned through 2023. At an average of $23.5 comes out to like 45 billion in profit paid for with nations states Public tax dollars. Reducing nation states and civilians to furthur debt peonage.

Will be interesting decade for sure. Hopefully humanity prevails.


Feb 18, 2016
Actually, it's already happening and been going on since least in the UK. So, by now the elite have already perfected their PR game and can even claim their "pilot" projects were smashing success so everybody should just hurry up and get chipped../s
I wonder if @Drareg has heard anything more on the topic as I have not seen anything else in the media since those original articles from 2018. The picture from the BBC article below just makes me cringe. Did they think such images will somehow encourage people line up to get the chip implanted??

Im getting the impression the chips are for 2030, the intelligence report I posted about gives this impression, the kids now who they are bombarding with propaganda will be the ones crying out for change when a "climate disaster" strikes us around this time, they will take over according to the report, the woke ones will return and save the world with authoritarian measures labeled as humanitarian, probably led by the Swedish omen Greta thunberg.

I think it’s enough time for the migrant issue to reach boiling point also, the solution will be geofencing of sorts via chips, this will be the first move to open boarders, just like free trade is not free trade, open boarders will be the same, conditions, it’s a human Ponzi scheme for consumers driven by big corporate groups and big banks.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
and Some food(soon to be GMO plant based only).

The dairy isle (both packed and refrigerated/fresh items) in the local WholeFoods has lost about 90% of the actual dairy products and has replaced them with almond, cashew, oat, soy and other plan "milk" varieties. Yet, the isle is still called "dairy". It must be some kind of sick social experiment - i.e. if they keep calling plants "dairy", how long before people get used to it and start using the term to refer to plants. So, the push to replace all of our food with mass-produced, GMO plant crap is in full swing, at least in bigger stores like WholeFoods, Safeway, Giant, etc. Judging from how sales have been going, most people are not buying the plant "milk" stuff much...but the "younger" people do buy that junk. I put "younger" in quotes as most of them look like prematurely aged sex-dolls, both men and women. It looks like avoiding real food is working "wonders" for the health of Gen Z and the younger portion of Millenials...
I agree that it may be partially a plot to increase medical services/product consumption. "Healthcare" is almost 20% of GDP and consumption has been lagging since 2010, so this "pandemic" is a perfect opportunity to get everybody back on the train again. Even if it is just as mental health patients, the ranks of which skyrocketed in 2020.


Mar 18, 2016
. Yet, the isle is still called "dairy".

Calling these products "dairy" has to be the biggest travesty in the food industry ever. Georgi, you will appreciate it that in my experience this misnomer mainly happens in English speaking countries, especially in North America. While it's true that non-milk based drinks are starting to gain some traction in Europe and smaller countries, they are not popularly referred to as "milk or dairy".

If you ask for a latte in a coffee shop in a small European country, they'll ask you if you want the "normal" milk, or "the other", which I find very telling. This is my experience at least.

but the "younger" people do buy that junk.

This is not sustainable business wise. Only young people that don't have to look after a family buy this crap, and mainly when they are following some kind of fad diet. I was guilty of this. Even in my most hardcore paleo days, and with plenty of money to spend on food being single with a good salary, I thought it was outrageous to pay $12 for a bottle of almond milk. I don't see anyone making these products part of their regular shopping list for more than a year or two. Eventually economics get people back on their feet.

edit: misspelling
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Aug 17, 2016
The dairy isle (both packed and refrigerated/fresh items) in the local WholeFoods has lost about 90% of the actual dairy products and has replaced them with almond, cashew, oat, soy and other plan "milk" varieties. Yet, the isle is still called "dairy". It must be some kind of sick social experiment - i.e. if they keep calling plants "dairy", how long before people get used to it and start using the term to refer to plants. So, the push to replace all of our food with mass-produced, GMO plant crap is in full swing, at least in bigger stores like WholeFoods, Safeway, Giant, etc. Judging from how sales have been going, most people are not buying the plant "milk" stuff much...but the "younger" people do buy that junk. I put "younger" in quotes as most of them look like prematurely aged sex-dolls, both men and women. It looks like avoiding real food is working "wonders" for the health of Gen Z and the younger portion of Millenials...
I agree that it may be partially a plot to increase medical services/product consumption. "Healthcare" is almost 20% of GDP and consumption has been lagging since 2010, so this "pandemic" is a perfect opportunity to get everybody back on the train again. Even if it is just as mental health patients, the ranks of which skyrocketed in 2020.
Peanut"butter" was the first attack on dairy.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Feb 18, 2016
The dairy isle (both packed and refrigerated/fresh items) in the local WholeFoods has lost about 90% of the actual dairy products and has replaced them with almond, cashew, oat, soy and other plan "milk" varieties. Yet, the isle is still called "dairy". It must be some kind of sick social experiment - i.e. if they keep calling plants "dairy", how long before people get used to it and start using the term to refer to plants. So, the push to replace all of our food with mass-produced, GMO plant crap is in full swing, at least in bigger stores like WholeFoods, Safeway, Giant, etc. Judging from how sales have been going, most people are not buying the plant "milk" stuff much...but the "younger" people do buy that junk. I put "younger" in quotes as most of them look like prematurely aged sex-dolls, both men and women. It looks like avoiding real food is working "wonders" for the health of Gen Z and the younger portion of Millenials...
I agree that it may be partially a plot to increase medical services/product consumption. "Healthcare" is almost 20% of GDP and consumption has been lagging since 2010, so this "pandemic" is a perfect opportunity to get everybody back on the train again. Even if it is just as mental health patients, the ranks of which skyrocketed in 2020.

Dairy is gone woke.

Almond milk is real milk.
Soy milk is real milk.
Oat milk is real milk.

They identify as real milk, plantdairyphobia (PDP) is hate, almond/soy/oats have nipples and can chest feed.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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