Pharma Companies Lie About Drug Benefits And Hide Side Effects


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Not that this is anything new, but one of the shocking findings of the study is that officially prescribed, approved drugs are the 3rd leading cause of death in UK, after cancer and CVD. But given that many of the cancer and CVD cases may very well be caused by these same drugs, the scary truth may be that these drugs are the main cause of iatrogenic death in the UK, and possibly in every developed country. Note that the pharma representative did not call the allegations over drugs being the 3rd leading death cause "false", "wrong" or "untrue" but rather simply "misleading". This is almost always done when the truth of the claim cannot be denied but the accused party is hoping to twist the story into somehow being taken out of context or needing additional clarification, or not being their fault.

Biased information from pharmaceutical companies is 'costing hundreds of thousands of lives'

"...Pharmaceutical companies are causing biased information to be given to doctors about the efficacy of drugs, causing an epidemic of misinformed practitioners that is “costing hundreds of thousands of lives” across the world, it has been claimed. Speaking to The Independent, Dr Aseem Malhotra, an NHS cardiologist and a trustee of the King’s Fund health think tank, claims there is “a systemic lack of transparency in the information being given to doctors to prescribe medication, in terms of the benefits of drugs being grossly exaggerated and their side effects under reported in studies”.

"...“Institutions such as universities, medical journals and doctors collude wittingly or unwittingly with the medical industry for financial gain,” Dr Malhotra said."

"...The spokesperson added that the “suggestion that prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after cancer and heart disease is misleading and is certainly not a statistic recognised by either the World Health Organisation nor the Office for National Statistics in the UK”.


Mar 29, 2016
And because of this I don't trust conventional medical doctors, who prescribe first and deal with side-effects later, as a matter of practicality (why get bogged down skimming through the fine line) and also as a matter of being resigned to the fact that all drugs at their disposal have side effects. When I discuss with them the side effects, the first thing they say is "all drugs have side effects" in a rather "what's new" kind of response.

It is therefore our job practically to read the label for side effects, as the doctors can't be trusted to do it. Not doing so risks letting the side effects take its hold, leading to another condition, for which another specialist and a new set of drugs will be used.

This leads eventually to a cocktail of drugs in use by a patient. It makes Scarface rather tame, considering that this result is the norm, and is replicated all across hospitals. This situation is abetted by the health insurance system, which almost always do not reimburse for treatment with medicine that has no side effects.

The medical system is the largest drug pusher, and the only difference with the Sinaloa cartel is that it is operates legally, and legitimized by people wearing white coats that went to college at great expense and were taught wrong things. Their standard answer is "I don't know why, here, take this."
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May 11, 2016
The truth is coming out. I've been watching The Truth About Vaccines docuseries. Lots of enlightening gems in it. :(


Mar 29, 2016
The way most doctors think nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised if Silicon Valley creates a Robotic Doc and replaces all these doctors, and the jobless human doctors have to retrain themselves into using their minds like humans, and start curing patients.


And because of this I don't trust conventional medical doctors, who prescribe first and deal with side-effects later, as a matter of practicality (why get bogged down skimming through the fine line) and also as a matter of being resigned to the fact that all drugs at their disposal have side effects. When I discuss with them the side effects, the first thing they say is "all drugs have side effects" in a rather "what's new" kind of response.

It is therefore our job practically to read the label for side effects, as the doctors can't be trusted to do it. Not doing so risks letting the side effects take its hold, leading to another condition, for which another specialist and a new set of drugs will be used.

This leads eventually to a cocktail of drugs in use by a patient. It makes Scarface rather tame, considering that this result is the norm, and is replicated all across hospitals. This situation is abetted by the health insurance system, which almost always do not reimburse for treatment with medicine that has no side effects.

The medical system is the largest drug pusher, and the only difference with the Sinaloa cartel is that it is operates legally, and legitimized by people wearing white coats that went to college at great expense and were taught wrong things. Their standard answer is "I don't know why, here, take this."
This. Well said and the mix of these cocktails truly compromises the patient. The sad thing? None of the specialists understand the "mix" nor how it will lead to slow steady decline. No way to help the patient short of stopping all medications.


Mar 29, 2016
This. Well said and the mix of these cocktails truly compromises the patient. The sad thing? None of the specialists understand the "mix" nor how it will lead to slow steady decline. No way to help the patient short of stopping all medications.
Sad, isn't it? Doctors are just as susceptible to human foibles as the rest of us are. While we can be guilty of having our own echo chambers in our political persuasion, doctors have their own echo chamber in regards to medical orientation. Furthermore, their echo chambers are well financed - career advancement by not rocking the pharma boat, with ostracization and loss of position/office/clinic at the hospital for daring to question the system; freebies in the form of conventions in swank resorts, generous speaking fees (a la Clinton), stipends, grants, honoraria, directorships etc.

All these are theirs to lose when they start to put patient first over other considerations.

With respect to the Hippocratic Oath, there are no Originalists in the mainstream medical system. These doctors can relate very well to SS officers that followed immoral orders from their superiors - they have no choice and their family depended on them.


Apr 16, 2017
Great's to bad dr Malhotra thinks sugar is as bad as cigarettes and people should not consume more 3 teaspoons a day!!!.... He links sugar tooth decay and disease........I just don't get it.!!!!.... this guy is smart "educated" looks fit good looking seems to know what he taking about and most of all so convincing......Haidut you should write a short e-book on sugar.....sooooo much confusion.....the Dr. even thinks we should put warning labels on products......danger sugar!!!! Lol I missing something ? No more cream....Orange juice..gummies bears......these things have been lifesavers in the last 2 years as I have regained my health at 60.... after paleo and anti sugar ( lots of stress)for about 3 years.....thanks to ray, haidut, this forum, and danny ......I have learned how stress "is" the main problem, BUT has many faces..thanks again to all !:happy:


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Great's to bad dr Malhotra thinks sugar is as bad as cigarettes and people should not consume more 3 teaspoons a day!!!.... He links sugar tooth decay and disease........I just don't get it.!!!!.... this guy is smart "educated" looks fit good looking seems to know what he taking about and most of all so convincing......Haidut you should write a short e-book on sugar.....sooooo much confusion.....the Dr. even thinks we should put warning labels on products......danger sugar!!!! Lol I missing something ? No more cream....Orange juice..gummies bears......these things have been lifesavers in the last 2 years as I have regained my health at 60.... after paleo and anti sugar ( lots of stress)for about 3 years.....thanks to ray, haidut, this forum, and danny ......I have learned how stress "is" the main problem, BUT has many faces..thanks again to all !:happy:

Yet at the same time sugar is the primary food they give in hospitals as IV nutrition and some people stay on sugar drip for days/weeks. I have not heard any doctor yet complain of hoe dangerous this IV drip is for his/her patients :):
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