
Jun 2, 2017
Just like everything else these days, they say this plant-based diet will be forced on us in the name of another crisis—“climate crisis”; the typical manipulate-by-crisis strategy we’ve been enduring these last two years. Focusing on the need to reduce carbon footprint, by way of less farting cows (only in this unhinged era is that not a joke) and less eating people. Maybe they’ll try the subtle modification this time: “Just two weeks to flatten the curves”.


Oct 15, 2021
Nestle one of, if not the worlds largest food producer has purchases major stakes in multiple plant based meat companies in recent times. behemoths like Nestle are big enough push their agenda through multiple angles, marketing, distribution, funded research, opposition research and media etc. It's multipronged and a multi year approach. As consumer sentiment rises with health claims, along with negative media about real meat sources, and paid influencers pushing the meatless agenda we will only see more of this I'm afraid.
Apr 4, 2021
Nestle one of, if not the worlds largest food producer has purchases major stakes in multiple plant based meat companies in recent times. behemoths like Nestle are big enough push their agenda through multiple angles, marketing, distribution, funded research, opposition research and media etc. It's multipronged and a multi year approach. As consumer sentiment rises with health claims, along with negative media about real meat sources, and paid influencers pushing the meatless agenda we will only see more of this I'm afraid.
satanic behemoth versus united stand of energetic milk drinkers
choose your side


Mar 2, 2021
This is the result of billionaires controlling things. This "movement" did not start from a grassroots. These billionaires are working overtime to push they soy garbage by paying influencers to promote promote promote.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I can't see veganism taking hold in this cattle ranching state. Maybe meat prices will come down some when there is less demand from big urban areas.


Jan 24, 2022
I was thinking of starting a thread about this as well.
Vegan and plant based stuff is being pushed so much, especially this month which they call Veganuary.
Makes me want to do the exact opposite.
The sad thing is that most vegans who are natty are literally on the brink of starvation due to their vegan lifestyle. They're willing to sacrifice their health just to protect a few measly animals that don't feel the same way towards humans, they can spit all propaganda at me all they want, they ain't gonna convince me to ever try a plant based diet.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I wouldn't worry about it. Beyond Meat is pretty much done. Institutional investors dumped it already. Consumer are just not buying it (pun intended).


Working in a health food store I have noticed the "plant based" foods being pushed like never before. I noticed yesterday we now carry almost nothing in the frozen foods that doesn't say "plant based". I read the ingredients of these items and they are replacing meat and dairy with soy and cheap oils. Insane!!!! The thing that blows my mind the most is people are eating these plant based items up (literally). Also our entire dairy department has basically become a "dairy alternative" department. The only people I see purchasing real dairy etc are the foreigners.

I'm vegetarian not full vegan, but I still enjoy eating some of the plant based meats just for the taste. I know they're not healthy but they are tasty. It's near impossible to be perfect 100% of the time regardless of your diet. My choice to be vegetarian is not so much for health, but for morality.

I'll make my argument but please know I have no judgement on anyone's dietary choice. This is simply my reasoning for why I don't eat meat, which is likely the reason for most Vegans, and why there is a massive increase in Plant Based living. (With links for some evidence)

There's a lot to say about the negativity of plant based meat. But there's also a lot to say about normal meat. The way the animals are jailed and live a torturous life of negativity and fear. The mother cows have their calves ripped away from them at birth and there are videos of the mother cow crying for her lost child. It's a sick and twisted industry, the animals are not loved, they are not allowed to love, they are treated like food even when they're alive.

And it is severely naïve and ignorant to do this with the belief that animals don't have consciousness.

This may get too spiritually woowoo for most people, but this could also be explained scientifically and chemically. It is my personal belief that the negative and terrified energy, and just the stress that most of those animals live their entire life with, can get trapped inside their physical body, their organs, muscles and fat. Chemically, that would be the immense amount of stress hormones produced in the animals. This is one reason why I belief calves are preferred for their meat than adult cows, they have less years of built up stress in their body so they taste better. But the stress is still there. Of course there's also the reason that it gets more expensive to raise the calves, and that's likely the primary reason.

In this belief I have, that stressful energy (or chemical stress hormones) is then consumed when eating the body of the animal. This may be why you feel stronger and more alert on animal protein, it's stressful energy. Stressful energy is great in survival situations, but everyday, not so much.

Even if the animals don't live a scary terrifying life, their homes are mostly overcrowded. Overcrowding creates stress that they live with their entire lives.

Many slaughter houses don't hide the killing from the other animals either, the animals are lined up and they all see or hear what their fate beholds. They know their family is being slaughtered, so their last moments of their lives are the purest form of fear and stress. Follow the link below, the baby cow is terrified and sees the blood of his family and friends. (There's no actual killing seen in this video, the footage stops before that happens)

There's also a great interview with Dr David Sinclair on living plant based vs eating meat. The analogies he mentions are, plant based living makes your physiology more like an elephant, your physical body energy and metabolism is slower and longer lasting and you live longer. While the more meat you eat, the more your physical energy symbolizes a rat. Much faster metabolism, higher stress energy and faster aging.

He said rat in his analogy, but I would say Lion. I would theorize based on Dr Sinclair's conclusions, the more meat you eat, the more carnivore you are, the more your body changes into a carnivorous body. A carnivorous body must be faster and more powerful to catch its prey. But they also have shorter lifespans. They age faster.

I know when I ate lots of meat I was so much easier to irritate. It's a night and day difference from then to now, I am so calm and stress free, and very level headed in stressful situations. I don't panic in high stress situations which lets me control the situation. That wasn't always the case when I ate meat.

There was recently a series of videos from a man, working at the factory that makes animal feed that went viral on Tik Tok. It shows that animal feed is made of literal garbage. Plastic, cardboard, it's literally garbage from the tip. As seen in the link below.


That's what animals eat. Those animals are then eaten by you.

If you read this and feel angered, if you're defensive right now. If you feel the need to become a keyboard warrior and slap me down, thinking this is all BS. That is likely your social programming talking. Your programming doesn't want you to see or believe anything that it does not allow to be seen or believed.

A lot of what I said could be wrong, particularly the spiritual energy stuff. But it could be right. Everything else has a tonne of evidence to back it up, so it should NOT be instantly disregarded.

If you read this and thought these were interesting points that warrant further investigation. If you have not concluded anything but took these notes into consideration, even if they challenge your current beliefs. Congratulations! You are free of programming :D


Jan 7, 2017
I wouldn't worry about it. Beyond Meat is pretty much done. Institutional investors dumped it already. Consumer are just not buying it (pun intended).
Yup, this is true. Even devoted whole food plant-based diet folks do not recommend these products. I wouldn't eat them. Too much fat/PUFA, and other junk. Admittedly, I'm finding that I am feeling better on a wfpb WOE. But I do it for my health, mainly. I am against mandates of all kinds. I'm pro choice, pro bodily integrity. Pro human, pro whatever the eff works for you, just don't harm anyone as best you can. To put it bluntly, don't be a d**k, don't be a b***h. My rules for life ??? Be kind. Not too difficult in my experience. You do you, I'll worry about me. I'm a libertarian in principles, etc. I know I'm an outlier. Imagine, a libertarian lesbian vegan patriot. Yes, we exist!! Lol...


Jan 7, 2017
I'm vegetarian not full vegan, but I still enjoy eating some of the plant based meats just for the taste. I know they're not healthy but they are tasty. It's near impossible to be perfect 100% of the time regardless of your diet. My choice to be vegetarian is not so much for health, but for morality.

I'll make my argument but please know I have no judgement on anyone's dietary choice. This is simply my reasoning for why I don't eat meat, which is likely the reason for most Vegans, and why there is a massive increase in Plant Based living. (With links for some evidence)

There's a lot to say about the negativity of plant based meat. But there's also a lot to say about normal meat. The way the animals are jailed and live a torturous life of negativity and fear. The mother cows have their calves ripped away from them at birth and there are videos of the mother cow crying for her lost child. It's a sick and twisted industry, the animals are not loved, they are not allowed to love, they are treated like food even when they're alive.

And it is severely naïve and ignorant to do this with the belief that animals don't have consciousness.

This may get too spiritually woowoo for most people, but this could also be explained scientifically and chemically. It is my personal belief that the negative and terrified energy, and just the stress that most of those animals live their entire life with, can get trapped inside their physical body, their organs, muscles and fat. Chemically, that would be the immense amount of stress hormones produced in the animals. This is one reason why I belief calves are preferred for their meat than adult cows, they have less years of built up stress in their body so they taste better. But the stress is still there. Of course there's also the reason that it gets more expensive to raise the calves, and that's likely the primary reason.

In this belief I have, that stressful energy (or chemical stress hormones) is then consumed when eating the body of the animal. This may be why you feel stronger and more alert on animal protein, it's stressful energy. Stressful energy is great in survival situations, but everyday, not so much.

Even if the animals don't live a scary terrifying life, their homes are mostly overcrowded. Overcrowding creates stress that they live with their entire lives.

Many slaughter houses don't hide the killing from the other animals either, the animals are lined up and they all see or hear what their fate beholds. They know their family is being slaughtered, so their last moments of their lives are the purest form of fear and stress. Follow the link below, the baby cow is terrified and sees the blood of his family and friends. (There's no actual killing seen in this video, the footage stops before that happens)

There's also a great interview with Dr David Sinclair on living plant based vs eating meat. The analogies he mentions are, plant based living makes your physiology more like an elephant, your physical body energy and metabolism is slower and longer lasting and you live longer. While the more meat you eat, the more your physical energy symbolizes a rat. Much faster metabolism, higher stress energy and faster aging.

He said rat in his analogy, but I would say Lion. I would theorize based on Dr Sinclair's conclusions, the more meat you eat, the more carnivore you are, the more your body changes into a carnivorous body. A carnivorous body must be faster and more powerful to catch its prey. But they also have shorter lifespans. They age faster.

I know when I ate lots of meat I was so much easier to irritate. It's a night and day difference from then to now, I am so calm and stress free, and very level headed in stressful situations. I don't panic in high stress situations which lets me control the situation. That wasn't always the case when I ate meat.

There was recently a series of videos from a man, working at the factory that makes animal feed that went viral on Tik Tok. It shows that animal feed is made of literal garbage. Plastic, cardboard, it's literally garbage from the tip. As seen in the link below.


That's what animals eat. Those animals are then eaten by you.

If you read this and feel angered, if you're defensive right now. If you feel the need to become a keyboard warrior and slap me down, thinking this is all BS. That is likely your social programming talking. Your programming doesn't want you to see or believe anything that it does not allow to be seen or believed.

A lot of what I said could be wrong, particularly the spiritual energy stuff. But it could be right. Everything else has a tonne of evidence to back it up, so it should NOT be instantly disregarded.

If you read this and thought these were interesting points that warrant further investigation. If you have not concluded anything but took these notes into consideration, even if they challenge your current beliefs. Congratulations! You are free of programming :D

You make aot of excellent points here, and I agree with you. Not triggered at all!! Animals are treated very inhumanely in my opinion. Humans can do better and some are trying, I think. For me, I feel heavy, acidic and lethargic, and I gain weight, when I eat meat. I can't consume any dairy due to severe intolerances. I'm a fan of individualism and people making their own decisions and choices about how they live their lives. No force, no mandates of any kind.


Feb 12, 2020
I'm vegetarian not full vegan, but I still enjoy eating some of the plant based meats just for the taste. I know they're not healthy but they are tasty. It's near impossible to be perfect 100% of the time regardless of your diet. My choice to be vegetarian is not so much for health, but for morality.

vegetarians are the most annoying group out of all of them because they speak from a place of privilege of being able to tolerate eggs and dairy very well -two of the most problematic and allergenic foods out there. If you couldn't make eggs and dairy your staple protein source, you'll either waste away being vegan or you'd quickly get off your high horse and realise that you NEED fish/meat. Not to mention eggs and dairy are the byproduct of the same maligned industry. (This is why you go for free range/wild/grass fed which is talked about on his forum all the time, not necessarily for moral reasons but more in the interest of health and food quality). You need to go full vegan, Adam, because your current stance is very hypocritical. You need to practice the advice you preach to those who are dairy and egg intolerant
Last edited:


Jun 2, 2017


Jan 7, 2017
vegetarians are the most annoying group out of all of them because they speak from a place of privilege of being able to tolerate eggs and dairy very well -two of the most problematic and allergenic foods out there. If you couldn't make eggs and dairy your staple protein source, you'll either waste away being vegan or you'd quickly get off your high horse and realise that you NEED fish/meat. Not to mention eggs and dairy are the byproduct of the same maligned industry. (This is why you go for free range/wild/grass fed which is talked about on his forum all the time, not necessarily for moral reasons but more in the interest of health and food quality). You need to go full vegan, Adam, because your current stance is very hypocritical. You need to practice the advice you preach to those who are dairy and egg intolerant
Why does anyone "need" to do anything except what works for them? What about the value of N=1? And why do you care so much what Adam does? Just curious. Seems like people get so fired up and angry about the vegan/plant-based thing, and the vegans can be a very judgmental group, too! Just everyone stop judging others and let it be. That would be my advice. And people do not "need" to eat meat, fish, eggs. YOU may feel you need to, but not everyone does. Just sayin' ... Have a beautiful day! Embrace bodily integrity and personal choice! You do you and let the rest take care of themselves. Peace out ...

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Why does anyone "need" to do anything except what works for them? What about the value of N=1? And why do you care so much what Adam does? Just curious.

Agree, it's not a religion.

Adam's post, though, was filled with the passive-aggressive-type evangelization that is so typical of activist vegans. Live-and-let-live seems to be antithetical to their values. There's always this guilt-inducing moralization tone to their comments


Until they start trying to ban meat and milk - not so happy peating then


Jun 20, 2015
Interesting. Based on that thread, it seems simply letting the cows roam again could solve the problem; though, of course, there would be less crops.
When a farmer uses animals to keep the soil healthy and fertile he will probably have more profit despite less crops.


Jan 7, 2017
Agree, it's not a religion.

Adam's post, though, was filled with the passive-aggressive-type evangelization that is so typical of activist vegans. Live-and-let-live seems to be antithetical to their values. There's always this guilt-inducing moralization tone to their comments
Very fair point. I have found that very few people appreciate being proselytized to or evangelized. I don't. I agreed with his points about the harm to animals, in general, and it's unfortunate. I am definitely a live-and-let-live person. I'm happy to educate and inform, share my own perspective, but I know deep within is that each individual must arrive at their own conclusions about issues, etc. including ways of eating. I have eaten all kinds of diets/WOEs. No single one ever healed my gut problems. But I feel best...occasionally still shitty, tho, on a WFPB diet. Ideally, if I could be a breatharian, it would be best for my deranged guts. I have a lot of PTSD around foods but I've ranted about that on another thread so I'll leave it there. Peace, always ???
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