Plants Can Be Anesthetized, May Have Electronic Consciousness Like Humans


Jan 23, 2017
The Sufis have said mountains, streams, rivers, lakes, stars, etc., have consciousness/conscious awareness of some type. Good to see modern western science is catching up to them.

"The planets, the stars, the solar system, and probably the galaxy are alive and conscious."

I think it's the fact that they're alive and you can put them to sleep with anaesthesia that points to them having a conciousness.

Electron potentials are just our clumsy way of quantifying it.

@haidut do plants have electromagnetic fields?

The planets, the stars, the solar system, and probably the galaxy are alive and conscious.

I'd say earth is a meta conciousness made up of a collection of different conciousnesses, sort of like how our experience of human conciousness is made up the combined interaction of our neural, bacterial, circulatory, and endocrine systems.

I think earths conciousness is made up of the combined interaction of its magnetic, oceanic, biological, and geothermal systems. Victo schaubergers living water system goes a way into explaining what I'm talking about. The streams and deltas and lakes and rivers are all connected to the oceans which are connected to each other and I think collectively they would act as a living system. Same with the biodome and the other earthly systems.

I'm fascinated by the earths core. Its more or less accepted that it didnt form via accretion like we were all taught. It functions like an electric dynamo, and is powered by the electromagnetic energy coming from the sun. It's spin is responsible for the electromagnetic field that protects the earth and allows life to exist.
Dec 25, 2014
Yeah I think it's important to define consciousness in terms of this discussion. I am taking it to mean something similar to what animals (including humans) experience in terms of an 'I', a sense of self within the world and environment and freedom of action there in. Plants are predictable in terms of their behavioural reactions to stimuli and their environment, and these reactions to stimuli (even though they may be extremely intelligent, complex and highly evolved) are replica-table time and time again just like with reflexes or the way computers respond.. Sentient conscious animals' behavioural reactions are not. There must be some defining difference that differentiates sentient creatures that have freedom of action and thought within their environment compared to intelligent life like plants that have a predictable reactions that can be repeated over and over with the same outcome, don't you think? I would deem that difference consciousness, conscious awareness or sentience.. But if you are taking consciousness to mean anything that can react intelligently with its environment and be aware of its surrounding stimuli from a sensory perspective and react accordingly, then of course plant life and bacteria would be included. In the same sense, a coma patient will react to their environment and stimuli in an intelligent way, they will digest food/nutrients through a drip, have cellular reactions and reflexes to probing etc, regenerate hair and so forth, self regulate body temperature, breathe and convert oxygen and so forth.. However we wouldn't say they are conscious would we?

I think you underestimate plants and overestimate other forms of life. Plants can have novel reaction to repeated stimuli.

Those things yourw describing are autonomous and unconcious. Anesthesia doesn't halt autonomous biological processes it halts conciousness. Thats the gist of the post.


Nov 22, 2015
I think you underestimate plants and overestimate other forms of life. Plants can have novel reaction to repeated stimuli.

Those things yourw describing are autonomous and unconcious. Anesthesia doesn't halt autonomous biological processes it halts conciousness. Thats the gist of the post.
I think you are misunderstanding the point I am making and the question I'm asking, plants and animals have many similarities so it makes sense that plants would react in a de-sensitory nature to anaesthetics. However, I am asking what is it in the post or the studies that suggests that plants actually have consciousness or conscious awareness (given we are in agreement about what consciousness is), even if they do react to anaesthesia? Baring in mind that scientists don't understand how anesthesia works to begin with in humans and other animals, let alone plants and just because plants react in a de-sensitory nature doesn't mean it is the same type of affect and certainly doesn't infer consciousness.. Perhaps you can explain?
Just a side note, I have a great appreciation and love for plants and plant life, and all living things really, I mean how can you not when you really think about it and and how connected everything is.. I also think plants certainly have an electric energy to them, subtle yet powerful and very interactive with us and other animals around it, can be calming, peaceful, insightful, mysterious.. what I am saying is in no way detracting from that, I am just addressing the topic of consciousness and conscious awareness that this thread relates to..
Also, you seem to be playing down unconscious processes, which are immensely intelligent and clearly driven by an energy and intelligence far greater than we are able to comprehend with our conscious awareness. For example, the seemingly simple process of you reading these symbols I am writing here and processing them and making meaning of them etc is done in an instant through unconscious processes. As is speaking and listening, breathing, digesting food, the list goes on (think about the complexity and intelligence that is required for everything to take place as it does so instantaneously and outside of conscious awareness).. Again, this is to be in ore of but is not what I would classify as conscious awareness in the sense I am taking it to mean here.
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Dec 25, 2014
I think you are misunderstanding the point I am making and the question I'm asking, plants and animals have many similarities so it makes sense that plants would react in a de-sensitory nature to anaesthetics. However, I am asking what is it in the post or the studies that suggests that plants actually have consciousness or conscious awareness (given we are in agreement about what consciousness is), even if they do react to anaesthesia? Baring in mind that scientists don't understand how anesthesia works to begin with in humans and other animals, let alone plants and just because plants react in a de-sensitory nature doesn't mean it is the same type of affect and certainly doesn't infer consciousness.. Perhaps you can explain?
Just a side note, I have a great appreciation and love for plants and plant life, and all living things really, I mean how can you not when you really think about it and and how connected everything is.. I also think plants certainly have an electric energy to them, subtle yet powerful and very interactive with us and other animals around it, can be calming, peaceful, insightful, mysterious.. what I am saying is in no way detracting from that, I am just addressing the topic of consciousness and conscious awareness that this thread relates to..
Also, you seem to be playing down unconscious processes, which are immensely intelligent and clearly driven by an energy and intelligence far greater than we are able to comprehend with our conscious awareness. For example, the seemingly simple process of you reading these symbols I am writing here and processing them and making meaning of them etc is done in an instant through unconscious processes. As is speaking and listening, breathing, digesting food, the list goes on (think about the complexity and intelligence that is required for everything to take place as it does so instantaneously and outside of conscious awareness).. Again, this is to be in ore of but is not what I would classify as conscious awareness in the sense I am taking it to mean here.

You're mixing up different types of consciousness here. Reading cannot be done unconciously. You have to be conscious to read. But the mechanisms that interprets and translate the small black squiggles into letters then words are autonomous processes that do not require your conscious awareness to happen. Same with walking or talking. Those autonomous subconscious processes can only happen within a conciousness mind. They're kept outside of your awareness because there's no need for you to be aware of every pull of your throat muscles when you speak.

I think what you're talking about here is intent. You're saying plants unthinkingly react to stimuli and there's no higher thought function, no rider in the flesh that deliberately or "consciously" chooses an action.

I think you're right. But what they do have is a waking state that is responsive to stimuli which can be put to sleep with anesthesia the same way humans are. When done correctly, anesthesia does not stop the autonomous life processes you keep mentioning but it does halt conscious thought and awareness.


Nov 22, 2015
You're mixing up different types of consciousness here. Reading cannot be done unconciously. You have to be conscious to read. But the mechanisms that interprets and translate the small black squiggles into letters then words are autonomous processes that do not require your conscious awareness to happen. Same with walking or talking. Those autonomous subconscious processes can only happen within a conciousness mind. They're kept outside of your awareness because there's no need for you to be aware of every pull of your throat muscles when you speak.

I think what you're talking about here is intent. You're saying plants unthinkingly react to stimuli and there's no higher thought function, no rider in the flesh that deliberately or "consciously" chooses an action.

I think you're right. But what they do have is a waking state that is responsive to stimuli which can be put to sleep with anesthesia the same way humans are. When done correctly, anesthesia does not stop the autonomous life processes you keep mentioning but it does halt conscious thought and awareness.
Cool, I think we are in agreement then..

An interesting observation in coma patients is that when their family or friends talk to them in a positive way it can have a positive effect on their vital signs and condition, same seems to work inversely with negative talk. Interestingly enough, there are scientists who have done experiments on plants, observing their reactions when spoken to positively or negatively and inverse reactions are also respectively observed. Perhaps positive words translate as positive energy being passed on in both instances, and vice versa for the negative.
Dec 25, 2014
Cool, I think we are in agreement then..

An interesting observation in coma patients is that when their family or friends talk to them in a positive way it can have a positive effect on their vital signs and condition, same seems to work inversely with negative talk. Interestingly enough, there are scientists who have done experiments on plants, observing their reactions when spoken to positively or negatively and inverse reactions are also respectively observed. Perhaps positive words translate as positive energy being passed on in both instances, and vice versa for the negative.

Yes. I reckon the words are a red herring you could make cooing noises to plants and still have the same effect. Might weird a person out.

We generate an EM field whose frequency and coherence changes depending on our health and mentality and we can affect other living thing with this energy no woo woo this is tru tru.

@CaseyL metals react to anesthesia?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Yes. I reckon the words are a red herring you could make cooing noises to plants and still have the same effect. Might weird a person out.

We generate an EM field whose frequency and coherence changes depending on our health and mentality and we can affect other living thing with this energy no woo woo this is tru tru.

@CaseyL metals react to anesthesia?
does planet earth have a metabolism?
Dec 25, 2014
does planet earth have a metabolism?

Of course.

It eats electric space spaghetti also known as bierkland currents via its mouth in the north pole


It likes it's spaghetti flavored with a little sauce from the big meatball in the sky


It uses that high carb energy to grow


"I have been continually amazed that the simplicity with which Earth expansion answers so much of the Earth's evolution has been so delayed in universal adoption." -- Klaus A. Vogel, engineer, 1983

"The continental drift may be explained by an expanding Earth only." -- Laszlo Egyed, geophysicist, 1960

"All plate-tectonic reconstructions, commence by closing the Atlantic. If instead of closing the Atlantic we begin by closing the Pacific on a globe of the present size, the reconstructed Pangea again fills a hemisphere, but an expanded Atlantic now occupies the hidden hemisphere, an absurdity which is only removed by Earth expansion." -- S. Warren Carey, geologist, 1996

"As a geologist, I insist that the Earth has expanded, and leave it as a cosmological problem of the whole universe." -- S. Warren Carey, geologist, 1996

"The many geophysical and geological paradoxes that have accumulated during the past two or three decades are apparently the consequences of forcing observational data into an inadequate tectonic model."-- Karsten M. Storetvedt, geophysicist, 1992

"Growth of the earth episodically throughout geological time is abundantly evident." -- C. Warren Hunt, geologist, 1992

"The balance of evidence seems to require an expanding Earth." -- Derek V. Ager, biogeographer, 1986

"The hypothesis of an expanding Earth is inescapable." -- Derek V. Ager, biogeographer, 1986

but now that it's an adult it mostly uses it to rotate and to generate electromagnetic field and maintain a stable weather system and all that other stuff the earth does.

When the food runs out the earth stops rotating and the weather get's all messed up. Some people are left in darkness

"According to the legend, the ancient peoples [of Lake Titicaca] had been without light for many days." -- Clive L. N. Ruggles, archaeoastronomer, 2005

"It is said that in this province [Titicaca] the people of ancient times tell of being without light from the heavens for many days, and all of the local inhabitants were astonished, confused, and frightened to have total darkness for such a long time. Finally, the people of the Island of Titicaca saw the Sun come up one morning out of that crag with extraordinary radiance." -- Bernabé Cobo, historian, 1990

some in unending light

"Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day." -- Joshua 10:13

"In the lifetime of Yao the sun did not set for ten full days and the entire land was flooded." -- Johannes Hübner, evangelist, 1729

"... the day was retarded in contrariety to nature, and the sun delayed." -- Plutarch, historian, 1st century

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed..." -- Joshua 10:13


Sometimes the earth get's indigestion and spins backwards. No one's happy if mother earth isn't happy.
"Could the [American] Indians on this continent know the connection between the sun appearing over the horizon, Eastern horizon, dropping down, again appearing, dropping down, and all the continent, this continent, bursting in flame? How could they know the connection? So they could not invent the stories. Something must have happened." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, polymath, 1966

"The signs of the Chinese zodiac have the strange peculiarity of proceeding in a retrograde direction, that is, against the course of the sun." -- Hans S. Bellamy, author, 1936

"The Chinese say that it is only since a new order of things has come about that the stars move from east to west." -- Hans S. Bellamy, author, 1936

"The inhabitants of this country [Egypt] say that they have it from their ancestors that the sun now sets where it formerly rose." -- Gaius J. Solinus, grammarian, 3rd century

"The reversal which takes place from time to time of the motion of the universe. ... Of all changes of the heavenly motions, we may consider this to be the greatest and most complete. " -- Plato, philosopher, The Statesman, 360 B.C.

"There is a time when God himself guides and helps to roll the world in its course; and there is a time, on the completion of a certain cycle, when he lets go, and the world being a living creature, and having originally received intelligence from its author and creator turns about and by an inherent necessity revolves in the opposite direction." -- Plato, philosopher, The Statesman, 360 B.C.

"There did really happen, and will again happen, like many other events of which ancient tradition has preserved the record, the portent which is traditionally said to have occurred in the quarrel of Atreus and Thyestes. ... how the sun and the stars once rose in the west, and set in the east, and that the god reversed their motion, and gave them that which they now have as a testimony to the right of Atreus. " -- Plato, philosopher, The Statesman, 360 B.C.

Sometimes the earth lays on it's side, freezing what was once the tropical equator and covering it with ice a mile high.

"And immediately there is the problem of the climate. There were ancient climates that were very different from what they are today. If those corals grew where they were found, certainly the Earth was not travelling with the same elements of rotation and revolution which means not in the same orbit, not with the axis directed in the same position as it is today. If you don't believe it, try to cultivate corals on the North Pole." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, cosmologist, 1966

"Dear Professor Hapgood, Your request for evaluation of certain unusual features of the Piri Reis World Map of 1513 by this organization has been reviewed. The claim that the lower part of the map portrays the Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land Antarctica, and the Palmer Peninsula, is reasonable. We find this is the most logical and in all probability the correct interpretation of the map. The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949. This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick. We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed date of geographical knowledge in 1513." -- Harold Z. Ohlmeyer, Lieutenant Colonel USAF, 1966

When the meatball sauce runs out the earth cools and we all freeze to death (coming soon..)



It shits out oil of course.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut I'm missing the whole "consciousness" part. Why do you infere that if a plant has a bioelectrical system as humans do, they have consciousness? I'm not sayin they don't but from your post I don't see anything that can be considered as "consciousness". They are live beings, that's for sure. It's normal they have something, even if small, common with other live beings like humans. Or we must define what consciousness is maybe. Is it just the ability to recieve stimulus and act accordingly? Then of course they are conscious. But isn't this a fundamental piece of what we call " life"?

Up until now it was considered that only consciousness organisms can be anesthetized. So, plants must have something akin to consciousness or our theory that only conscious organisms can be anesthetized is wrong. The thread title says "may" have consciousness - i.e. it is one of these two possibilities and I think it is the more likely one.
Btw, I think the very fact that plants are alive already presupposes consciousness. Peat has said a number of time that bacteria and other single-celled organisms are alive and quite intelligent. And plant are a much "higher" organism than bacteria. They also communicate with EMF, and appear to do it purposefully to say warn each other of danger.
Plants can see, hear and smell – and respond
"...These plants are moving with purpose, which means they must be aware of what is going on around them. "To respond correctly, plants also need sophisticated sensing devices tuned to varying conditions," says Schultz. So what is plant sense? Well, if you believe Daniel Chamovitzof Tel Aviv University in Israel, it is not quite so different from our own as you might expect."

If a piece of though can learn like a human (see other thread I posted in some other responses) then to me the evidence is clear that our current definition of what pieces of matter can be conscious is clearly too restrictive.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
right that is what i was thinking. there are voltage potential buildups between your shirt and the table top, but that does not mean your shirt or the table is alive or conscious...even though they can give you a static electricity shock.

See my response to Makrosky - if the currently accepted theory is that only conscious things can be anesthetized then either the theory is wrong or plants are also conscious. And given that they "talk" to each other with EMF and do so quite purposefully, it is pretty obvious that some sort of awareness is present in them.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
There must be some defining difference that differentiates sentient creatures that have freedom of action and thought within their environment compared to intelligent life like plants that have a predictable reactions that can be repeated over and over with the same outcome, don't you think?

Does talking to each other satisfy your requirement for freedom of action and purposeful behavior? How about awareness of what's going on around them and responding to it intelligently.

How about seeing, hearing, smelling and responding (again purposefully)?
Plants can see, hear and smell – and respond
"...These plants are moving with purpose, which means they must be aware of what is going on around them. "To respond correctly, plants also need sophisticated sensing devices tuned to varying conditions," says Schultz. So what is plant sense? Well, if you believe Daniel Chamovitzof Tel Aviv University in Israel, it is not quite so different from our own as you might expect."

New research on plant intelligence may forever change how you think about plants

None of these actions is automatic and repeatable like a computer action based on stimulus.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Sep 16, 2014
@CaseyL metals react to anesthesia?

According to Bose, yes. The details of the experiments are quite interesting and laid out in the book that I linked. He also used poisons like potassium bromide and oxalic acid to get marked changes in response to the same stimulus. Some compounds were stimulants, some depressants, sometimes large and small doses had opposite effects. It's a lot to wrap one's head around, but the book is well worth reading if you're interested. Here is a summary in his own words:

"It will thus be seen that as in the case of animal tissues and of plants, so also in metals, the electrical responses are exalted by the action of stimulants, lowered by depressants, and completely abolished by certain other reagents. The parallelism will thus be found complete in every detail between the phenomena of response in the organic and the inorganic." - J.C. Bose

It makes one wonder about the validity of the current pharmacological paradigm where all chemicals are imagined to have their effects by latching onto protein receptors or other strictly cellular components. Seems there may be something more omnipresent and fundamental at work.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut do plants have electromagnetic fields?

Considering they "talk" to each other with EMF, I would say yes.
The secret electromagnetic life of plants - Plant and Soil Digest
"...The same sort of electric field "communication" might conceivably surround groups of whole creatures, (which after all, are only collections of individual cells) each sentient to its presence, and equally sensitive to any disturbance of the group’s self-engendered electric field characteristics. At its most refined expression such a mechanism could ultimately account for human telepathic observations such as those so dramatically influencing Hans Berger’s intended choice of career. As Popp sums it up:"The coherence of biophotons may work on different levels of evolution as the glue of biological cooperation, including gestalt formation, the organization of organs, and animal societies".

"...More seriously there is also a grain of truth in the notion that different plants, being of different chemical compositions all give off electric fields as a result of the chemical reactions taking place continuously within them. When a large group of such plants are growing together, this amounts to a detectable level of field strength. For flying insects with sensillae specially adapted to identify these frequencies it is only biologically plausible that the plants should want to attract some insects who will pollinate them, and repel others who are likely to be mordacious and eat their leaves. Perhaps this slow war of radiations is evolving all the time, in addition to the chemical armoury of some plants like pyrethrum, whose effectiveness against insects is harnessed in some insecticides. "
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Dec 25, 2014
According to Bose, yes. The details of the experiments are quite interesting and laid out in the book that I linked. He also used poisons like potassium bromide and oxalic acid to get marked changes in response to the same stimulus. Some compounds were stimulants, some depressants, sometimes large and small doses had opposite effects. It's a lot to wrap one's head around, but the book is well worth reading if you're interested. Here is a summary in his own words:

"It will thus be seen that as in the case of animal tissues and of plants, so also in metals, the electrical responses are exalted by the action of stimulants, lowered by depressants, and completely abolished by certain other reagents. The parallelism will thus be found complete in every detail between the phenomena of response in the organic and the inorganic." - J.C. Bose

It makes one wonder about the validity of the current pharmacological paradigm where all chemicals are imagined to have their effects by latching onto protein receptors or other strictly cellular components. Seems there may be something more omnipresent and fundamental at work.


I reckon it has to do with the unique frequencies of different chemicals that arise from their molecular makeup, these different frequencies either interfering or resonating with the natural frequencies of "life"* that flow through earthly metals/plants/animals and leading to the excitation or depression he measured.

*Life is code for electricity.

The key lock model is bs i think haiduts talked about that before. There's some frequency dependant function in chemistry...I wonder if water acts as a signal booster? Might be the method behind homeopathy.

P.s. I wonder if you could kill the sun with a potassium bromide bomb. Maybe signal boosted with water and shot through a sunspot.


Nov 22, 2015
Does talking to each other satisfy your requirement for freedom of action and purposeful behavior? How about awareness of what's going on around them and responding to it intelligently.

How about seeing, hearing, smelling and responding (again purposefully)?
Plants can see, hear and smell – and respond
"...These plants are moving with purpose, which means they must be aware of what is going on around them. "To respond correctly, plants also need sophisticated sensing devices tuned to varying conditions," says Schultz. So what is plant sense? Well, if you believe Daniel Chamovitzof Tel Aviv University in Israel, it is not quite so different from our own as you might expect."

New research on plant intelligence may forever change how you think about plants

None of these actions is automatic and repeatable like a computer action based on stimulus.

It's certainly very fascinating and I completely understand and agree with the points you are making and these articles are suggesting, plants have an incredible intelligence, energy and life force that is interwoven amongst themselves and into the roots and soil that we can't even begin to understand, they probably even have some type of communication with the sun for all we know, I mean they are intimately connected with it, as they are with animals if those animals are spreading their seeds and so forth...
The question I am asking is whether they are actually aware in the conscious, self aware sense as we understand it. I mean think about the incredible myriad of things that happen and are happening within our own bodies without our conscious awareness. From conception to the growth of a foetus in the womb, our bones grow, our hearts pump blood throughout our bodies, hormones are created, regulated, our brains develop, our hair grows, if we get cut or break a bone, different parts of our bodies communicate to heal the wound or mend the break, temperature regulation, the complexity of our brains, the amount of incredible interactions that happen within our own bodies and the way our bodies interact with our environment is well beyond our conscious comprehension and is all just 'happening'. I mean we don't 'make' our bones grow, our heart pump, etc.. We know all this happens from some incredible energy and force that is a mystery to us on the conscious level, yet it is happening all the same. We also know that this can all happen without consciousness or conscious awareness, such as during deep sleep or when someone is in a coma (wounds heal, bones grow, temperature is regulated, breathing is consistent, hair grows, the show goes on in other words).. We also know that certain parts of the brain seem to be directly responsible for conscious awareness and we can literally tweak specific parts of the brain to affect conscious awareness without effecting the other bodily functions (i.e. the prefrontal and frontal cortex). My question is, are plants and plant life living and interacting in the same manner as our bodies do outside of our conscious awareness? Or are they actually consciously aware and self aware as we and other animals are? I haven't seen any evidence compelling enough to suggest plants have this same sense of consciousness and self awareness as we consider consciousness to equate to for us and other animals, and I don't think the anaesthesia affect is enough to lend anything to the proof of it.. However, I guess it is a very difficult question to answer
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My question is, are plants and plant life living and interacting in the same manner as our bodies do outside of our conscious awareness? Or are they actually consciously aware and self aware as we and other animals are?

I would say the evidence so far points to the latter. It is not as clear cut as say the evidence that dolphins are almost exactly like us in terms of awareness and intelligence. However, this is probably because plants use different communication mechanisms which we are just beginning to understand. I think another reason there is prejudice against plants is that they do not move and barely display any immediate reaction like most other living organisms we know of. But if their cells are like ours and produce energy like ours, if consciousness/awareness is an electronic phenomenon depending on electron flow due to metabolism, AND considering the evidence we have seen so far from the study above and the others I posted, until proven otherwise I will assume plants are like us and have same consciousness/awareness. I may be jumping the gun a bit but I think there is a lot more evidence FOR plants being conscious compared to the evidence against. Come to think of it, I have not really seen any evidence against it so far.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Of course.

It eats electric space spaghetti also known as bierkland currents via its mouth in the north pole


It likes it's spaghetti flavored with a little sauce from the big meatball in the sky


It uses that high carb energy to grow


"I have been continually amazed that the simplicity with which Earth expansion answers so much of the Earth's evolution has been so delayed in universal adoption." -- Klaus A. Vogel, engineer, 1983

"The continental drift may be explained by an expanding Earth only." -- Laszlo Egyed, geophysicist, 1960

"All plate-tectonic reconstructions, commence by closing the Atlantic. If instead of closing the Atlantic we begin by closing the Pacific on a globe of the present size, the reconstructed Pangea again fills a hemisphere, but an expanded Atlantic now occupies the hidden hemisphere, an absurdity which is only removed by Earth expansion." -- S. Warren Carey, geologist, 1996

"As a geologist, I insist that the Earth has expanded, and leave it as a cosmological problem of the whole universe." -- S. Warren Carey, geologist, 1996

"The many geophysical and geological paradoxes that have accumulated during the past two or three decades are apparently the consequences of forcing observational data into an inadequate tectonic model."-- Karsten M. Storetvedt, geophysicist, 1992

"Growth of the earth episodically throughout geological time is abundantly evident." -- C. Warren Hunt, geologist, 1992

"The balance of evidence seems to require an expanding Earth." -- Derek V. Ager, biogeographer, 1986

"The hypothesis of an expanding Earth is inescapable." -- Derek V. Ager, biogeographer, 1986

but now that it's an adult it mostly uses it to rotate and to generate electromagnetic field and maintain a stable weather system and all that other stuff the earth does.

When the food runs out the earth stops rotating and the weather get's all messed up. Some people are left in darkness

"According to the legend, the ancient peoples [of Lake Titicaca] had been without light for many days." -- Clive L. N. Ruggles, archaeoastronomer, 2005

"It is said that in this province [Titicaca] the people of ancient times tell of being without light from the heavens for many days, and all of the local inhabitants were astonished, confused, and frightened to have total darkness for such a long time. Finally, the people of the Island of Titicaca saw the Sun come up one morning out of that crag with extraordinary radiance." -- Bernabé Cobo, historian, 1990

some in unending light

"Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day." -- Joshua 10:13

"In the lifetime of Yao the sun did not set for ten full days and the entire land was flooded." -- Johannes Hübner, evangelist, 1729

"... the day was retarded in contrariety to nature, and the sun delayed." -- Plutarch, historian, 1st century

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed..." -- Joshua 10:13


Sometimes the earth get's indigestion and spins backwards. No one's happy if mother earth isn't happy.
"Could the [American] Indians on this continent know the connection between the sun appearing over the horizon, Eastern horizon, dropping down, again appearing, dropping down, and all the continent, this continent, bursting in flame? How could they know the connection? So they could not invent the stories. Something must have happened." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, polymath, 1966

"The signs of the Chinese zodiac have the strange peculiarity of proceeding in a retrograde direction, that is, against the course of the sun." -- Hans S. Bellamy, author, 1936

"The Chinese say that it is only since a new order of things has come about that the stars move from east to west." -- Hans S. Bellamy, author, 1936

"The inhabitants of this country [Egypt] say that they have it from their ancestors that the sun now sets where it formerly rose." -- Gaius J. Solinus, grammarian, 3rd century

"The reversal which takes place from time to time of the motion of the universe. ... Of all changes of the heavenly motions, we may consider this to be the greatest and most complete. " -- Plato, philosopher, The Statesman, 360 B.C.

"There is a time when God himself guides and helps to roll the world in its course; and there is a time, on the completion of a certain cycle, when he lets go, and the world being a living creature, and having originally received intelligence from its author and creator turns about and by an inherent necessity revolves in the opposite direction." -- Plato, philosopher, The Statesman, 360 B.C.

"There did really happen, and will again happen, like many other events of which ancient tradition has preserved the record, the portent which is traditionally said to have occurred in the quarrel of Atreus and Thyestes. ... how the sun and the stars once rose in the west, and set in the east, and that the god reversed their motion, and gave them that which they now have as a testimony to the right of Atreus. " -- Plato, philosopher, The Statesman, 360 B.C.

Sometimes the earth lays on it's side, freezing what was once the tropical equator and covering it with ice a mile high.

"And immediately there is the problem of the climate. There were ancient climates that were very different from what they are today. If those corals grew where they were found, certainly the Earth was not travelling with the same elements of rotation and revolution which means not in the same orbit, not with the axis directed in the same position as it is today. If you don't believe it, try to cultivate corals on the North Pole." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, cosmologist, 1966

"Dear Professor Hapgood, Your request for evaluation of certain unusual features of the Piri Reis World Map of 1513 by this organization has been reviewed. The claim that the lower part of the map portrays the Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land Antarctica, and the Palmer Peninsula, is reasonable. We find this is the most logical and in all probability the correct interpretation of the map. The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949. This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick. We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed date of geographical knowledge in 1513." -- Harold Z. Ohlmeyer, Lieutenant Colonel USAF, 1966

When the meatball sauce runs out the earth cools and we all freeze to death (coming soon..)



It shits out oil of course.

@pimpnamedraypeat do you believe that there are high energy centers like titicaca and Mount Shasta. Etc.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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