Please help me experiment with cellphone effects

Nov 26, 2013

Since I have stopped using my cellphone, I have noticed some peculiar effects when I turn it back on. [symptoms redacted - blind test]

I would like to ask anybody interested to keep their cellphone in airplane mode for an hour to a day, then turn airplane mode off and note any symptoms.

I notice wi-fi gives similar symptoms, but they are so weak that I cannot discern from, say, cold temperature alone.

Bluetooth and 5ghz wi-fi both associate to noticeable symptoms.

Thanks :D


Jun 12, 2013
It might be better not to list the effects you got from it since it could cause people to have that in the back of their mind when they turn their phone back on (placebo, suggestion, etc.). Though I won't be getting a number of those effects you listed anyway.

Anyway, I put mine in airplane mode and will report back if anything happens later when I switch it back.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I keep mine off most of the time and only turn it on to use it. I will look out for these symptoms.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I keep my cell phone in my purse and check it periodically through out the day because of an incident that occurred after I had mine strapped to my waist for work for too many years. I think you are on to something. After your experiment is over I will post what happened to me and see if it correlates.


Jun 12, 2013
I tried it 3 times. Yesterday, had it in airplane mode for an hour before switching it back on. Did this again later in the day. Then I had it in airplane mode overnight before switching it back around 11 a.m. today. I did not have symptoms, nothing unusual. It's hard for me to determine precisely though as I'm around wi fi all the time from the internet. Plus I'm pre-menstrual, so there are physical symptoms -some very mild, others a little more noticeable, just from that. But switching it off airplane mode did not cause anything unusual that stood out.

Hopefully others will have more data for you.
Nov 26, 2013
Well I kept it on a whole day on the weekend and yesterday had no reaction to it. It would be good to find a way to avoid the bias I have.

One thing I noticed when in the United States is how hard it is to focus; people have told me the same thing about their own travels, though. Thank all of you for your feedback! Let's keep paying attention.

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
Good thread.
I think cell phones lower dopamine. I know Charles Poliquin recommends his trainees avoid cell phones as much as poss. He mentioned studies in which phones lowered testosterone in rats.
In "The 4 Hour Body", Tim Ferris detailed an experiment in which, by avoiding cell phones for 11 weeks, he increased ejaculate volume by 44%, motile sperm per millilitre by 100%, and motile sperm per ejaculate by 185%.
This may be an extreme case, as he said he'd kept his cell on him for at least 12 hours a day for as long as he could remember.
I've certainly noticed that my smart phone zaps me of libido and general motivation. I think phones are seriously bad for us. I've had this feeling for years. Laptops are probably just as bad.


Feb 12, 2014
Emf, microwave, ionizing radiation in all forms have biological effects.

Dr Magda Havas has done blood tests after exposure. She shows how blood clumps together to form stacks called roleaux.

Its only 3 minutes and well worth watching. In one of her audio interviews she also mentioned that after the exposure the blood is clumped, but when the person gets physically away from the source (shutting off cellphone or wifi or whatever) the blood unclumps and the person's blood goes back to normal.

BUT, for people who are chronically ill, their blood does not unclump as fast or as to the extent of a healthy person, who can tolerate the exposure better now, but who knows if they will have bad effects in the future.

from Ray Peat
Bleeding, clotting, cancer
"Thus far, completely unagglutinated blood has been found only in strictly healthy animals and men. No severely ill person has yet been seen who did not have intravascular agglutination of the blood and visibly pathologic vessel walls." Melvin H. Knisely, et al., 1947)
Nov 26, 2013
Today I could feel it. Again, sensitivity is inversely related to brainfog (think Sunday mornings) so this could go both ways for the conclusions.
Nov 26, 2013

I have been getting symptoms again for a while. Here is a consolidated list:

The scrotum becomes retracted

The testes might hurt or feel tingly



Eyes might hurt

Discomfort in the lower neck

Chest pain

I apologize if anyone starts getting symptoms after reading this :D it really digs into the positive edge that Peating gives me. Must get a better voicemail message.
Nov 26, 2013
This is from last week:

Results A total of 253 gliomas, 194 meningiomas and 892 matched controls selected from the local electoral rolls were analysed. No association with brain tumours was observed when comparing regular mobile phone users with non-users (OR=1.24; 95% CI 0.86 to 1.77 for gliomas, OR=0.90; 95% CI 0.61 to 1.34 for meningiomas). However, the positive association was statistically significant in the heaviest users when considering life-long cumulative duration (≥896 h, OR=2.89; 95% CI 1.41 to 5.93 for gliomas; OR=2.57; 95% CI 1.02 to 6.44 for meningiomas) and number of calls for gliomas (≥18 360 calls, OR=2.10, 95% CI 1.03 to 4.31). Risks were higher for gliomas, temporal tumours, occupational and urban mobile phone use.
Mar 21, 2014
If you know when the phone is on or off you can't really trust your results, especially if the symptoms aren't severe. I think randomizing and blinding this would help. For example, have a friend randomly turn the phone on or off each week, and keep a log book of symptoms over several months.
Nov 26, 2013
CellularIconoclast said:
If you know when the phone is on or off you can't really trust your results, especially if the symptoms aren't severe. I think randomizing and blinding this would help. For example, have a friend randomly turn the phone on or off each week, and keep a log book of symptoms over several months.

But then he would have to live with me and grab the device without being seen, and I should avoid all public places as well.
Mar 21, 2014
Such_Saturation said:
But then he would have to live with me and grab the device without being seen, and I should avoid all public places as well.

You could randomize by always handing the phone to the same person, and then they'd go in a different room and say roll a dice to turn it on or off.

However, I think the energy radiated by an idle phone is very minimal compared to active use (talking on it), so it's not that likely that an idle phone would have significant noticeable effects.

I don't think the public places are likely to be a big factor in exposure. The energy reduces with distance according to the inverse square law, so small increases in distance from the source result in massive decreases of exposure dose. However of course this depends on what dose is necessary to cause harm, if it's much much lower than the energy radiated it could still cause harm at long distances.

I suspect the psychological stress from constant contact with social media is likely more harmful than the emitted microwaves. Especially if your Facebook friends are constantly posting Lustig videos. Someone needs to do a study to see if watching Lustig videos causes metabolic syndrome.
Nov 26, 2013
Remember we are talking about frequency damage, not strictly energy input.
Mar 21, 2014
Such_Saturation said:
Remember we are talking about frequency damage, not strictly energy input.

My understanding is that the mechanism of toxicity comes from rotating polarized molecules (like water) and disrupting their relative structure and order. For example, many enzymes maintain a specific orientation relative to one another, in order to directly pass metabolic substrates from one enzyme to the next. Microwaves disrupt this reaction by rotating those molecules, and also by altering the folded protein conformation by rotating the surrounding water molecules.

In this case I think there would be some threshold effect, a certain field strength is required to induce molecular rotation as the natural orientation is a lower energy state.
Nov 26, 2013
I think there could also be some destructive or constructive interference with normal body frequencies, for example there's no evidence for direct current while there is for alternated.
Nov 26, 2013
Ok :mrgreen:

seeing as I must endure a few days of the antenna being turned on, I thought I would try and form a theoretical basis for my symptoms.

The shrinkage of the scrotum is called the dartos reflex. It is mediated by the sympathetic nervous system with noradrenaline.

Dartos reflex: a sympathetically mediated scrotal reflex.

Contractile physiology and response to temperature changes of the tunica dartos muscle of the rat.

Norepinephrine release from cardiac sympathetic nerves is triggered by Ca2+ influx via N-type but not L- and P/Q-type calcium channels.

N-Type Calcium Channels Control Sympathetic Neurotransmission in Human Heart Atrium

So we all know that EMF causes calcium influx, but what about at the gigahertz range we use in cellphones? Oh look!

Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects.

N-type calcium channel effects at 1000Mhz. With a response concerning Ca2+ dynamics of cells. This is different from all lower frequencies which effect the L-type.

The UMTS signal is activating my sympathetic nervous system, releasing noradrenaline and causing the dartos reflex.

This paper proves a release of octopamine (the adrenaline and noradrenaline of insects) by EMF in cockroaches.

Octopamine Activity as Indicator of Electromagnetic Field Influence on Insect Nervous System

To confirm the participation of octopamine in the
increase of insect activity under EMF exposure, we perform
the test with phentolamine, blocker of octopaminergic
receptors. In the presence of phentolamine, EMF exposure
induced much lower augmentation of cockroach activity
than EMF exposure alone.

Now, the radiation should also release histamine, which should cull the noradrenaline effects and the calcium influx. But it could also increase calcium influx itself. Unfortunately cyproheptadine and ebastine are not very complete blockers of histamine across all types of receptors (and neither block H2), but I will still experiment with them. The histamine response could be slower and account for some "habituation" effects.

A theoretical model based upon mast cells and histamine to explain the recently proclaimed sensitivity to electric and/or magnetic fields in humans.

<<repeated exposure for 4 hours during 5 days modulated the functional activity of MCs in all the organs. more extended repeated exposure to the most intensive magnetic field stimulated adaptation and regain of the MC populations in the dermal and popliteal lymph nodes, whereas enhanced degranulation of MCs persisted in the intestine.>>

[Too long, did not read]: if you scroll up and read all the papers I quoted, you will not want to use your cellphone anymore.


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Nov 9, 2012
CellularIconoclast said:
You could randomize by always handing the phone to the same person, and then they'd go in a different room and say roll a dice to turn it on or off.

However, I think the energy radiated by an idle phone is very minimal compared to active use (talking on it), so it's not that likely that an idle phone would have significant noticeable effects.

Have the friend randomly switched it on or off and use web browsing instead (or pretend to if off). So you'd be blindfold and have a friend shoving it near your scrotum every few minutes.
Nov 26, 2013
The effects are crystal clear and repeatable on less stressful days, and it takes a while to return to baseline after a few tries. Alas, in the name of science. Also if you guys try too we will in the worst case establish the great power of suggestion. And the role of consciousness in a system considered unconscious. Please note, upon exit from airplane mode the antenna is quite active to establish a connection with the tower.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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