Possibility of False Flag Nuclear attack on NYC/NJ and US Cities?

May 11, 2022
Seriously not meant to scare anyone but I've been noticing a few things:

1) Today July 11th NYC releases official PSA about a nuclear attack on the city:

View: https://youtu.be/N-5d7V4Sbqk

2) in 2017 - Operation Gotham Shield - military exercise which exercised nuclear attack on the NYC Metropolitan area - simulated attack that destroyed Upper NJ and half of NYC

View attachment 38906

" Operation Gotham Shield was a 2017 exercise conducted by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) which tested civil defense response capabilities to a nuclear weapons attack against the New York City metropolitan area

The operation involved the hypothetical ground burst of a nuclear device at the New Jersey-side entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel, resulting in "hundreds of thousands" of killed and injured persons
and 4.5 million refugees from the initial blast and subsequent fallout.[2][3][4]

"... final phases
the exercise, a hypothetical "massive influx" of refugees from the attack "overwhelmed" the resources of neighboring states..."

3) I remember watching the movie watchmen (movie blockbuster) in 2009 - in the end of the movie Ozymandias launches a nuke on NYC and makes it look like it was Dr.Manhattan in order to create a World peace movement to unite countries against Dr.Manhattan - now this is all coming back to me

View: https://youtu.be/sdTpMmePhZI

So what's going on here? This is quite concerning - anyone have any other relevant info ? I need to know what kind of timeline I'm looking at here

well...THEY have always done exercises before all disaster type events, usually closer to the dates, so this seems plausible. THEY are in high gear right now with all these DISTRACTIONS...... so the masses don't see all the people having adverse effects and dieing from the vac^%#@. if I had to guess....the market is going to crash and times will get tough in the next 1 to 2 years and obviously the GREAT RESET is coming as klause shwaub is publicly telling us this. the china way of life is coming to canada first and then the USA to follow...by 2030.....unless more people wake up and decide they don't want this for their children.......as for the nuke question....if I had to purely guess because im not I the secret club.....I would have to say September...October, but could be farther down the road after the Ukraine thing is dried out. god bless everyone and our children
May 11, 2022
well...THEY have always done exercises before all disaster type events, usually closer to the dates, so this seems plausible. THEY are in high gear right now with all these DISTRACTIONS...... so the masses don't see all the people having adverse effects and dieing from the vac^%#@. if I had to guess....the market is going to crash and times will get tough in the next 1 to 2 years and obviously the GREAT RESET is coming as klause shwaub is publicly telling us this. the china way of life is coming to canada first and then the USA to follow...by 2030.....unless more people wake up and decide they don't want this for their children.......as for the nuke question....if I had to purely guess because im not I the secret club.....I would have to say September...October, but could be farther down the road after the Ukraine thing is dried out. god bless everyone and our children
but like in chernoble and Hiroshima ....its going to appear worse then it is.....THEY say an area is uninhabitable for a very very very long time, but obviously that was a lie because Hiroshima is thriving as if nothing happened in a very very very short time and rare species of horses are coming back in chernoble etc etc.


Dec 8, 2016


Aug 17, 2016
Very compelling piece.

If you don’t have ten minutes to watch-
The general speculation is that the government will release bio warfare in NYC.
Subways are especially vulnerable.

He does give plenty of evidence as to how he concluded this.

I’ve included some screenshots for you.

For me- if I gained anything- it was the truth that this plan has been set in motion for a very long time. And reinforcement that the cabal hates us very much.
This must be a fun game for them.

View: https://youtu.be/tb4iTebEp2Q

get everybody to flee. So they can rebuild Manhattan according to Schmitt and Fink's fantasies.


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
I agree that they have a plan, but I don't think they can control markets, inflation, etc at will. Markets are irrational, as the elite knows quite well. There is definitely also incompetence. The war in Ukraine (plan vs. reality), the Afghanistan fiasco, the strategy towards China, etc, etc. If I were to guess I'd say 50:50 ratio of evil:rollingocy in the powers that be.
Inflation is actually really easy to predict. It is not about the quantity and velocity of money as the mainstream anti-fed/CBs try to make us believe. Inflation is a product of loss of confidence in the government. And as fiat currencies being their product - the inflation rises as confidence in the government is lost. Its an inverse relationship. Really easy to predict if you are the one creating the timeline of events. The 1:1 and below dollar to euro ratio was overdue but only after European governments turned full retard regarding Russia it was time to materialize. Now Europe is the uglier of the two sisters and the EUR is having a hit. Must go to 0.87 or so as a minimum.

The proof for this is QE3 back in 2012 Sept/Oct aka QE to infinity when everybody(including me) went on the Silver/Gold bandwagon. I actually went all in a bit earlier @ 16$ per ounce silver in 2010. Even though they announced 1+ trillion infinite printing press per year with no end date, the dollar stabilized and metals fell off a cliff. Why didn't Gold go to 5k if the quantity of money would explode ? Because the printing press assured everybody the government will be OK for awhile,at least. So everything is under control. The goldbugs tried to rationalize this counter intuitive movement by market manipulation. They cried like babies instead of trying to see one level deeper. A great lesson for me. Many are still stuck in the market manipulation paradigm. Which is happening no doubt but nobody can control a market which time has come to rise because massive amounts of people are buying. Not even the FED.

After this plunge in the EUR, the USD will take the next hit and the system is supposed to implode and metals skyrocket followed or preceded by WAR. BUT that is too predictable and every second alternative economist will tell you this. I bet the guys at the FED knew this outcome decades in advance and measures have been taken to create a historical turn of events.

I think we are not getting a real war with blood on the street and nukes ( I think nukes don't exist btw and are a psyop like viruses, total BS to instill fear in the souls of ordinary people). I think the next step will be total implosion of the internet and power grid. Possibly triggered by a solar event/hacker attack or something of this sort that we cannot even imagine at this point.

This will be a great way to delete a lot of information from the current system. The new technological variant of burning books from the distant past before the new system is implemented when the grid comes back online.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Inflation is actually really easy to predict. It is not about the quantity and velocity of money as the mainstream anti-fed/CBs try to make us believe. Inflation is a product of loss of confidence in the government. And as fiat currencies being their product - the inflation rises as confidence in the government is lost. Its an inverse relationship. Really easy to predict if you are the one creating the timeline of events. The 1:1 and below dollar to euro ratio was overdue but only after European governments turned full retard regarding Russia it was time to materialize. Now Europe is the uglier of the two sisters and the EUR is having a hit. Must go to 0.87 or so as a minimum.

The proof for this is QE3 back in 2012 Sept/Oct aka QE to infinity when everybody(including me) went on the Silver/Gold bandwagon. I actually went all in a bit earlier @ 16$ per ounce silver in 2010. Even though they announced 1+ trillion infinite printing press per year with no end date, the dollar stabilized and metals fell off a cliff. Why didn't Gold go to 5k if the quantity of money would explode ? Because the printing press assured everybody the government will be OK for awhile,at least. So everything is under control. The goldbugs tried to rationalize this counter intuitive movement by market manipulation. They cried like babies instead of trying to see one level deeper. A great lesson for me. Many are still stuck in the market manipulation paradigm. Which is happening no doubt but nobody can control a market which time has come to rise because massive amounts of people are buying. Not even the FED.

After this plunge in the EUR, the USD will take the next hit and the system is supposed to implode and metals skyrocket followed or preceded by WAR. BUT that is too predictable and every second alternative economist will tell you this. I bet the guys at the FED knew this outcome decades in advance and measures have been taken to create a historical turn of events.

I think we are not getting a real war with blood on the street and nukes ( I think nukes don't exist btw and are a psyop like viruses, total BS to instill fear in the souls of ordinary people). I think the next step will be total implosion of the internet and power grid. Possibly triggered by a solar event/hacker attack or something of this sort that we cannot even imagine at this point.

This will be a great way to delete a lot of information from the current system. The new technological variant of burning books from the distant past before the new system is implemented when the grid comes back online.

The loss of faith in the govt is certainly there. But usually, as you said, when there is loss of faith in govt inflation rises (which did happen) BUT also the price of PM rises. This PM price rise did happen back in 2009-2011 timeframe but NOT this time, despite money being printed both times. I think the price manipulation of PM is more serious than we like to admit. If banks are allowed to "print" paper-PM at will, and the current "leverage" of, say, paper-gold is 250:1, most of which was "printed" in the last 2 years then it is obvious the big banks are messing with the PM "supply" to control price. Do you disagree with the article below (both links are essentially the argument)? Most of its evidence is hard to discount/disprove.


Jan 9, 2019
Everyone move to Hawaii, convince the native Hawaiins to throw out all elite and their operations. Encourage everyone to grow pro metablic food and livestock, dont worry about nuclear warfare on the mainland. Is the wind safe when it comes back to HI? Idk.


Sep 24, 2016

Good points.

But what about riding energy costs, Corona caused supply chain breaks, scarcity ?

This factors weren’t there in 2012 or not in this intensity.

So probably some „classic“ inflation factors like costs of production and lower supply do factor in.

A huge factor would be central bank interest. Without being able to give a hypothesis I’m sure what we had since 2008/2012:

Printing money on end but lowest interest
(against many classic inflation theorems)

And now: big inflation surge and then hiking interests

Is a deliberate move aimed at the debtor class. Real estate for example is now out of reach for many more then even before.

Those that have assets and liquidity profit double.

I also had a feeling of massive stock market manipulation in the run up, maybe last 3 years. Single shares getting manipulated and shorted down while indexes somehow Went unaffected. Yes, there is a lot of liquidity in indexes and they Are not moved as easily… still. Even GameStop seems fishy given all that came with it

Seems possible now Thad Coronas primary purpose wasn’t so much hurting individuals health as much as giving pretext to shot down economies and print money to even bigger extents.

Also possible that Russia chose this moment of economic vulnerability to strike Ukraine.
Too many plausible scenarios to really know


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
The loss of faith in the govt is certainly there. But usually, as you said, when there is loss of faith in govt inflation rises (which did happen) BUT also the price of PM rises. This PM price rise did happen back in 2009-2011 timeframe but NOT this time, despite money being printed both times. I think the price manipulation of PM is more serious than we like to admit. If banks are allowed to "print" paper-PM at will, and the current "leverage" of, say, paper-gold is 250:1, most of which was "printed" in the last 2 years then it is obvious the big banks are messing with the PM "supply" to control price. Do you disagree with the article below (both links are essentially the argument)? Most of its evidence is hard to discount/disprove.

The ratio between paper and physical has been super high for a long time. When I was following the manipulation closely it was 252:1 or something of this sort. The manipulation is going on no doubt but I think this is not the main reason why the price has remained restrained.

Back in 2011-2013 I was subscribed to the service of the most famous whistleblower for the gold manipulation - Andrew Maguire. He was working together with probably the best market chartist alive in the same fund but were running different services and their predictions were quite different. The chartist was a follower of George Marechal - the best chartist in history who accurately predicted detailed 15 years of Dow Jones movement from 1933 to 1945 15 years in advance following an assignment by Franklin D Roosevelt, forseeing ww2 based on charts alone.

Maguire was a losing trader even though he was an "insider". The chartist was a profitable trader each month without reading a single news article for the past 20+ years and no connections to bullion banks. The most famous quote by him was this: "Reality trumps all." Mocking the goldbugs that believed every uptick in the price was the start of the move to the moon. The only thing that matters is the chart and price action. Everything else is a delusion.

They separated in 2013 as Maguire started losing money for clients due to his obsession with manipulation and the obvious delusion that the price will go up any moment now while the chartist in the group were constantly shorting gold from 2011 to 2015 on every bounce making a really good profit. They (we) started longing Gold in late 2015 when indications started showing that we might be turning. I bought most of my Gold/Silver in November 2015 at the very low.

In other words - all those articles about manipulation have been going on for a long time and they are almost never right when they try to predict the price action which is the most important thing at the end of the day. They are not worth your time in my view. This does not mean I am bearish the metals.

Did you see this news? Uganda finds 31 mt of gold ready to be mined; signs up Chinese firm The Ugandan government has licensed Chinese firm Wagagai to start production in Busia district; the value of 31 mt of gold ore stands at $12.8 trillion.

Wonder if ZeroHedge published this piece of news. This is enough gold to completely disturb the Gold/Silver ratio. I own 90% silver and 10% Gold if I need to move fast with some value in me. I believe the much better bet.


Mar 15, 2014
I think nukes don't exist btw and are a psyop like viruses
I don't buy this one. If nukes don't exist, why does nuclear energy exist?

Nuclear power plants extract huge amounts of energy, they can run a city for 1 year off of just a truckload of uranium. Now just imagine the same amount of energy, but in an explosion rather than a long drawn-out reaction.

Nukes exist because they just make too much sense not to


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
I don't buy this one. If nukes don't exist, why does nuclear energy exist?

Nuclear power plants extract huge amounts of energy, they can run a city for 1 year off of just a truckload of uranium. Now just imagine the same amount of energy, but in an explosion rather than a long drawn-out reaction.

Nukes exist because they just make too much sense not to
I am no expert in nuclear physics so I could be totally wrong. But I doubt it.

They(nukes and nuclear plants) are two completely different things. But to me looking at the evidence it seems A LOT more logical that nukes do not really exist. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki footage looks like carpet bombing. Not nuclear explosions. The old footage of Nuclear tests look funny and absurd now so many years later. Obviously manipulated, many of them using the Sun, many of them using tiny models etc. With todays technology small tactical "nukes" should be easy to make. No terrorist organization ever used one. It all smells like BS. And again - I could be wrong.

Hydrogen bombs on the other hand are real. And the science is pretty straightforward (from my limited knowledge).


Sep 24, 2016
"Reality trumps all." Mocking the goldbugs that believed every uptick in the price was the start of the move to the moon. The only thing that matters is the chart and price action. Everything else is a delusion.

Yes. There are a lot of amateur traders / investors that not only run after the next big thing but also delude themselves they know something secret going on and will profit from it when it gets „proven“

What you think about Elliot waves?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I am no expert in nuclear physics so I could be totally wrong. But I doubt it.

You're extremely totally wrong. I don't know how anyone with your intelligence can seriously entertain such an idea. It really boggles my mind the things I hear come out of people sometimes.


Sep 24, 2016
I wonder if the modern Monetary theory - proponents have analysis ready for the present situation. Or if they can square their cure it all theory with the present situation.

I suspect MMT has a lot of correct approaches to both analysis and practice of a positive monetary politics but I Alsp fear it can be mustered to detriment


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The ratio between paper and physical has been super high for a long time. When I was following the manipulation closely it was 252:1 or something of this sort. The manipulation is going on no doubt but I think this is not the main reason why the price has remained restrained.

Back in 2011-2013 I was subscribed to the service of the most famous whistleblower for the gold manipulation - Andrew Maguire. He was working together with probably the best market chartist alive in the same fund but were running different services and their predictions were quite different. The chartist was a follower of George Marechal - the best chartist in history who accurately predicted detailed 15 years of Dow Jones movement from 1933 to 1945 15 years in advance following an assignment by Franklin D Roosevelt, forseeing ww2 based on charts alone.

Maguire was a losing trader even though he was an "insider". The chartist was a profitable trader each month without reading a single news article for the past 20+ years and no connections to bullion banks. The most famous quote by him was this: "Reality trumps all." Mocking the goldbugs that believed every uptick in the price was the start of the move to the moon. The only thing that matters is the chart and price action. Everything else is a delusion.

They separated in 2013 as Maguire started losing money for clients due to his obsession with manipulation and the obvious delusion that the price will go up any moment now while the chartist in the group were constantly shorting gold from 2011 to 2015 on every bounce making a really good profit. They (we) started longing Gold in late 2015 when indications started showing that we might be turning. I bought most of my Gold/Silver in November 2015 at the very low.

In other words - all those articles about manipulation have been going on for a long time and they are almost never right when they try to predict the price action which is the most important thing at the end of the day. They are not worth your time in my view. This does not mean I am bearish the metals.

Did you see this news? Uganda finds 31 mt of gold ready to be mined; signs up Chinese firm The Ugandan government has licensed Chinese firm Wagagai to start production in Busia district; the value of 31 mt of gold ore stands at $12.8 trillion.

Wonder if ZeroHedge published this piece of news. This is enough gold to completely disturb the Gold/Silver ratio. I own 90% silver and 10% Gold if I need to move fast with some value in me. I believe the much better bet.

OK, so why do you think gold skyrocketed in the 2009-2011 period, with similar macroenvironment/bailouts and loss of trust, but not now? Inflation is even higher now, which you say means loss of trust, but gold is basically flat. Have people lost their minds by thinking this time "it will be different" and the free money will never end?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I wonder if the modern Monetary theory - proponents have analysis ready for the present situation. Or if they can square their cure it all theory with the present situation.

I suspect MMT has a lot of correct approaches to both analysis and practice of a positive monetary politics but I Alsp fear it can be mustered to detriment

I think it does prove that MMT is just another pretty facade that looks good and has some uses but quickly crumbles when faced with reality. Its proponents made a lot of money though, running around giving lectures and selling books.


Nov 29, 2017
You're extremely totally wrong. I don't know how anyone with your intelligence can seriously entertain such an idea. It really boggles my mind the things I hear come out of people sometimes.
I side with @DeadCatBounce simply because he/she says admits he/she doesn't really know for sure. I tend to think along the same lines because pretty much everything else we have been taught is a lie. Why not use "nuclear" bombs and energy as a way to foster fear and control outcomes. Weapons of mass destruction etc. Most of us will never know the truth tbh. The only difference is that @DeadCatBounce doesn't speak in absolutes. He or she admits they could be wrong and I view that as somebody with an open mind, not a stupid person. Nothing is clear cut and to assume so says something about your own intelligence (if you want to toss out comments like the above).

For example : People tend to assume gravity is a thing. It may be....but then why does a balloon rise when released out doors? I think it's called relative density but most people don't get that far because they "KNOW" gravity is "real". If you believe their science, you believe their lies.


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
Yes. There are a lot of amateur traders / investors that not only run after the next big thing but also delude themselves they know something secret going on and will profit from it when it gets „proven“

What you think about Elliot waves?

Very subjective method but useful sometimes to know when a trend might be ending and stop betting with trend direction or look for entry in the opposite direction.

OK, so why do you think gold skyrocketed in the 2009-2011 period, with similar macroenvironment/bailouts and loss of trust, but not now? Inflation is even higher now, which you say means loss of trust, but gold is basically flat. Have people lost their minds by thinking this time "it will be different" and the free money will never end?

I think you are right about people. I would put it a bit more bluntly - they are more retarded than ever and completely out of touch with reality. Less and less people are interested or know about gold and silver. A lot of the potential anti-establishment oriented money that would have gone to metals was absorbed by the crypto market and siphoned away. Many of the old people who believed in Gold/Silver are now dead. The new generation is simply not interested. Also many people put money into real estate, it was a risky investment in 2009-2011 timeframe.

Other major difference and I belive the most important - DXY(dollar index) was still in a bearmarket from its 2001 peak @ 120 shortly after 9/11. In August/Sep 2011 DXY made its second slighly higher bottom at just below 80 while Gold topped @ ~1900, similar to the price action during the 70s Gold bull/DXY bear. Since 2011 we are in a dollar bullmarket which limits the upside for Gold even in the face of all the inflation. Currently Dollar @~108 which is back to 2002 levels. Most probably DXY is now shooting up to well above the 2001 peak of 120 and might even reach ~160 by 2023-2024.


Gold and DXY are now going up together against all other currencies while the system is imploding even though many people consider the dollar as the "anti-gold". The system is collapsing from the periphery and DXY is in its core causing it to rise. Gold is up 22-30% in EUR terms since the COVID scam and about 12% in Dollar terms. Still holding strong even though it looks weak at the moment and might fall a little bit further.

My guess is that a top in 2023-2024 timeframe for DXY will start a massive bullmarket in Gold that will end in 2028-2030 or so. This is only in case the system is working kind of normal allowing the markets to stay up and working - no internet or powergrid disruption or ww3. I can just hope the system will continue running and no major disruptions are coming except massive inflation in Europe and localized wars.

My gut feel tells me that there will be an artificially manufactured event around the top of the DXY (similar to 9/11) that will disrupt this normal market cycle and we won't be able to see a gradual bull market in Gold and bear in DXY. For this gradual market movement to occur the system must have some sort of stability around the 2023-2024 timeframe while the dollar is topping. From the current point of time it is really hard to tell. We need to get closer to this event to be able to make a relatively accurate prediction.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I would put it a bit more bluntly - they are more retarded than ever and completely out of touch with reality. Less and less people are interested or know about gold and silver. A lot of the potential anti-establishment oriented money that would have gone to metals was absorbed by the crypto market and siphoned away. Many of the old people who believed in Gold/Silver are now dead. The new generation is simply not interested.

With social dynamics like that already in place, and seemingly getting worse, there is no need for a false-flag event towards the end of the 2020s. The system will simply collapse on its own. There can be no civilization when the human "capital" is of such "quality". So, I think there will be an open fascist govt soon, and at that point markets won't matter much. The only question is what will happen once that dictatorship is established, as the West does not have much in terms of resources to run its high-tech dictatorship. Resources, which are in the hand of the now-forming Eurasian pact. So, the Western world will have to either strike a deal to get those resources (though I don't see what they can offer in return to make it a worthy deal for Russia/China) or...launch WW3. I actually don't see a way out of this without either a global war or at least a complete implosion of the current Western system. I guess the second option is preferable as it will kill less people and give the West a chance to rebuild itself, while WW3 would potentially end life on Earth altogether.
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