Potatoes Aren't Peaty

Feb 4, 2015


You have said in interviews that you think it's good to avoid starch, but you've also said that potatoes are nearly a perfect food. I know you think it's good to eat some butter with starch but you've also said that you think too much butter can be fattening and you also like low fat or skim milk. So if one was to get a lot of daily calories from potatoes with no butter added, is the starch from the potato still likely to contribute to soft tissue or lymph damage from starch particles or is that only of concern from flour products, that is, starch consumed from flour products, which are usually consumed with the polyunsaturated fats."

RE:"I think potato starch is likely to cause some cumulative damage if it isn’t eaten with some fat. I don’t eat potatoes, both because of the starch and their allergenicity. As a cheap source of nourishment, they are far better than the beans and rice that are often recommended for cheap protein and calories. When the starch is removed, the cooked liquid can be used as a protein supplement for people with special metabolic problems."

If you want to "be like Peat" but you're successfully eating potatoes, even with fat, you're not a Peatarian. And the potato juice he talks about is only for people with special metabolic problems. It will do nothing for you if you're normal.

I think this other comment suggests a similar situation to what Danny Roddy says about milk, that if you have problems with it then it's not the milk, it's you. I say it's not the starch, it's you. >>>>>But, >>>>>and this is the important but, still, even if you don't have problems with starch, it will still cause cumulative damage from a real, true Peatarian POV.

inb4 "but he said if it's not eaten with some fat." Yea but he said "I don’t eat potatoes, both because of the starch and their allergenicity" so they aren't Peaty.

"The whole endotoxin nonsense boils down to excess intestinal bacteria, which can have numerous causes. The bias here is to blame it on starch of course ...."- tyw

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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Have you come to terms with Raymond Peat as your Lord and Savior yet? It's hard for you, I see.
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015


You've mentioned that you occasionally eat small turnips. Do they offer a hard to get nutrient?"

RE:"It’s just that they taste good, and contain less starch, PUFA, and goitrogens than some vegetables."



Jul 8, 2015


You have said in interviews that you think it's good to avoid starch, but you've also said that potatoes are nearly a perfect food. I know you think it's good to eat some butter with starch but you've also said that you think too much butter can be fattening and you also like low fat or skim milk. So if one was to get a lot of daily calories from potatoes with no butter added, is the starch from the potato still likely to contribute to soft tissue or lymph damage from starch particles or is that only of concern from flour products, that is, starch consumed from flour products, which are usually consumed with the polyunsaturated fats."

RE:"I think potato starch is likely to cause some cumulative damage if it isn’t eaten with some fat. I don’t eat potatoes, both because of the starch and their allergenicity. As a cheap source of nourishment, they are far better than the beans and rice that are often recommended for cheap protein and calories. When the starch is removed, the cooked liquid can be used as a protein supplement for people with special metabolic problems."

If you want to "be like Peat" but you're successfully eating potatoes, even with fat, you're not a Peatarian. And the potato juice he talks about is only for people with a special metabolic disorder. It will do nothing for you if you're normal.

I maintain that this other comment suggests a similar situation to what Danny Roddy says about milk, that if you have problems with it then it's not the milk, it's you. I say it's not the starch, it's you. But still, even if you don't have problems with starch, it will still cause cumulative damage from a real Peatarian POV.

"The whole endotoxin nonsense boils down to excess intestinal bacteria, which can have numerous causes. The bias here is to blame it on starch of course ...."- tyw

inb4 "but he said if it's not eaten with some fat." Yea but he said "I don’t eat potatoes, both because of the starch and their allergenicity" so they aren't Peaty.

The success of potatovores is not a part of the Peatosphere.


what is your point other than to point out Ray isn't a fan of potatoes? (sincere and serious question)
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
what is your point other than to point out Ray isn't a fan of potatoes? (sincere and serious question)

People often say that potatoes are Peaty but they are not. Though he has said positive things about them, he's said enough negative things about them and personally does not eat them. Therefore, potatoes are not Peaty. A true Peatarian diet is 100% starch free with the only exception coming from the very occasional nixtamalized Mexican corn tortilla and baby turnip. My point is that it is unfair to credit the success of many potato eaters in the nutrition sphere to them being Peaty when that is not true. Any success of potato or starch eaters is outside of the Peatosphere. So to them when a person does well with potatoes it's because they are "Peaty" but when a person does poorly with milk and/or cheese, to the dogmatic Peatarian it's not the milk, it's them. They are inconsistent with what they call "Peaty." Either something is Peaty or it's not. I'm just being transparent. I'm also changing my view on when I said that when Peat says positive things about a food but does not personally consume that food, then claiming that food is still "Peaty" is not true. Just because he said something positive about it does not make it Peaty. There is a true Peatarian diet. You could say that there is a backup Peatarian diet when one is having problems but my problem is with the wording. Let's not confuse the wording.

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Jul 8, 2015
I very much appreciate the contributions you make to this forum.
However yours and ALL other insistence on identification of which "diet team" someone is benefiting from, rooting for, participating on are extremely counter productive.
Who cares whether its "peaty" or "peatarian" or not. I'd even go as far as to say anyone who actually has any depth of interest and understanding of Ray's stuff would
avoid those terms like the plague.

Ray doesn't eat potatoes.
Some people following some of rays advice eat potatoes.

Big deal.
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
Who cares whether its "peaty" or "peatarian" or not.

I do.

I'd even go as far as to say anyone who actually has any depth of interest and understanding of Ray's stuff would
avoid those terms like the plague.

That is not detailed enough for the person who is trying to do their best. I can pull up quotes by Peat where he uses the terms "very important" for things. "Very important" is detail specific. Not fluff. I care about definitions. And context. It's not about rooting for anything or anyone. It's about being transparent and clear with your definitions and intentions. It's about making clear arguments with evidence.

Ray doesn't eat potatoes.
Some people following some of rays advice eat potatoes.

Then the potato eaters look silly, to me, when they say they are "Peating."



Jul 8, 2015
You have done better and you can do better than just being the "diet team" scorekeeper. If anything is "silly" its the "diet team" scorekeeper

and if we really want to talk about "silly"

EVERYBODY looks silly saying they are "Peating" not just the potato eaters.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Its been established that there is no such thing as "peaty" foods, Dr/ Peat doesn't give precise recommendation or prescription for what foods are good and what are bad, his teachings boil down to recommending to eat foods that raise the metabolism. For the vast majority of people out there, potatoes will increase the metabolism.
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
Its been established that there is no such thing as "peaty" foods, Dr/ Peat doesn't give precise recommendation or prescription for what foods are good and what are bad, his teachings boil down to recommending to eat foods that raise the metabolism. For the vast majority of people out there, potatoes will increase the metabolism.

Not true. He did nutritional consultations for years all the way up until 2012 when Roddy/Stone blew him up and he started receiving too many emails which is why he removed the contact form from his website. I emailed him in 2011 before that happened and he said it was $60 for a half hour nutrition consultation. Again.....nutrition.....consultation. Those words have meaning. He did house calls in Oregon for years, specifically for nutrition and hormone advice.

Yes there is that one quote "My recommendation is to eat to increase the metabolic rate (usually temperature and heart rate), rather than any particular foods.." but I think that quote was a gaffe. That quote is the only reason you make that argument but it's clear that most people would disagree.

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Jul 8, 2015
So all the people who eat potatoes who said they were "peaty" will now continue to eat potatoes
still benefit from Ray's advice and this nonsensical scorekeeping will continue.
lotsa luck with that.

Hey everyone Ray Peat doesn't eat potatoes
if you eat potatoes you're not welcome at the Peaty potluck next week sorry
if you denounce your wicked potato eating ways and repent you may be reconsidered for the peaty potluck reentry in a week.
If you keep eating potatoes and calling yourself peaty absolutely nothing will happen to you.

sheesh such a useless waste of intelligent peoples time attention and resources

as you were I'll say nothing further on it. you're entitled to whatever witch hunt you'd like to participate in.
I hope your team wins.
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
sheesh such a useless waste of intelligent peoples time attention and resources

No need to be rude. I know there are people who will appreciate that I shared this email. If you don't care, good for you but don't spam the thread and ruin it for everyone else.



Jul 8, 2015
The thread itself is spam
if you just wanted to point out something helpful you'd state
"Ray Peat does not eat potatoes and therefore...."
Instead you're just beating an agenda endlessly.

PS - Ray only drinks coke not pepsi. Any pepsi drinkers out there turn in your membership cards on your way out. smh.
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Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
The thread itself is spam
if you just wanted to point out something helpful you'd state
"Ray Peat does not eat potatoes and therefore...."
Instead you're just beating an agenda endlessly.

PS - Ray only drinks coke not pepsi. Any pepsi drinkers out there turn in your membership cards on your way out.

Here's what you can't grasp:

Search this forum for the term "potato" and/or "potatoes."

You will find hundreds of people with their introduction posts saying "Hi All! I've been lurking here for a while and now I want to say hi and tell you about myself." And in their diet they will mention that they eat potatoes. And then they will go on to mention some problem(s). Well, I just provided proof that the person who this forum is named after and is the whole purpose of this forum existing does not consume potatoes. Therefore, the person who is eating potatoes and is saying that they still have problems after "Peating" is not really Peating. And what are they coming here for other than to learn how to Peat? Now, with this thread, they will know that they should eliminate potatoes and all starch if they are here on "The Ray Peat Forum" and they are looking for help and dietary advice.

Ray Peat doesn't eat potatoes, or potato juice.



Dec 29, 2015
Thank you Westside ,I think this is very valuable information for us peatards and I'm very glad you posted it.. I was actually under the impression Ray thought potatoes were an excellent protein source... and now I know the truth of what he really thinks... I value Ray's opinion as he knows about the physiology of human bodies so this is going to make me want to eat more protein like beef and fish , and up the saturated fats
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
Thank you Westside ,I think this is very valuable information for us peatards and I'm very glad you posted it.. I was actually under the impression Ray thought potatoes were an excellent protein source... and now I know the truth of what he really thinks...

You're welcome.

I value Ray's opinion as he knows about the physiology of human bodies so this is going to make me want to eat more protein like beef and fish , and up the saturated fats

Be careful with too much muscle meat though. The best protein to Peat is casein from milk and glycine from gelatin/oxtail. He did mention that a high quality grass fed beef is the best choice for meat in an article from last year but there are enough quotes to limit muscle meats and when you do eat them be sure to have glycine alongside them to balance the surge of the anti-thyroid amino acids in the bloodstream.



Jan 23, 2017
Not a useless waste of intelligence or time at all. I learned from it, was instructive. Thanks for sharing this Westside PUFAs!


Jul 8, 2015
There isn't any mystery about potatoes friend.
Nor any other "food" Ray "recommends"

He'd be the first to tell you if you don't respond well to it don't eat it.

If someone is eating ANYTHING ongoing that they're not responding well to... they're not (as you would say) "Peating"
If they've been lurking and "peating" and they're eating potatoes or whatever and they're not doing well they need to change something.
They don't need to be on or off "team peat" to do that.

Ray drinks milk... that doesn't mean you have to drink milk to utilize what he's sharing.
Ray drinks OJ... same
Ray wipes with his right hand... same

Stop the perpetuation of this nonsensical "Team Peat" thing. There is no team peat, there is no "peating", "peaty" etc...

Your point has been made and could actually be received better if you'd just stop at the point.

Ray Peat doesn't eat potatoes and he doesn't recommend you eat them either............... BUT........ he will recommend them if you don't have a better option, can't afford a better option, can't digest anything else, etc.....
your rigid dark black categorical lines are nonsensical and a hindrance to people trying to get better not a help.
I'm not saying your brining ray's position to light is a hindrance. I'm saying your approach to this as "Peatarian Cop" is....
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Sep 28, 2014
Sometimes it's hard to know what's working and what's not. So this is very beneficial to me. We don't have to be fundamentalists about things. I enjoy sourdough and think that works better for me than potatoes? But it's hard to say. What I do know is sweet potatoes don't work at all and cause terrible gas.
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