Pregnenolone = Increase In Schizotypal Symptoms


Aug 6, 2015
My mind feels very overactive,

I am much more delusional when I am on it, even though I experienced some very, very weird coincidences, - this amplified the delusional thinking,
thinking that the pregnenolone was responsible for the coincidence

increase in feelings of mutism, I cannot be bothered to talk to anyone.
arguments and depressing moments of my life replay over.
deja vu increases too.

I take healthantura pregnenolone, dissolved in alcohol topically but also the power orally.
It's a very weird substance.


Sep 27, 2015
I've been experimenting with moderate doses of pregenenolone this past month. Healthnatura and Idealabs brands. I experienced calmness, lessened anxiety, and a voracious appetite for sleep. No amount of nighttime sleep could prevent me from feeling the need to take a nap at midday. I also experienced what I can only term as depression. No motivation, very little emotion, depersonalization (that may not be the right word.) I felt like I was floating through my daily routine. I felt stoic, like nothing could move me, for good or ill. The only music that I could enjoy was that which had a depressing mood to it. I found myself without the energy to do much of anything but stare off into space. Zero desire for human interaction. Tendency towards muteness, as you said. After a good night's sleep, the next day I would feel fatigued with heavy limbs; my head felt heavy on my shoulders. I was constipated.

I was taking 20 to 70mg of Healthnatura pregnenolone powder. One or two drops of Idealabs Stressnon doesn't seem to sedate me too much, but 4 drops taken at bedtime seemed to sedate me the next day. So, it would seem that any dose over 3 to 4 milligrams starts to turn me into a stoic, constipated zombie of sorts. This is according to my own personal biology. I have had lifelong struggles with anxiety and lack of motivation. Pregnenolone lessens the anxiety (GABA?), but replaces it with nothing (low dopamine?)

edit: I don't really know what schizotypal means, hopefully I don't derail your thread.
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Feb 13, 2016
I think it might be because it's converting too much into pregnenolone sulfate, maybe DHEA & estrogen, and not enough progesterone in relation. It's lowering serotonin but not raising GABA, so you end up with schizoid symptoms, calm but apathetic.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Yes I must say when I was acclimating to Pregnenalone oral capsules from a very good brand, I experienced at first intense anxiety at 10 MG. After a while, I’d drop the dose down to get used to it, and taking it with food helped. However, things become very hit or miss. I’d also get those strange depersonalization feelings, like extremely apathetic as though nothing could move me. I’d go up to 20, 30, 50, and sometimes it was a nice antidepressant effect, but it was too unpredictable. Sometimes I’d feel overwhelming need for sleep, like I was numb. Not saying I got great sleep, but it just made me a vegetable at times. Not in sync with my environment and very spacey like feelings. Who knows if this is Cortisol lowering (Aspirin can make me blah and robotic also), or of this is NMDA potentiation (depersonalization) or if something else was going on (GABA blockade or Acetylcholine increase). It’s a very tricky substance to dose and replicate effects from.


Jun 25, 2017
Pregnenolone dosing usually starts high and is then reduced. DHEA is started low, then increased until negative effects appear. Maintenance is at the dose before negative effects. Could stay a week at each dose to stabilize signal.


Jan 10, 2020
I think it might be because it's converting too much into pregnenolone sulfate, maybe DHEA & estrogen, and not enough progesterone in relation. It's lowering serotonin but not raising GABA, so you end up with schizoid symptoms, calm but apathetic.

Does anyone know where pregnenolone gets metabolized into pregnenolone sulfate? I've always assumed it was in the liver but don't know that for a fact.

The reason it matters is that pregnenolone sulfate doesn't cross the BBB. So, if it's metabolized outside the brain and you've got an intact BBB, you shouldn't see any effect on mood or anxiety. If on the other hand the conversion happens in the brain (seems unlikely) or you've got a compromised BBB, then you might see effects on emotional state.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Yeah, I feel you on this completely. I would take it and I would feel like I was in a bubble and could not talk to anyone because I was so blank or blah....But maybe it was dose dependent because 40-50 mg a day would usually not do this to me, but even then, it is way way way to unpredictable....... It will agaonize NMDA and Acetylcholine.


Jul 14, 2020
Anyone know what could reverse this? Or what mechanism causes schizoid behavior in general?


Jun 8, 2020
Anyone know what could reverse this? Or what mechanism causes schizoid behavior in general?

I don’t know the answer to your question but vitamin B3 has been used for schizophrenia.


Mar 29, 2013
I don’t know the answer to your question but vitamin B3 has been used for schizophrenia.
That depends on the type of schizophrenia. B3 to a histadelic schizophrenic would likely make them worse. B3 to a histapenic schizophrenic would likely help. If someone is going to seriously look into treating their mental health (or you plan on helping someone with their mental health) with supplements, then it would be wise to at least cover the ground already explored, and successfully implemented, by orthomolecular psychiatrists Albert Hoffer and Carl Pfeiffer.


Jul 14, 2020
I don’t know the answer to your question but vitamin B3 has been used for schizophrenia.
Thanks I’ll have to look into that.

Isn’t schizophrenia different from schizotypal personality?

I did some research and came across a glutamine-GABA connection. Apparently you can have high glutamine and low GABA when you have SPD symptoms. Still need to wade through some research but I noticed that on the subreddit Schizoid, people are taking sarcosine and NAC. I don’t think either are peat approved but it’s interesting that some see symptom relief. I don’t understand why people would have low GABA when pregnenolone should increase androgens that increase GABA. I did find this:

Pregnenolone Sulfate Modulates Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission by Enhancing GABAAReceptor Desensitization

Pregnenolone Sulfate Modulates Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission by Enhancing GABAA Receptor Desensitization

Edit: I didn’t realize that sarcosine mainly turns into glycine so maybe glycine could be helpful?
Glycine May Treat Schizophrenia
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Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Anyone know what could reverse this? Or what mechanism causes schizoid behavior in general?

If Pregnenalone activates NMDA, then
Thanks I’ll have to look into that.

Isn’t schizophrenia different from schizotypal personality?

I did some research and came across a glutamine-GABA connection. Apparently you can have high glutamine and low GABA when you have SPD symptoms. Still need to wade through some research but I noticed that on the subreddit Schizoid, people are taking sarcosine and NAC. I don’t think either are peat approved but it’s interesting that some see symptom relief. I don’t understand why people would have low GABA when pregnenolone should increase androgens that increase GABA. I did find this:

Pregnenolone Sulfate Modulates Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission by Enhancing GABAAReceptor Desensitization

Pregnenolone Sulfate Modulates Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission by Enhancing GABAA Receptor Desensitization

Edit: I didn’t realize that sarcosine mainly turns into glycine so maybe glycine could be helpful?
Glycine May Treat Schizophrenia

Pregnenalone is a GABA antagonist at different doses
Mar 24, 2018
I looked into it a little and it could be the paradoxical effect that a minimum dose can be more negative given its biphasic action (U shape) therefore anxiety, irritability, negative mood and aggression. I experienced this with 3-5 mg. I will use double triple to understand how much it may be related to allopregnenolone.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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