Problems With Fruit


Jul 1, 2015
There seems to be little discussion of this topic on a forum where fruit is maybe the most unequivocally recommended dietary item. But I have encountered several problems with trying to make fruit a staple in any form.

First is the cost. Fruit juices and dried fruit are not bad, but fresh fruit adds up too quickly to ever consider making it a regular part of my diet. Maybe if I had lower caloric requirements, but at 3500 - 4000 calories a day, fresh is neither affordable nor practical.

Orange juice is too acidic, apple juice doesn’t appeal to me, and grape juice gives me diarrhea in larger amounts.

Dried fruits give me adrenaline surges from the concentration of sugar I guess, and again, diarrhea.

In general, fruit fiber does not agree with me. I actually notice fewer gut issues from carob bean gum-loaded low-fat ice cream than from fresh or dried fruit. Also better mood and more stable energy levels.

I just can’t get around rice, grits, and thoroughly cooked vegetables as my dietary staples both for the cost and the way I feel over fruit or any sugar source for that matter. Add in cheese, egg whites, whey, some chocolate, and I can meet all of my nutritional requirements aside from fat solubles.

Anyone else, or is everybody just flying high on enough OJ to make me bleed internally? Not an exaggeration.


Jan 12, 2013
I lived in Toronto for a while, and it was easy to get quality fruit. So I ate a lot of it. Now I live in a podunk town on the Northern tip of Nova Scotia, and it's really hard to get nice fruit here, especially in the winter. I get some frozen mango, pineapple, and cherries which are pretty decent (pineapples are hit and miss), Simply Orange is the best OJ I can get around here, and apples are pretty good quality. I'll probably get a few watermelons over the summer. I occasionally eat some sugary snacks and I usually put some sugar in my coffee.

But honestly, I only have 1-3 servings of fruit in a day now. I've been eating calrose rice with soy sauce and potatoes boiled in salty water as my carb staples for the past couple months, and I'm frankly feeling better than when I was trying to get the majority of my carbs from sugar. I try to stay away from wheat, but have occasional pasta with durum wheat, and usually a serving or two of legumes in a day. Cooked veggies a few times a week.

I know starch isn't ideal from a biochemistry perspective, but I feel like my blood sugar is more stable, and my glycogen is adequately filled. Whereas with lots of sugar, I felt more manic with less overall energy. I'm not a model Peatarian by any means, and I still haven't fixed all my issues, so take this with a grain of salt. But I definitely feel a lot better, and there are a few other forum members who have had similar findings.


Feb 9, 2014
I eat all of my carbs from fresh fruit juice/some fruit and honey and maple syrup and do best on it. I’ve tried starch a million times and am convinced I will never handle it well. Whenever I eat starch for more than a few days in a row, I begin having major endotoxins and serotonin issues related to the gut and it ruins my sleep where I wake up or stay awake with awful insomnia and often bad digestion issues. My energy is cleanly and my mental clarity is great on fruit/sucrose over starch. I feel so good I don’t think I could ever see myself going back to starch again. My diet isn’t mainly fruit and protein and I feel best eating this way. I’ve tried every diet under the sun and this is what works for me. My blood sugar doesn’t cause me problems and it is stable with fructose containing fruits and carbs from goat milk. I think enough protein and small meals throughout the day is also important in keeping blood sugar stable. Starch carbs give me a major glucose jolt and it tends to cause my blood sugar to spike and then then drop where I would crash. Fruit doesn’t do that, likely due to the fructose and minerals especially and vitamins in fruit which help metabolize sugar. I had occasional bleeding issues as well whenever I ate a lot of starchy and irritating foods but with goat milk and fresh fruit juice and little lean meat my bowl movements are regular and I have no bleeding. If you want to consume fruit but cannot get it fresh year around, I would recommend stewed/well cooked apples and pears. I loved adding brown sugar and cinnamo to mine when I used to make it.


Feb 18, 2018
Try apple sauce mixed with water and sugar.

Something about this mixture seems superior to every fruit combination I’ve tried. It’s almost seems like the perfect refreshing hydrating drink.

Most other fruits give me problems. I could see myself having other fruits every now and then, but I do believe the apple sauce, water, sugar combo to be the most effective


Jan 12, 2013
I eat all of my carbs from fresh fruit juice/some fruit and honey and maple syrup and do best on it. I’ve tried starch a million times and am convinced I will never handle it well. Whenever I eat starch for more than a few days in a row, I begin having major endotoxins and serotonin issues related to the gut and it ruins my sleep where I wake up or stay awake with awful insomnia and often bad digestion issues. My energy is cleanly and my mental clarity is great on fruit/sucrose over starch. I feel so good I don’t think I could ever see myself going back to starch again. My diet isn’t mainly fruit and protein and I feel best eating this way. I’ve tried every diet under the sun and this is what works for me. My blood sugar doesn’t cause me problems and it is stable with fructose containing fruits and carbs from goat milk. I think enough protein and small meals throughout the day is also important in keeping blood sugar stable. Starch carbs give me a major glucose jolt and it tends to cause my blood sugar to spike and then then drop where I would crash. Fruit doesn’t do that, likely due to the fructose and minerals especially and vitamins in fruit which help metabolize sugar. I had occasional bleeding issues as well whenever I ate a lot of starchy and irritating foods but with goat milk and fresh fruit juice and little lean meat my bowl movements are regular and I have no bleeding. If you want to consume fruit but cannot get it fresh year around, I would recommend stewed/well cooked apples and pears. I loved adding brown sugar and cinnamo to mine when I used to make it.

Hey Waremu, you're compelling me to give it another shot, as I definitely haven't solved all my issues, and it's been a long time since I tried eating this way. I'm not exactly sure why it didn't work for me, but I recall eating something along the lines of this when I was living in Toronto:

High quality OJ and 2 eggs cooked in coconut oil for breakfast
1% Milk with sweet homemade chocolate sauce (or just sugar and salt) shortly after
High quality OJ and cappuccinos with sugar all day at the cafe I worked at
Carrot salad with coconut oil, white vinegar, salt at some point during the day
Cheese at some point, usually good quality cheddar or gouda, usually eaten with some frozen cherries/mango or some dates.
Meat and good quality grape juice in the evening (protein sources were exclusively lean steak, ground beef, shrimp, liver, oysters, cooked in coconut oil)
More sugared/salted milk usually in the evening
Occasional chocolate, occasional ice cream, occasional soda, occasional homemade apple sauce/stewed apples/baked apples

(edit: also ate gummy bears, great lakes gelatin, collagen hydrolysate, occasional shank, mushrooms, oxtail, dry-pressed cottage cheese)

I tried to stick with a diet like this for months, and at first I felt pretty darn good, probably because I was lacking sugar for such a long time. But after a while, I slowly began always feeling either overloaded with energy or depleted and unable to restore it. Either hyper or depressed. I'd get adrenaline surges, sometimes waking me up from sleep with a pounding heart. I had a tough time feeling satisfied, even with 3000 calories and gaining fat, and my temperatures were usually 96-97 rarely ever hit 98 let alone 98.6. I don't recall ever feeling particularly cleansed of endotoxin. Not to mention, it was super expensive.

It wasn't until I quit 'Peating' for a while that things started to stabilize, and I've been trying different 60-or-so-percent-Peaty approaches ever since, to see what works best for me. I'm not exactly sure why the 100% Peat approach didn't work for me. But again, it was a long time ago, and maybe I have more self-awareness now to give it another shot.
Last edited:


Oct 10, 2018
There seems to be little discussion of this topic on a forum where fruit is maybe the most unequivocally recommended dietary item. But I have encountered several problems with trying to make fruit a staple in any form.

First is the cost. Fruit juices and dried fruit are not bad, but fresh fruit adds up too quickly to ever consider making it a regular part of my diet. Maybe if I had lower caloric requirements, but at 3500 - 4000 calories a day, fresh is neither affordable nor practical.

Orange juice is too acidic, apple juice doesn’t appeal to me, and grape juice gives me diarrhea in larger amounts.

Dried fruits give me adrenaline surges from the concentration of sugar I guess, and again, diarrhea.

In general, fruit fiber does not agree with me. I actually notice fewer gut issues from carob bean gum-loaded low-fat ice cream than from fresh or dried fruit. Also better mood and more stable energy levels.

I just can’t get around rice, grits, and thoroughly cooked vegetables as my dietary staples both for the cost and the way I feel over fruit or any sugar source for that matter. Add in cheese, egg whites, whey, some chocolate, and I can meet all of my nutritional requirements aside from fat solubles.

Anyone else, or is everybody just flying high on enough OJ to make me bleed internally? Not an exaggeration.
Why are you eating so many calories. Are you bulking trying to build muscle or something? If you're going to be eating 4000 calories everyday I would strongly suggest eating a little more dietary fat. Even at 15-20% of caloric intake coming from fat, with 4000 calories, that would be about 65-90 grams of fat everyday. There's not too many people that'll respond favorably if carbs exceed 2000 calories (about 500 grams). 1200-1600 calories from carbohydrates is the sweet spot for most people (approx 300-400 grams).


Jul 1, 2015
I eat all of my carbs from fresh fruit juice/some fruit and honey and maple syrup and do best on it. I’ve tried starch a million times and am convinced I will never handle it well. Whenever I eat starch for more than a few days in a row, I begin having major endotoxins and serotonin issues related to the gut and it ruins my sleep where I wake up or stay awake with awful insomnia and often bad digestion issues. My energy is cleanly and my mental clarity is great on fruit/sucrose over starch. I feel so good I don’t think I could ever see myself going back to starch again. My diet isn’t mainly fruit and protein and I feel best eating this way. I’ve tried every diet under the sun and this is what works for me. My blood sugar doesn’t cause me problems and it is stable with fructose containing fruits and carbs from goat milk. I think enough protein and small meals throughout the day is also important in keeping blood sugar stable. Starch carbs give me a major glucose jolt and it tends to cause my blood sugar to spike and then then drop where I would crash. Fruit doesn’t do that, likely due to the fructose and minerals especially and vitamins in fruit which help metabolize sugar. I had occasional bleeding issues as well whenever I ate a lot of starchy and irritating foods but with goat milk and fresh fruit juice and little lean meat my bowl movements are regular and I have no bleeding. If you want to consume fruit but cannot get it fresh year around, I would recommend stewed/well cooked apples and pears. I loved adding brown sugar and cinnamo to mine when I used to make it.

The thing is I have zero issues with starch. I guess it would be different if it were causing me problems. But fruit gives me more problems than bread or rice. The only issue I have with bread is that it is addictive. I’m trying to quit it right now for this reason.

Try apple sauce mixed with water and sugar.

Something about this mixture seems superior to every fruit combination I’ve tried. It’s almost seems like the perfect refreshing hydrating drink.

Most other fruits give me problems. I could see myself having other fruits every now and then, but I do believe the apple sauce, water, sugar combo to be the most effective

Actually I do like apple sauce occasionally. It seems to absorb better in my intestines, unlike apples themselves which just pass right through.

Why are you eating so many calories. Are you bulking trying to build muscle or something? If you're going to be eating 4000 calories everyday I would strongly suggest eating a little more dietary fat. Even at 15-20% of caloric intake coming from fat, with 4000 calories, that would be about 65-90 grams of fat everyday. There's not too many people that'll respond favorably if carbs exceed 2000 calories (about 500 grams). 1200-1600 calories from carbohydrates is the sweet spot for most people (approx 300-400 grams).

I eat this many calories because that is how many calories I burn. I have a physically demanding outdoor job and I also lift weights regularly. Besides, 4000 calories per day does not seem surprising to me on a forum partially devoted to metabolic enhancement. I see sedentary members claiming to eat 3000 - 3500. The amount of fat you recommend is the amount I typically eat from cheese, chocolate, coconut oil, and eggs.


Mar 3, 2016
Fruit fiber is the worst, only time I ever felt good on fruit was when I was making my own juice at home with a juicer. That juice was amazing though, and it made me feel amazing. All the commercial pasteurized and treated juices in the store are extremely sour, I can't handle them. And white sugar digests fine for me but it also gives me a strange sensation in the stomach, I think it's ultrafuel for bacteria. Also messes with dopamine in undesirable ways, like porn/gaming/internet. I don't crave sugar anyways, I crave starches. The only time I ever crave sugar is after a big starchy meal, and that craving can be fulfilled with a can of coke or whatever. If you feel good on starch then why are you trying to fix what isn't broken?


Mar 5, 2018
Fruit fiber is the worst, only time I ever felt good on fruit was when I was making my own juice at home with a juicer. That juice was amazing though, and it made me feel amazing. All the commercial pasteurized and treated juices in the store are extremely sour, I can't handle them. And white sugar digests fine for me but it also gives me a strange sensation in the stomach, I think it's ultrafuel for bacteria. Also messes with dopamine in undesirable ways, like porn/gaming/internet. I don't crave sugar anyways, I crave starches. The only time I ever crave sugar is after a big starchy meal, and that craving can be fulfilled with a can of coke or whatever. If you feel good on starch then why are you trying to fix what isn't broken?
To be honest for last 8 months or so i was completely starch free with 2-3 cheat days total. Getting all carbs from fruits (bakes apples) + honey was great for sales job (when i needed to be on feet and sell to people), but now that i've back to more mental job (design/programming) i find it's hard to concentrate. I am having to much nervous energy/anxiety. So that's why i am trying to understand should i add back starches (potatoes and sweet potatoes) or should i somehow make fruits/honey less anxiety provoking.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Hey Waremu, you're compelling me to give it another shot, as I definitely haven't solved all my issues, and it's been a long time since I tried eating this way. I'm not exactly sure why it didn't work for me, but I recall eating something along the lines of this when I was living in Toronto:

High quality OJ and 2 eggs cooked in coconut oil for breakfast
1% Milk with sweet homemade chocolate sauce (or just sugar and salt) shortly after
High quality OJ and cappuccinos with sugar all day at the cafe I worked at
Carrot salad with coconut oil, white vinegar, salt at some point during the day
Cheese at some point, usually good quality cheddar or gouda, usually eaten with some frozen cherries/mango or some dates.
Meat and good quality grape juice in the evening (protein sources were exclusively lean steak, ground beef, shrimp, liver, oysters, cooked in coconut oil)
More sugared/salted milk usually in the evening
Occasional chocolate, occasional ice cream, occasional soda, occasional homemade apple sauce/stewed apples/baked apples

(edit: also ate gummy bears, great lakes gelatin, collagen hydrolysate, occasional shank, mushrooms, oxtail, dry-pressed cottage cheese)

I tried to stick with a diet like this for months, and at first I felt pretty darn good, probably because I was lacking sugar for such a long time. But after a while, I slowly began always feeling either overloaded with energy or depleted and unable to restore it. Either hyper or depressed. I'd get adrenaline surges, sometimes waking me up from sleep with a pounding heart. I had a tough time feeling satisfied, even with 3000 calories and gaining fat, and my temperatures were usually 96-97 rarely ever hit 98 let alone 98.6. I don't recall ever feeling particularly cleansed of endotoxin. Not to mention, it was super expensive.

It wasn't until I quit 'Peating' for a while that things started to stabilize, and I've been trying different 60-or-so-percent-Peaty approaches ever since, to see what works best for me. I'm not exactly sure why the 100% Peat approach didn't work for me. But again, it was a long time ago, and maybe I have more self-awareness now to give it another shot.
How are you doing now? Are you still consuming rice?
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