Q: What Is The Definition Of A Well Person?


member 2106

A: Someone who hasn’t been examined yet.

An old joke encountered in Bill Bryson’s latest book which reminded me of Ray Peat’s comment about not going to see a doctor in case they gave him a diagnosis.

Sometimes it’s better not to know.
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Jun 19, 2016
Personally i wouldnt benefit from any diagnosis because i wouldn't change anything or take any drug they prescribe me. Even with cancer or some inflammatory bowel disease i wouldn't take anything or undergo any treatment because we know at this point all of those diseases are just a result of lacking energy metabolism and stress. Getting a diagnosis just boosts stress hormones even more. Also for mental problems the first line treatment is always a drug or 2, and you often have to take the drug for month to get to meet a therapist. I have no experience of therapy so i can't say for sure, but if some shrink tells you that you have a ton of problems it could be counterproductive, if those problems are merely a result of stress and bad environment.

But i think bloodtests can be a good thing so you know a little bit where the problem might be.
Nov 21, 2015
Personally i wouldnt benefit from any diagnosis because i wouldn't change anything or take any drug they prescribe me. Even with cancer or some inflammatory bowel disease i wouldn't take anything or undergo any treatment because we know at this point all of those diseases are just a result of lacking energy metabolism and stress. Getting a diagnosis just boosts stress hormones even more. Also for mental problems the first line treatment is always a drug or 2, and you often have to take the drug for month to get to meet a therapist. I have no experience of therapy so i can't say for sure, but if some shrink tells you that you have a ton of problems it could be counterproductive, if those problems are merely a result of stress and bad environment.

But i think bloodtests can be a good thing so you know a little bit where the problem might be.

Very true. I completely agree.

I’d see a doctor if I broke a bone. Even then I’d try to find a Chinese bone setter (a la Dr. Peat’s story) but they are thin on the ground in these parts so I’d end up with a doctor probably...but short of that, no doctors.
Nov 21, 2015
A well person can do all the things in his life he needs to without stress or strain, requires no medication, sleeps well and wakes up refreshed not groggy, takes on the day with happy gusto, and has fulfilling relationships in his life, feels good almost all the time and seldom gets colds of flu, can digest his food easily and has no problem with bowel movements or urination.


Apr 18, 2018
Lol, precisely why I've only been to the doctor only once or twice as an adult. I used to be in the hospital every few months as child getting tests, taking pills etc. Likely messed up my immune system more.
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