Questions About Estrogen Dominence

lacto man

Nov 21, 2017
I am a 63 year old male. Have started lifting weights about 8 months ago and seeing some impressive (for me, anyhow) results, but the moobs and tire around the middle are hanging in there. Would like to resolve this. Been taking I3C, DIM, calcium-d glucarate, and milk thistle.

1. Is estrogen stored in the tissues or only in the blood?

2. Do estrogen levels fluctuate significantly during an estrogen detox?

3. Will lifting weights and other exercise help resolve estrogen dominance?

4. Can you "sweat out" estrogen in a sauna or steam room?

5. What are the best supplements to use for estrogen detox?

6. Do carbs and sugars increase estrogen levels?

7. Does estrogen detox have symptoms? Will I have a healing crisis as I detox?

Any help you can provide will be appreciated.


Aug 15, 2015
Not the most thought-out answers but I will try to answer briefly so we can ignite a discussion from other members.

1. Is estrogen stored in the tissues or only in the blood?
They can be trapped in the cells/tissues and present in the blood too.

2. Do estrogen levels fluctuate significantly during an estrogen detox?
Flushing estrogens from the tissues could increase blood estrogen temporarily until the liver detoxes the estrogen out.

3. Will lifting weights and other exercise help resolve estrogen dominance?
Lifting weights could increase DHT and that would help oppose estrogen. Cardio might not be as helpful.

4. Can you "sweat out" estrogen in a sauna or steam room?
I don't know but I would think maybe 'no'.

5. What are the best supplements to use for estrogen detox?
Maybe trying things that help dump estrogen from the tissues to the blood (pregnenolone, progesterone, glycine, etc.,) and strengthen liver function to detox the estrogen (caffeine, K2, B vits, aspirin, etc.,).

6. Do carbs and sugars increase estrogen levels?
They can if they are causing stomach issues and endotoxins like some starches (gluten) . Simple sugars like lactose, sucrose, and fructose could increase metabolism and improved metabolism is good for controlling estrogen levels.

7. Does estrogen detox have symptoms? Will I have a healing crisis as I detox?
You can get bloated for example. I am not sure about this. Removing a big tank of estrogen would make you pay a price I am sure.

lacto man

Nov 21, 2017
Not the most thought-out answers but I will try to answer briefly so we can ignite a discussion from other members.

1. Is estrogen stored in the tissues or only in the blood?
They can be trapped in the cells/tissues and present in the blood too.

2. Do estrogen levels fluctuate significantly during an estrogen detox?
Flushing estrogens from the tissues could increase blood estrogen temporarily until the liver detoxes the estrogen out.

3. Will lifting weights and other exercise help resolve estrogen dominance?
Lifting weights could increase DHT and that would help oppose estrogen. Cardio might not be as helpful.

4. Can you "sweat out" estrogen in a sauna or steam room?
I don't know but I would think maybe 'no'.

5. What are the best supplements to use for estrogen detox?
Maybe trying things that help dump estrogen from the tissues to the blood (pregnenolone, progesterone, glycine, etc.,) and strengthen liver function to detox the estrogen (caffeine, K2, B vits, aspirin, etc.,).

6. Do carbs and sugars increase estrogen levels?
They can if they are causing stomach issues and endotoxins like some starches (gluten) . Simple sugars like lactose, sucrose, and fructose could increase metabolism and improved metabolism is good for controlling estrogen levels.

7. Does estrogen detox have symptoms? Will I have a healing crisis as I detox?
You can get bloated for example. I am not sure about this. Removing a big tank of estrogen would make you pay a price I am sure.

Wow! Thank you so much for the information. I have no doubts I am estrogen dominant, and I am trying to flush as much as I can. I've got a lot of learning to do to get there.


Aug 15, 2015
Wow! Thank you so much for the information. I have no doubts I am estrogen dominant, and I am trying to flush as much as I can. I've got a lot of learning to do to get there.
Oh no problem. Please don't let my answers mislead you and try to read as much as you can. I think you are at the right place. Many many many threads and posts have discussed about estrogen on this website.


Nov 5, 2016
I think I have estrogen dominance as well. My levels of estrogen have always been fine but I have higher ALT and AST liver enzymes. Which to me seems like my liver isn't detoxifying the estrogen properly. I was thinking about picking up some I3C, Choline and Calcium-d glucarate. As I did read about it in the AnabolicMen article on the estrogen flush protocol.

Check out this article by AnabolicMen -

Also has anyone had any experience with MYOMIN? I've heard good things about this product with estrogen levels in males.


Nov 13, 2017
I think I have estrogen dominance as well. My levels of estrogen have always been fine but I have higher ALT and AST liver enzymes. Which to me seems like my liver isn't detoxifying the estrogen properly. I was thinking about picking up some I3C, Choline and Calcium-d glucarate. As I did read about it in the AnabolicMen article on the estrogen flush protocol.

Check out this article by AnabolicMen -

Also has anyone had any experience with MYOMIN? I've heard good things about this product with estrogen levels in males.
taurine for liver
vit E or zinc for estrogen


Jun 27, 2016
I am a 63 year old male. Have started lifting weights about 8 months ago and seeing some impressive (for me, anyhow) results, but the moobs and tire around the middle are hanging in there. Would like to resolve this. Been taking I3C, DIM, calcium-d glucarate, and milk thistle.
A cautionary tale from someone who's your age +2 years. Tailoring my diet and exercising (intensive weight training) to look good is what drove me into a ditch. Forget ditch, more like the closing scene from Thelma and Louise. I was always a "magic bullet" guy. This supplement for this another one for that. The main goal was always for aesthetics with health and well-being secondary. My last go-round with "getting into shape", health and well-being became a distant second and damn near vanished.

Anyways, enough of my preaching. Stick around and try some things recommended here. Go diet for energy first. I'm still somewhat of a "magic bullet" guy but I think most of my bullets are headed down range now with little or no ricochets coming back at me. Listening to Peat, Haidut and others too numerous to mention did wonders for my energy level. I'm still working out but I'm not a gym rat like before. If my energy flags the next day after a workout, I take a few days off, sometimes a week.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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