Raising/ Healing Metabolism


Apr 9, 2015
Hi Guys, I am new to the forum and to Ray Peat and was wondering maybe if I could get some advice or help in trying to sort out my health issues. First off some background, I was a professional football player before I developed depression and an eating disorder and this is where my health took a turn for the worst. Since I have had to quit football completely to try and recover from this. I have gained back all the weight that I lost plus some since but still seem to have the issue of a slow metabolism and my weight is still increasing. My reasons for studying Ray Peats work and coming to the forum was it has incredible science behind it and I feel this way of eating and living can help me restore and heal my metabolism and get my life back. I have had some labs done and in particular Thyroid status which I can provide. I would love to know if anyone has used Ray Peats work to correct damage they have done from under eating and have restored metabolism to its former state without too much weight gain or is that inevitable in the process of raising/ healing the metabolism? I would appreciate any advice or help from someone who has been in the same situation



Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome EIRE24! :welcome
How long have you been recovering? It would be helpful to post the lab results. I haven't been paying attention to my weight while healing my metabolism but certainly others have so hopefully they will chime in. Welcome again and best of luck to you.


Apr 9, 2015
Hi Blossom and thank you for the welcome. I have been recovering for around 2 years now and still have not felt as good physically or mentally as I did before it all happened. I will post the labs and see what people think of them and maybe what could help me get better. I appreciate your help and hope to hear from more members that have some experience with this or even general advice.

Thanks :D


Apr 9, 2015
My labs are as follows.

FSH= 3.9 ref range (1-12) IU/L

LH = 4.6 ref range (0.6`12.1) IU/L

Free T4 = 13.4 ref range (9.0-19) pmol/L

Free T3= 4.5 ref range (2.6-5.7) pmol/L

TSH = 2.12 ref range (0.35-4.94) mIU/L

RT3 = 20 ref range (8-25) ng/dL

Total Testosterone= 22.20 nmol/L ref range (8.80-35) nmol/L

SHBG= 26.80 nmol/L ref range (13-71) nmol/L .

Those are the only labs that I have had done, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome EIRE24

TSH highish - Peat would prefer under 1.
I'm not sure about these numbers, but maybe someone else knows them better: I wonder if the rT3 is highish?

Not Peat, but are you familiar with the youreatopia web site? About recovery from restrictive eating disorders, with lots of analysis, suggestions, and descriptions of the common phases of recovery.

There are a number of people here who have undereating in their history - hope something from their stories helps. I wouldn't count on it being possible without at least temporary and maybe more enduring fat gain (I think weight gain is probably desirable, but I'm guessing you wouldn't mind lean weight gain). On the other hand, you are male and I'd guess youngish, so your odds are better than for some of us.

Personally I think periods of relatively minor under-eating (nowhere near diagnosably eating disordered) may be one of the contributing factors in my health issues, I'm working on it but not solved the key problems yet, and currently on a mission to eat enough and avoid hunger stress for an extended period, along with other Peat-inspired tactics, to see what difference I can make by such means.

Wanna post what and how much you are eating too?

I imagine you've come across some of the basic ideas that many of us here try to use, like get PUFA consumption down as low as you practically can (without undereating) - to reduce this brake and poison on the metabolism (replace with coconut oil, butter), enough protein (80-100ish g while hypothyroid), lots of milk and cheese if it agrees with you and more calcium than phosphorus overall (pref. 1.5:1 Ca:Ph), likewise lots of orange juice and other fruits and juices, a little liver now and then for multivitamins and minerals, oysters every now and then for zinc.

Good luck


Apr 9, 2015
Hi Tara,

Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it. Yes TSH does seem low, I was thinking that myself. The RT3 probably is quite high but that could be from the history of under eating and maybe it might reduce on its own without having to take T3, although I would like to experiment with some T3.

Yes I have seen your eatopia and while I think it is good and has some good advice it also isnt that scientific and it leaves for a lot of guessing which I dont like. The reason I have changed to a Peat style of eating is that it is vey scientific and has science to back the claims.

I will post what I eat, it usually falls around 2'500 calories and is most high in carbs. I would increase it and I know I should be eating more but it just results in weight gain that I am not comfortable with. I would love to hear some people who have had similar experiences. If weight gain in the short term would allow for a better metabolism in the long run and I would be able to lose the weight down the line I have no problem going through the weight gain.

Thanks for the advice and help Tara, I will post a shot of what I eat and how much soon when I get the chance to log in on my phone.

Samurai Drive

Jul 11, 2018
Hi Guys, I am new to the forum and to Ray Peat and was wondering maybe if I could get some advice or help in trying to sort out my health issues. First off some background, I was a professional football player before I developed depression and an eating disorder and this is where my health took a turn for the worst. Since I have had to quit football completely to try and recover from this. I have gained back all the weight that I lost plus some since but still seem to have the issue of a slow metabolism and my weight is still increasing. My reasons for studying Ray Peats work and coming to the forum was it has incredible science behind it and I feel this way of eating and living can help me restore and heal my metabolism and get my life back. I have had some labs done and in particular Thyroid status which I can provide. I would love to know if anyone has used Ray Peats work to correct damage they have done from under eating and have restored metabolism to its former state without too much weight gain or is that inevitable in the process of raising/ healing the metabolism? I would appreciate any advice or help from someone who has been in the same situation


Dude!! I was just looking for slow metabolisms post as i think this is my main prob. I thought i was eatin enough but when I did an average kcal count I barely clear 1500 per day! I researched the Minnesota starvation experiment where they restricted kcal to 1600 and these guys were starving and havin terrible symptoms. I too was a hard football guy but had drop that and now work!

Only after I read ur post i realised it was u again. I thought i was eatin loads but i reckon i never clear 2000. Gonna try ._.
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