Raw Milk/Gelatin/Figs/Raw-ish Beef Diet Experiment.


Dec 4, 2021
Okay so out of desperation I have made a kinda slapped together diet protocol I'm gana try following for the next two week.

Drinking about 1/2 gallon of Raw full fat goats milk a day from my own goats.

Eating about 1/4 a tray of home made kinda thicker jello made with not from concentrate peach/apple juice, the juice will be changed up often.

Eating about 2-4 sun dried zero sulfate Turkish figs.

Eating a smaller portion of pretty much rare or all the way rare beef, raised it ourselves. Will be swapping this out/back in as I cycle through various organs meets.

I am 3 days in.


1.)Stop weird reactive hypoglycemia issues that suddenly destroyed my life that absolutely nothing suggest has helped.

2.) Stop sudden allergy issues that came out of nowhere after a life of not even being allergic to the worst pollen a cat we've had forever that's only really inside at night & just sleeps made my face burn/hard time breathing.

3.) Kickstart my metabolism after a life of being starvation skinny them two years of pro-metabolic & gaining 40ish lbs in my thighs/upper arms/stomach.

Female, 37, as of today 135.4 lbs.

Okay, the first day was sooooo hard. I was so damn hungry even with about 2500 calories taken in & minimal energy exerted.

The first day I pissed A LOT & was slightly concerned I might end up depleting some minerals before I started this so I'm adding trace minerals to my gelatin.

My urine never went clear.

All day long I felt really rushy like I had drink some caffeine without eating anything and I was really hot. Measuring 98.6 under the armpit and sweating really easily.

Wasn't sure if this was just from adrenaline/cortisol kicking in from hunger but again I wasn't really in a calorie deficit.

Day two, yesterday, was easier. While I did have slight hunger feelings they we're instantly satiated with a small glass of milk alongside some gelatin or a fig. I am however needing to eat every 30 to 45 minutes to keep the hunger away.

I would rather eat more often than try to chug a half gallon of milk in one setting so there's that 😅

Yesterday I did not feel as rushy but more clear-headed, again, I know this could be from stress hormones. Still not decided.

I felt warm all day but not feverish like the day before, was still sweating very easily. It's worth noting I'm from a desert climate so I'm accustomed to heat, I was sweating like crazy yesterday and 80° weather which is pleasant fall temps here.

I know I'm only like two and a half three days in but I am still going to the bathroom regularly and the urinating has slowed back down.

I was losing water weight, The day before I started I measured and I weighed 138.9 lb.

When I measured yesterday I was down to my current reading of 135.4 lbs!

This morning I didn't weigh any different so I think all that water weight is gone for now.

You think with all that liquid my stomach would look larger but it's actually looking smaller and definitely not feeling as tight. I wouldn't say I had classic symptoms of bloating before starting this but I am noticing far less gas and the tiny burps I had developed a little while back so far have dissipated tremendously.

I had been reading a lot about the milk here before starting this but also reading about Pete's suggestion of basically a milk and orange juice diet to kick start the metabolism.

But I've also been reading a lot of Morley's work and I'm just really thinking about minerals.

So I kind of slammed a bunch of stuff together & I'm just going to catalog how it goes.

Trying to get through at least two weeks of this.

I have had zero blood sugar drops after eating so far and this morning my blood sugar was a little lower than it has been over the past month when it suddenly decided to be high in the mornings.

Side note: I'm actually feeling a lot calmer the last 3 days then I have in a while. So I'm not entirely sure that I am feeling adrenaline/cortisol surges.


Dec 4, 2021
Gahh, won't let me edit for typos. Drives me crazy!


Dec 4, 2021
Forgot to add my sudden allergy issues half subsided a bit. Not gone by any means but far less lip/eye burning.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This is exciting! Keep us posted please.


Dec 4, 2021
So I'm at the end of day three & so far I'm finding that not really having solid food becomes the hardest in the evening.

I think there's a psychological factor to it to a certain degree.

But here's something interesting:

I made a small beef tartare with just a bit of onion powder/chive, egg yolk on top for all the minerals that provides.

It was absolutely delicious but...now my tongue is going numb and my ears are slightly ringing?!

It's got to be the onion, if so that was the fastest food elimination test in the world 😅

I don't think onion's are the root of all of my issues haha I just think eating a bland diet then some green onions makes it easier to detect the issue.

I love onion's though so this is a huge bummer 😞


May 30, 2018
There’s definitely something uniquely vitalizing about fresh from the source, completely unprocessed dairy in my experience. I have access to a fresh raw cream source. I think it may be the most health promoting substance I have ever put in my body. I’ve been drinking an entire gallon of raw cream per week lately. I feel like I’m finally getting an abundance of easy to metabolize energy along with generous amounts of raw honey.

For something solid to eat, do you do well with a carrot salad? That can satisfy my need for something to chew and provide some bulk with an unfermentable fiber.


Dec 4, 2021
There’s definitely something uniquely vitalizing about fresh from the source, completely unprocessed dairy in my experience. I have access to a fresh raw cream source. I think it may be the most health promoting substance I have ever put in my body. I’ve been drinking an entire gallon of raw cream per week lately. I feel like I’m finally getting an abundance of easy to metabolize energy along with generous amounts of raw honey.
It really is just amazing & in the morning milkings my first glass is still warm from Martha the goat.

Random out loud sharing: The mineral profile of goat's milk compared to cow is crazy.

We have a dairy cow named Maggie too but I think with the goats being naturally A2 it seems to be utilized by my system better.
For something solid to eat, do you do well with a carrot salad? That can satisfy my need for something to chew and provide some bulk with an unfermentable fiber.
I haven't in a while but I harvested a bunch of carrots yesterday so I'm going to start adding in a few carrots a day.


Dec 4, 2021
Recap of yesterday, day 3.

Beyond the allergies to onion's that I am pretty sad about here's what I noticed:

Although my temps didn't really remain high like the first few days my hands & feet were consistently warm. That's an issue I struggle with even in summer.

Still sweating easily.

Yesterday mid afternoon I felt rushy again & talked my husbands ear off for a 30min drive to town. However, I have always been a person who talks a lot so having that return is a marker of wellness for me IMHO.

Really didn't get hit with real hunger feelings until the evening. Tartar+Big glass of milk+bowl of gelatin+2 figs filled me up & I slept through the night.

Did end up having to take an antihistamine because of the onion as I felt it was slightly hard to breathe. I don't think I'm specifically allergic to onions so much as my system is in free fall hence my current desperate attempt to reset myself with primarily milk.

Blood sugar is still high (106) this morning.


Dec 4, 2021
End of day four & as crazy as it seems I think this 4 day limited diet has shown me a HUGE issue that's going on.

So about two hours ago I decided to have my daily meat intake so made some tartar with nothing but raw meat & salt.

Because yesterday I thought I had a reaction to the onion.

Nope. It was the meat.

No I don't think I'm allergic to meat, I think I just had a major histamine reaction to aged/raw red meat.

Really bad shortness of breath, burning skin, temps shot up to 100f, mouth went numb, lost word recall, extreme mental fog, then...my blood sugar dropped.

Sooo just did a deep dive into mast cell syndrome and son of a b*tch it seem it can cause reactive hypoglycemia.

Before I ate a high histamine food I was doing great today.


Nov 1, 2021
The histamines from the beef make a lot of sense in terms of most of those symptoms.

The hypoglycemia, though, I’m wondering if it’s a compound effect. I’ve read on the forum a few times about people saying that taking in a decent amount of protein without carbs can crash blood sugar because protein will trigger insulin regardless. The hypoglycemia could be a side effect of mast cell syndrome for sure, but it could also in large part be a lack of accompanying carbs needed to balance (assuming it was eaten away from other foods completely.) Just a thought as I’m far from an expert, so hopefully someone else more knowledgeable can chime in.


Dec 4, 2021
The histamines from the beef make a lot of sense in terms of most of those symptoms.

The hypoglycemia, though, I’m wondering if it’s a compound effect. I’ve read on the forum a few times about people saying that taking in a decent amount of protein without carbs can crash blood sugar because protein will trigger insulin regardless. The hypoglycemia could be a side effect of mast cell syndrome for sure, but it could also in large part be a lack of accompanying carbs needed to balance (assuming it was eaten away from other foods completely.)
I wish it was that simple but over the past almost 5 months now I have attempted all different types of food pairings and no matter what I do I get blood sugar crashes.

Please note this also isn't a case of my blood sugar climbs and then crashes, It can begin to crash in the middle of eating.

Honestly the histamine issue is the only thing that makes sense with it because the only thing I wasn't doing was attempting to eat low histamine.

So if it's a histamine reaction (and now that I think about it, my mouth always felt kind of numb/ tingly in the middle of blood sugar crashes) that's why it wouldn't matter what type of foods I paired.

I've been in the middle of not really being able to eat anything at this point (without a nasty reaction) so I haven't had the mental capacity to do a deep dive into the research yet, but from skimming the surface there's definitely stuff out there in regards to histamine issues being linked to low blood sugar.


Dec 4, 2021
Have you ever read any of Matt Stones work? I remember he talks about how too much fluid intake can cause hypoglycemia. Yes, even our beloved raw milk counts as fluid unfortunately 😢
Amazon product ASIN 1500209449View: https://www.amazon.com/Hypoglycemia-What-Isnt-Root-Problem/dp/1500209449
Yes, I've heard of his work but reactive hypoglycemia is not the same as hypoglycemia.

Basically my blood sugar is fine but when I eat it causes a sudden plummet and blood sugar because my pancreas won't stop overproducing insulin and because I'm still sensitive to it, it basically strips all of the glucose out of my bloodstream.

But I also don't outside of this raw milk experiment drink copious amounts of liquid.

Although what's interesting is after the first day of peeing out all of that water weight, I'm not going to the bathroom anymore than before.


Jan 22, 2021
Good, kinda similar to mine, which is mainly raw milk with some raw gelatinous meat, available fruits/sugar/raw honey, coffee and weekly raw liver. It's a very regenerative/ anabolic diet.


Feb 1, 2022
Yes, I've heard of his work but reactive hypoglycemia is not the same as hypoglycemia.

Basically my blood sugar is fine but when I eat it causes a sudden plummet and blood sugar because my pancreas won't stop overproducing insulin and because I'm still sensitive to it, it basically strips all of the glucose out of my bloodstream.

But I also don't outside of this raw milk experiment drink copious amounts of liquid.

Although what's interesting is after the first day of peeing out all of that water weight, I'm not going to the bathroom anymore than before.
Ah okay, I see. Man, I wish I had some more advice for you. I don’t struggle with hypoglycemia, but I do have MCAS, so I understand how absolutely shitty that can be. I’ve been using over the counter anti-histamines to deal with the flushing and itching. I was also prescribed Singulair by my Lyme doctor which helped quite a bit with the histamine. These are obviously bandaids I know, but sometimes a bandaid is helpful temporarily. I really hope you find relief soon! ♥️


Oct 16, 2022
San Diego, CA
I'm thinking of trying a milk/meat diet... did really well on Carnivore, but know going that low sugar and calcium isn't good. When I was reading through these posts I was all "That's the meat, not the onion!" then scrolled down and it was confirmed :) Fresh flash frozen meat is the best... then just thaw and eat. This "ageing" thing that most producers do is crap.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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